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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.36 MB, 2392x3348, 1536105555610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11741356 No.11741356 [Reply] [Original]

Board aside, is this agreeable?
Also Is there a leftwing equivalent template like this?

>> No.11741361
File: 3.29 MB, 2248x3442, 1536105594991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the same question for the 2nd part

>> No.11741384

>Implying anyone who has read that many phil books is going to become a lolbertarian

>> No.11741411

Not really.

Who takes Hoppe and Evola seriously outside weirdos? And why would you recommend Filmer after Locke's Treatises? Locke spends the first half of that work putting Filmer down. Dude didn't even get Hobbes, he had to get all mystical like de Maistre, but with less pizzazz.

>> No.11741540

"just read critique of pure reason and phenomenology of spirit"

The absolute state of /pol/

>> No.11741602

Feel free to make an argument anytime.

>> No.11741609

i mean as a leftist i can say this is actually a pretty good chart

>> No.11741625

part 1 is alright, part 2 is cringe

>> No.11741639
File: 419 KB, 1000x1500, 1530783037842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. We're ending Kali Yuga and raising Thule with or without your champagne-sipping candy ass.

>> No.11741642

This is a ruse, you will never make it out of the first level.
If you chose your battles its ok doe. But its like that /g/ "programming projects chart" where the first couple are a mix of trivial problems and hard as fuck shit that looks simple on first sight

>> No.11741645

they were both made by brainlets who haven't read half those works
that's because you don't know what you're talking about
the left branch on the second pic is actually good and useful

>> No.11741771
File: 124 KB, 1000x564, 7pKxviQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously a leftypol hoax to get people to read the 3/4 of the recs that are leftwing and/or completely irrelevant. 0/10. Come the fuck on >Foucault's Pendulum >LotR >DUGIN?? Might as well have included the Strassers, Vox Day and Varg, hell, might as well have included some Juche.

>> No.11741789

Mad cause most good literature will lead to left wing conclusions. The state of /pol/.

>> No.11741795

This is leftwing though. Classical liberalism is left wing.

>> No.11741805


>> No.11741819

this, but unironically. /pol/ is a left wing board because libertarianism and classical liberalism is left wing

>> No.11741867

>good literature
Other than the three novels, which have no literary merit, none of those works are literary! And no one reads them outside of academia. >Spinoza >Hegel >Heidegger >lit
>The state of /pol/.
And how! Full/pol/ remains staunchly leftist, punches right as often as left; half/pol/ is simply reddit.

>> No.11741888

Thanks for the reply, made me smile.
>Full/pol/ remains staunchly leftist
That's pretty funny my friend. Full/pol/ is more reddit than half/pol/.

>> No.11741903
File: 112 KB, 220x331, Tragedy_And_Hope_By_Carroll_Quigley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all basic bitch books. Any actual /pol/ list worth its salt would have pic related.

>> No.11741944

It's bizarre to me that the New Testament is included but the Old Testament is not. The Christians who are most active politically are the ones who believe in a vengeful Old Testament god.

>> No.11742023
File: 876 KB, 1600x1437, 1531756683563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ot God and the nt God are the same. Paul is politically very authoritarian and socially conservative, and advocates total submission of laity to clergy, slaves to masters, wives to husband's, and subjects to rulers. He also said rulers are agents of God's wrath and have the authority to put sinners to death on God's behalf

Here is a better chart, op

Conservative /lit/ discord too

>> No.11742027

This is the most autistic shit I've ever seen

>> No.11742144
File: 9 KB, 342x342, 1532130656885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read anything I don't agree with, get this globalist filth out of my face.
And I had to click way too many buses to post this to not call you a faggot for making me post this, so you're a faggot for making me post this.

>> No.11742156

Yeah when I feel like studying politics I just whip out my KJV New Testament. I also shudder when I hear the name Marx.

>> No.11742161
File: 107 KB, 500x377, Sonstiges 59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, really. I made the effort to actually read the sparknotes on one of such "/pol" lists and guess what, half of it is written by Steins and Bergs actually promoting lefty books with a couple meme books like Mein Kampf in between.

So, that's why by todays standard everyone before the 19th century which isn't jewish would be considered a hardcore right winger. Hm, inderdasting.

>> No.11742170
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, Rene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust guides that doesn't describe the books they're recommending since it seems like the people who make many of them will just include random or vaguely related shit because they don't know any better. They haven't read the books but they feel like they should be included anyway.

>> No.11742172

>Someone living in the past would be considered a conservative/traditionalist
The absolute state of /pol/.
Also >everyone disagreeing with me is a jew.
Go back to your containment board, thanks.

>> No.11742235
File: 1.78 MB, 6000x10000, Political philosophy WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this instead.

>> No.11742281

Did you just make this?
Could you remove the white and write the titles out in text and maybe a reason for the books? I would love you for this.

>> No.11742313

>muh /pol/
>muh jew
>muh containment board
Do you people get payed extra using as many buzzwords instead of arguments as possible?

>> No.11742315

Dont be such a lazy cunt and fucing read into the books yourself.

>> No.11742323

>>Someone living in the past would be considered a conservative/traditionalist
I gave an argument you brain dead fuck.

>> No.11742326

I have read like 75% of those books and know about the others, I merely want it for sharing purposes. Could be a good list.

>> No.11742349

>quoting is an argument
You can't even proplerly shitpost.

>> No.11742355

I restated his argument to show how retarded it was. I'm sorry you lack the attention span to read the full post.

>> No.11742359

yeah sure

>> No.11742378


Hi! I can't say much for the second chart, because I haven't read many of those books, but I can talk a little about the first one. I'm not too sure what "the path of the red pill" is, but a lot of those books are pretty great to get a solid foundation of the western canon. However, there are A LOT of books listed there- to even get to the "3rd tier" (under the assumption that you're reading properly and understanding the knowledge) would take many months, even years, of study.

To be perfectly honest, just getting through tier 1 is good enough. If political knowledge is what you want, I would recommend skipping the bible and the fiction in that tier (unless you like reading fiction!). Whoever made this chart is clearly a fan of politics, as the second tier (I think) is by far the best put-together and most cohesive list. Reading chronologically from tier 2 (or just the stuff you're interested in) would be very beneficial in furthering your political knowledge. Some of those books are a slog, so be mindful of that.

I don't think you should stop before tier 3 "for your mental health", a lot of the most important and interesting philosophical texts are in that section! It's a pretty okay list, I think, but it's clear that the chart maker is not a student of philosophy. It's honestly kind of a mess, category wise. Kant, Hegel and Heidegger are metaphysicists, but if the chart is about modern metaphysics, then it's missing some real big hitters (no Hurssel?!). Spinoza and Hume are very important pre-Kant stuff, the Aristotle and Aurelius texts cover some very broad-stroke early ethical ideas, Schoppy, Kierkegaard and Niezsche are existentialist philosophers (which is super random considering all the other stuff in this tier), and I haven't read Horkheimer. To summarise, the ideas being presented here are all over the place! I would recommended only reading the stuff that you think is cool from this list, although I would NOT recommend you start with guys like Nietzsche, Hegel and Heidegger, who require pre-existing knowledge of the western canon to actually "get" where they're coming from.

>> No.11742390

As an an-cap, that is probably the worst collection of recommended Libertarian books I've ever seen. Looks like someone just searched for books on the subject and picked a couple either at random or loosely based on names they were familiar with.

>> No.11742405

This is a bait to show /pol/shitters how little they know and understand about everything.

>> No.11742409
File: 94 KB, 195x189, 1501817358548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first level is not hard if you read The Republic, The Prince, and Leviathan. And honestly, I would recommend those to anybody as their first political philosophy books. After that, the list gets a little strange. Why is Marcus Aurelius on there? I love him, but he doesn't really talk about politics. Also, Ethics by Aristotle, should be read after the first three I mentioned

But that's just my opinion

>> No.11742415
File: 70 KB, 480x691, e8415165dcb647bc997ce61f7d0f25cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like a boomer, but you sound like a friendly, helpful boomer. Thanks friend, this Far Side comic is for you, I thought you might like it

>> No.11742420


You ancap meme lords aren't anarchists and by my well educated libertarian friends, are hardly libertarian too.

t. An actual anarchist.

>> No.11742425
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1499726838824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys play Anarchy in the UK at your bi-weekly meetings? My group does, but really we just do it because the guy who sets up and runs the meetings hates it

>> No.11742433
File: 160 KB, 345x393, I don.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night mate.

>> No.11742621

Then recommend some good books

>> No.11742647

>It's /pol/-bait

>> No.11742673

Remove Atlas Shrugged, Liberty Defined and A Mencken Chrestomaty. Get a basic understanding of Locke and about natural rights before you read For a New Liberty. Read more Hayek. Read The Machinery of Freedom and The Problem of Political Authority.

Also, you should probably read more socialist and statist works than libertarian works. The whole chart in the OP will take years to work through and you'll have a limited idea about what others think and almost no ability to debate them once you're done.

>> No.11742805
File: 2.87 MB, 4616x9336, political philosophy chart v1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off the press

>> No.11742809

Good job, my friend. Looks great.

>> No.11742873

Nice, saved. Do you recommend all three volumes of Capital or is Volume I sufficient?

>> No.11742879

>Orwell and Huxley on the same level as any of the tier 1 books
>Aurelius and Aristotle in tier 3

>> No.11742881

Not him but if you're not well read in western philosophy up to Kant then you're probably gonna get lost early in the books and end up skimming the rest just to say you've read it. There's a reason why everyone here says start with rhe Greeks.

>> No.11742883

t. a confused Tankie.

>> No.11742892

Mostly good, but some odd inclusions and overrepresentations.

It's also too many works for an overview, especially when some of them aren't even political philosophy except tangentially and when many of them are multiple thousands of pages long.
Even reading a hundred pages a day this would take longer to go through than half a polisci/Phil double major. I guess it's good for name dropping things you haven't read or if you just skim books.

The image itself looks nice though.

>> No.11742934

I've literally never seen better evidence that the people making these charts haven't read any of the books on them

>> No.11743036

>actually reading leviathan

>> No.11743152

>not reading the book that details the origin of the concept of human rights

>> No.11743216

Just go on leftypol. There's a huge leftist literature sticky on the top of their board.

>> No.11743378

This looks good. Better than 90% of stuff posted here, anyway.

>> No.11743490

It's OK I guess. Missing a lot though - more Aristotle, Arendt, Berlin, Calhoun, Cicero, Mill, Nozick, Von Mises, Rousseau, Strauss. Rawls, etc.

>> No.11743501

This is solid.