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/lit/ - Literature

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11742381 No.11742381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nobody knows shit but everyone thinks they have it figured out. You'll never find the ultimate answer. Because it doesn't exist.

>> No.11742388

Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep looking. Otherwise we'll be even worse fools.

>> No.11742419
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>muh socrates

Cool bro

>> No.11742422

cool literature thread fag

>> No.11742485

Answer to what? There may not be answers to everything, but there are justified beliefs. Every answer is not equally valid.

>> No.11742509
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That's the card of the exaggeration of one's own suffering because of an incorrect evaluation of the circumstances so it suits you.

>> No.11742519

you almost got it, proud of you

>> No.11742524


What do you mean by ''ultimate answer''?
The absolute category of everything in existence?
The question of being?
The teleology of existence?

It seems that whatever ''ultimate answer'' there is, it will by necessity be tautological.

Seems that you are expressing a dissatisfaction with your own lacking in knowledge. ''If I can't have pure determinacy in my knowledge, then it is impossible!'' etc.

>> No.11742531

I always read it as over thinking and over-dramatizing. But thankfully, swords are temporary and never around for long

>> No.11742539

>nobody can stand to be judged by someone who has suffered less than them
>everybody deep down pictures themself as the spitting image of job
Feels bad man

>> No.11742567


can you faggots recommend any good tarot resources/guides

>> No.11743388


>> No.11743394

How do you know?

>> No.11743408

The truth it doesn't made for the humanity.

>> No.11744303

didn't marcus aurelius say something like,

stop trying to figure out what it means to be a good person, and just be a good person instead?

like instead of rationally trying to figure out the nature of the universe, try being a good person, do good things, and see what happens?

>> No.11744321

You just blew my fucking mind

>> No.11744372
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Tarotforum.net is great. There is a Tarot Meaning tab at the top that has great explanations. Also, if you search google with : "site:tarotforum.net [your question] Thirteen" Look for the user Thirteen's responses, he/she is fucking amazing

>> No.11744393

sounds like you've got it all figured out OP

>> No.11744976

I don't know shit

>> No.11745034


>> No.11745192


The truth is what it is. Language came after truth. We can’t speak truth. It cannot be expressed. It can only be felt and known. Wisdom can not be taught.

Every philosopher has formulated a way to approximately express truth. They never hit truth on the head, always a miss.

If you read enough people aiming and missing, eventually you’ll see the target.

>> No.11745220
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That describes the thrust of my diary, t b h.

Pic related.

>> No.11745495

oh good so that means everything in the OP is probably wrong

>> No.11745512

you can never discover, only experience

>> No.11745627



>> No.11745706

I know enough to know that the OP is correct

>> No.11745712

hmm very based and red pilled