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11741294 No.11741294 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people on /lit/ dislike Dostoevsky?

>> No.11741307

why do people on IMDb dislike Lars von Trier?

>> No.11741344


>> No.11741629
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>Why do Anglos on /lit/ dislike Dostoevsky?

>> No.11741640
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this. never let them slip their poison into you.

>> No.11741646

They dislike him because he doesn't have the sexual depravity of Roth or Pynchon.
Typically English major pseuds.

>> No.11741648

In a word: edgy, contrarian, assholes.

>> No.11741665


>> No.11741693

Why would anglos give the slightest shit about Russia? If they'd dislike anyone based on ethnicity it'd be a French or Irish writer.

>> No.11741700

It's the fedora-tippers backlash

True /lit/izens appreciate Dostoevsky and are practising Christians

>> No.11741701

If you examine closely any of his works, say The Brothers Karamazov, you will note that the natural background and all things relevant to the perception of the senses hardly exist.

>> No.11741714

He's a pepe Peterson meme. I wonder how long until Tolstoy becomes the next fad.

>> No.11741721


>> No.11741731

True /lit/izens are commie faggots who emigrated to 8 chan

>> No.11741733


years ago I read the brothers K and c&p, and very thoroughly enjoyed them. I recently read the idiot and couldn’t stomach it after half. It’s pulpy, feels like it was written for house wives. Very sappy drama. He has all these images he repeated in all his writings. Particularly the execution story. It all fell very flat for me the 3rd time around and I left it feeling like he’s genre fiction desu.

During those years I read from Plato to Nietzsche, chronologically.

>> No.11741751

My position in regard to Dostoyevsky is a curious and difficult one. In all my courses I approach literature from the only point of view that literature interests me - namely the point of view of enduring art and individual genius. From this point of view Dostoyevsky is not a great writer, but a rather mediocre one - with flashes of excellent humor, but, alas, with wastelands of literary platitudes in between. In ''Crime and Punishment'' Raskolnikov for some reason or other kills an old female pawnbroker and her sister. Justice in the shape of an inexorable police officer closes slowly in on him until in the end he is driven to a public confession, and through the love of a noble prostitute he is brought to a spiritual regeneration that did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. My difficulty, however, is that not all the readers to whom I talk in this or other classes are experienced. A good third, I should say, do not know the difference between real literature and pseudoliterature, and to such readers Dostoyevsky may seem more important and more artistic than such trash as our American historical novels or things called ''From Here to Eternity'' and suchlike balderdash.

>> No.11741769


This. Daily reminder that Anglos are subhumans. Be vigilant around Anglos. Around Anglos never relax.

>> No.11741792
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because Peterson said he's great
and like SJWs we can't like anything associated with something else we dislike (guilt by association)
he was regularly discussed positively and endorsed until early last year

>> No.11741818
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It's because 4chan is filled with contrarians.

When a TV show or movie comes out, at first /tv/ thinks its great. When it becomes popular, they hate it.

When a new game comes out, at first /v/ things its great. When it becomes popular, they hate it.

When Trump ran for office, at first /pol/ was loved him. Now they hate him.

It doesn't matter where you go on this site. As soon as something gets popular, others will automatically dislike it.

>> No.11742440

>appeal to purity fallacy
>is impure in God's eyes

>> No.11742441

It checks out. Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Jordan Peterson...

>> No.11742477


>> No.11742498

In my undergrad English program, most of my professors praise Brothers K as the best novel of all time.

I think lit doesn’t like him because he’s a bit of an inconsistent stylist. He can be very beautiful but also a bit sloppy. But pseuds form the majority of the hate because he can be challenging to read, he has long chapters and single paragraphs that go on for pages, and lots of dialogue without clear speech tags. But he’s not actually that challenging once you get used to it.

I think he’s up there as one of the great minds no doubt. Tolstoy is perhaps a more clearly beautiful prose writer and also deeply Christian, but Dostoevsky has an ethereal religiousness to his writing that Tolstoy seems to lack. Read the beginning of TBK where it describes the father after the death of his wife, and how some people said that he was laughing with joy, and others said he was weeping and mourning, and then the narrator says “perhaps both were true.” Or try the dream sections of Crime and Punishment (all 3 or 4, not just the horse killing). Both gave me a heavy emotional feeling that I never get from anywhere else.

Flaubert is actually a better stylist than Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and even more so probably a better psychologist, but he has no spiritual side, which is imperative for the truly great author.

>> No.11742575

I think a lot of people would agree that he's not the best writer, even his most ardent fans

>> No.11742669

People on 4chan always want to integrate their newest interest, usually film, music or, as in this case, literature, into their personality, so they try to have very strong, distinct opinions which fit their aspired edgy personality and they try to define themselves over what they like and dislike by belittling other people who like what they dislike, in this case Dostoevsky (dislike) who is for "edgy teens" whereas liking Tolstoy, they think, makes them appear mature and grounded etc.

>> No.11742677

>the difference between real literature and pseudoliterature
whats the difference between those two?

>> No.11742784


>> No.11742789
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*destroys your reputation*

>> No.11742801

I read Crime and Punishment, it was long and boring. I saw it was on a list of Reddit users top books of all time along with a few others by the author
So i always made a point of staying far away from his work

>> No.11742815

If you were to go back to the 4chan of two years ago you would see that everybody loved him.

Every time a book is loved by too many on this board. You will have those that start hating it.

>> No.11742937

>it was on a list of Reddit users top books of all time
is there reddit top 10?

>> No.11742951

false. people like daddy cornfather's prose, but his opinions are trash.

>> No.11743068

Dostoevsky's my favorite writer

>> No.11743256

>Why do people on /lit/ dislike Dostoevsky?
They don't dislike him. He is one of the most popular writers on here.
Are people ITT really such zombies that you can't see how OP presupposes bullshit? Jesus fucking Christ

Anglos love Dosto, he's foreign in many ways yet massively relatable, particularly for more conservative people who want religious reassurance.

>actually believing in muh fedoras in this day and age
Internet atheism is dead, it's barely a factor today. Somehow making it seem like this board dislikes Dosto is far beyond its powers.

He was popular long before Peterson.

Then why was 8 chan /lit/ so fucking bad and dead?

>> No.11743261

If he's disliked its because people don't want to be associated too closely with Dosto because noted retard Jordan Peterson pimps him day in day out

>> No.11743363

>When Trump ran for office, at first /pol/ was loved him. Now they hate him.
No, it fluctuates from time to time but most of the board still have a soft spot for him.

>> No.11743422

They usually fall into 2 catagories: Fedoralords and tolstoyfags

>> No.11743447

/lit/ isn't a hive mind. Some like him, some dislike him. Some are more vocals than the rest, is all.