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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 312 KB, 1817x2434, fonts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11741740 No.11741740 [Reply] [Original]

What font do you use when writing?

>> No.11741755

georgia or garamond

>> No.11741759

one of my own devising because i am not an epigone imitation plebonian knownothing halfwitted midwit fool who gasps in the shrinking shadows of greats, snaggling for crumbs like some shiteater. who made the font you use, faggot? not you, i bet. how the fuck can you hope to write an original work when you can't even write it in an original script. stick to wingdings, fag.

>> No.11741761

My handwriting

>> No.11741764
File: 249 KB, 248x459, 1505928892853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calibri size 11

>> No.11741765

comic sans bold superscript

>> No.11741770
File: 78 KB, 335x156, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check for some fonts on google fonts
>the look amazing
>download them
>open Word
>they all look like actual un-antialiased and unreadable shit
what the fuck microsoft

>> No.11741773

I stuck my wingding in your mother's vagina, cunt

>> No.11741774

Bugs...easy on the font size

>> No.11741776

>using a font at all
it's like you're not even trying.

>> No.11741780

comebacks as original as your font choice, you cheap little derivative copycat. go work in a stock room sorting and arranging the manager's bean collection and leave writing to the pros.

>> No.11741787

this really made me laugh a lot.
is it finally time i killed myself?

>> No.11741791

Yet you use Arial for posting on 4chan, a prefabricated font. Curious...

>> No.11741798

lmaoing at your life

>> No.11741800

I sorted your mother's bean real close to my dick last night cunt

>> No.11741827
File: 56 KB, 401x380, ur sis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11741844

comic sans because i'm a funny guy ;)

>> No.11741852

You perceive me as using that font because you're a fucking plebonian. I use a script which changes everyone else's fonts to Comic Sans and mine to the one of my own devising. Don't sully me with your apperceptions of false reality, you slime. Curious indeed, you dirty mong.

>> No.11741855


>> No.11741872

A lot of retards don't get this, but I'm feeling nice so I'll explain it to you absolute psueds:
The guy on the left is the 6th James bond actor in the James bond film franchise. The burger on the right is the 9th item on the Burger King menu. Therefore, last night I 69'd your sister.

>> No.11741877

>he doesn't know how to bond burger a lady

>> No.11741882

Well last night I bondburgered your sister

>> No.11741889

lol idiot, it's last night i james bond burgered your sister

>> No.11741899

go bond-burger yourself

>> No.11741916

Last night I pierce sandwiched your sister.

>> No.11741920

Times New Roman all the time

>> No.11741925

Computer Modern. I want Word users to know I'm better than them.

>> No.11741966

>mfw anyone said anything other than courier or its variations
>mfw none of you realize publishers won't accept manuscripts that aren't in courier

I guess your fanfics can be in whatever pretty font makes you happy though

>> No.11741975

nah, it's last night i secretely pounded your sister.

>> No.11741986

Garamond is for True Patricians, like me

>> No.11741994

I don't know how it works for burgers, but any academic paper in huezil must be written in either Arial or Times

>> No.11741997

I'm in America and I was published in Analog magazine once, they wanted me to submit it in Courier. But that is all the info I have

>> No.11742006

I can't believe no one else uses Book Antiqua.

>> No.11742030

If you guys aren't writing with a bitmap font (ideally using LaTeX) then don't bother please.

>> No.11742035


>> No.11742039


good shit kings

>> No.11742084

The /lit/ amity

>> No.11742152

TNR forever the goat font

>> No.11742155

This was so bad it had to be intentional. No one could write like this sincerely.

>> No.11742171
File: 27 KB, 1201x345, 457425727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism at its finest

>> No.11742334
File: 50 KB, 875x314, font001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742382


>> No.11742399

Times New Roman is the default and I never saw the need to change it, at least for first draft.

>> No.11742432

Times. Everything else looks like shit.

>> No.11742702
File: 12 KB, 700x170, CROP CG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11742760

lol what a fag.

>> No.11742766
File: 16 KB, 486x89, chinese-fangsong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742852

For me, it's Bell MT

>> No.11742880

What's the most /lit/ word processor?

>> No.11742894


>> No.11743093

PT Serif when writing, Caslon when reading

>> No.11743096


>> No.11743235

my diary desu

>> No.11743244

Only right answer

>> No.11743393

no, MY handrwiting

>> No.11743496

Times New Roman so that I don't waste any time on choosing a font

>> No.11743497
File: 600 KB, 1480x1600, 1474135148490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not VI

>> No.11743504

emacs with evil mode*