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/lit/ - Literature

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11728446 No.11728446 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like doorstoppers?
I find myself drawn to them for some reason. Is it because they allow for deeper narratives and character development?
Are there any great books missing from this list?

>> No.11728703

Do I likie books just because they are long? No.
Do I think books that are longer are inherently better and more capable of developing narrative than short books? No.
For instance, Atlas Shrugged would have been a better book if it was much shorter, less of a soapbox and more of a grounded story. That book exists: The Fountainhead.

>> No.11728713

not really, I usually have one sitting on my bedside table in which I read from time to time while also reading shorter books. Right now it's the Saragossa Manuscript. Then again I'm trying to read 1book/week this year which eliminates doorstoppers.

>> No.11728731

I used to think so, but then I read Of Mice and Men, and began to think stories should only be as long as they have to be

>> No.11728842

Yeah you're missing a couple.

Also should probably take Rand of off there

>> No.11728864


>> No.11728878

I took this from the /lit/ wiki. I would guess it probably needs updated. The Recognitions is missing

>> No.11729138

People on lit don’t like Dickens but I love David Copierfirld with a passion. He’s not the perfect writer, but the Dickensian type worlds in his books are always my favorite, I don’t know why I just love the feel of them, so I’m very thankful he wrote long books because I love to just sit in that world.

>> No.11729170

Reading 1q84 right now. There’s a bit too much repetition at times, though that may be on purpose and it helps jog the memory if you put the book down for a while. Long books are a lot like long format tv with a continuous plot, the characters and events can be more complicated, like the wire, but most of the time it ends up that the same thing could have been written much shorter. Sometimes you just don’t want the characters to leave.