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File: 22 KB, 300x429, deleuze (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11723980 No.11723980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

soooo.....what exactly wrong with fascism?

>> No.11724067


>> No.11724120

Any number of political ideologies can sustain a relationship with differing ideologies. Even those limp wristed anarchists can find a place within the system. Fascism is explicitly confrontational. It's an ideology that is looking for a fight. Nowadays global capital has so many stakeholders involved that any violent disruption of capital is cause for concern. Leftists can just be pushed aside and allowed to drown in circular theory. Fascism is inherently mean to incite action. There is nothing wrong with it's content, but it's praxis just scares too many people.

>> No.11724137

Tree-like top-down authoritarian structures inherently lead to abuse of power. Fascism is a pyramid scheme of power. Yet despite all the power wielded by those at the top, they are still nothing more than powerslaves, for no man can truly be free until all men are free.

>> No.11724152
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>> No.11724179

Hmmmm... yep, retarded and /pol/-pilled

>> No.11724183

Does wanting to excel for a boss you love also signify an abuse of power? So much of Deleuze seems toothless to me because it seems like the problem is fundamentally more about quality of leadership than leadership as such.

>> No.11724198

I'm >>11724120, care to elaborate? I'm not a political person in the sense that I don't have an desired outcome. I'm just giving commentary.

>> No.11724203

freedom of thought matters more than productivity

>> No.11724210

>Does wanting to excel for a boss you love also signify an abuse of power?
No, that's a pathology.

>> No.11724215

individuals or a state forcing their perception of reality onto others is a sin worthy of a deluge

>> No.11724216


>> No.11724222

turning children into ideology drones nearly or completely invalidates human existence

>> No.11724223

Nothing I guess. Only political economy to land people on the moon was thoroughly fascism.

>> No.11724229

People fear authorities to the point where they are censoring themselves.

>> No.11724235

What if your boss is a great man doing great things? Sometimes the best we can do is contribute to the rise of great things, for not all of us are brilliant enough to have truly great projects of our own.

Is fascism incompatible with freedom of thought? And who said fascism is about productivity? That sounds more like materialism/liberal capitalism.

>> No.11724237
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>> No.11724239

You produce more value to your boss than you are given in wages. It's dumb to desire something like that.

>> No.11724242

Because people like >>11724210 don't believe an agent can ever fully appreciate subordination (and reap it's rewards) without being coerced. It actually demonstrates the cynicism of non fascists. A leftist can't tell the difference between a factory worked getting shit on by his manager and a fascist feeling a drive to help his people.

>> No.11724243

guiding children towards positive, generative behaviors that give them a high chance of having a fulfilling life in the future =/= turning them into "ideology drones". that's what communists want to do.

>> No.11724246

Once again, I think the problem is a lack of someone worthy of looking up to than hierarchy as such. I'll take my Platonic Sun as the center of an ordered system over Deleuzian, wishy-washy planes of immanence or consistency or whatever, thanks.

>> No.11724249

It's almost as if that isn't specific to fascism...

>> No.11724254

yes, exactly what I was trying to get at, thank you. it's just this really tedious cynicism and fuck you dad-tier suspicion of authority, it's tiring

>> No.11724257

>he didnt provide a definition of fascism
>he assumed a shared notion of wrong
yep this is bait

>> No.11724266
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christ, imagine actually believing this.

>> No.11724275

And once they come to positions of power themselves, their years of disrespect and misunderstanding makes them unable to wield power to the betterment of their fellow man.

>> No.11724276
File: 564 KB, 1000x1442, Deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people can never let go of the daddy, can you

>> No.11724290

People need other older, wiser people to model the ways that keep society functioning and enrich the lives of others. No one does this without a figure to look up to. We know you hate your dad. Get over it.

>> No.11724292

you people can never let go of trying to prove you don't need daddy, do you

besides, I ain't gonna take that shit from a goober who signed a petition to establish the French equivalent of NAMBLA.

>> No.11724296

Imagine being this Oedipalized...

>> No.11724299
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Say something bad about this

>> No.11724305
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>> No.11724310

he kinda looks jewish

>> No.11724311

Reverse it. How would you feel if younger or less experienced people looked to you for guidance or example? What do you do? Say "Sorry kid, haha no one can save you"? I sure as shit hope you would understand both the fulfillment and importance of such a responsibility.

>> No.11724315

systems need structure, systems need centralizing principles, everything else is entropy and dissipation, enjoy it rhizomecuck

>> No.11724316
File: 49 KB, 319x399, untermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking mean and contrary to human nature. also it's never worked. its less functional than communism

not being funny, but most chantards are at the bottom of the social hierarchy, (for a multitude of reasons that I'm sure are in no way your faults), and will do really badly in a fascist society

>> No.11724320

He's Portuguese. He has the old blood of Iberia in him.

>> No.11724321

That be an aquiline nose nigga don't talk shit

>> No.11724323

>no man can truly be free until all men are free.
Dumb idealism

>> No.11724325

Where is this from?

>> No.11724329

Foucault’s preface literally explains D&G’s approach to facism. They’re hardly ever referring to historical (the political ideology) facism.

>> No.11724330

>capitalism literally is leading our earth to a doomsday scenario ecologically
>regressive religious cultism forms reactionary rebellions against the new world order that do nothing to stop the corrosive flows of capital and usually result in sex and power abuses with minor self-help for some
>anti-capitalist post-structuralists show a new way of living without disenchanting the world, where everyone can be free and content, and we know longer have to destroy mother earth for capitalist overlords
>reactionary religionists do not see that these post-structuralists are more filled with the holy spirit than they will ever be...

>> No.11724336

>"b-b-but you're turning children into slaves!"
you're showing them a quality of life that is sustained through your own means, and that's something many children lack these days which is turning them into obese ipad burgers accosting people at gamestop with 3DS in hand
>"b-b-but what if your boss is shitty?"
simple, through your drive and ability you could replace him if your superior's own abilities are inferior to your own
>"b-b-but what about an abuse in power structure?"
if you look into history there were very few purely fascist regimes where their own government squabbled amongst each other, killed each other and DIDN'T create a better quality of life for their citizens

>> No.11724341

Sounds like you dislike neocons. Not actual hard righters.

>> No.11724344

it's almost as if politics is the death of the human spirit no matter which way you swing and you should worry about your own salvation.

this obsession with political solutions and saccharine notions of """freedom""" is symptomatic of everything wrong with the system you're denouncing.

>> No.11724347

I would encourage him to discover his own truth. I would teach him how to save himself. Funny you accuse me of saying we're all damned when conservatives are quick to damn the mentally ill, drug addicted, disabled, gay, lesbian and trans, saying that their personal truth dowsn't count because it is abnormal...

>> No.11724349

Anything movement associated with the masses is automatically bad.

>> No.11724354

>Unironically posting Wrath of Incel meme pics

KYS autistic Trumptard

>> No.11724355

>its fucking mean
>also it's never worked
it only "didn't work" because the entire world shut it down goy

>> No.11724357

This has kind of an ameliorative tone and it misses the central role of violence in fascist thought. Also
>all people of one's ethnicity are considered the greater family…
This mainly applies to some forms of European fascism, but doesn't hold for, say, Brazilian Integralists whose motto was 'Union of all races and all peoples'.

>> No.11724359

if by it never worked, you mean foreign power comes in to completely derail it, then yes, you're right.

>> No.11724363
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way to address the quote and not just reeeee about blumpf

>> No.11724364

>it's never worked

It's literally worked wonders for every country it touched until the world said >shut it down

>> No.11724366

>tell others to discover their own truth
>assumes his own truth is axiomatic by denouncing conservatives

you revealed your hand too early

>> No.11724368

The world was fine with facism when it came to be because it directly opposed communism which was considered a greater threat to the established order of the time. Facism became the big bad when Hitler and Mussolini tried to take over the fucking world.

>> No.11724369

I don't believe that. If anything I'm attracted to fascism because it is more humane than any other arrangement. Authority isn't about passing on truth but passing on the ability to discern it. Some people think fascism and their mind flashes with images of bombs, heartache, and terror. I think of it and I see nature, beauty, and humans standing taller than we ever have before. Do you believe most fascists support genocide? I don't. If anything I pray for every race and every tribe to have the same awakening of spirit and life.

>> No.11724370

Yeah. That's a Hegel quote. Doesn't belong in a Deleuze thread.

>> No.11724373

>Hitler and Mussolini tried to take over the fucking world.
i hope you're just baiting

>> No.11724381

It’s exaggerated speech, but they waged war on three continents.

>> No.11724382

personal truth =/= the truth

>> No.11724389 [DELETED] 

It worked out quite well for countries that tried it, however they either 1) lost a war, and the party was outlawed; or 2) a military dictator took power and outlawed the fascist party in question.

The only exception to this (as far as I know) are the Jewish fascists who, despite their attempts to ally with the axis powers, eventually got Israel and joined the JDF. The living members even received awards in the 1980s.

>> No.11724391

>when it confronted the current global powers that be
fixed that for you

>> No.11724392
File: 33 KB, 640x363, word-image-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn some history then try again sweety

>> No.11724396 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 518x387, fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lacks ability to tolerate a plurality of ideas that society inevitably entails.
Relies on everybody wanting to be mindlessly subservient to an authoritarian state.....not everybody is a cuck.

>> No.11724398

but really, it is homosexuals and leftists who are turning children into ideology drones nowadays. even the most radical leftist is no more than an enforcer for the hegemonic ideology of corporate managerial liberalism. Fascism is the las taboo, the only thing that pisses of 'the man' in a degenetare cultural marxist civilization in which the place of 'the man' has been usurped by a 330lbs bluehaired queer(tm) genderblob. Fascism is the ultimate form of anarchism. a fascist is just an anarchist who wont let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom. You should try walking up to your local representatives of 'the lgbt community' and calling them out as cultural marxists, see how they recoil, as if they have been found out. why not worship Hitler as a literal deity? that's what THEY least want you to do, why not?

>> No.11724399

>invade another country
>allies of said country declare war
>”he dindu nuffin, he a good boy”

>> No.11724402

Forgive me if I'm mistaken but I assume that fascism usually carries these same conservative sentiments. For example, in addition to Jews, Hitler also tried killing gays, catholics, and schizophrenics. As someone who fits into the latter two groups, I am I think justifiably somewhat scared.
Can you explain what you mean by humane?

>> No.11724403


did you see the pic?

>> No.11724404


>> No.11724406

It worked out quite well for countries that tried it, however they either 1) lost a war, and the party was outlawed; or 2) a military dictator took power and outlawed the fascist party in question.
The only exception to this (as far as I know) are the Jewish fascists who, despite their attempts to ally with the axis powers, eventually got Israel and joined the JDF. The living members even received awards in the 1980s.
Still, you could argue that the militaristic ethos of fascism will eventually lead to war, and that they will eventually lose.

>> No.11724410

In the seamless exposition and systematization of social phenomena,
there lurks - unconsciously, of course, for we are witnessing the objective mind at work - a tendency to explain away the constitutive contradictions on which our society rests, to conjure them out of existence.

>> No.11724412

People can desire and appreciate a dictator if he is actually doing a good job, and they will probably have no problems with being lower in the hierarchy and being pretty much slaves and bla bla bla. The problem is that the dictator will start fucking up a lot since he has too much power and then he will freak out and start blaming the people for his own shortcomings and he will start killing them and the whole system will start collapsing and he will probably get killed in a revolution agaisnt him by the own people or by external nations who will see him as a danger for their own existence. Democracy and capitalism will come back after this failure and so then you are just as you started. Its an idiotic system.

>> No.11724416
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>we must accept a plurality of ideals
>you're a cuck if you adhere to the state
you're right! Diversity is our strength, goy!

>> No.11724417

It's humane because no other ideology celebrates the human spirit to the same degree. It is necessarily meant to be an elevating influence in the lives of a state's respective population. However, with this being said, we have to accept that humane is mind-dependent and therefor you may not see it as humane at all depending on your definition of it.

>> No.11724420

pure word vomit

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11724423

>totalitarian government
If you lived under this you'd realize how bad it really was. Go visit China for a month. You won't.

>> No.11724431


>> No.11724432

It didn't. Fascist economics are very inefficient.

>> No.11724433


>> No.11724434

>strawmans strawmans everywhere

>> No.11724435

hmmmm, so why didn't the allies declare war on the ussr?

>> No.11724437
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>implying invading was completely done on a whim

>> No.11724442

mouthbreathing cuckold

>> No.11724445

>humane is mind-dependent
Doesn't that contradict your earlier argument that fascism is objectively superior?

>> No.11724449

strawmanning this hard makes you look weak

>> No.11724451

a market place for ideas, where weak ideas are thrown to the ditch, is advantageous. fascism AND PC culture stands in the way of the dialectical inevitability of human consciousness. nigger

>> No.11724455

Keep projecting sweetie.

>> No.11724457

/pol/tards can only think and speak in meme. Why are they in a literature board if they lack the capacity to critically engage in a discusion without relying on the memes of others. This is conservatism for you; it draws that part of the population which is incapable of original thought, the part that requires their lives to be ordered and regulated by a strong authoritative figure. Unfortunately, a lot of people are like this. This is what D&G are all about, to free you of your self-repression.

>> No.11724458
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>> No.11724463

See >>11724449 and >>11724458

>> No.11724468

leftists are jealous of the alt right because nothing they can say or do is actually transgressive anymore. nor even visibly different from the nyt or the woke shareable content purveyor of the week. since the final victory of 60s liberalism, being white and straight is actually the most subversive thing you can do.

>> No.11724471
File: 143 KB, 625x773, 1524454566239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this idea i don't like stands in the way of the free marketplace of ideas

>> No.11724478

announcing a report is against the rules, too

>> No.11724479

>Unknown to the general public there was a ‘secret protocol’ to the 1939 Anglo-Polish treaty that specifically limited the British obligation to protect Poland to ‘aggression’ from Germany.

>reading comprehension

>> No.11724487

I don't believe it is objectively superior. But I don't believe in objectivity in the sense that we can't ever reach total objectivity. I do believe that it has qualities which can sufficiently win over a population into believing that it is superior and therefor transforming it's superiority into a social truth. Fascism, I think, has a way of relating to the subject in a way that it appears totally different depending on the subject. Heidegger was a nazi and so were pleb workers, and they essentially believed in completely different things at the end of the day. This is due to the way fascism relates to the subject (this relation depends on intellect, experiences, position in society, et al)

>> No.11724494

He didn't announce one though.

>> No.11724501

if deleuze had lived, he'd support the alt right and trump. Trump is the true BwO

>> No.11724504

So edgy bro. Deserves to be in a cringe compilation. Get off the internet and view the real world sometime. Not every leftist is a blue haired sjw. I am white and straight and enjoy western philosophy and have a girlfriend. Apparently deleuze *is* subversive because it pissess off basic white bros like you.

>> No.11724506
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>a marketplace for ideas
ideas are cheap, anon didn't you know?
that's why our world is in the state of affairs it's in now, especially on the left.

>> No.11724511

Thanks for making it clear that you don't care about the truth but being an edgy fat balding incel racist on the internet to trigger and BTFO libs epic style fucking autistic bitch

>> No.11724513


>> No.11724518

>this idea i don't like stands in the way of the free marketplace of ideas
>the idea i don't like, that was superseded decades ago, stands in the way of the free marketplace of ideas


>> No.11724520

I could replace Fascism in that sentence with Communism and it would make just as much sense. I'd have to replace Heidegger too tho but that wouldn't be hard. So basically you're larping as the intellectual vanguard of the alt-right. Have fun in hell, bro. Sure is cool pretending to be nietzsche's ubermensch, right?

>> No.11724523

if i lived in a fasist society i couldn't sit around playing vidya all day an reading books

>> No.11724531

the truth is transgression and fear. we gotta take the biggest fear symbol there is and tell people, now i got your fear, now i got your fear Manson 101. Unlike Deleuze, Manson talked the talk AND walked the walk. listening to Manson, you'll realise he was talking about the same ideas those french phillosophers were talking about, just without any of the bull. this is why we got to use hitler and the swastika. the lighting and the sun. all archetypes of rebellion are hitlerite archetypes, gotta let yourself become possessed by the runes.


>> No.11724533
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>> No.11724536

>reading comprehension
I take it you didn't know about poland killing ethnic germans or the french entering germany to collect reparations whether it be through money, goods, or women.
you should really look in a mirror and reflect on yourself, anon.

>> No.11724538

I hate the alt-right. I disagree with a ton of their "beliefs". Am I even a fascist though? Or just defending it? After it's all said and done I'm just a normal guy who hates both capitalism yet loves tradition. It's an underrepresented position. You can have animosity for me if you want but just know that if the awakening did happen I would advocate for you to live rather than be exiled from the country because I believe in your worth as a person and your capacity to contribute to the tribe.

>> No.11724542
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>your old idea is completely archaic here look at my assortment of ideas that's hip and new and much better than old idea

>> No.11724543

Nothing, its just peoples personal taste, do you want a system of strength, power, meaning, national pride, masculinity, cultural empowerment, elitism, action, religious experience etc? Some people want a society of peace, leisure, intellectual discourse, hedonism. They both have their time as expressions of life, but again that is up to you whether you to view life like that as another expression of such.

>> No.11724550

the counted ones that aren't let the bluehaired managers and bureaucrats boss them around.

>> No.11724552

Fascism started these wars on the notion that their system worked and it lost them.

>> No.11724553

How does that affect the fact Germany invaded a country knowing full well about the ally-structure of the time?
>facism was deliberately stopped
It brought upon its own end by its own militarism

>> No.11724561
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>> No.11724564

>Fascism started these wars
how do people unironically believe this?

>> No.11724566
File: 38 KB, 612x562, hollywood-star-robbie-coltrane-during-the-return-of-a-historic-steam-picture-id833330516[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, the steam engine fell by the wayside eons ago.....batteries are the way of the future, or maybe wind power, or maybe nuclear fusion, or maybe dynamos attatched to the heads of cocksucking chantards. sure you get some idiosyncratic perma-virgins that obsess over steam engines....etc etc

>> No.11724575

Virgin Deleuze vs Chad Manson.

>> No.11724576

Because it’s an established historical truth all reputable scholars and historians approve of.
>inb4 its a conspiracy made by the JEWS
>the holocaust didnt happen

>> No.11724578

The system worked entirely as designed, saying it lost the war because of the flaw it its system (considering Nazi Germany were vastly superior military) would be like saying the French Monarchy was a failed system because a revolution happened.

>> No.11724585

>Established historical truth
Also nice prediction of a strawman.

>> No.11724589
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Fascism would be like being stuck in highschool forever. it would fucking suck. teachers telling you bullshit and jocks trying to flush your head down the toilet.

I prefer today's arrangement where i can leave highschool and the jocks become manual labourers who mow my lawn

>> No.11724591

It is a nice prediction. Cause im sure you dont believe in muh six gorillon either.

>> No.11724592

>high school metaphors

liberalism is ideological pubescence

>> No.11724593

Nice assumption there. I do though.

>> No.11724594

This, value, morality, right and wrong is what you choose it to be. Liberalism has brainwashed people that their values are inherently universally good.

>> No.11724600

You sound like you got bullied in school and you compare everything to it because of it.

Some serious complexes there pal.

>> No.11724612


>> No.11724625

And yet you so adamantly cling to this notion of a "free market of ideas" knowing full well that there are a lot of bad ideas that probably shouldn't. You want to know how I know this? You wouldn't have brought up wind power alongside nuclear fission, and in the face of a train powered by Chernobyl energy, I'd rather have the steam engine.

>> No.11724635

He is right still.

>> No.11724645

no fascism is where the bully becomes the CEO of the company you mop floors for

>> No.11724654

That's actually true. Good descripton mano

>> No.11724657

>appeal to authority
yes and i'm the one who's authoritarian

>> No.11724658

He isn't though.

>> No.11724664


>> No.11724667

>/lit/ - politics

>> No.11724675
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>muh logical fallacies

>> No.11724694

>Nazi Germany were vastly superior military
t. Major-General Brainlet

>> No.11724707

>it took 3 major powers to take germany down
t. admiral retard

>> No.11724712

lmao you nigger ww2 was hardcoded into the versailles treaty, germany was cucked so hard that there was no other possible outcome

>> No.11724721


The fact people pretend they didn't outclass every side is just laughable. However thats probably down more to Germans naturally being militaristic and fascism exacerbating those qualities though.

>> No.11724751

Nukes outclass everything

>> No.11724771
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Talking about fascism on /lit/ is even worse than talking about communism or anarchism. At least with those you have some well read anons defending themselves against angry /pol/tards, but with fascism it's the /pol/acks who're defending their position and they don't even understand fascism: They make the same false assumption that their opposition makes—that since the Nazis were most successful fascists, fascism=nazism. Both /pol/acks and their opponents have the same naive beliefs that the purpose of fascism is war, racism, antisemitism and genocide; yet unlike their opposition, who finds these caricatures repulsive, they embrace these ideas for their repulsiveness and are shocked that others do not readily embrace their ideas.
Having heard that fascism is far-right, they, opposing 'leftists', turn to what they see as direct opposition, yet never examining it. Indeed, if they heard some of the suggestions of early 20th century socialists, they would dismiss them outright as leftism—not knowing that these same ideas were embraced by the fascists, who were, in many ways, an offshoot of revolutionary socialism (they of course lack some of the many central myths, e.g., class war, but fascism has its own equally powerful myths).
There are some educated fascists on /lit/, but I'm sure none of them have posted in this thread.

>> No.11724825

>Tree-like top-down authoritarian structures inherently lead to abuse of power. Fascism is a pyramid scheme of power. Yet despite all the power wielded by those at the top, they are still nothing more than powerslaves, for no man can truly be free until all men are free.

This is stupid, you don't apply this style of reasoning to your own marxists and center-left positions. It is dishonest and motivated reasoning

>> No.11724837

>and then everyone clapped

>> No.11724911
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>It’s exaggerated speech, but they waged war on three continents.
Yeah, against people two colonial powers with colonies across the globe and an emerging super power on another continent. Your posts reads like someone brainwashed who forgot everything except the buzzwords.

>As someone who fits into the latter two groups, I am I think justifiably somewhat scared.
You actually believe Hitler put Catholics into concentration camps for being Catholic, the second largest denomination in Germany? DO you understand how dumb that sounds

>> No.11724926
File: 91 KB, 657x625, Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle were holohoax deniers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no description of a final solution either

>> No.11724947

>people actually suporting fascism itt
you idiots would be the first ones to get fucked in a fascist state

>> No.11724953

>historical truth

>> No.11724969

Churchill was describing military tactics. He hardly had time to comment on any extermination policies, just his diplomatic ties with the foreign ministers of most countries in the conflict.

>> No.11724972

>ayyy doze nazees was jus fixin ta gas ppl once dey killed da juice dey was gonna hav ta find mor ppl ta gas
This is the most retarded and annoying fallacy I've ever encountered. There couldn't possibly be a special characteristic of jews that made them targets? No, they just wanted to gas.

>> No.11724980
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Literally nothing, unless you're some sort of kike

>> No.11724997

>Churchill was describing military tactics
Presumably this would include the strategic decision of building several camp in occupied territory, camps with large factories that would make them obvious military targets. A long with all the trains and rail roads that were build for them. Perhaps he forgot about the counter strategy to blitz krieg, attacking supply lines. Seems like an odd omission to make, to not even mention these large camps that were heavily connected to their supply lines.

Almost as odd as going from simply shooting the jews, like at Babi Yar, to gassing them. A much more costly and slow procedure.

>> No.11725004
File: 217 KB, 782x908, holohoax sabotages the carrers of the best in the buiseness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for got my picture

>> No.11725052

It depends on what you mean by fascism. The early fascism is actually fairly noble and has some salvageable aspects like an institution of a social hierarchy and a strong federalism. It's not terribly different from monarchism. Hitlerism on the other hand is fucking retarded and his "blood and soil" with a super strong dictator shit poisoned the well and it never would have worked in the long term. Assuming Germany didn't lose the war the system would have collapsed the minute Hitler died.

>> No.11725055

thanks man, just saved chem. of aushwitz

>> No.11725172

He did not describe the factories very often either. The main concern for Churchill was the North African offensive, Operation Sea Lion, and various other strategic formations he would broadly oversee. The sorts of things like factory locations and things of this nature were below him. If there were an air raid, he expected the minister of aviation to sort that kind of shit out.

The level of retardation here is unbelievable.

>> No.11725181

Perfidious Albion...