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11747822 No.11747822 [Reply] [Original]

It's not like anybody is going to want to steal them.

>> No.11747828

>scientist goes out to study an abandoned city in Russia
>typical abandoned Soviet area - concrete apartment blocks, broken windows, generally oppressive atmosphere.
>he's there to study animals in the area who have been free from human interference for decades.
>begins to notice strange things happening
>notices dogs watching him from the treeline and then turning around when they notice him. Finds graveyards of animals bones lying off the beaten path
>basically the plot is him slowly discovering a society of hyperintelligent stay dogs who for some reason can operate in large numbers and have an unusually complex social hierarchy.
>scientist is constantly questioning whether this is natural phenomena or something too weird to just be nature.

>> No.11747854

>Story about a rock thing
>it comes alive
>asks "Whoa, What is it to be?"
>Monologues for 400 pages while travailing medieval Germanic/Slavic fantasy world searching for the answer to what it means "to be"
>In the end finds nothing
>but is still content in nothing

IO'm sure someone's already done it better.

>> No.11747863

Sounds like something Camus would write about.

>> No.11747867

Sounds cool anon, do it

>> No.11747869

It's about a tapir who rapes a certain /lit/ shitposter.

>> No.11747870

Sorry meant you

>> No.11747876
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>They call me "the Rapier"

>> No.11747907


>> No.11748332

Has anybody written a good book from the pov of an internet porn addict? Seems like something that could actually sell.

>> No.11748363

Could be interesting, but I wouldn't make it any long than something like Candide.

>> No.11748395
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>guy wakes up in dystopia
>was put in forced hibernation as a weapon after his humanity was wiped out
>new species of humans and aliens inhabit earth with the same government in place
>he wants to wipe it out
>joins already active rebel group to overthrow the military state
>slowly learns that the empire was already massively damaged from war and was on the brink of collapse
>government making heavy sacrifices to raise living standards enough to receive interstellar aid
>his warmongering arguably makes the world worse as he ponders if his goal is righteous in the first place
Aimed at young adults

>> No.11748452

I've written it, and it's my diary actually.

>> No.11748615

>guy pulling his life together for the nth time
>Haircut, shave, cleaning the room
>He sits there, all neat and tidy.
>Realizes that he has to have something to do to not fall back
>opens up pc
>Cluttered af. Multiple unwatched films and unread ebooks
>does a clean wipe. Doesn't bother backing up
>Now, searches for the perfect book that'll clear up all his troubles and set him on a righteous path
>Self-help? Too pretentious in tone. Religion? No. Philosophy? Too many to choose.
>Goes for a run instead.

That's about all I have. Want to see him go insane and do some stuff just to feel alive. Aimed at modern men.

>> No.11748741

So it's basically Peterson fanfic

>> No.11748745

Your dairy irl

>> No.11748796
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> >guy wakes up in dystopia
> >was put in forced hibernation as a weapon after his humanity was wiped out
> >new species of humans and aliens inhabit earth with the same government in place
> >he wants to wipe it out
> >joins already active rebel group to overthrow the military state
> >slowly learns that the empire was already massively damaged from war and was on the brink of collapse
> >government making heavy sacrifices to raise living standards enough to receive interstellar aid
> >his warmongering arguably makes the world worse as he ponders if his goal is righteous in the first place
> Aimed at young adults
That's the fucking plot of The Matrix

>> No.11748822

orphan boy whose head is made of crushed up paper—a thrown out idea—is on an island and he invents the internet. he discovers on his own creation that the island he lives on is Makronisos, a real Greek island where there was a concentration camp for Greek communists after WWII.

>> No.11748963

>Share your ideas
>It's not like anybody is going to want to steal them.

>> No.11749018

A mineral geologists psychosexual breakdown while on a field trip in the Great White North.

>> No.11749071

Something something guns.
Something with space aliens and shit.
Big lactating tits.
Sit back, get rich.

>> No.11749191

>JK Rowling and John Green are accepted as serious authors by current academics
>instapoets like Rupi Kaur get residencies at top literature departments
>professors go "yikes" at the Western canon
>nothing gets any better
Aimed at no one?

>> No.11749315

For about 8 years I've had the idea of a sort of a sort of sci-fi plot, set in the near future, where new technology makes it possible to enter a state of lucid dreaming easily and at will, meaning it's possible to be anything and do anything whenever you want. Main character would be a depressed middle-aged man who uses the technology to perform increasingly depraved acts on the people who have wronged him in the 'real' world. Plot would basically explore the moral consequences of becoming a rapist, a torturer, and a murderer, but without having any 'real' victims. Ending that I was mooting was that he'd eventually become completely unable to function in the real world, so he'd commit suicide while using the technology, ensuring that he could live a blissful (but completely fake) eternity.

Never really took off, and I'm pretty sure that it's a bit more of a common sci-fi trope then I'd realised originally (at first I thought it was a brilliant new idea for a book), but I've got a bit of spare time coming up to write, so maybe I'll try to re-hash the idea and see what I come out with.

>> No.11749635
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actually, I always wanted to do graphic novel whit this story

> year is 2420 (or some shit)
> earth is inhabited whit some aliens and they brought their culture and politics whit them
> humanity doesn't mind because they help us out and care for our planet
> Aliens that came are all different races from different planets but are all similar to humans in most ways (common ancestor?)
> whit them is the smartest race that are robots created by long gone ancient aliens
> robo aliens do the thinking, they are the politicians, they are always right and there is no use to go against them, they function like a hivemind
> meanwhile there is a human who knows how to enter other peoples and aliens dreams (robots dont dream) and speaks whit them
> he is a big influencer, but nobody knows who he is
> people and aliens jump to other peoples dreams and have group dreams using the dreamer. they plan to take down robo aliens
> robo aliens are trying to find the dreamer and turn him in their advantage or kill him since they can't control all the social gatherings that are happening in dreams...

I know its kind of shitty

>> No.11749815

V of less value?

>> No.11750109

Not really

>> No.11750112

He calls a hitman on himself

>> No.11750348

>a kansas state trooper discovers a family of five frozen to death in the flint hills in the middle of winter
>police chief arrives, they bury the bodies and cover it up.
>more mysterious deaths happen, people dying close to home in the middle of the night for no reason.
>he talks to his grandfather.
>grandfather says a bunch of similar deaths happened in the late 80s, which were covered up as being hysteria from the satanic panic
>tells him to ignore them for his own safety.
>he investigates on his own anyway.
>discovers documents that describe the sudden, unexplained deaths of an entire school of children in a one room school house about 35 years back.
>another mysterious death happens, he gets framed
>there's a man in a suit who idles quietly while he gets questioned
>charges are dropped a few days later, and he gets assigned to investigate the death officially
>no one in the police force will talk to him
>he discovers records of a town in an isolated part of kansas that doesn't exist anymore

I don't know how it ends yet

>> No.11750393

I think it has potential

>> No.11750422
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>Old man home alone for the day
>Like 70+ years old
>Watches a movie on tv that he went to see as a kid with his mom and dad
>Has vivid flashback of it
>Starts to feel nostalgic and miss his parents
>Goes around his house searching for more things to trigger flashbacks
That's all I got

>> No.11750423

Critique this pls

>> No.11750497


>Rush around the home looking for such things
>Sees something in the attic, maybe his old cycle or something
>Tries to reach it but falls
>The cycle lands directly on his head and a bunch of old photographs scatter around him
>In agony; he's bleeding from his head
>Leaves to a hospital holding himself with the crippling pain
>Outside, it's all dusty and stormy night.
>Suddenly the air clears and he sees a building.
> His old school.

We could take it to some surreal stuff from here.

>> No.11750510

Hmm I like that idea
I just want to explore the idea of an old man missing his parents and childhood.
So often do I hear about 20 somethings to 50 somethings missing it, but I feel like I rarely do for the elderly

>> No.11750519

This is good idea, I would read this

>> No.11750533

>man goes back in time to correct a mistake he made
>the mistake is extended through his interaction
>he decides to kill himself in the past and live his life otherwise, not much notice is given to this until a good amount of time passes
>former life told alongside his new life
>plot climax involves the initial event and a new interaction resulting in the main character's death
steal this fvckers

>> No.11750535

I know. You actually had something of emotive value and I took it and made it hollywood-tier crap.

>> No.11750580

a NEET details his frustration with being unable to obtain a job and his hatred of society and the book is mostly descriptions of him staring at the ceiling, wall, or his computer screen while he slowly becomes a vegetable while occasionally shitposting on his favorite image boards and jerking off to porn until he commits suicide in the end

what do you think? i think it has potential to be a bestseller, desu, or maybe even a pulitzer contender as the voice of a generation

>> No.11750594

I have an idea I’ve been mulling over and collecting research on for about a month now. It would probably end up being too long for a short story, maybe my longest piece so far, I think I could do it in 50-100 pages so I guess it would be a novella. It’s too good to share though, I know someone will steal it.

>> No.11750622

>they bury the bodies and cover it up.
Why do they cover it up? The police chief tells the protag to and he just does what he’s told?

Did one room school houses still exist in the flint hills in 1983? It’s not split up by county and they bus the kids in?

>> No.11750678

Yes they did, actually. I'm from the area and they didn't consolidate the school district here until the early nineties.

And he covers it up because he's new and the chief is intimidating. That's not too say it doesn't haunt him.

>> No.11751017
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Pic related: a magick system I'm working on.

The sun is a giant [n]cameral brain/computing environment
There are people in the future using retrocausality to effect the past
There are probably angels and shit

all of them are fucking with us and our consciousness is travelling along unknown and unknowable vectors via machines, the sun, biology, metempsychosis, the and-ing operations of quantum many worlds entangled in one another, and some sixth thing that I thought of but instantly forgot just now.

In the future, almost all fiction will be reified into virtual worlds, making most fictional characters and creatures real, and when combined with retrocausality, otherkin and plural systems can be seen as Landian intrusion of the future into the past via future sentient virtual animals/animal people and collective consciousnesses and etc.

>> No.11751022


>> No.11751023

Oh, I remembered: circular cosmology, big bang and big crunch, introduce additional vectors.

>> No.11751035

A little girl leaves her sad little town and walks deep into the forest, in search of an ancient witch with magic eyeballs, which will finally allow her to see beauty in the world. She intends to have the witch give her her eyes, and is willing to pay any price for them. On the way there she runs across all sorts of creatures and people in the woods, as lost and confused as her.
Intended for children, but edgy enough so that it can be enjoyed by everyone. I think horror aimed at kids is the most horrifying.

>> No.11751131

Sounds like The Wild Strawberries

>> No.11751818

Study Christian Faith if you want real magic

>> No.11751878
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So westworld basically

Love it, you can go many places large and small from those premises. You could write a whole series working from that... Hope you're a good writer!

>> No.11752144

I can't remember where I heard about it, but I remember being told about a short story wherein society discovers that potatoes are in fact sentient, with human-level intelligence, and live in constant fear of the humans who are ignorant to their suffering. Kinda ridiculous, but that's probably the point. I've never been able to track it down, so maybe I came up with it in a dream or something.

>> No.11752243

Tell me more

>> No.11752251

A group of teenage girls escape on a spaceship with a psychnaut who travels the universe with them in a van-shaped ship powered by LSD and operated via modular analog synthesizer.

>> No.11752263

A mad virus from outer space has infected every single human and they will die a gruesome death - except those who smoke tobacco. The choice is simple: smoke and live, stay clean and die.

>> No.11752565

>westworld basically

Similar, I guess. I think Black Mirror has had some similar plots too. Like I say, think it was a far more common theme in sci-fi than I'd realised

>> No.11752587

abandon the scifi esque intelligent dogs part and stick to creepy things happening in isolated zone in russia

>> No.11752598

I don't have much else planed. I was thinking of calling the girl "Sandriada", but she's called Sandría for short; you know, having a name based on reality that is also odd. I can't really decide on a setting; I think I could go for contemporary fantasy in making her town seem fairly modern, but with a forest full of magic and strange things. I don't want to delve too much in that because then the setting loses some of its mysticism.
I want to lay down some recurring along the story; so far I have thought of the mention of the color grey and eyes playing a part almost everywhere she goes.
Initially I've thought of having her going on her journey alone, but perhaps the story would benefit from a secondary protagonist. What do you think?

>> No.11752601

*recurring themes

>> No.11752626

Two Australian brothers explore Europe five years apart, one in their late teens, the other in their early twenties. One finds love and the other loses it, upon reuniting in Australia they find themselves torn between ideals of family and brotherhood and the moral ambiguity of being strangers in a globalized world and trying to reconcile this with attempts to fit in to their traditional notions of family