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/lit/ - Literature

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11724938 No.11724938 [Reply] [Original]

Post authors who are literally you

>> No.11724958
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now that 99.99% of /lit/ is covered, i'm calling it


>> No.11724971

Pessoa is a gem

>“I am nothing.
>I'll never be anything.
>I couldn't want to be something.
>Apart from that, I have in me all the dreams in the world.”

>> No.11724977
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Nestle is literally me.

He is intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor. Just like me!

>> No.11724979

>I don’t know if I’m happy this way. Nor do I care.

>> No.11725005
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>> No.11725046


>> No.11725067

Thank God I'm way past this depressive faggot phase. Go see a therapist, kids, you won't get laid nor achieve anything by being a faggot like Pessoa.

>> No.11725070

Is Hitler a viable option? Or should I just take a photo of myself because I’m writing another diary, desu

>> No.11725074
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>> No.11725093

>you won't get laid nor achieve anything
lookout everyone, there's a bugman in the thread!

>> No.11725120

t. depressive faggot

>> No.11725149

The author of My Diary Desu

>> No.11725205
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>> No.11725256


I hate myself and even live in Prague.

>> No.11725289

Yet Pessoa is arguably the most famous Portuguese poet and widely talked about? Not everything in life is butterflies and honey. Depression is a lot more interesting than naive optimism

>> No.11725292


>> No.11725301

DUDE getlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaid

>> No.11725309

>Not everything in life is butterflies and honey.
Not everything in life is depression, being an incel, and hiding in retarded noms de plume, neither. I bet he would have changed his being known by some people and loved by faggots for a normal life with a loving woman any day of the week.

>> No.11725312

and achieve things*

>> No.11725344 [DELETED] 

>Haver injustiça é como haver morte.
Eu nunca daria um passo para alterar
Aquilo a que chamam a injustiça do mundo.

A total cuck.

>> No.11725361

not the previous poster,

Maybe so, but does that make his life as it was less valuable than a normal one?

Jesus would've preferred being not crucified, for instance.

>> No.11725371

"Haver injustiça é como haver morte.
Eu nunca daria um passo para alterar
Aquilo a que chamam a injustiça do mundo."

A total cuck.

>> No.11725374

yeah and getlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaid getlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaid getlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaidgetlaid

>> No.11725378

>a normal life with a loving woman any day of the week.
i had this before my madness began, and while it was really nice, it was not as interesting as the interesting bits of my madness. looking back on it now it seems like a different person than what i am now.

there are feelings of intensity which you just cant have living a normal life, or rather the feelings prevent you from being normal. being an isolated incel is never the answer though, maintaining a connection with people is important

i relate more to Trakl than Pessoa as far as fucked up poets go

>> No.11725384

where is this from

>> No.11725407
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These three are essentialy /lit/, also werther if he was a real person

>> No.11725414
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I can't decide which one

>> No.11725416

here is a good Trakl poem:

Under the trimmed willows, where brown children
are playing
And leaves tumbling, the trumpets blow. A quaking
of cemeteries.
Banners of scarlet rattle through a sadness of maple
Riders along rye-fields, empty mills.
Or shepherds sing during the night, and stags step
Into the circle of their fire, the grove’s sorrow
immensely old,
Dancing, they loom up from one black wall;
Banners of scarlet, laughter, insanity, trumpets.

>> No.11725420

>Jesus would've preferred being not crucified, for instance.
Hyperbole. But even Borges had wives and girlfriends, ffs. Pessoa had serious depression issues.

>does that make his life as it was less valuable than a normal one?
No, but that's not the point.

I still think he's interesting as as a personage, but I wouldn't trade my life for his like I would with other poets like Lord Byron.

>> No.11725444

Why does this board suddenly hate Pessoa so much? He was a genius poet that wrote some unpublished, introspective fragments under a heteronym which later became the Book of Disquiet. Everyone keeps treating him as if he's just pathetic /r9k/ trash.

>> No.11725448

people are very anxious to not be seen as incels so they loudly declaim anyone who could be construed as one so they aren't tarred by association

see also leftists obsessively shitting on people they view as racist

>> No.11725469
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>> No.11725472

Started reading No Longer Human today and it read like My Diary, Desu, so I guess Dazai

>> No.11725497

Why do you faggots hate Pessoa now? I agree he's not a model to follow but he brightly expresses his anguish and sadness in beatiful poems, you can feel his despair and I guess we agree that this is the value of an artist: portrait the tragedy of human condition.

>> No.11725499

Utter trash ideology and worldview. Nietzsche would spit on Faggoa's face and make him his bitch.

>> No.11725500

Pessoa did have a woman.
You are not Pessoa, you probably mean you are Bernardo Soares. They are not the same and the book of disquiet is not srmi autobiographical. Pessoa even said he did not have the same ideas as him only that their writing style is the same.

>> No.11725504

Maybe the people who read him in their teens have outgrew that angsty phase and now see that he doesn't add anything of value to their lives.

>> No.11725506
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>> No.11725514

Sadness and introspection are for teenagers, I'm a real man, I clean my room ALL by myself.

>> No.11725517
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>> No.11725519
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His last text was written in English, laguage in which he was educated:"I know not what tomorrow will bring."

>> No.11725531


>> No.11725535
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If you guys want some recent photos of me, I've got them. Starting to feel the light going out...

>> No.11725542

the people who hate on him here are peterson "wash your penis" midwits that know nothing about art and barely read. pessoa is seen as one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century.

>> No.11725553

please fuck off

>> No.11725556
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>> No.11725558
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>> No.11725561

t. angsty teen

>> No.11725573

t. Angsty YA

>> No.11725580

>i'm all grown up! so now i spend my time bickering in 4chan threads!
fuck off

>> No.11725585

i don't even know, even the chads in my school liked pessoa. definitely some sort of insecurity.

>> No.11725587

I think people here only read book of disquiet and are misplacing fernando pessoa for bernardo soares. His work is so much more than depressive shit, it is also very bright and hopeful a lot of times

>> No.11725588
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>> No.11725595

>the people who hate on him here are peterson "wash your penis" midwits that know nothing about art and barely read.
Don't exaggerate, it's not one way or the other, that's a simple-minded worldview, do try to be conscious about it. All in all one can argue that Pessoa's poetry has some artistic and aesthetic merit to it, but his worldview and general attitude towards life can seem pathetic and sentimental once one passes a cartain age or phase in one's life. And that is only natural, to outgrow things, whatever their origin.

>> No.11725599
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>> No.11725604


>> No.11725618

You are honestly such an idiot. How much of Pessoa have you even read?

>> No.11725619

>Eye patch
a monocle would have been the only right choice

>> No.11725621

those shits don't work lol also he was used to waring glasses so it was normal for him

>> No.11725628

"The humorist who never smiles and makes our blood run cold, the inventor of other poets and self-destroyer, the author of paradoxes clear as water, and like water, dizzying, the mysterious one who doesn't cultivate mystery, mysterious as the moon at noon, the taciturn ghost of the Portuguese midday--who is Pessoa?"
Y-yup literally me
>his world view
please do explain his world view to me. oh and you have read more than the book of disquiet, yes? because he goes much beyond that.

>> No.11725630

someone once told me i reminded them of Pbtp Gosling. I have also gotten the white trash kid from the tv show the OC multiple times

only from people who dont know me though, i apparently look like white trash

>> No.11725632

>be this guy
>barber asks: "What dost thou want, famiel?"
>this guy says: "I don't give two shits about my hairdo. But give me fucking fancy beard that looks like a fucking keyhole!"

>> No.11725643

>How much of Pessoa have you even read?
Mensagem, Livro do desassossego, and two books of collected poems. In Portuguese of course (coming from a Spanish-speaking background, it was easy for me to read them in Portuguese).

>You are honestly such an idiot.
Where am I wrong?

>> No.11725668

>Where am I wrong?
Because you criticise the "worldview and general attitude towards life" of a poet who made a very clear effort to avoid being that one-dimensional. Pessoa would probably deny even having a worldview at all.
>pathetic and sentimental
Completely meaningless words to use here.

Also you talk about "outgrowing" one the great 20th Century poets as if he were a Harry Potter book.

>> No.11725681

>Pessoa would probably deny even having a worldview at all.
that's in itself a worldview and an attitude.

>Also you talk about "outgrowing" one the great 20th Century poets as if he were a Harry Potter book.
You can outgrow anything you experienced as a young man and now as an adult it's just not for you, but that doesn't mean it's bad or good: it's just not for you anymore.

>> No.11725700

>that's in itself a worldview and an attitude
Its not a worldview but it does hint at certain attitude, yes. But really its more of a general skepticism about things which, to my mind, is more of a typically adult trait.

Also "outgrowing" is much more about maturity than simply changing, hence why it really is a kind of insult to Pessoa's poetry to say he's someone to be "outgrown."

Btw are you the Spanish guy in his early 40s? I think I remember speaking to you before.

>> No.11725721

From the Cambridge Dictionary:
outgrow (verb): 1. to grow bigger than or too big for something. 2. to lose interest in an idea or activity as you get older

I was using the second one.

>Btw are you the Spanish guy in his early 40s? I think I remember speaking to you before.
No, I'm a Mexican guy in his late 20s.

>> No.11725743

pic or didn't happen, trash boi

>> No.11726200

An ex gf once compared me to Alex Delarge. Try again sweetheart.

>> No.11726212

you want me to post my face on 4chan?
i am not that goodlooking maybe a 7 or 8, i just have a demeanor that apparently belies white trash qualities, and those characters are full white trash. the Ryan character from the OC i have literally gotten i think around 10 times

when people get to know me they understand i am not like that, i was raised almost bougie ffs, it is just an external appearance thing

>> No.11726263

>tfw I actually physically look like Pessoa

>> No.11726299

Ophelia Quiroz was willing to play along with all his heteronymic weirdo artist shit and he was the one who dumped her, not the other way around.

Pessoa was a volcel. He had enough financial resources and familial connections to live where he pleased and get a far more prestigious job than being a translator for an import-export firm. He actively chose to live the way he did.

>> No.11726330
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From this

>> No.11726407
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this is pretty much what I look like irl

>> No.11726855

I'm a mix of Dostoevsky and Mishima.
Not gay though.

>> No.11726923

while trying to make the 'im so glad im too mature for that' arguement doesnt bide well, friend

>> No.11726944

Whoever wrote that should go back to R*ddit.

>> No.11726952

>I'm a mix of Dostoevsky and Mishima
>Not gay though

I have some bad news for you

>> No.11727046

I'm a mix between Buddha, Antonin Scalia, Johann Bach, Ingrid Bergman, Babur, Diedrich Knickerbocker, Samuel Smiles, Breece D'J Pancake, Georg Hegel, Ibn Tufayl, John Evelyn, Joaquin Guzman, Ludovico Ariosto, Pietro Aretino, Black Hawk, Jonathan Corncob, and Hieronymus Bosch.

>> No.11727095
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Not an author but he's me

>> No.11728529

I think you just summed up Prague's entire population.

>> No.11729387

imma living tolstoy unironically

>> No.11729404
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Vietnamese bot accounts on minds love me.

>> No.11729415

>Joaquin Guzman