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11739671 No.11739671 [Reply] [Original]

Finished. Right now.
Dunno how I feel about it, desu.

>> No.11739703

OK, starting to get thoughts together, let's say 2/3 of the book is very good, the last 1/3 is a disappointment.
A quite spectacular journey that leads to nothing.

>> No.11739716
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I finished it a few weeks ago. Finishing it was bittersweet.
I loved the cast so much, reading it made me feel like I had a group of friends, I was able to totally disappear while I read it. And I was reading it for pretty much the duration of the entire summer, so there was a comfort aspect involved too. No matter what happened, how shitty or long my day was, it'd always be there waiting for me. There was assurance it gave me that I'd be reading it soon.

I really loved it, but I miss it because it feels like I lost friends when I finished it.

>> No.11739728

That's how I felt, too. It starts to sour more with time. I fell for the GR meme, was so impressed and thought "hey, I'll give this meme a try."

Here we are. A souring space festering in my consciousness I should've left empty.

>> No.11739735


Yeah, well after 900 fucking pages or whatever it is, you get that feeling. Stockholm syndrome or something.

>> No.11739764

I kinda felt the same way. But as the book was approaching the end, I started to feel it was quite clear that the characters's arcs would probably left hanging. And they are, left hanging. I didn't care much for the general plot, but I wanted to know more about what happened to who and so on. This, in a temporary judgment having just finished it, I think is the biggest flaw of the book.

>> No.11739780

What do you mean left hanging? I mean they kinda are, but they do all overlap and you get a feel of what happened
Did you go back and re-read the first chapter?

>> No.11739800

You feel like shit for wasting so much time reading this piece of garbo.

>> No.11739820

I mean you expect more development, some sort of completion of fulfilling of the psychological parable of the characters whose mind is explored the most. Like Hal, Joelle, Gately... Gately has the most "complete" arc, but still it feels incomplete.
Yeah the prevalent sentiment is that of incomplete, unfinished, unachieved.

>> No.11739840

Yeah I get what you mean
He just wanted to give us enough information to let us know where the story would head but doesn't really resolve anything

>> No.11740349

niger you best not be read for the plot or my nigers will ride up on ya homie

>> No.11740518

I told already it's not about the plot. If you read IJ for the plot you don't get past 100 pages.
It's more subtle. It's the taste of unaswered questions about characters that got into you, but it's not a mere "what happened to them?".
It's like knowing a bunch of interesting people for a month, then they disappear. And you are left with a void inside because you wanted to know them better.

>> No.11740591

That's the whole fucking point. Entertainment and addiction are all about meeting expectations. Cartoons and marijuana are nice because they are always the same. They are like a circular trajectory. Life is not a closed circle. That's why he always interrupts his narrations before the so called resolution: he does it all the time, like in the Erdedy chapter at the beginning, or the one about all things being blue. It may not be pretty, but that's done on purpose.

>> No.11740598

>Wardine be cry
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11740602

>my nigers
when you are attacked by a swarm of medium sized countries

>> No.11740727

All that shit should have been cut. Worst parts of the book.

>> No.11740749

It's something more subtle than expectations. At least not in that basic form. See >>11740518

>> No.11742424

For being such an intelligent, well-educated guy, David Foster Wallace, seems ignorant of the fact that our society is governed at the top by Luciferians which have directed every avenue our country is going. And having attended elitist Harvard for a while, there is NO way DFW did NOT know that. Therefore, for me his ramblings sound insincere in addition to they're not fully formed thoughts.

>> No.11743189

he should have cut the whole book and then his wrists if you ask me.

>> No.11743215

It was the early '90s. Only in the late '90s ppl started to be concerned about that shit, outside of the general commie revival of that decade but I count that out.

>> No.11743226

>our society is governed at the top by Luciferians
Quotation needed. And don't bring up Bohemian Grove or pizzagate

>> No.11743899

I am from an Illuminati family. My stepfather and one cousin attended Harvard. As a legal secretary, I worked for no fewer than 3 Harvard educated attorneys - and they were ALL Luciferians. It's my observation that you do NOT get into Harvard UNLESS you are a Luciferian on some level. However, a person could become a born again Christian and get saved AFTER attending Harvard, though the odds of that happening are small given they are too entrenched in the beast system.

>> No.11744088
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>I'm from an Illuminati family

>> No.11744116

Remember, God says to trust only HIM, and don't forget we are ever getting nearer the End when Jesus returns and deception is rampant.

>> No.11744345

Boomers have been getting weird ever since they figured out the internet.

>> No.11744530

OP here
After one day I don't think I would recommend it to someone, unless he or she is really into post modernism and has a taste for abstraction.
As for a personal judgment on the book, idk it came to my mind there is quite too much shit about incontinence to not raise some suspects...

>> No.11745886

It's an even better re-read imo

>> No.11746241
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>go into an infinite jest thread
>some 30 year old boomer starts talking about Harvard educated Satanists

>> No.11746387
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It's not about "Satanists" per se, but jews, who have turned Harvard into a nepotistic racket. 67% of grad students.

>> No.11746692

This book is a marketing success but a total aesthetic failure.

>> No.11746734
File: 268 KB, 1200x616, DQJ-2C6UMAAp4eJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It reported that New Jersey real estate developer Charles Kushner had pledged $2.5 million to Harvard University in 1998, not long before his son Jared was admitted to the prestigious Ivy League school [...] administrators at Jared’s high school, who described him as a less than stellar student and expressed dismay at Harvard’s decision.

> Five years after Jared entered Harvard, the elder Kushner pleaded guilty in 2004 to tax violations, illegal campaign donations, and retaliating against a witness.

I've never realized how prevalent and serious nepotism is in our world.

>> No.11747330

damn you make me want to read it

>> No.11747881

Whole book is just a Monty Python rip off desu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ienp4J3pW7U

>> No.11747918

My brother and his wife offered me this book for last christmas. What were they thinking. Who do they think I am. Like I am going to spend so much time reading this edgy thing. Literature must remain an enjoyment for me, not a torture. So I abandoned it in the lobby of my building (people do that with books and magazines in my building, it's actually pretty cool), it has been 2 weeks and nobody has touched it.