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File: 369 KB, 783x530, reddit cant handle ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11729269 No.11729269 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to try and start reading the works of Joyce. Is there an order in which I should go about in read Joyce?

>> No.11729293

is ulysses even a good book
the plot sounds pretty gay. sounds like Joyce was a cuck with a fart fetish

>> No.11729334

Ulysses was basically the Ready Player One of its day

>dude references lmao

>> No.11729397

Back to redd*t, child

>> No.11729462

But the prose

>> No.11729478
File: 55 KB, 422x345, D41DA277-ADC1-45F1-BE38-D5A6B19168FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh glassics

>> No.11729501

Epic meme, son

>> No.11729505

Lmao at people having the gall to call Ulysses "badly written" because it's too difficult for them to understand (by their own admission). Go ahead and admit you're too stupid for something (alternatively, try to work on your stupidity problem) but don't pretend like you're actually allowed to have an opinion on it in that case.

>> No.11729546

>tfw will probably be the only person in my town to have read Ulysses
i'll suffer it just for that thought

>> No.11729569

Listen to Frank Delaney's Re:Joyce podcast

>> No.11729682
File: 503 KB, 500x667, 154040A4-A2F9-4D41-81FF-49C75FD16E5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fart fart fart
>Yep, that’s what I call classics!
never stop posting

>> No.11729694

>it offends my conservative sensibility so it's shit!

lol why even read?

>> No.11729735
File: 688 KB, 1242x869, 54E95016-4C00-4263-B690-DDA0DC576D61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren’t reading farting cuckshit passed around by pseuds on r/literature why even read
it literally writes itself

>> No.11729750

>Joyce is only appreciated on reddit

Uh, sure

>> No.11729754

Read them in order, Ulysses is not hard to read if you're a literate adult.

>> No.11729800

Oh yeah! I remember Telemachus.

>When it came to my research, I never took any shortcuts. Over the past twenty years, I'd worked my way down the entire recommended Jesuit reading list. The pre-socratics. Plato. Aristotle. Cicero. St. Augustine. The rest of the church fathers. Aquinas. Dante. Locke. I read every single thing Shakespeare could have possibly been attributed to have read had we known more about him.
>And I didn't stop there.
>I also attended every single play and opera festival that could have further made me great.
>I spent three months studying BOTH of Homer's poems and memorizing all the key lines and possible metaphors/chapter-references I could use in this book.
>You could say I covered all the bases.
>I studied Flaubert. And not just Madame Bovary, either. Every single one of his novels, short stories, letters, and annotated commentary (including critical analysis on HIM).
>I wasn't going to cut any corners.
>I wasn't going to miss something obvious.
>Somewhere along the way, I started to go overboard.
>I may, in fact, have started to go a little insane.

>> No.11729811


>> No.11729827


>> No.11729873

>I'm going to try to start reading
It's not "try and". That implies you will try first and then certainly succeed, in which case you should just use whatever verb you're putting after "try and". In this case, "I going to start reading the works of Joyce. . ." If what you want to say is, "I will attempt to complete this action, but I am unsure of the outcome," you mean, "I will try to start reading the works of Joyce."

This is one of those dipshit etymological quirks in the same vein as
>I could/would/should of done something
>I could care less
>I'd rather do this then that
that results from lazy people not being corrected or refusing to learn better, being supported by brain dead motherfuckers spouting out platitudes about the mutable nature of language or not being graded in a classroom.

>> No.11729894


>> No.11729954

Ulysses difficulty is massively overrated.

>> No.11729971

human competency is massively overrated also

>> No.11729978

it's not that hard, but you have to expect the enjoyment to come from prose and not from plot or characters. It's absolutely brilliant. However, the plot is simply one random day in Dublin with some largely uninteresting characters wandering around.

>> No.11729987
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1500082261563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this is one of the things you do to become not a brainlet regardless

>> No.11729990

What about Finnegans wake? I haven't started it. But after thumbing through every couple of sentences I'm lost.

Ulysses is well writ, good as a start as any. No need to force yourself to read anything tho if you don't get it

>> No.11730005
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute plethora of portmanteau words

>> No.11730025

Yep, I mean I had to google that

>> No.11730343

>tfw live in oxford
I will never be the best read here