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11725948 No.11725948 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the edgiest philosopher of all time?

>> No.11725958

Bataille. The dude even (allegedly) jacked off to his mother's corpse just to feel some fucked up pleasure or something.

>> No.11725959

>Normie tier
>hardcore tier

>> No.11725960

ligotti, if he even counts as a philosophy
>dude everything is shit because i have a condition that makes me unable to feel good things
ok man

>> No.11725963


>> No.11725967

Dark triadism

>> No.11725978

Shit I though you said philosophy. In this case Robert Greene.

>> No.11725991

that actually works though, seriously try it out, it's fucking weird how well it works

>> No.11726006

>Diagonese is hardcore

>> No.11726033

Not really. It makes you really paranoid and that's about it. The only useful trait is narcissism (the self, putting the self above authority, respecting the self, assertion). If you are caught being Machiavellian in real life then you are ripped to shreds for being fake and manipulative. Psychopathy encountered in real life gets a similar reaction too. 48 lop is trash outside a few rules.

>> No.11726051

I googled this and found a bunch of sex videos. Is this correct?

>> No.11726063

all i know is that dark triadism is those three traits, psychopathy, narcissism, and machiavellianism

i have a very fluid disposition and i can turn all three of those on or off at will, depending on what i think is right at the time, and i find that fully engaging in all 3 of them is incredibly successful for getting girls. Guys will generally become extremely aggressive or afraid when you act this way but that is just something to be dealt with.

That is if you care that much about getting girls, it isn't the most important thing, so i usually dont turn on those traits because i end up doing really violent shit that has very bad consequences for my life and reputation, which are now basically fucked.

you can also get girls by much more moral paths, so it isn't necessary to be like that, but it 100% works

>> No.11726067

What fucking search engine are you using? Dark triadism is when you value the triad of dark personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) and try to engrain them into yourself.

>> No.11726079
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>> No.11726091

Yeah it's good for getting girls, but only temporarily. To keep a girl you need to show her you are better then her, then make her value your protection and support. This idea of giving and support is an idea beyond the dark triad.

>> No.11726094

it's because of tribadism, aka scissoring.

>> No.11726098
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Thanks for the content. The Red Pills power is unmatched.

>> No.11726101

T. Watched the fucking video

>> No.11726109

no, i read the blurb of that wikipedia article you can see in the screenshot. i guess no one has used 'triadism' much, just search dark triad.

>> No.11726115

>l you need to show her you are better then her,
that is inherently involved in the dark triad though

and as for protection and support, i have noticedkind of the opposite in my relationships, when i get too loving of a girl it seems like she is less attracted whereas when i cheat on her she becomes like obsessed with pleasing me

i should mention that i figured out all this stuff instinctively in my mid-late teens in the handful of relationships i had then, and then read about it on the internet and was like 'fuck so this is an actual thing beyond just me'. I ddint know other guys had the same sort of thing, i thought it was just particular to how i was, that i was broken, and could only be that way

to be more positive though, i think there is a healhty way for men and women to interact that isnt that dark triad thing, it just doesn't make them as intensely attracted to you

>> No.11726165

Was a poet, in fact. Shelley.

>> No.11726178


>> No.11726180

>Don't give girls support and protection
>All relationships are only temporary
Proving my point desu

>> No.11726183

literally "save the world kill yourself"

>> No.11726186

Philipp Mainländer.
From what I can remember his magnum opus was about how everything had a desire to die and every action was a way of bringing it closer to death. This is because God wanted to die and the only way of doing that was by splitting himself up into different parts that would eventually die. Once his book got published he hung himself on top of it.

>> No.11726195

for a long term relationship you cant act like that because it is so violent and something will give at some point, but for a 1-2 year one it makes for a very intense relation

im not interested in all those redpill guy's ideas about what you are supposed to do, i dont believe we are really supposed to do anything, but they are right on the money about attraction and dark triad traits

>> No.11726203

Extremely based. Also,
>much /lit/ death

>> No.11726309

Fried Neecha.

>> No.11726316

Nietzsche, because exploring pessimism and the horrors of life to its deepest depths and then creating a philosophy that accepts and celebrates life completely is way edgier than who is me death merchants like Mainlander or Hegesias or Zapffe or Schopenhauer et cetera.

I can’t think of anything edgier than an amor fati that doesn’t look away.

>> No.11726386
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>> No.11726400

Elrond Hubbard

>> No.11726420

"You think disneyland is fake but YOUR fake"

>> No.11726427

should i start using duck duck go?

>> No.11726429

isn't that just autism? Not really a philosophy

>> No.11726433

If you can turn them on and off at will you don't actually have them you goddamn autist, you're just immitating your conception of them as gained through TV and the internet. You're either born with it or you aren't, and the ones who are born with it are fucked up with problems worse than not getting muh pussy.

>> No.11726460

Tell me about the violent shit.

>> No.11726494


>> No.11726500

reminder this poster also believes this: >>11700251

>> No.11726514
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>I can turn all three of those on or off at will

No you can't you fucking sperg, having said that, it's actually pretty narcissistic to believe you can turn on and off such a rare and strange personality disorder as psychopathy, you're just trying to convince yourself you have those traits because if you are a weak man, a psychopath then seems like the ideal man to you, except psychopaths are really the most inept of the entire species, they literally can't do anything right, and when they do it's like they have burning passion to ruin it just for lolz

Seriously, go read The mask of sanity, pop culture has made psychopaths into some sort of alpha male cold hearted badass that gets all the chicks, while in reality they are not, they can't even enjoy sex, a life without strong emotions (which they lack) is a pretty shitty life

>> No.11726518

this sure is an interesting group of people we choose to associate with

>> No.11726535

fuck you, especially if you're the same person that always posts this
how is it jesus and socrates die for us and everyone praises them to high heavens but bataille jerks off on his dead mom's corpse with his pregnant wife in the next room so you have the freedom to be whatever or whoever you want and somehow he's a monster?

>> No.11726545

yeah he wants to kill me >>11709449

he's not wrong about the dark triad thing though

>> No.11726559

What a fucking nutter.

>> No.11726565

Bataille wasn't as edge as Sade though

>> No.11726568

this is probably one of those things where this guy will end up killing someone in the future and then the news will say "4chan nut kills, what exactly is this crazy website? [insert news bimbo] explains"

>> No.11726589

For long term planning, the dark triad needs a fourth trait. When you eventually get sick/injured and need your minions and lovers to take care of you, the fourth trait prevents them from backstabbing you

>> No.11726678

>larping as Patrick Bateman
he should at least try going to /tv/

>> No.11726726

It's botnet. Use startpage or searx

>> No.11726731
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>Hans Heinz Holz warned that "Stirner's egoism, were it to become actualized, would lead to the self-destruction of the human race."

>Edmund Husserl once warned a small audience about the "seducing power" of Der Einzige -- but never mentioned it in his writing.

>In hiss opus magnum Joel writes: 'The Ego' is the "most rampant heretic book a human hand has ever written", and Stirner laid with it the foundation for a veritable "devil's religion."

>Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner]." The "destruction of alienation", that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to "the return to authenticity", and this would be "nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status."

>Calasso too regards Stirner's "Egoist" or rather "Owner" as an "artificial barbarian", an "anthropological monster" etc.. 'The Egoist' is the "writing on the wall", signalling the doom of occidental culture.

>Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.

>NevertheIess in his study of Nietzsche, [Klages] was prompted to commemorate the author Stirner as a "sheer demoniacal dialectician." Stirner, he says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because "the day on which Stirner's program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the 'doomsday' of mankind."

>> No.11726737

spooky stuff

>> No.11727110


>> No.11727118

I live about ten minutes from where it’s being translated. I want to do a heist and steal an early copy.

>> No.11727205

how is nietszche normie tier if he is widely misrepresented? you should specify that its the perception of nietzsche that is edgy

>> No.11727279

Traditionalism is the opposite of edgy.

>> No.11727301

evola was like satanism lite, literal marxists have more traditional beliefs than evola

>> No.11727310


>> No.11727318

Shelley is pretty edgy but everyone from Robert Smith to Stalin copying him kind of takes the edge off, you know?

>> No.11727325

i read he also inspired mussolini but i havent found a good source on that

>> No.11727333

Mussolini's mostly ghostwritten by futurists, who are pretty spooked but probably still Stirner fans. I'll back you up without evidence

>> No.11727376

Machiavellianism is based, narcissism is just deluded retards and psychopathy is utter shit, literally missing out all the best feelings of life and have to rape and murder to stay sane.

>> No.11727382
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Whoever wrote this if this counts

>> No.11727542

>and i find that fully engaging in all 3 of them is incredibly successful for getting girls
well this part of the LARP is correct at least https://scottbarrykaufman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Dark-Triad-Personality.pdf

>> No.11728531


>> No.11728567

Schopenhauer according to Wittgenstein:
>"Schopenhauer has got quite a crude mind. Where real depth begins, his ends."

>> No.11728575

Like the other person said, It's "botnet", only some parts of the code is open-source and their domain is hosted in the US, which is quite suspicious and we know how the US government works.

SearX is the best available option nowadays.

>> No.11728628

Diogenes wasn't hardcore, he was right.

>> No.11728663


>> No.11728774

It's more fun on here honestly. This one didn't work that well people seem to have seen through the larp. And yeah nothing I wrote in those posts is true lol. Almost nothing I've ever posted on this sit is true

The dark triad thing is potentially true I have no idea

>> No.11729028

>Insert News Bimbo
fucking great band name

>> No.11729430


>> No.11730274
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>can turn them on and off at will
definitely have narcissism