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/lit/ - Literature

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11740242 No.11740242 [Reply] [Original]

In the age of smart phones and instant gratification, how do we get kids into literature?

>> No.11740254

We don't. It's just not possible.

>> No.11740279
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>> No.11740295

It's not much worse than video games of our childhood, or television of our parents' childhood. It's just that children have never read shit.

>> No.11740322

now imagine trying to get them to read actual good literature

>> No.11740346

I think people, if they’re at all educated, are intrinsically good at enjoying literature. What people of all ages lack, especially these days, is purpose and focus. Also, there have always been people who would rather do something else instead of reading a book for enjoyment, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11740350

Tell them they can read on their phones.

>> No.11740351

I don't know. We don't.
I don't know.

>> No.11740392

That’s because these days purpose and focus have been exposed as memes.

>> No.11740398
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We just need to trick them

>> No.11740441 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 700x547, 1534104786992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers can't read. Pic related is misleading.
As for white kids, it's in their genes. There are kids genetically predisposed to studying and having an interest in reading, and there are kids with brain-dead parents who inherit their genes and become brain-dead too. So it's, again, pointless. If a kid has good genes, it will discover reading by itself and won't need someone to force him.

>> No.11740457


>> No.11740465

define nigger

>> No.11740473 [DELETED] 

Found the nigger.
>a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.

>> No.11740480

I hate this shit. Your generation is just as fucking stupid. People were not all intellectuals before the invention of the emoji.

>> No.11740487

>’meme’ as a catchall

>> No.11740488

then the post is wrong, as many niggers can read

>> No.11740514

tell them if they don't stop "flossing" Krampus will get them

>> No.11740597

The only reason I find so much joy in books is because my parents discouraged me from getting hooked on video games and cartoons. Literally saved my life

>> No.11740603

Have a regular, relaxed audiobook hour where you introduce part of a different book each week or two. No grading, no tests, just silent sitting and listening (and no smartphones, of course).

Why audio, why no tests, and why only parts? The first to make the input effortless (many wouldn't bother to read without the threat of tests), the second to avoid negative association of literature with pressure, work and failure, and the third to avoid boring kids with books they don't like while motivating them to seek out the rest of those that do catch their interest.

Has something like this been tried somewhere? This should work, on the assumption that not reading for pleasure is primarily caused by not knowing what one is missing.

>> No.11740612

stop spending money on programs for pic related and fire most teachers, only educate kids with high potential for educational attainment and professional success or contributions to research and the arts

>> No.11740625

loners will discover it in their own

>> No.11740900

Part of it is schools make the experience feel like a chore with forced journal entries for every 15 minute reading session, and dogshit adolescent fiction covering the walls. As for the instant gratification bit, eventually people get tired of fast food entertainment after indulging heavily, and will likely seek out something with more meat to it like reading. If you've ever lived off of dogshit media for a sizeable amount of time, then you've probably at some point questioned "why am I even doing this?".

>> No.11740915

I grew up under the same conditions and ended up getting interested in literature anyway.

>> No.11741276

Read to them and read near them. Put down the damn phone.
Young kids will do whatever you do, if they respect you at all. Often even if they don't.

>> No.11741300

Come out with leet-speak, emoji, and internet lingo translations of all of the great literary classics, heavily abridged and in graphic novel format.

>> No.11741314
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Here is a question for you all - how fucked do you think the generation proceeding gen z will be?

>> No.11741346

We don't. Internet ruined everything. Anyone has an opinion and they think it's worth something. Fuck.
Just check social media and see the weed infested watered down version of philosophy people have.

>> No.11741375

books were a form of entertainment. you cant compete with movies/video games now

its like trying to get kids to play jacks again or with the cup and ball

>> No.11742350

It's amazing the gaps in knowledge and general intelligence that exist between university students of the same program simply because some students read (a few really) and others dont ; unless the absolute minimum.

>> No.11742449

eliminate universal literacy like the blight it is

>> No.11743014

By building a society akin to Plato's Republic

>> No.11743032

Try putting down your phone and reading to the kid instead of buying the kid a phone. I know you lost me at the first clause but I'm okay with your offspring murdering you before they come of age due to your parenting style, so that works out nicely.

>> No.11743050

I quite seriously got into books in large part due to Reading Rainbow. We need something like that again.

>> No.11743060

When I raise my children it will be a no television (etc.) household until they're least 10, if not 13, if not 18. No cell phones until 13, no ipads ever. When they are in the womb I will read classic literature aloud to them to as a prenatal facilitator of language skills and so that they recognize my voice at birth along with their mother's. They will be permitted light reading at a young age but I will quickly move them up do more difficult genre literature and then by their teens they should be rigorously engaging with the classics and with philosophy. By the time they go to college they should be familiar with Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Peirce, Kaczynski, etc.

>> No.11743075

So, you've never read Mill?

>> No.11743081

Are you referring to his strenuous early education?

>> No.11743083

>sending them to college

>> No.11743085

You've got to traumatize them.

>> No.11743087

Along with other issues, yes. But like I said, I don't mind your kids murdering you.

>> No.11743097

They can't be under my wing forever. College life is infantile enough, but it's a step, and hopefully the philosophy departments will have some worthwhile content. Graduate school is also assumed. At the very least my children would at that point become aware of the degenerate state of modern education and develop a clearer idea than me of what must be done, given that as this point I will be out of touch.

>> No.11743099

Why would they need to read? Newer and more efficient mediums have been developed to entertain, teach and wonder.

>> No.11743100

I think enjoyment for literature is an acquired taste gained, in the beggining, by an innate admiration towards people who do this kind of activity and express themselves in a more verbally sofisticated manner.

I've seen people who simply despise, make fun or stay away from others who are very dilligent on their pursuit of knowledge, while some are naturally attracted to these kind of activities, because they admire them and want to be like them.

So, in a culture that promotes hyperactivity through many media and is incapable of concentration, literature consumption should take a toll. Anyone can also see that the complexity of vocabulary in contemporary literature is also poorer.

>> No.11743106

He probably wants them to know the plural of medium is media so they don't look ignorant in public or some shit like that.

>> No.11743112

Teach Them That The Weak Should Fear The Strong

>> No.11743113

embrace it as a filter. literature will only be read by smart kids who seek it out and want more than others. also read to your kid, don't buy them a smart phone until later, and make sure to keep a variety of different kinds of literature around, stuff for casual reads and more stimulating stuff

>> No.11743239

Your kids are gonna hate reading so fucking much

>> No.11743337

Forbid books as works of the devil.

>> No.11743343

Holy fuck lmao

>> No.11743382

Enjoy being bugmen.

>> No.11743449


>> No.11743541

You know what they say about assumptions?

>> No.11743543

Let's be honest
It's the only reason you post on lit

>> No.11743546

That requires a level of self awareness the average individual seems to lack in an age where all our desires can be instantly satisfied. The average man is, and always has been, more animal than human.

>> No.11743562

You don't. If literature truly had anything to offer over TV, Youtube, and video games it wouldn't be a rapidly dying medium.

It's just natural selection at work.

>> No.11743590

should let them watch some Yuri Norshtein or late Tarr

>> No.11743596


>> No.11743608


>> No.11743780

Put in schools books that might be actually interesting to read for kids, not fucking Illiad or some relevant writers. Stupid, I know but it works. You need to have a bait that would attract them to books.

>> No.11743791

Raise them well, don't leave those things around them.

>> No.11743799

>If literature truly had anything to offer over TV, Youtube, and video games it wouldn't be a rapidly dying medium.
That's the plebiest thought I've read here. Not all changes are necessarily good.

>> No.11743808

30 year old boomer REALLY shouldn't be drinking those energy drinks, certainly not as much as he does

Those things are like heart attacks in a can, even fucking coke is better for you

>> No.11743815

I really feel like that picture is making fun of the symptoms, not the cause, of young people's depression

>> No.11743838

zoomer here just find a pdf of a book you want to read and read it no need for the library meme

>> No.11743855

nice opinion my man

>> No.11743913


>> No.11743930

Depression is the result of capitalism

>> No.11743946

Zoomers are too young to get depressed.

>> No.11743996


>> No.11744038

Zoomer here. YouTube reviews on books usually convince me to read. I'm reading Starship Troopers because of that. You old guys should really try having high quality review channels shill books.

>> No.11744080

Slowly presents them to literature, with very dumb and easy stuff (not even kid lit, I am talking of those abridged fairy tales with pictures, didatic narrative books, etc). If this work, or if it doesn't, go for the second straight: show them movies (Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia), and tell them there's a book, that they are wholly different and contains a whole world inside of them. Do it with everything: Alice, Harry Potter, Narnia, The Hobbit and even LOTR when the kids are already 10 or 12yo (they might not get everything, but they will have fond memories of it).

Honestly, this was how I slowly got into literature. It took a while, but hey, most people don't even get into it in a lifetime. If that doesn't work, well, then I have no clue.

>> No.11744663


Buy them some e-readers

>> No.11744676

By not being shitty parents and reading to them.
Read to them when they are very young then read books with them when they get to school.

>> No.11745213

that'll work

>> No.11745240

Solution to a billion problems is Jewish summer camps. No wifi/cells allowed for anyone but the staff. Big air conditioned libraries with kosher cartoon heroes reading books posters.

>> No.11745276

Don't show them the movies. Tell them to read the book so you can watch the movie together. Do this for books that you truly cherish that were butchered the movie. This will teach kids not only to read for a more euphoric experience, but also to avoid films.

>> No.11745534


>> No.11745626

Mark Fischer! I loved your burial interview. I though you died.

>> No.11745709

Let them choose their own books to read as long as it's at appropriate age level. The smart kids will choose to read better books while the brainlets that don't matter will continue to read the YA trash.

>> No.11746549

please tell me this isn’t real.

>> No.11746589

Have a dude in a dress read to them apparently.

>> No.11746591

Who cares about the kids

>> No.11746626
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>> No.11746667

Given his hypothetical cloistered upbringing and education regimen, your child might find the freedom that comes from being separated from you when he is at college to be way too much to handle, and may very well find himself dying from alcohol poisoning at the first frat party he goes to because he didn't know any better.

>> No.11746674

Ghosts reside in the machine

>> No.11746683

>read to them when they are young
>make sure they see you reading and enjoying it
>have age appropriate books readily available for them when they want to read something on their own
>let them decide what they want to read

That's really all there is to it. Most parents do done of these.

Forcing them read what you want them to is a bad idea. Making your six year old start with the Greeks is just going to make them hate you and hate reading.

>> No.11746786

Like happened to the Mormon kids at my uni. The ones that survived when back home to pretend none of it ever happened. Seems like the solution is to also teach your kids how to hold their liquor

>> No.11746803

I work at two public libraries. In one, almost all the parents check out lots of books to their kids, read with them almost like a little book club, bring them to events, etc. I feel like a majority of these kids will only be intermittent readers once they finish the Magic Tree House series or whatever, but they'll be reasonably intelligent just by their early exposure and association with book culture.

The other is a glorified Blockbuster for white trash idiots.

The NYPL novels in Instagram stories is genuinely interesting. I can read it while I'm on the train.

>> No.11746902

my parents "discouraged me" and it just had the forbidden fruit effect of making me obsess over those things

>> No.11747045


>> No.11747709

born in le wrong generation

>> No.11747898

Help find good books they can enjoy and go to the library regularly so they can make their own choices of what to read

>> No.11747921
File: 35 KB, 1200x675, the kids are alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11747993

Communists have ruined anti-capitalism. Kill yourself.

>> No.11748046

Woah shit! What's the context of this screenshot?

>> No.11748080

>In the age of smart phones and instant gratification, how do we get kids into literature?
Fiction or non fiction..... Big difference.

>> No.11748943

>The NYPL novels in Instagram stories is genuinely interesting. I can read it while I'm on the train.
I meant actual stories, the free Kindle and Google Play Books apps have free books and the vast majority are under $5. Children who are addicted to their smartphones just need to be shown they could be reading instead of wasting time scrolling through social media for the 10th time that day with little to no difference in what they're actually doing.

>> No.11749029


>> No.11749040

I dont know why your upset, it's a play about two teenagers eloping and then committing triple suicide because of a misunderstanding. A play meant to entertain literal peasants. It literally has a scene where Romeo buys sleeping herbs from a monk and after telling him his plan the monk responds "you fucking kids are so dramatic"
Stop pretending Romeo and Juliet is good literature, it's a Victorean version of Rent just like Midsummer Night's Dream is a fucking romcom

>> No.11749063

i'm sure other posters can relate, but i'm a 20 year old zoomer and i could, and still can, easily resort to playing video games, using internet (I'm on /lit/ at this very moment), watching youtube, or any other means of useless time-wasting.
as much as it is important to introduce books to children that they will enjoy, i think it's also important to teach them the reality of the world. i think what partially draws me to reading is the chance to understand people's thoughts and decisions that i normally would not consider, and to personally find peace even beside the brutalities of the world.
it is so tiring to go outside and feel as though everyone and every piece of advertisement is telling you that you should be in a constant state of happiness. that you deserve happiness automatically. i think what i'm trying to say is that you should teach children to reflect and think critically. but that's easier said than done.
my sister has the notion that everything in life that doesn't aim to please her is like a personal attack on her being. her life is instagram and she is literally insufferable at times. unfortunately she never reads and i don't think she will for awhile.

>> No.11749083
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A Methuselah rookie card

>> No.11749110

only allow the children to listen to:
a) vinyl/flac of field recording
b) classical (especially baroque) / avantgarde or spectral music
c) all my bloody valentine's LP, their EPs however are forbidden
d) music that they wrote themselves on piano, cello, ondes martenot, theremin, or synth, no use of chromatics scale allowed

>> No.11749119

>c) all my bloody valentine's LP, their EPs however are forbidden
But only Loveless and m b v are good.

>> No.11749140

Kids will just stop listening to music than
Also what zoomers listen to MBV?

>> No.11749282
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>isnt anything being less than great at the very least

>> No.11749300

You don't. All people younger than 25 despise reading and see it as an obsolete relic, something that primitive people who didn't have YouTube, social media, and video games used to entertain themselves.

The zoomer sees literature as something that needs to be abandoned and forgotten because they fully support the idea of a postliterate society.

>> No.11749307

I bet you're not even 20

>> No.11749321

My daughter was actually born just 2 months ago and I really don't know how to proceed in order to have her enjoy reading instead of staring at a phone once she gets a little older.

>> No.11749335

You could try reading to her and not buying her a phone when she gets a little older.
Just an idea.

>> No.11749385

What the other anon said, read to her all the time. School can't teach them to like reading, so you have to.

>> No.11749391
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I used to be that way. I'm 20 now but just a few years ago, you couldn't pay me to read a book from front to back. I thought that the only decent forms of entertainment came from TV and movies. But later on after listening to podcast episodes about books, I realized that they could go way further into detail that movies and TV just didn't have time for. I think that's the ticket for kids to get into literature.

>> No.11749401

It's the amount of information condensed in a practical medium, and the medium is the message.

>> No.11749567

My niece was born 3 months ago and every single day she has seen people bending down on her bed taking pictures with their smartphones
Please take pictures of your sister scarcely and with an actual camera

>> No.11749590
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Epic poetry was the answer and still is.