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File: 181 KB, 1080x1080, boyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11744021 No.11744021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is Megan Boyle, acclaimed alt lit writer and ex-wife of Tao Lin, with her boyfriend Marston Hefner, son of Hugh Hefner and domestic abuser. Say something nice about them.

>> No.11744031


>> No.11744032

Why is everyone with this name ugly

>> No.11744043
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>> No.11744073


>> No.11744085
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objectively ugly,
looks like the late stages of anaphylactic shock

>> No.11744123

She's got a type.

>> No.11744147
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 1528087469833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anaphylactic shock isn't the ultimate form of aesthetics

>> No.11744151

What causes this?

>> No.11744160
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>> No.11744171


>> No.11744241


>> No.11744256

Didn't want to make new thread so guess I'll ask here. Is Tao Lin any good? I've seen him named here a lot but other than that the only thing I know him for is a positive blurb he did for the book of another writer I ended up digging a lot (Sam Pink).

>> No.11744274

>Didn't want to make new thread so guess I'll ask here. Is Tao Lin any good?
Ex used to get drunk and complain about how much of a piece of shit he is.
I still don't understand why, haven't had an interest in readying him.

>> No.11744279


>> No.11744289

>be young woman from rich socialite cunt family
>too young to know which hole the shit comes out yet
>but too rich to risk undergoing self-definition by figuring things out on your own
>have rich parents who want the best for you, but interpret this to mean that they should coddle you and grease the wheels in everything you do forever
>daddy's money and social connections net you "something to do" for your young adulthood
>pick one: "writer/poet," "activist," "internet journalist," "artist," "performer," "stand-up comic" (bonus option: college for a degree you'll never use because daddy will provide for you again when you're finished)
>ride sinecure pseudo-vocation through early twenties, while basically being a do-nothing unemployed person and mooching off parents
>live in hipster neighbourhood
>go to parties
>schmooze with clones of yourself
>do drugs
>get published / get your art shown at trendy venues / generally spend a lot of time accomplishing nothing in whatever your pseudo-vocation happens to be, thanks to daddy's money and hipster socialite connections
>your "career" never hits critical mass, despite briefly blazing up for a moment to give you false hope, when your nepotistic friends posting buzzfeed articles about you actually resulted in some press coverage and you really sold a decent amount of copies of your book (you really did it!!)
>never gain entrepreneurial instincts, never learn how to reinvest social capital and expand your brand/image, because daddy has always taken care of everything
>suddenly, twenties start to wear off
>daddy's connections and all your "friends of friends of friends" socialite connections are no longer writing positive blog articles about you or ironically tweeting that they had lunch with you at the same frequency
>your free press dries up
>stop producing, because you never had anything to say in the first place
>passively lapse into LTR dating some other rich person in your social class who is sorta-kinda connected to someone sorta-famous or super rich
>not really happy, don't really love that person
>probably on 2-3 different meds
>ironically joke about your meds
>hit 30
>now have to live the rest of your life as "some lady", after ten years of living a delusion that you were going to be some kind of hip cool zizek poetess artist comedian twitter memester sassgirl who everyone paid attention to forever
>now just the dumpy lady with the permanent eye bags
>now stuck in a LTR with a dumpier, less interesting patrick bateman whose polished shallowness was only attractive when he was one of many men like him that you could swap out at will, but now you're in your thirties and find yourself surprisingly willing to abandon your #BADBITCH persona and you just want a real decent partner and a real life
>feel increasing panic over what to do about your biological clock
>google how long it takes for eggs to run out
>still have 40+ years to go

also see: Mira Gonzalez, Laurie Penny

>> No.11744290

My diary desu

>> No.11744292

what is alt lit?

>> No.11744293

Read Taipei. It's his best and most accessible work.

>> No.11744325
File: 21 KB, 410x290, 1506176546102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tis' true

>> No.11744335

Fucking hell Tao, still not over her are we?

>> No.11744341

Start with Taipei then read Trip.

>> No.11744452

She doesn't come from a rich, socialite, or well-connected family.

>> No.11744567

it applies better to Mira and others desu

>> No.11744920

I bet they'd begrudgingly let me borrow a cigarette if I smoked

>> No.11745078

I see you are still seething Tao, you should go to bed but this time without underage girls

>> No.11746421

They both look like Jews

>> No.11746494
File: 3.85 MB, 2448x3264, The Spam Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello my fellow posters.

>> No.11746706

That guy really looks like Hef, goddamn.

>> No.11746731

Without sperging, what is the jist of Behead All Satans

>> No.11746785
File: 1.19 MB, 3096x1228, 1524865083329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read the entire thing from cover to cover but it's essentially a diary of an unhinged would-be author with /pol9k/ sensibilities.

>> No.11746798

His dad had the biggest whorehouse in the planet, the hottest women, how come he ended up with this thing?Ironic.

>> No.11746822

Eating ass

>> No.11746840

>beat happening tattoo
based and cutepilled

>> No.11746845
File: 41 KB, 314x500, 51SaFRsNMGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the IRL author is supposedly a convicted sex offender according to some anon here. I haven't seen the proof posted but it wouldn't come as much of a surprise if it were true.

>> No.11746857


>Tao Lin is a sexual engine incongruously jammed into the form of a Homo Sapien male. His bifurcated penis has left a mark on sexual norms across the planet, delivering libidinous women to penultimate satiety after decades of undersexed wandering. Lin is almost rabid in his torrid love making, eagerly etching his dick's shape into a woman's psyche over many hours of wet, slappy pussy butchery. Tao is not above shouting piquant profanities at his sexual conquests and whether he's addressing a "trollop" or a "sissy slut for Slanty Daddy" his pace never slows, driving his unwavering mast deep into the crevices of the lucky lad or lady. Most men and women expect an Asian male to cease sexual performance after a couple minutes, but in the capably Tantric grip of Tao Lin, women have been known to enter permanently orgasmic states, to assume new orgasmic identities and start new orgasming lives, converted to believing Lin's relentless manufacture of carnal bliss had delivered them to a new plane of existence, one of post-Alpha Scarcity and sublime, ear-piercing deep-dickings. To be fucked by Tao Lin was to see the face of God.

>> No.11746861


Imagine the look on that guy's face as the door to his panic room falls in and the Mau Maus enter with all the cutlery they've taken from his kitchen.

>> No.11746870


this is just someone cut and pasting green texts and clicking self publish, right?

>> No.11746874

Is that like a smiley-face style Emil Cioran tattoo on her right arm?

>> No.11746879

Nah, it's meant to be an updated knockoff of Gaddis' unpublished first novel with the same title (It's briefly mentioned in his letters) which was presumably converted into the segments of The Recognitions where it's mostly vapid socialites and wannabe artists sounding stupid at parties.

>> No.11746953


To truly appreciate how Tao Lin changed Megan Boyle's vagina, one must appreciate the incredible endurance and stamina Lin brings to the bedroom. Where average males deliver a hundred to two hundred thrusts per copulation, Tao Lin exceeds 10,000 in around a half hour period. Megan Boyle's beef never had a chance. Her dainty veal slices were transformed by the hot crucible of Lin's locomotive hips pummeling and drubbing and smashing her beef until it grew as swollen and gnarled as a wrestler's ear. Lin must have marveles over time as he watched her beef blossom with each subsequent sexcapade until Megan was bashful about shorts and skirts and came to prefer yoga pants, which allowed her to tape and tuck her vajayjay jerky. Like an Earth boring machine grinding bedrock, Lin bored into Boyle to free her from herself, to give her the aesthetic charms of a wounded war veteran. Megan would grow to love her beef, to be proud of it. She liked that Tao had made the beef, that it was his muscular jackhammering that turned her bushy peach into a frizzy-headed split pomegranate.

>> No.11746996
File: 21 KB, 314x500, 41DPa0o+YhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were these pastas written by the same guy who did the other roastie-themed one?

>> No.11747037


He was HR for the alphabet agencies. Hefners escorts we're all Company girls. His kid probably partook in the advanced MKUltra programs, the ones where you learn how to control the brainwashed sheeple.

>> No.11747042


Marston is a devoted footsexual to Megan and doesn't care about the ghastly state of her gabagool gash. So long as Megan's tootsies are around and unshod, he's happy. You can always spy the Latinx posters because they ree upon sight of any mildly attractive Caucasoid.

>> No.11747044

>mildly attractive Caucasoid.

Pic unrelated?

>> No.11747056

She was mildly attractive a few years ago when she made those dumb movies with Tao. She's aged badly since then, probably on account of all the drugs.