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File: 740 KB, 750x750, philosophy breaux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11736111 No.11736111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw fell for the "major in what you like" meme
I fucked it up, didn't I...

>> No.11736116

>Digital Music and Sound Art

>> No.11736135

I understand racism much better then POC because I'm racist all the time but they only experience racism sometimes

>> No.11736144

The Smell is a great venue though

>> No.11736147

really wish the phil pseuds in my country were like this, at least they'd be immediately recognizable

>> No.11736150

Back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.11736159

Why do all of these starter packs look like they were made by someone about a particular person who wronged them in some way?

>> No.11736164


What does the jar mean?

>> No.11736166

Spotted the virgin

>> No.11736169

People drink out of them
The person the picture is making fun of apparently being one of them

>> No.11736171

That's actually pretty clever

>> No.11736173

hipster faggots like fagthony fagtano drink out of them to be thrifty

>> No.11736175

I think it's the drinking out of a mason jar.

>> No.11736177

This is possibly the most retarded and projecting starter pack I've ever seen. It'd better describe the average /lit/ user than the avg philosophy major, lol

>> No.11736179

Butthurt phil major detected

>> No.11736180

Me too (English).
See you in law school, OP.

>> No.11736184
File: 53 KB, 319x287, life is uninteresting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to be thrifty
More like if you regularly buy food in jars you can save some money on cups by using the jars instead.

>> No.11736187

>fagthony fagtano
Literally who?

>> No.11736188

Clearly you are putting your philosophy major skills to good use.

>> No.11736198

Former /mu/tant who has gone on to be the most famous music critic in the world
As you might imagine he isn't actually much good

>> No.11736202

As a true philosophy major, I want a starter pack that has ipas, american spirits, converses, zizek youtube clips, dank weed in a jar, a couple sheets of acid, crystal dmt, alex grey paintings, phillip k dick books, >tfw no gf, plato, and the bible

>> No.11736211


this is pretty accurate, me and my old roommate were both philosophy majors. we read every philip k dick book and did tons of psychedelics

also he would buy bags of american spirit tobacco and roll up cigs, smelled up our apartment, also we were both high on weed 24/7

>> No.11736287

Sour beers are the new IPAs my friend

>> No.11736295

>you shouldn't slut shame yourself. Sleep with me
kek, stealing this for tinder

>> No.11736300

You mean Grindr you faggot

>> No.11736330

Books like C&P don't belong on there. People who are actually like this are massive pseuds and don't read in their free time. They merely masquerade as such, although that may be the intent of OP's pic; in that case, well done.

>> No.11736333
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>> No.11736346

Whoever made that is one pozzed motherfucker.

>> No.11736354

Plebstoyevsky is absolutely used as a prop by pseuds to show how deep they are.

>> No.11736386

>tfw I fell for studying something practical and hate it
>tfw I'm now saving up as much money as I can to go back and study philosophy.
It's going to take me a couple years but I've never been so determined to do anything in my life.

>> No.11736426

Save up to retire in a decade, and then study philosophy /comfy/ living from investments

>> No.11736430

I don't want to retire. Ideally I'd want to become a career academic, even if I don't think it's likely.

>> No.11736449

What an awful picture.

>hey guys, how should we feel about young, well-meaning, introspective men who happen to be born into the insanity of 21st century identity politics? I know, let's make fun of them for having a libido and not caring enough about my specific brand of racism! Yeah hahah what a fucking white male oppressive cuck!

>> No.11736453


>> No.11736469

>tfw I needed something to major in and picked philosophy because the professors gave me positive feedback on my essays
>tfw I'm now saving up as much as I can to go back and study something practical

>> No.11736471

See what I mean? I'm not even saying that people in OP's pic are faultless. But when whoever made that pic thinks reading philosophy (even if it's entry-level stuff) and trying to gain a grasp of social issues around you is something to make fun of, it really only reflects on them, not the people they're criticising.

>> No.11736476

where's the basketball shorts, formal logic book, wittgenstein poster, black coffee, and porn tab open?

>> No.11736477

Same im thinking of respeccing to something like climate science cause the planet's dying cloud

>> No.11736490

My reading is more or less the only thing that gets me through the day; I'm miserable whenever I'm not doing it. I would only bother going back if it's impossible for you to make it without doing so.

There's something else.that motivates me too. I have massive chip on my shoulder from attending such a shitty school, and I want s degree from a better one.

>> No.11736578

I want that couch

>> No.11736699

I fucked because I'm not intelligent enough for philosophy and I can't handle the workload. I wasnt prepared for this to be so demanding. Also, I pretty much just interested in Nietzsche and maybe Marx and Heidegger. Is not that I think everyone else in the tradition are worthless but I'm just interested in them.
I'm a loser

>> No.11736704

I doubt that someone who comes to lit isn't smart enough to major in philosophy

>> No.11736722

You should doubt about that. I think you are forgetting about tons of underage idiots just being here for le may mays.

>> No.11736736

I apply to 3 of those things as a phil major

>> No.11736813

Why do people make fun of new balances? They are so fucking nondescript.

>> No.11736847

>that image
Yikes and grosspilled

>> No.11736849

Its funny just tell yourself its funny

>> No.11736872

>raper understands unwanted pregnancy better than woman because they met multiple cases

>> No.11736970

are all phil majors this gay? asking for a prospective phil major phriend

>> No.11737134

As long as you have good grades and are active in your major, you didn’t fuck up

This “stem is the only way” meme is gay snd stupid

>> No.11737172
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>> No.11737202

i majored in philosophy and this is uncomfortably accurate lol what the fuck

>> No.11737213

this is literally just for NYC and LA folks only. no philosophy bros are going on resident advisor for the zero techno events or the going to the zero council thrift shops that exist in the rest of the country.

>> No.11737239

fucking wh*te people and their books and glass jars
wh*tes should be illiterate and drink from puddles like us cool niggers

>> No.11737241


By all means go back and study a humanities subject but pls don't study philosophy.

>> No.11737379

what the fuck do you think thrifty means

>> No.11737406


>> No.11737419

This type of guy is cool and I'd hang out with him

>> No.11737426

Studying a culture subject in the humanities. Thinking of taking political science as a minor and then switching to that as my major. Just not sure my current major will help me find a job.

>> No.11737437

>goes to "safe spaces" to hit on women
Real ass dude

>> No.11737467

Studied philosophy in the Netherlands and this is accurate as fuck. The look, the cigs, the Prousts quotes, got pretty triggered desu.

>> No.11737492
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its alright pal, its all gonna be fine

>> No.11737495
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Based and redpilled

>> No.11737531

lmao dont tell me that ppl actually quote proust irl

>> No.11737568

And PolSci will?

>> No.11737629

oh yeah this totally describes UK/netherlands/german philosophy bros pretty accurately, but it definitely doesn't for Americans unless theyre in nyc/la and the OP image creator is clearly american

>> No.11737670

what even are "safe spaces" outside of the internet?

>> No.11737675

Is it bad that I always read POC as "Pieces Of Chit", it's completely unintentional I swear.

>> No.11737688

That image doesn't accurately depict any of the philosophy bros I've met.

>> No.11737924

Won't it? Political science seems like a practical and respectable subject, that will help me when trying for a job. Am I wrong to think so?

>> No.11737937

It's respectful but not practical

>> No.11737940

>most famous music critic in the world
Lmfao, no way. Maybe for teenagers on 4chan

>> No.11737947

That makes an awful lot of sense to me, honestly.

>> No.11737954

Name a single living music critic with more influence than him

>> No.11738018

Actually not a bad idea. I had an uncle who did that. Made lots of money with his degree, took some time off work to study literature. I find it weird that gap years are so prevalent instead of taking unpaid leave after your education.

>> No.11738032


>> No.11738042


>> No.11738050

stfu tripfag

>> No.11738056

Mark Prindle

>> No.11738060

Yeah because no one I know has a single thing in common with what OP's ridiculous chart purports, whereas plenty of people on this board majoring in w/e do.

>> No.11738069

>hasn't heard of Richard Meltzer
This Fantano guy might be influential to the masses, but to people who actually care about music, no. Meltzer is essential reading for anyone who cares about Rock chronology and honestly you're outing yourself as a total chain consumer by not knowing this.

>> No.11738079

>>tfw fell for the "major in what you like" meme
Know the feeling anon
>be 14
>choosing subjects in school
>everyone says "do what you love!"
>I do
>now I can't do the A levels that will actually be useful in life

>choosing A levels
>everyone says do what you enjoy
>now I can't do a degree that will actually set me up for life

Boomers and normies really are dumb and retarded.

>> No.11738155

I really doubt it
I really belived in myself at some point, but I'm just not motivated enough. I'm really not interested in the 90% of the things they make us read and I don't have enough vitality to also read other suff that does interest me on the side.
The other students are cool but most of them seem to be almost religious for the random narratives they like to explain reallity with. You really can't discuss with them without being called a relativist or even a nihilist. I don't know why are they like that.
I think I will probably have to drop 2 obligatory courses this semester if I don't want to end up killing myself.
I feel so ashamed. There are people younger than me that are brilliant. They go through really difficult texts, multiple at the same time, and I'm barely handling the first year.
I should probably drop this semester and focus on fixing my mental health but I don't to make my stay in this hell place any longer.
I also don't want to disappoint my parents (again). They seem to belive I'm some kind of genius or something. This will probably will sound so stupid to people who had shitty, always abusive parents.

>> No.11738177

>listening to other peoples bad advice

your own fault

>> No.11738189

>bad mental health

checks out hahaha

>> No.11738203


I studied philosophy. My advice would be to drop everything you've put into philosophy as part of your identity upon graduation. It's a decent minor but you can't do anything with it and holding onto any pretence that (academic) philosophy is worthwhile to your personal existence is not going to end well. Same with English Lit too I suspect.

>> No.11738204
File: 8 KB, 186x266, 3137322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christians have good mental heal-

>> No.11738218

You haven't lived until you've seen an autistic arts student drink water out of a jar.

>> No.11738255

>alex grey paintings
also alex grey the pornstar

>> No.11738279

What do you do now?

>> No.11738283

Drop out, man, it's not gonna work out if it's that cumbersome and unpleasant already. In the matter of fact, cease your filial subservience and reconsider even applying to a university, your life doesn't depend on it.

>> No.11738287


>> No.11738294

Philosophy is the best major. Prove me wrong.

>the queen of the sciences and liberal arts
>a wealth of material to study in any language you choose for your major, from greek and latin to sanskrit and hebrew to german and french
>have taken classes on the following /lit/ topics:
>start with the greeks
>resume with the romans
>ingress into islam
>meditate on the medievals
>moderate with the moderns
>presume with the postmodernists
>philosophy of science and language and logic
>philosophy of mind and cognitive science
>contemporary issues in analytic metaphysics
>contemporary continental theories of the political
>theories and philosophies of religion

>> No.11738305

Fuck it just drop out bro. Fuck college. Biggest scam in history.

>> No.11738362

this guy was an atheist struggling with wanting to be christian

>> No.11738370

Are you addicted to the internet at all? How much time do you spend in the library actually tackling the texts?

>> No.11738372


>> No.11738514

>Are you addicted to the internet at all?
Yes, but less than before. An app called cold turkey helps a lot.
Not trying to be a shill but I rec to everyone who is addicted to this crap.
I don't know I don't time it. On a good day I can read for an hour straight and then I take a half hour break and keep going until I just feel my brain its dry. I'm an extremely slow reader tho.
I usually can't do more than 4 hours aprox in one day. I could spend time studying at night when I start feeling recharged again, but since I'm "bipolar" I can't really play with my sleeping pattern, other wise things get even worse.

>> No.11738523

fpbp, biggest pseud genres of all time

if someone listens to electronic music and claims they have a grasp on kant or the like, its patently false

>> No.11738635

>put in some philosophy shit that everyone likes
>put in some negative character traits
>people see starter pack, identify with the former
>feel like they may possess the latter

clever ruse

>> No.11738654

>I fucked it up, didn't I
Only if it turns out there's actually something you like a lot more than philosophy, such as making a lot of money, or being envied by others, or things along those lines. The advice to do what you like is actually sound, the problem is that young people so rarely know what they actually like.

>> No.11738661

Reading daily for a few hours should be more than sufficient for staying up to date with schoolwork and maybe exploring another text or two on the side. How many pages can you read per hour?

>> No.11738692

>I'm really not interested in the 90% of the things they make us read
Ok so actually you aren't interested in philosophy. If you only find Nietzsche, Heidegger and Marx interesting but not Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Sartre, Russell, Wittgenstein, Quine, Rorty, Davidson, etc etc, you aren't actually interested in exploring different ideas about reality and following the philosophical dialectic, rather just reading the people you already agree with.

>> No.11738756

>An atheist
>If the truth were outside of Christ I would prefer to stay with Christ

>> No.11738776

Sartre isn't interesting

>> No.11738778

t. thinks all electronic music is mindless rave music
To make such a blanket statement to imply that no good can come from electronic music clearly means that either.
1: You've listened to every piece of music made with digital components, John Doe's unreleased mixtapes included and made a conclusion.
2: You haven't and your conclusion is based on an ill mind.

>> No.11738792

racism isn't a singular experience; if you're disenfranchised systematically, racism is a state of being for both those who perpetuate and those who suffer it.

you understand the act of 'being' a racist more than most POC; but there are POC who are also racist. their understanding might exceed yours.

>> No.11738848

Finding a handful of thinkers uninteresting is to be expected. But 90%?

>> No.11738887

No need to be so aggressive, man.

>> No.11739019

>tfw you regularly drink liquor out of those jars
>tfw you learnt it from construction workers
>tfw you now learn that elsewhere hipsters do that

>> No.11739185

What do you do with a philosophy degree that isn't teaching or using it as your undergrad and then becoming a lawyer?

>> No.11739271


>> No.11739279

you do know that there other jobs than specialized careers?

>> No.11739306

techno is probably the most lit genre outside of jazz and classical

>> No.11739316

boopatiss ahtiss
boopatiss ahtiss
boopatiss ahtiss

made a techno poem

>> No.11739317

Is? I thought it shut down a long time ago.

>> No.11739319

>takes a book to parties as a talking point.
People actually do this?

>> No.11739331

techno events (at least in Europe, but probably also in nyc as this image and some anon before suggested) are basically gay people + hipsters in thick rim glasses who smoke cigarettes and read Foucault, Kierkegaard, Kant, Proust, Burroughs, Proust, etc.

>> No.11739398

>basketball shorts
>wittgenstein poster
>and porn tab open

You're not fooling anyone anon

>> No.11739426
File: 18 KB, 565x437, 1516422961110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw was poor and has to drink tap water out of mason jars as a kid
>get made fun of by 8 year old hipster faggots
>said faggots grew up and drink brand name water out of jars to be cool and unique

>> No.11739458
File: 2.25 MB, 3024x3024, 1A632073-A163-44AA-9E27-5B4D09E0C9D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is systemic in the US

>> No.11739464

>You're not fooling anyone anon
w-what do you mean?

>> No.11739485

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11739496

I've done literally none of these, except read Crime and Punishment and Critique of Pure Reason. Is this image supposed to make a point, or something?

>> No.11739502
File: 39 KB, 550x512, 1415551734385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wont stop talking about the time he went to Berlin

Too fucking accurate

>> No.11739541

I dont agree with marx

>> No.11739581

Depends of the text. Sometimes I can spend half an hour in just two pages

>> No.11739676

based truth poster

>> No.11739710

stfu tripfag

>> No.11739773

t. anglo

>> No.11739832

Doing what you enjoy isn't a meme though. No degree sets you up for life either. If you're going to do something purely for money you better be disciplined, because there are going to be people who do like it and you're going to be competing with them. Chances are if you don't enjoy what you're doing at some level you aren't going to make money with it anyway (or at least anywhere as near much money as you think).

>> No.11739912
File: 200 KB, 400x534, 1531515647042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11739917

Based and redpilled

>> No.11739923

I posted that because that's my course

>> No.11739933

I'm complete fucking right though. Simply by the fact that he is the ONLY celebrity music critic. Lester Bangs in long dead and Chistgau is irrelevant

>> No.11739938

>people who actually care about music
>anyone who cares about Rock chronology
pick one

>> No.11739942

How so? What are some examples of techno songs or artists that cultured people listen to? I've never met an interesting person who likes techno but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.11739949

The idea of there being a 'philosophy major' stereotype is idiotic. There are three kinds of phil students, each of which form their own distinct species.

There are the traditional western philosophy people, who, in their first semesters visit seminars across the board, find one or two topics or philosophers they have high compatibility with, and then generally stay in their little corner, the mystics who are interested in all kinds of topics, eastern philosophy, continental writings, memetics and possibly depth psychology, but bring everything back to some kind of nonduality/dialectic monism doctrine, and then there's the politics fraudsters who - for some reason - study philosophy, even though they exclusively read (if they do read) texts on social or political theory, and who consistently and sometimes successfully push for the inclusion of blatantly unphilosophical and even antiphilosophical seminars into the curriculum.

>> No.11739966

Oh, I guess I'm the two last ones at once. Feels good.

>> No.11739980

Why don't you just detach yourself from your earthly concerns or something?

>> No.11739992

I literally come here only to read you guys make fun of each other. I hate reading and I'm currently doing a master on mathematical engineering, so basically I don't even read (I do, but it's mostly about applied math).

My point is, there's no way I would be able to major in philosophy and I attend here on a daily basis cause you guys are funny.

>> No.11739993

Jokes on you, I already did. I just do phil to entertain myself. It's pretty fun, everyone are so stressed out over passing and I'm just enjoy my day.

>> No.11739999

>fell for physics
>hate academic world
i dont know what the fuck i was thinking at that moment.

>> No.11740069


>> No.11740111

I know that fell...

>> No.11740125

>love art
>grew up conservative
>go to arts university
I don't know what I expected but it wasn't non-stop cognitive dissonance in all areas but art.

>> No.11740134

>it wasn't non-stop cognitive dissonance in all areas but art.
what do you mean?

>> No.11740164

people introducing contradicting political positions and inserting miscellanous social activism and irrelevant discussions into a platform where art didn't actually exist. Art should inform not the other way around. It was basically an education in personal propaganda rather than artistic study.

>> No.11740170

So professors preached their political agenda instead of being neutral about it?

>> No.11740195

Not to mention the students.
Again, my fault for not seeing it coming but the majority of the people their were fashistic in what what believed to be correct opinions of subject matter yeah, ironic considering their anti-authoritarian spin. I'm not even that right of center either.

>> No.11740207

How about actual arts? Did you learn something useful?

>> No.11740220

>studying for the only sake of earning money

>> No.11740225

>Synthetic Bilogy
Im taking over this planet in the name of TechnoCore.

>> No.11740229

>Beware the forthcoming hype, this is ersatz shit
Lel no

>> No.11740235

>Synthetic Biology*
t. human

>> No.11740303

Also pretty good for finding decent looking degenerate white women. All the fags and zero charisma dorks at these events made it fucking ez to get laid. I recommend it dudes if youre at least somewhat confident. Music is alright too

>> No.11740335

Lads, I graduated with a degree in philosophy 2 years ago and let me tell you what my life is like:

>make $200k+ a year between working extremely chill hours at a startup that brought me on to train their onboard AI to solve Wittgensteinian knots and perform other tasks related to metalanguage processing via deep learning, and my crypto portfolio.
>chilling back most days at home, which is a swank 3BR apartment in the coolest and most authentically "literary" neighborhood of one of America's foremost metropolises, smoking good as hell kush, and reading mostly Exit-level fiction and criticism these days, very little actual philosophy.
>maintain active email correspondences with several of my favorite academics and writers, friends with Slavoj Zizek
>gf is a 9/10 jewish "art hoe" whose dad is on the board of mcsweeneys
>actually making progress on my novel
>have access to pretty much whichever obscure psychedelic drug i see on erowid due to my work connections
>own all current generation consoles

>> No.11740339

>one out of million chance
good to you

>> No.11740363

all undergrads suck imo. there’s no reason to beat yourself up over taking philosphy.

also, pro tip, people who bitch about their useless major are just clueless about finding a job and usually expect jobs to drop from the sky into their laps.

>> No.11740373

sorry forgot the sarcastic quotation marks


I guess, if I spent tens of thousands of dollars on my education, I’d be inclined to get all emotional and call it useless.

>> No.11740391

go back to lesswrong you humorless mong

>> No.11740440

>makes $200k+
>still plays games
yeah, this is LARP incarnate, if not a joke I seriously pity that life

>> No.11740451

Stay flustered cuck, even Pynchon recognizes that PSX era JRPGs are art.

>> No.11740454

>>own all current generation consoles

>> No.11740474

>Computer Science
turned out the only related thing I really like is the practical software development part, and my true love is philosophy

>> No.11740483
File: 19 KB, 280x228, isuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major in THIS son. Read on the freeway 24/7

>> No.11740489

same but opposite. wish I had just studied Computer Science. Maybe we're both right

>> No.11740511

It's almost like it's just a mildly good idea and not some kind of statement or something.

>> No.11740690

yeah, like 2 years ago, he's fucking massive now

>> No.11740775

>not having books with you 24/7
>going to parties where people don't have books also
never gonna make it, buddy

>> No.11741464

What, you've never heard of affirmative action?

>> No.11741481

>Not agreeing with the leftist narrative of racism as a white person
>Not agreeing with the leftist narrative of racism as a non white person

>> No.11741488

poorfags can't afford CUPS lmao