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11743976 No.11743976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How good is /lit/ at chess?


>> No.11743987

Can't play at night otherwise I get insomnia.

>> No.11743988

I play every day

>> No.11744026


>> No.11744029

I have been playing mason attack lately with moderate success.

>> No.11744041


New link.

>> No.11744069

I would like to play a game of chess

>> No.11744077

gg, better move would have been Qg2

>> No.11744078

I’m more a Stratego kinda guy

>> No.11744086


Just for you, my fren.

>> No.11744131
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bump, link is still open

>> No.11744141


>> No.11744146


>> No.11744150

Just spectated this game. What was that, white!?

>> No.11744155

Fucking savage.

>> No.11744163


Last one for me.

>> No.11744222
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>unironically playing a game where the optimal strategy is just memorizing openings as deep as possible
never change, pseuds

>> No.11744244

This is a meme. Openings are important but they will only get you ten moves in if you're lucky. At that point theory breaks down and its back to being pure skill

>> No.11744253

Chess is for reddit psueds.

go is for true intellectuals.

>> No.11744263

There's chess960 too.

>> No.11744269

Literal the exact other way around

>> No.11744277

Just the response I would expect from a blatant redditor like yourself.

>> No.11744294

In fact here's a game with Chess960


>> No.11744297
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Let's compare ELOs. Mine is 1050 so I'm literally a chess muppet. Though I only started playing three months ago.

>> No.11744299

You're comparing a game that was meticulously developed and evolved throughout the Western world for all its history with some gook memeshit. That alone should give you some cause of concern

>> No.11744308

>le noble proud white man invented chess!
>le bad yellow man invented go
So this is your argument? This is the strategic power and intellectual prowess of reddit chess players? Really makes me think.

>> No.11744315
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Pls respond.


>> No.11744359

Go has a deeper game tree because you put pieces back on the board after they were captured. It's by many powers of ten more complex. Thats why computers still mostly suck at it.

>> No.11744436

Its complex in variations but not gameplay since its an ant game where all you do is place dots. Computers suck at it because its a dumb game with nothing to think about

>> No.11744447

>tfw to smart for computers
Chess is autistic simpleton shit. It's just memorizing shit. It's for the kind of boring ass white people who drive volvos

>> No.11744458

Its not actually, it involves actual grand strategy and tactics and therefore representative of actual real world strategy

>> No.11744462

It really doesn't and it has no bearing on anything except larping as an intellectual. It's like candyland made by autists.

>> No.11744474

>get beaten once in chess

>> No.11744493

I stopped playing years ago when I turned 18 and gave up all the other childish things. I could probably still beat you at your own game though. It's so repetitive and easy, just memorize a few sequences and you've got the game down. It's tic-tac-toe on a bigger board.

>> No.11744502

lmao chess originates in pooland and came to europe through shitskins

>> No.11744504


>> No.11744552
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The virgin chess:

>wrote memorization
>turn based
>finite plane
>turgid strategies glacially emergent from pedestrian parts
>mutually reactive
>progressively eliminative

The Chad Tekken 3:

>no metagame
>real time
>infinite plane
>you can't afford to mind your opponent's strategy since the parts are so baroque that you can barely keep yours together
>fundamentally generative

>> No.11744582

>playing kiddie shit

Never gonna make it.

>> No.11744599

Chess is a dumb stemfag game, it gets mechanical and boring once you get good at it.

>> No.11744612

this post is retarded on so many levels it could be a topic for a few dozen doctorates

>> No.11744613

This is why I stopped playing chess. It's only fun now when I play really aggressively in person against someone informally.

>> No.11744619

Play fischerandom.

>> No.11744620

>just memorize a few sequences
A chess game tests your intellect, memory (if you played it before) and your current state of mind. As you advance, memory becomes more prominent.

Anger, lethargy, intimidation, respect are easily conveyed on the chessboard.
It sounds contradictory, but the less you play and the more you analyse, the better you become. If you play one game after another, you will sooner or later have put too much energy into it, and from that point it’s just a matter of time before you become emotionally involved. Then it’s all downhill. That’s why you should stop playing after 2 or 3 losses in a row.
Chess is great if you want to improve on your patience, memory, and equanimity.

>> No.11744622
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>> No.11744635

I used to be great but the more I play the worse I get.

>> No.11744642

Stop trying to explain chess you brainlet, it's none of those things. I notice you didn't take me up on my offer to beat your ass. You memorize general principals, control the center etc and then you memorize openings and alternatives and then you basically know the whole game. Emotions have nothing to do with it you autistic virgin, because the game is a passionless execution of sequences.

>> No.11744643

really fucking bad if this game is anything to go by.


>> No.11744650

>A chess game tests your intellect
Stopped reading there. The only way you could measure intellect with chess is for the 2 players to have never played it before. Anything other than this idea can be refuted by another idea, which is a literal retard could beat you if he had enough experience. Is he more of an "intellectual" than you then?

>> No.11744656

t. brainlet who thinks being good at chess will make him smart

>> No.11744671

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking. Watch a single game of high level chess and you'd know memory has fuck all to do with it past the first five moves which professional players make without even thinking.
Memory just sets the board up and from there its pure strategy.
I mean fuck me you're such a retard yeah obviously you can do all those things listed and then where are you at when both players have already done that?

>> No.11744674

>emotions have nothing to do with it
Hello ELO 700

>> No.11744677

>Stopped reading there. The only way you could measure intellect with chess is for the 2 players to have never played it before.

You can say that about fucking anything. And no there is a hard wall with chess where memorization falls off the plane. It takes just six moves to turn a chess board into a mess beyond any theory that a retard would fall apart in

>> No.11744678

you clearly didn’t read the post

>> No.11744684

Is that all you can memorize, five moves?
lemme ask you this dipshit, why do you think grandmasters quit when they're 20 moves away from check?

Can't get there? it's because they know the game is boring trash and will only turn our one way when one sequence is followed. You talk like you just got into chess and you're trying to use it to hide the fact that you don't have a personality.

kys chess-cuck

>> No.11744695

>20 moves from check
a computer might be able to see that check, but not a human. 14-15 moves ahead is the limit for a human.
You’re obviously retarded. I’d be surprised if you ever even played chess.

>> No.11744697


>> No.11744698

>Is that all you can memorize, five moves?

Already proven to be stupid. Each move you make branches out into numerous legitimate responses and this tree becomes exponentially larger with more and more legitimate responses at every move you make. You absolute fucking retard
You don't memorize five moves you memorize five entire exponents of moves and after a very quick point even supercomputers lack the capability to see objective best moves

>> No.11744705

So because you can't do it, everyone else is a brainlet.
>14-15 moves ahead is the limit for a human.
got a source on that, moron?
Even the best chess players in the world think it's a dumb boring game. That's why Carlson doesn't even practice. There is no need. He's memorized the autistic sequences he needs to know and that's all there is to it.

You really don't have anything going for you in life other than being moderate at chess, and I could still beat you at your own game.

>> No.11744707

>You can say that about fucking anything. And no there is a hard wall with chess where memorization falls off the plane.
Yes you could say that about anything, anything that isn't unique. Chess isn't a unique game, it is a highly structured game with no creativity involved. This measurement of the ability it has on testing your intelligence is porpotionate to how unstructured the game is. On this "hard wall", as you call it, where memory drops off: it is complete bullshit. There is a name for nearly every opening. These openings can span 30 to 40 moves. The only games that fall into chaos in the first six moves are those that are played by people who are new to chess, and haven't understood the structure of the game.

>> No.11744709

t. has never been actually good at anything competitive.

>> No.11744710

>autistic sperging
typical.but thanks for proving my point

>> No.11744716

literally 90% of chess is memorizing/internalizing motifs you fucking nigger
I peaked slightly under 2k and I had some 30-move Semi-Slav variations memorized. You know nothing.
complete and absolute mong

>> No.11744718

lmao how mad are you, are you crying?

>> No.11744717

>14-15 moves ahead is the limit for a human.
Is this a joke? There are checkmate sequences that are far larger than that where no matter what the other player does they lose.

>> No.11744722

Carlsen has been playing chess for a living his entire life. What do you expect him to learn from practising, its not a fucking ball game where you have to hone muscle memory. Your mind is capable of making the moves at that level or its not and the rest is just keeping up with how people are playing and the latest innovations

>> No.11744723


Let's go

>> No.11744726

Basically admitting you lost the argument. Better luck next time

>> No.11744727

>is just keeping up with how people are playing and the latest innovations
You mean memorizing?

>> No.11744731

This thread is embarassing. None of you are probably even close to NM.

>> No.11744732

exactly, chess requires no practice because the skill ceiling is absurdly low.

>> No.11744735

sequences yes, but actually seeing the check 14 moves ahead in a position that is not from a textbook is extremely rare.

>> No.11744736

whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie.

>> No.11744738

No learning. But to a retard who can't comprehend what's going on I understand the confusion between the two

>> No.11744742

If 10 of those moves are forced, then why not?

>> No.11744752

Yeah that's why every chess champion in history ended up dominating the playing field for years on end.
Or do you seriously think those greats are just magically better at memorizing games with billions of possible outcomes

>> No.11744759


>> No.11744762

If you're able to see a forced mate ten moves ahead its because the movements are obvious just looking at the board
If they're not then it OBJECTIVELY requires great skill to recognize such a play

>> No.11744763

I'm really bad. I can't beat the computer to save my cock

>> No.11744764

it literally comes down to autistic power levels and who moves first.

>> No.11744779

>and who moves first.

Bobby Fischer could beat anyone starting black. Again you're falling for memes

>> No.11744788

I dedicated around 3 years to chess and had high prospects.

>> No.11744811

3 years isn’t much. I think anyone can get to at least elo 1500 within the first 6 months of playing on a regular basis. After that, if you analyse your own games every once in a while, you should advance 50-150 elo per year.
I think i read somewhere +100 elo/year is the average for those who play more seriously. That doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get to elo 2400+ though

>> No.11744815

Yeah and I'm sure you're not incredibly bitter about that

>> No.11744824


>> No.11744825

Who's up for a Chess960 game?


>> No.11744832 [DELETED] 
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Alphabet employee here.
I have access to DeepMind if anyone wants to try..


>> No.11744834
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Let's talk about how recursive frame traps make trading preferable and how it relates to closing distance.

>> No.11744841

I'm not, I just hit a brick wall at around 1950 and it wasn't fun anymore.

>> No.11744846 [DELETED] 

Going once

>> No.11744991


One more Chess960 match

>> No.11745009


>> No.11745021


>> No.11745042


>> No.11745125

How can I learn chess?Any discord servers I could join?

>> No.11745173


>> No.11745345

Chessnetwork’s Beginner to Chess Master video playlist on YouTube is good. After that just create a chess.com profile and lose until you get good.
Also ignore basically everything you’ve read in this thread.

>> No.11745365

lmao how to spot someone who doesn't play chess