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11739815 No.11739815 [Reply] [Original]

itt we post moments when we dropped a book/series so fucking hard

This is from the perspective of a recently acquired 16 year old slave girl who has found out how to whore herself out to make slave life easier for her and her friends. names are omitted.

>Slave girl lay beneath Slaver until, with a final shudder, he was done.
>"You'll learn to like it, girl," he said.
>The edge of something savage always rose closer to the surface immediately after he'd lain with her. She knew it would pass.
>"I will," she said.
few lines later
>"Show pleasure, girl, that's all I ask."
>"Soon," she said. "Once it stops hurting."
one page later
>On the ship she had learned well the tastes of men, as well as those of the few women guards who'd taken her to their bunks. She'd thought she'd be prepared for Slaver, and in most ways she was.
>"Everything but his size," she thought to herself.

>> No.11739850

We all know Malazan is terrible. You lasted with it a lot longer than was adviced.

>> No.11739924

Christ why didn't I listen. Why didn't I realize it sooner during the first book with all the dbz tier powerlevel shit and crap ass dialogue.

>> No.11740117


what should we read instead?