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File: 31 KB, 448x293, pesoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11738441 No.11738441 [Reply] [Original]

Pessoa, Pynchon, Jack London, DFW, Kafka...I could go on.

They all had relatively few photographs published of themselves, and in almost every one they were smart, mysterious and interesting.

I, before even publishing a debut novel, have ruined my literary mystique by being photographs and video'd at a time of my life when I was overweight and cringeworthy around others. One person said I looked extremely nervous in the video taken of me, another felt sorry for how I looked in the video, and another said I looked different (pejoratively) in real life than I did in the low-quality webcam photo I used for my headshot for a poetry competition I was shortlisted for.

I AM FUCKED in terms of potentially influencing future generations of teens and women to google my name and think "hmm, this guy seems like someone whose thoughts may be profound, I'll spend money and time reading his work!". Instead, they assume, and already think, that I am just some cringeworthy creepy beta autist.

>> No.11738449
File: 83 KB, 945x945, bunny shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a single picture taken of me in a decade.

>> No.11738451

If neecha can do it so can you

>> No.11738454

If it makes you feel better, the complete oversaturation of images in the 21st century means that if you do become famous you can pay for publicists to push forward the better photos, also generally people only care about people during the specific times where they affected culture.
Although I really should tell you to fuck off, this is some Rupi Kaur level, marketing over art focus.

>> No.11738455
File: 43 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not bait, kys

>> No.11738457

Nietzsche looked extremely imposing and intimdating in 99% of his photographs, even when he was having his diaper changed by his naziboo sister. The only photo which is embarrassing is the one where the Italian girl is jerking him off, and even then he has the bigger penis of the two.

>> No.11738470

It has nothing to do with marketing. But the point remains that if you found out about an author and saw pic related as the first result on google, you'd probably not waste your time.

As for over-saturation, I would prefer to have no photos, or just one, than face the notion of spamming tons of photographs into the public sphere to marginalize the ones in which I look like a depressed pretentious creep. Obviously I should have thought about this before, which only makes me feel even more that I am just not cut out to be a Great Writer.

>> No.11738476

>It has nothing to do with marketing.
Yes your argument does you flaming fagoo,
you literally just said that if people knew what you look like (assuming this isn't through pictures in the book) that they wouldn't read your work.

>> No.11738481

Every writer wants to be read, at a minimum. Marketing implies a desire to sell millions or whatever.

>> No.11738496

why do you keep dwelling on this

no one cares, and i mean that in the best way possible

>> No.11738502

Become transgender, learn a different language, change your name, and move to a different country without telling anyone. Just start over as a new person to begin your literary career

>> No.11738556

this, anon lifestyle = best lifestyle

>> No.11738567

Pynchon litfag confirmed

>> No.11738574
File: 41 KB, 488x488, 10-thomas-pynchon.w529.h529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart, mysterious and interesting

>> No.11738699

The shape of his teeth is mysterious.

>> No.11738790

You're right my man. Try to take everything about you down.

>> No.11738877

isn't he rodent-like humanoid?

>> No.11738888

He looks the most uninteresting guy in the world. Old man dressing as a teenager rock fan

>> No.11739116

You made a thread like this months ago and here you are again you insecure fag

>> No.11739130

I would argue that those are the worst kinds of people of any demographic, ever.

>> No.11740637

Don't worry Zizek, you're fine

>> No.11740823

just b yourself

>> No.11741243

>hanging out with people who have to document every irrelevant fucking thing in their lives
My friends are so good that not even their friends take pictures of shit to upload.

>> No.11741253

>Nietzschlet looking like a scrawny dweeb LARPer in military uniform
>extremely imposing and intimidating
He looks like an autistic manchild poser.

>> No.11741989

This, except for passport pic and probably a bunch of surveillance.

>> No.11742032
File: 399 KB, 980x653, marquez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing is to be good. Because if you're not, all this moody posturing you're talking about will never mean a thing to anybody. But if you are good, you're work will speak for itself.