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/lit/ - Literature

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11725402 No.11725402 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ study?
What's your career or hopeful career?
What are you reading?

>> No.11725413

Psych, hoping to one day be a therapist.
Reading some basic non-fiction to get into reading. Going to read some psychology books when I'm done.

Unironically Jordan Peterson helped me out and it made me wanted to pursue pscyh. /lit/ probably isn't going to like this

>> No.11725422

Engineering, hoping to work automation/controls in the power sector

>> No.11725426

dont study anything or have a career, just work random jobs. will probably die in my 20s due to drinking or getting myself killed, have no plans for the future

Reading a bunch of stuff about eastern religion, and also war and peace

>> No.11725439

Honestly Kermit got me into philosophy so I can’t judge, as long as you grow out of your cultist phase it’s all good

>> No.11725441


>> No.11725452

>when out of all the people, the one who gets you interested in philosophy is a clinical psychologist conservative pundit

>> No.11725461

Yeah, I quit listening to him for awhile because I was agreeing with too much of what he said.
I certainly don't agree with him on everything and there our certain flaws I notice more now.
The idea that someone could actually help someone else live a meaningful life just inspired me. I think it's probably possible to do from multiples angels, not just Petersons.
I want to read up on a bunch of psychology texts and decide for myself. where I stand.

>> No.11725464

I was young and poorly read, fuckin sue me lad

>> No.11725465

holy fuck my typing is awful today

>> No.11725467

Honestly if I was given two lives one of them would be spent trying to become a clinical psychologist because like you I feel that helping people is magical, but I’ve chosen this academia path and now I walk it

>> No.11725483

What are you pursuing in academia anon?

>> No.11725491

More like because you're a fucking self centered maniac and want to be a controlling tyrant in other people's lives
Psychologists are full of shit fucking lunatics. Scientology was right about them

>> No.11725498

ive had to see a lot of psychologists and theyre mostly just normal people who seem more introspective than the average person. Usually i found their ideas about how the mind works a bit laughable but well you cant expect that much, it is not a real science

>> No.11725503

Do you have bad experiences with them anon? If so lay it on me please

I agree they have quite a bit of power in their job

>> No.11725505

I feel like any career path is my foreclosing of a literary success.

It's scary

>> No.11725509

Fuck yourself dawg

>> No.11725520

History is cool anon, I always feel like I learn the most in history classes too.

Good luck on your pursuits anon

>> No.11725522

Never mind my personal experiences just spend five seconds reading the history of psychology. There's are people who will happily literally tear sections of your brain apart if its towards patting themselves on the back and its no different today only covered up by subtler poisons. They're absolute lunatics as a rule and should be avoided at all costs for your own self preservation

No fuck you, you fucking cunt

>> No.11725527

You too anon

>> No.11725532

Check out this poorly read lad

>> No.11725539

I study slavistics/slavic studies

>> No.11725543

Yeah go take your pills Jimmy, everyone around you cares about you and your interests

>> No.11725545

I studied business, speech therapy and I'm about to study programming. I'd like to make a living writing novels.

Just finished Speak Memory by Nabs and i'm starting Joyce's Portrait

>> No.11725546

That’s cool, I’m a dabbling Russophile myself. What got you interested in the subject?

>> No.11725550

Shut the fuck up Joey

>> No.11725557

I´m a pole and like Dostojewski, so I thought I might as well do this.

>> No.11725560

I rarely meet Poles who have the slav brotherhood thing, usually there is a lot of resentment against Russians. People frequently think i am Russian(i am not) so i have had this hostility directed at me lol

>> No.11725563

Anon do you hate therapist too?
They cannot prescribe drugs

>> No.11725572

I also like Dosto polebro

>> No.11725575

Computer engineering, but I have no idea what I actually want to do as a career. I'm currently reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11725583

I plan on studying philosophy and dedicating my life to teaching and writing on my spare time and yes I know it's a terrible career choice unless I want to starve but /r9k/ told me I have life on easy mode so I'm taking advantage of that

>> No.11725601

Studying first-year law. I want to be a practising lawyer. Currently reading The Ode Less Travelled

>> No.11725605

Thinking about being a detective.

>> No.11725610

I study philosophy at the moment, after i obtain my degree I HAVE NO IDEA

>> No.11725612

having a career while you write makes your bio more interesting. it's frankly boring when it's yet another "ivy league/iowa/yaddo" academic-industrial complex drone

>> No.11725654

I studied fine art while in college. At first it was gonna be graphic design, but due to transferring from one institution to another, my major got all fucky. Kinda hoping to get into some kind of design industry, maybe advertising even?
Currently, I'm reading a smattering of authors: Plato (Gorgias) and Kenzaburo Oe (Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids) and John Williams (Augustus).

>> No.11725699

My favorite is Notes from the Underground, whats yours?
There is no need for hate, at least for such. I never talked about slav brotherhood though.

>> No.11725736


>> No.11725755

you know about the whole slavophile thing though right, pan-slavism or whatever it is. Maybe it was a bigger thing in the 1800s

>> No.11725832

Yeah I’d say notes is my favorite as well

>> No.11725844

Dropped out of college as a History major. Really regret it.
Currently working in Engineering, really enjoy my job but of course I'd love to be a successful writer.
Currently finishing up Fahrenheit 451, then moving to Darwin.

>> No.11725858

getting my phd in statistics
i guess doing statistics either in academia or private sector, but im pretty much aiming for decent paid but low stress gig so i can read and write in free time

reading a few books now: JR by Gaddis, The Place of Dead Roads by Burroughs, and a non-fic travelogue on Delhi India called City of Djinns

>> No.11725875

I'm a Classics student but I'm currently taking a semester off.

Spending it working mostly on improving my Greek and reading Greek stuff in translation. RN reading Phaedo and the Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World.

Not sure where to go after Phaedo though.

>> No.11725886

>phd behavioral neuroscience
>journal articles, both related and unrelated to my field

>> No.11725902

What does a classics student do anon?

>> No.11725904


>> No.11725919

electrical engineering and computer science

>> No.11725925

Depends on the uni and on the focus, but my classes are 1) learning Greek and 2) reading original Latin works and discussing them (I took Latin to an advanced level in high school)

my school doesn't have a lot of classical history, art, etc classes

>> No.11725940

Thanks, good luck anon

>> No.11725951

I'm NEET, planning on going to college soon but don;t know what I want to do.
Just finished Nichomachean Ethics.

>> No.11725952

Yes, I know. I did grew up in germany though, so thats probably why I´m like that.
Nice, I wanted to try to write a new, "modern" version of it.

>> No.11725971

English is my major. Being an editor, creative writer, or even journalist sounds promising. I've been the go-to guy for reviewing my peer's writing in high school and university. So, it's natural that editing would become my career, but I'm uncertain what with my schizoid personality; truthfully, my dream is to become a famous novelist, then there's no having to slave for some unknown lord. I'm reading "Politics and the English Language" by George Orwell.

>> No.11725972

History and I do printmaking
>Hopeful career
Museum or Uni tenure
Sutree, Ubik

>> No.11725993


>> No.11726001


don't see why you couldn't work as an editor and write on your own time. good luck with your dreams!

>> No.11726040

I study sociology, I don't have any goal set for a career

>> No.11726047

I'm reading Pensar Nagô by Muniz Sodré

>> No.11726050

Maybe i'll end up teaching teenagers at a school

>> No.11726123

> Study
Neuroscience and philosophy major
> Future
Med school, then neuro
> Reading
The Plains

>> No.11726334

Hoping to combine my love of Classics with East Asian studies. Taking Intermediate Latin this year (only one in the class, lol), and I might pick up French again, so I figure I could do something linguistic.

My overall goal for college is to become a kind of Renaissance man. I also am thinking about studying the differences in philosophies, languages, and literatures of East and West, and how they formed, and how they merged, and how they influence the perceptions of people in their respective hemispheres.

I also plan on becoming a self-published writer in the near future.

>> No.11726338
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Also, reading James Clavell's Gai-Jin. Is it any good?

>> No.11726375

Autodidact xD
I plan on becoming part of the western canon when I write my magnum opus.
Currently reading The Cosolation of Philosophy by Boethius
NEET 4 lyfe
You will probably be reading my works in your college classroom in the next 100 years as a basic requirement

>> No.11726470


Music in the abstract. From pythagoras to Kamikaze.

NYC gigging jazz/upscale mood pianist.

Truth and method - gadamer.

>> No.11726482
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Studied one year of computer science - dropped out after deciding I don't want to work 8 hours a day with that shit. Studied 5 year of mathematics, which was just 2 years dragged on 5 years because depression and what not. Haven't finished it and dropped out. Living a NEET life right now at 28. I wanted to get a PhD and be a math researcher.
Too much of a brainlet to take up any humanities as I can't digest large amounts of text if numbers aren't involved.
I am self learning web development right now and managed to make a multiplayer browser game. Maybe I can find a job in it somehow.

>> No.11726542

I study trombone performance.
I do odd jobs and gig around my city.
I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow, Shoenburg's Theory of Harmony, and Hassan's The Sphinx.

>> No.11726548

>geophysics PhD student
>academia, hopefully not so hard since this is by far the most overlooked, brainlet field of STEM
>Henri Bergson

>> No.11726571

i studied Chinese and Spanish, wanted to become a translator
got enrolled in spanish medical interpreting courses and wanted to kill myself
i'm currently trapped working at a trilingual (CHIN, SPAN, ENG) elementary school and love it but know i need something higher academically
I am currently reading breakfast of champions (hmm..) but i just finished reading 1Q84, Hard-boiled Wonderland, and Letters to a Young Poet

>> No.11726777

I majored in lit. I wish I hadn't.

>> No.11726836


>> No.11727008

>computer science
>programming or something
>Moby Dick

>> No.11727015

>mech eng
>working with solar/nuclear energy
>invisible cities by calvino

>> No.11727042

Psychology/Law School
Reading TS Eliot and some postmodern poetry

>> No.11727061

>helicopter pilot

>> No.11727306

comp sci

if i could i wouldn't work in comp sci directly, i'd earn money doing something creative that's related to the field (owning a small online business), or if i could choose anything i'd probably create music for a living, though i can't see this ever happening

it's very strange because i'm hyper aware of my own mortality and the fact that i SHOULD be pursuing my "dreams" but i still end up pursuing comfort instead

currently reading journey to the end of the night

>> No.11727481

You've spent 6 years in universities, but don't have a degree?
I'm sorry, Anon-san

>> No.11727619

>You've spent 6 years in universities, but don't have a degree
I'd go back to character creation if I were you

>> No.11727624

Literary lifestyle af

>> No.11728400


>> No.11728406

Thinking of studying lit + philosophy

>> No.11728419

Hey Anon, think the depression treatment isn't working. You deserve better

>> No.11728423

use libgen for up to date free academic books saves you hundreds / thousands of $$shekels

>> No.11728429

memerson = brainlet ledditor

>> No.11728445

third year philosophy in a heavily analytic department
>career aspiration
lol idk, probably academia but if that doesnt work out maybe government work since thats what my male family line has done for three generations
lovecrafts at the mountains of madness (enjoying but his style is frustrating)
murphy by sam beckett (just started dont know what i think)
demons by dostoevsky (its dosto so i love it)
seeing like a state by james c scott (fucking fascinating, would recommend to anyone with any political interest whatsoever)

>> No.11728447
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Linguistics, Latin and German at University.
I have partially already accepted the fact that if I don't dramatically improve my mental state and lifestyle and actually work and study hard and not act like a shut-in NEET during semester break, all the hopes I have for a career in the field will be in vain.
If my concentration level is high enough, I'm reading an introduction to Ethnology at the moment.

>> No.11728463

thanks anons

>> No.11728641

Getting a b.s. in biology, looking to be a medical writer. I've been boning up on statistics since medical writers need to be good at that (its useful for reviewing large volumes of scientific publications), but I suck at math so it's a real slog.

Just finished Behave by Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky, it was a tour de force of the current scientific understanding of human behavior. I'm currently reading Sean's Way by Proust (though it's slow going, not very motivated to read it for some reason) and a book on the 1903 Kishinev pogrom. I'm part jewish and I literally spend my evenings with a bottle of vodka watching holocaust movies and crying. I'm tucked up in the head, this caused me to leave college at age 22 and now I'm finishing up my biology degree.

I'm a big fan of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, for what it's worth.

>> No.11728645

sometimes jews piss me off but sometimes people like you remind me that we both share a profound and crippling neuroticism.

>> No.11728687

Got my B.S. in Accounting last fall and working on my Masters in Accountancy right now. Currently reading Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones and finishing The Republic.

>> No.11728689


Infinite Jest

>> No.11728692


>> No.11728698

>Hopeful Career?
Literally anytihng other thanFinance&Accounting

>> No.11728738
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>> No.11728770

How did you get into engineering without a degree ?

>> No.11728866


>> No.11728897

Aerospace engineering
Hope to become a scientist at a university or government lab
Reading GEB and The Iliad

>> No.11729013

>Author and businessman

>> No.11729033

>philosophy with a minor in pure math
>community college professor
>collection of hilda doolittle

>> No.11729059

If you want to learn web development together, hit me up on kratacoa@protonmail.com

>> No.11729201

I'm a junior studying philosophy, politics, and law with a minor in economics. Plan on going to grad school, probably gonna try to get a JD. Right now I'm re-reading Being and Nothingness by Sartre.

>> No.11729301

Do you really need 12-13 years to became a psychiatrist?

>> No.11729393

>Political Science
>hoping to write a good story, not even a great novel, just a good story
>The Brother Karamazov
I'm considering getting a degree in philosophy at some point, I'm Euro so I'd only pay the basic taxes.

>> No.11729615

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering.
I want to make video games and my own engine.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Seneca's Letters from a Stoic.

>> No.11729788

Law, private firm, judge, idk I just want money, man
Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.11729910
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Disgusting. Please do something with your lives. Consolidating information internally and dying is a blatant disregard to the responsibilities of living; you might as well speed up the process and kill yourself.

>> No.11729975

Currently going to school and trying to put together a career in academia (history or poly sci maybe) but have more progress toward comp sci. Got a late start on life somehow, up to a few years ago was nothing but wasted time and autism. But had to start sometime.. Currently reading the Iliad for the first time (fucking liberal education) and American Creation by Joseph J. Ellis.

>> No.11729980


Seems impossible if you're a sperg

>> No.11729983
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Computer information systems I don't really like but I don't know what else to do.

I think It would be cool to be a videogame programmer but I'm in the wrong major for that. My uni doesn't have computer science and i have always been a huge brainlet in math.

reading nothing at the moment.

>> No.11730007

I study applied art and graphic design, almost finished with college, only have graduate thesis left.
Competition for work in my field is not so bad where I live. I've had a couple of clients and work in design studio for the last 5 months.
for the future I would like to continue doing graphic design, maybe have my own studio one day and do illustration or graphic novel in my free time, as I would like to have book one day.

Last year I started to read more intensively, first with many long books of Stephen King, early in the year I turned to American classics, most of the books read by american high schoolers (I'm from europe and I'm fascinated with american culture) now I come to /lit/ for recommendations

>> No.11730008

something with machine learning

>> No.11730177

No you can’t because I’m trying to do that too

>> No.11730190


>> No.11730214

>I plan to be a businessman
LMAO at you

>> No.11730286

Study something that would let you invest 72k every year, and live. Invest it for a decade, with 10% or return every year, then you are a millionare and can do whatever you want.

Pursue power, anon. Not nihilism

>> No.11730327
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>he didn't go into the humanities

y-y-you were meant to s-s-save literary study.....anon....

>> No.11730804

Are you me? my uni also doesn't have CS
video game programming is hell on earth though and I recommend that if you want to make games you should just do it on the side

You could become rich. But it's quite tough.

>> No.11730874

>he fell for the academia/workshop meme
how's that crushing debt treating you?

>> No.11730878

>you willl never have rich parents and study as much as you want

Thinking of transferring to Europe

>> No.11731025

i’m a waiter. i read books to escape my miserable life..

>> No.11731372 [DELETED] 
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A little bit of background
>bipolar 1
>2month manic state (maybe longer, I dread thinking about it)
I dropped out before I finished the classes I needed to apply to uni. That was 5 years ago.
I did lots of uppers and very, very stupid things. Spychosis killed my social influence\sphere. So my network was shot to shit. Realised I was left without even the most superficial of friends.

Anyway. Past year I worked at a tech startup doing casual stuff like fix dimensions on CAD files. But those fuckers went bankrupt. Learned a lot about startups\entrepreneurship so I got that going for me.

>Yeah, it's worthless experience.

I would say my career is non-existent and my hopeful fairytale career would be some sort of cybernetics related field.

But we both know it's in the bottom of a fjord.

>> No.11731402

>What does /lit/ study?
Nothing, I am a dropout.
>What's your career or hopeful career?
since I'm worthless to most of the market, taught myself enough to work for some local tech startup. But they went bankrupt so I am unemployed for the foreseeable future.
>What are you reading?
Better angles of our nature\capital

>if you are looking in the archive I deleted the other post because of too much background & backstory

>> No.11731413

I study rocks. Where i live there is a lot of rocky mountain and companies wants to know what is beneath. Hopefully i will become a Geological Ingeneer.

I read The Cossacks from Tolstoï.

>> No.11731430

This is my last year of audiovisual communication, i don't know if then I will study marketing or screenplay

My dream is to write screenplays or become a gonzo journalist who can live of that

I'm currently reading The Family of Pascual Duarte

>> No.11731546

i have been going to school longer jumping from major to major and unis but im finally going to graudate .so never lose hope lol

>> No.11731550

why did you study CE and not pure CS if you want to make vidyas?

>> No.11731554

Graduated with an English Degree
I teach high school Language Arts
Don Delillo - Underworld
David Payne - Confessions of a Taoist on Wall Street

both >800 page megatomes

>> No.11731563

forgot to say I have a minor in environmental science, and I do some side work as a land conversation consultant.

>> No.11731574

Accountant, I'd love to do something else less soul crushing but I feel a little stuck. I'm reading Catch 22

>> No.11731591

I am studying graphic design.
Interested in brand identity because I am good at but I am not necessarily passionate about it.
Currently reading Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan.

I mostly just lurk on /lit/ because I am more or less a normie.

>> No.11731625

I started doing law to become a judge, but now I just want to live publishing books and be done with it
Kafka, finishing The Castle after 6 months

>> No.11731691

Currently getting through my first year in filmschool. I hate it almost all of the time and the only classes that I find passion on going to are those with no relation to cinema. Even professors will look you down if you despise the current state of american film, as if that automatically made you a pseud (I'm not even in the US). My only goal in life is to direct features.
Reading The Devil to Pay in the Backlands and Sun and Steel.

>> No.11731767

man what’s with all these people with actual careers and actually getting useful degrees? I though this place was losers pretending to be pseuds lmao, I felt right at home

>no idea, not art tho
>nothing for fun, school’s started and now I have no free time

>> No.11731779

Also, this course is turning me into a homophobic. I had no idea of how huge the community of gay egocentric SJW """"arthouse""" trash was till I fell inside these circles.

>> No.11731803

lol you're fucked

>> No.11731820

v cool, do homicide, vice or narcotics or you'll want to off yourself; my daddy was friends with the team who caught the Green River Killer, extremely intelligent people and much more interesting than most other professionals when you get some liquor into them.
he's talking about Freud, Skinner etc. well before pharmacotherapy was pioneered by the Merck-Pfizer-Bayer-Astra Zeneca cartels. Therapists and psychiatrists are notorious sociopaths and/or full blown sadistic psychopaths. Its a brainlet field too, not intellectually satisfying for anyone who is above like 120 iq
don't do poli-sci unless you are Jewish, Woman or Black and have connections and are at an elite grad school. Very stupid decision. Get a philosophy degree and do math as a minor or a double major, go into Logic, you can at least work with CS people and get a teaching job; law school if you don't mind losing your mind, soul and will to live
absolutely, people who do this are completely forsaken and should be thrown in incinerators.
teach yourself programming languages in demand in sectors of tech that you can break into, don't give up nigger
retarded parasite

>> No.11731988
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>teach yourself programming languages in demand in sectors of tech that you can break into, don't give up nigger

Good advice to chase the more advanced languages. If I can avoid procrastinating for a couple of months that is.

>Going to a related job fair as I'm writing this.

>> No.11732075

i was studying history before i flunked out. i picked history because i didn't know what else to do and not going to school wasn't really an option.

i have no idea what i want to do for a career. i am the most inept person i know. i tell people that i'm trying to become a screenwriter but it's a lie. i haven't written anything. i don't even really like watching television or movies. since it's so hard to break into the industry people don't really question me when i tell them i haven't really made any progress.

i'm not reading anything at the moment because i'm lazy and dumb. reading is a chore but it makes me look less dumb than i really am so i buy books and occasionally read one.

i just want to sleep and never wake up.

>> No.11732137


>> No.11732654

Don't give up fag. Gain enough self confidence to capitalise "I" and you will move from there. I suggest considering the armed forces of your country.

>> No.11732661

>What does /lit/ study?
Studied Computer Science
>What's your career or hopeful career?
Just got a job offer today to work as a Web Developer
>What are you reading?
I've been bouncing between a few books recently but I just started A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.11732793
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Math researcher
Some Hegel & 20th century harmony

>> No.11732812

I know a guy who's been going to the same university for the last 30 years and still doesn't have a degree, I don't know how he does it

>> No.11732909

>Civil Engineering
>Structural design of bridges or go into vibroacoustics, not sure yet
>Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften by Musil
Feel small brain desu.
So many smart people on /lit/.

>> No.11732926

kek, same. Network and you'll be ok

>> No.11732932


I want to be a teacher of either theory or music technology at the high school level

I'm reading a book on the New Deal for an American studies course, but for fun I'm reading Dune Messiah.

>> No.11732990

get outta here adam

>> No.11733161

I once hear about a guy who came from a really wealthy family, but they only funded their children through their college education. After they graduated they were left on their own. So this dude just kept delaying getting graduated to keep that comfy rich-kid life style going.

>> No.11733416

Do you ever think you'll regret doing civil?
I felt like such a bugman doing eng, and I wasn't even civil.

>> No.11733882

>video game programming is hell on earth
that's what i hear. I still think it would be cool to get a job doing it just so I can experience it first hand and get it out of my system.

>> No.11733904

>Do you ever think you'll regret doing civil?
Every single day for the last year, Anon.
Almost done with my masters degree though.
Genuinely have only met like two interesting people in my course of initially 200+ persons.