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/lit/ - Literature

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11723747 No.11723747 [Reply] [Original]

>grab the nearest book
>open a random page
>go to the third paragraph
>read the fifth line
>that is your future

What do you got?

>> No.11723755

'You, who first seduced me to violate my vows' (from The Monk)

>> No.11723757

>The coffee was black and there was no cream or milk, just packets of white-yellow powder.

I drink my coffee black so I'm ok with this.

>> No.11723759

>This was that caution giv'n thee; be avised.

what does this mean

>> No.11723766
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>> No.11723769

It means be cautious dumbass

>> No.11723773

"Yes, sir"

Guess I'm submissive

>> No.11723777

In the future, most paragraphs are less than five lines. Maybe try third line. Also, lines are shit, sentences make for a better thread. My examples sucked, just saying.

>> No.11723779
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>finding adequate time and [dedicate] oneself to good deeds

>> No.11723791

Through a return to archaic values we must envisage man no longer as

>> No.11723797

fuck you'll lose your sanity

>> No.11723800
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"impossible for any one man to maintain a siege for a year with his army idle."

I need to write again

>> No.11723801

But the problem is too
theoretical when posed this way.

>> No.11723809

"He is no gossip; he will neither talk about himself nor about others; for he cares not that men should praise him."

>> No.11723816

>Rune xv, for example, "eolxh" or ᛉ, is used as part of the compound word "eolxh-secg," generally translated to mean a kind of marsh grass, perhaps favored by elk: "elk-sedge."

Guys, I think I'm gonna be alright.

>> No.11723823

The crouching man looks that way and half rises.

this I think... But some other people got some good ones anyway.

>> No.11723835

giving him the finger to see what would happen

>> No.11723837

>The propositions are lures for feelings, and give to feelings a definiteness of enjoyment and purpose which is absent in the blank evaluation of physical feeling into physical purpose.

>> No.11723851
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Yeah I know but I just took it from Guillermo Arriaga's The Night Buffalo.

>> No.11723854

>destroy the wicked man, a god can come to the rescue. One seeks to speak
Walter Burkert, Greek Religion, p. 272, 3rd 'graph, 5th line. English translation c. 1985 by Basil Blackwell and Harvard UP.

>> No.11723874


>> No.11723891

>"John's had some critics, but hell, even Jesus Christ had critics." - Jim Daly

>> No.11723928
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>less than those of an adolescent who only strengthens himself spiritually, has his head buried in books

Reading the entire paragraph, he's actually correct.

>> No.11723948

>wherever you worked you had to turn in every evening

>> No.11723966
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>"How this would turn out I could not guess, and that was a good thing, because otherwise I might have put Miss X on the wrong track from sheer helpfulness."

Yep, sounds pretty much like me posting on /lit/.

>> No.11723969
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>Altogether, we shall carry on doing what we are prompted to do by our emotional drives of every sort; and in choosing the means to those ends we shall follow our accustomed association of ideas.

>> No.11723970
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woops, misunderstood direction. try again:

>whether the next dream will give him new light or not. Moreover, he is

still true.

>> No.11723971

>weapons racks and lockers lined the walls.

>> No.11723973

"We diminished it practically to nothing only used painkillers like Percodon a little Amitol , and something for nausea"

Sounds fun.

>> No.11723998

>The saviour.

Feeding my messiah complex, one craps-shoot at a time.

>> No.11724018
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>I waited, and sure enough, in a moment she looked at me

Yeah I'll take that

>> No.11724034

>What of the others, those for whom the iron age had come, when 'men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night'?

>> No.11724045

gib book

>> No.11724054

"The Africans
are civilized up to their bones, and the idea of their being barbarians
is a European fiction"

>> No.11724069

“Probably post-historic man, as I have heard him called, will be allergic to science for at least a century or two!”

>> No.11724095
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>> No.11724125


>> No.11724138
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The bible

>> No.11724199

>"But no! The poor boy suffered in anguish."

>> No.11724225

>Il lisait avec attention, puis s'arrachait à sa lecture pour écouter Agafia Mikhaïlovna qui bavardait sans cesse ; et, en même temps, les divers tableaux du mariage, et de la future vie de famille, se présentaient à son imagination

why is it always about getting maried?????????????????????????????????????????????????? every fucking time. quit posting this fucking thread.

>> No.11724238

it's written, pal. marry her.

>> No.11724247

>The river laughed. Yes, that was how it was.

>> No.11724262

‘Then what about the man who, contrariwise, believes in beauty itself and can see both it and the particular things which share in it, and does not confuse particular things and that in which they share?

>> No.11724502
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". . . night was gentle as the sighing of a woman in slumber."

I guess it's gonna be comfy. Just as planned

>> No.11724516

>She even paid one visit herself: but by this time the patient was already recovering.
From Anna Kavan's A Scarcity of Love.

>> No.11724939

>He did not solve this social problem because he knew it was not of importance at the moment and would solve itself.

>> No.11724945

''the jews are responsible for this ''

>> No.11724949

>the meaning of being and the tendency towards its concept

oh no dude

>> No.11725000

>you will notice that this Haydn minuet has a considerably more dramatic effect
Does this mean I will listen to Haydn's Symphony No. 100 in my future?

>> No.11725010

“A squanderer.— As yet he does not have the poverty of the rich who have already counted all their treasures one; he is squandering his spirit with the unreason of squandering nature.”

Can almost guarantee most of /lit/ doesn’t understand what’s being said here or in most of his aphorisms.

>> No.11725013

>vision behind the banal content:

it's a book about Rothko, written by yet another Jew.

>> No.11725022

"For how can this be done but through those men who, because of their stature among us, we raise still further in tall tales and legends that denote our respect, and which are taken by the world and the generations, from us, as standing for us?

>> No.11725103

"It was a type of villa commonly found in Britain- a so-called winged corridor house, built on foundations of local mortared flint, a material visible in churches and houses in the local area today."

omg i'm getting a villa

>> No.11725480

>Glans, glanz, n. an acorn or in the form of an acorn; a strumous swelling; the rounded end of the penis.
Was a dictionary

>> No.11725865

"But neoconservatism is a Jewish movement, led by and dominated by Jews since its inception, and neocons' positions on certain key issues align with broader Jewish positions"

>> No.11725878

>hearing and following the instructions, the show of devotional service

>> No.11725890

>It was Bela, poor Bela!
>Th-thanks, Lermontov.

>> No.11725898

>For banality is a form of intelligence, and reality, especially if it is brutish and rough, forms a natural complement to the soul.
What did he mean by this

>> No.11725910

>Refuge in its bosom and by its favor gain shelter from the blows and.
Sounds pretty good tbqh

>> No.11725932 [SPOILER] 
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>they’ve become too heavy for the vitality he has left

But... this is already my present

>> No.11725941

It [the ballet Petrushka] has become familiar to millions of Americans now, and it is possible to listen to it today [1966] as a succession of cheerful, vigorous, even quaint bits of musical tapestry.

>that's a future?

>> No.11725973
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It means you will have a bitter but productive life
Very ominous. Keep on your toes and you may avert an imminent disaster
Expect to be in a position of authority in the near future where people will address you as "sir"
Time is running out, do something with yourself before it's too late
You must study the past to discover a new way of seeing the world
Success will come to you, but only if you work on the little things. The big things will take care of themselves.
Change your approach to your problems.
You will lead a humble life, never seeking man's praise― but on the flip side you will never accomplish anything praiseworthy.
You may have been cursed by a Jewish witch. Check your left testicle for cancer
You are at the exact halfway point of your life
You will make yourself a dangerous enemy through a foolish act

that's all for now...my prophetic powers require rest

>> No.11725998

>Now something, we do not yet know what, has occurred, and it is for us to stamp out the evil, or better still, get rid of it quietly, without fuss, as one does with swill.
- Concluding by Henry Green

Omg I am drunk

>> No.11726007

>I would find it easy to talk to you for a whole year without coming to the end of my sorrows and all the hardship that the gods have made me endure

>> No.11726041

>been two weeks since she was killed. The body was completely naked,


>> No.11726055

and ropes upon our heads, and go out to

>> No.11726060
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>"required an immense effort."

>> No.11726072

>Gob, they ought to drown him in the sea after and electrocute and crucify him to make sure of their job.

>> No.11726084

>Every action then becomes a ritual in which you are honoring God.

Oh wow

>> No.11726112


>> No.11726125


>> No.11726148

were, so that at some later date, out in freedom, one could walk

>> No.11726173

>as a snake in the hills, guarding his hole, awaits a man
doesn't sound good :/

>> No.11726181

sounds like rape :(

>> No.11726184

wouldn't mind it desu

>> No.11726223


>> No.11726244

>as one of their number began imitating the grey
From Martin the Warrior.

>> No.11726264

>...reavealed the secret that he was
had been forced to know. The excitement...

>> No.11726857

According to this principle, e.g., all ills are nothing but consequences of the limits of created beings, i.e., negations, since these are the only opposing things in reality (this is really so in the concept of a thing in general, but not in things as appearances).

>> No.11726883

>A is a n x n matrix. It's the case that det A = det A^t
Amazing knowledge really.

>> No.11726898

"pull the cord so that the firing strap is held back"

>> No.11726908

>In France he embodied the 'American Spirit' and was tremendously popular
I could live with this

>> No.11726914

>They would also very much like to organize politico-criminal syndicats


>> No.11726930

Lõpuks peamine, mis meid huvitab, on tõestuses esinevate loogikavigade küsimus, ja see küsimus, nagu edaspidi näeme, seatakse üles ja lahendatakse hoopis teistmoodi kui järelduses.

>> No.11727222

"He also didn't give enemas that often, but did it at least sometime in every case of sickness."

Can't wait to sparingly administer ass flushouts

>> No.11727231

>when he cast a hasty glance towards her, he saw that she was not looking in his direction
from Gogol's short stories

>> No.11727232

"Be there at the gathering of power!" ~ The Upanishads

>> No.11727242

>We now proceed to see how reward-and punishment strategies similar to those previously proposed for the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma will allow our firms to coordinate on monopoly profits in a self-enforcing subgame-perfect equilibrium, without the need to use binding contracts that violate such regulations like the Sherman Act.
Not sure what this says about my future other than I won't be a libertarian any time soon.

>> No.11727254

> Methods for assigning names to cells and ranges.

>> No.11727271
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>the corner, roared gay and hollow under the electric chandelier

>> No.11727470 [DELETED] 

"And a glad sight to our fellows were we that had fled from death, but the others they would have bemoaned with tears; howbeit I suffered it not, but with frowning brows forbade each man to weep.

>> No.11727479

>"Mais non, il n'avait pas pris la bêche."

>> No.11727502

Gonna get drunk tonight

>> No.11727513

"He looked round," she thought.

>> No.11727566 [DELETED] 

He was as much estranged from imagination as from reality.

>> No.11727599

>He is enormous and warm inside that rich winter

>> No.11727617

>'three thousand men. Then Judas prayed'
From the Bible, 1 Maccabees 7:40 (well a bit of it). It's not the Gospel Judas by the way.

>> No.11728305
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>Must proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43 NIV).

tfw chosen by God

>> No.11728327

>onward flight with augmented fleetness

>> No.11728337

>Koester identifies four basic christological trajectories that arise, independently of each other, in different Christian circles

>> No.11728354

>[... of the society we]
>live in, and the strategy by which we shall destroy it. When you [...]
sounds fun

>> No.11729240

(b) Explain why, even though the identical-schools model fits under this test, it is still unacceptable for some practical purposes.

>> No.11729267

“fifteen inches in thickness”

>Moby Dick


>> No.11729272

> Pitch slides into duration as it decreases, as harmony becomes monometric rhythm (the properties of consonance and dissonance result from the factorial resonance of combined frequencies)

>> No.11729324
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>so i finally read the new draft...i have to say i wasn't expecting such big changes! let me know when you can skype so we can talk it over and see if we can see it through to the finish line.

Probably drink because I hate businessy emails.

It's from Behead All Satans by the way.

>> No.11729516

you finna get FUCKED white boi

>> No.11729532

>In one of the workings were found two male skeletons (no.54 Bubnova, 1963, pp.256-7).


>> No.11729541


>> No.11729812

“The impact hypothesis dealt with a single moment in time — a terrible, horrible, no-good day at the end of the Cretaceous.”
From The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

>> No.11729875

"It can be inferred from the paintings which adorn the corridors of old universities and from casual observations as the one which follows"

E. Jünger, "Das Sanduhrbuch"

>> No.11729892
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>"This new product wasn't a sliced potato (as the traditional chip is), but a wafer made from "reconstituted potato granules".

>> No.11730191

>the process of life had ceased to be intolerable


>> No.11730318

"to weep is to make less the depth of grief"

>> No.11730324



>> No.11730534

>No longer the chronic waste and splendor of those blazing adolescent drunks

>> No.11730557

It had been a dull summer and they were restless.

>> No.11730957
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>Once you've constructed a basic TMS file, you can access many of the maps provided in the ArcGIS gallery simply by making a small adjustment to the url-format attribute, as shown here.

>> No.11731186

>they were obliged to mix a large proportion of pine park with their other diet
fuck, I hate pine bark

>> No.11731202

>the resulting trust among democracies should nip in the bud the Hobbesian cycle in which the fear of a preemptive attack on each side tempts both into launching a preemptive attack.

Dont know how to feel about this

>> No.11731259

>broader perspective of human psychic exploration throughout time and across continents. What

>> No.11731621

>Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness
We're all gonna make it (:

>> No.11732603

Very sad, your majesty. (Leonce and Lena/Büchner

Well that might get interesting.

>> No.11732619

>Kim wanted to go to the North to help with the reunification efforts

Fuck, guess I'm a commie after all.

>> No.11732636

>their places, though every other respect be perfectly equal.

>> No.11732756

Fifth line or fifth sentence?
Fifth line is:
>act I was privileged to perform . . .
Fifth sentence:
>Those early days as a priest remain in my memory as days of fulfillment and tremulous happiness; something precious, and yet too fragile to last, like a romantic love-affair brought up short by the reality of an ill-assorted marriage.

>> No.11732770
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>And when she moved on, she left a strange, human-shaped emptiness in her place
uh oh

>> No.11732802

>Come, my Captain, study out the course, and let us away!
Ah. A-whaling I shall go.

>> No.11733322


>He answered: 'i have been thrown into this trough'

Wow, thanks Dante

>> No.11733332

>In consequence, when the pleasures have been removed which busy people derive from their actual activities, the mind cannot endure the house, the solitude, the walls, and hates to observe its own isolation.

>> No.11733338

I was literally just looking at two of his books, one of which was this one, when looking for stuff on Dionysian Mystery cults. Wtf?

>> No.11733353
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>Defaced, deflowered, and now to death devote
Thanks Milton

>> No.11733419

>I didn't take a bath for a week, so my pussy's stinking!
oh my

>> No.11734654
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>"To this may be added the litchi, retaining a Chinese name, and the persimmon, to which HIndi has understandably extended the word for ebony fruit, a related species."

Looks like I'm gonna be a fruit vendor in case my hopes of becoming a Historical Linguist remain unfulfilled.

>> No.11734732
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>calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face
book was quoting Isaiah 64
>Prayer for Illustration of God's Power

>> No.11734889

from the magic mountain german version
>"Ich habe da noch allerlei Zeisige sitzen, - wenn es Sie interessiert."

>> No.11734922

>It consists of milk to which are added two things from the vegetable kingdom (such as flower-petals, or herbs, or small fruits).

>> No.11735551

>it's a matter of 5 minutes or so at the registrar's office
Sounds like I'm entering into a loveless marriage so an immigrant can get their visa. Well, time to browse the mail-order wife sites.

>> No.11735609

>"not with a word of truth - he choked it back"
guess imma liar now fuck

>> No.11735629
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>". . . on the last occasion, she even ventured to address me, on her own . . ."
A-am I gonna make it? I'd spill my spaghetti hard if any girl approached me

>> No.11735632

>significa empero el fin de la analitica existencial, sino que hace tan solo aparecer
Quick, shitty , non-literal translation for angl*speakers
>meaning however the end of the existensial analysis, but just does showing
Any interpretations?
This is Heidegger btw

>> No.11735722

In fact, since Eternity is in Time, and the eternal Concept is related to Eternity in TIme, all possibility of going outside of Time is excluded.

>> No.11735836

When they do and there is also some random and slight physical touching I get chills, I day dream about her the rest of the day, or even a week.
I'm a really pathetic and inmature person.

>> No.11735843


>"...a dreaming without a dreamer (as all dreams really are, since the unconscious is not a subject)"

I don't know what this means

>> No.11735853

>Compared to Lucretius, Freud surprisingly is almost modest: he explained only that women are a mystery.

>> No.11735860


It was a poetry journal from 2013, but the quotation was from the translator's notes to this poem:


>> No.11735862

All day the sum has shone on the surface of some savage swamp, where the single spruce stands hung with usnea lichen, and small hawks circulate above, and the chickadee lisps amid the evergreens, and the partridge and rabbit skulks beneath; but now a more dismal and fitting day dawns, and a different race of creatures awakes to express the meaning of Nature there.

>> No.11735869

Sun not sum

>> No.11735871
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>peasants? They lived in tents at 50 degrees below - but they made

>> No.11735912

>I have dragged Hector behind my chariot and I will give him to the dogs to devour beside your funeral pyre.

>> No.11735944

>"You are surprised, are you not?"

Wow it's just like I had consulted an actual fortune teller

>> No.11735973

I was not long in discovering that she was a frequent visitor at the Castle; for on our going in, and my complimenting Wemmick on his ingenious contrivance for announcing himself to the Aged, he begged me to give my attention for a moment to the other side of the chimney, and disappeared.

>> No.11735981

>when you ask the fortune teller why her predictions are always wrong

>> No.11735988

>No mention of Keatings name had appeared in Tooheys column

>> No.11735990

what is this

>> No.11735995

Disappointing line, desu, could have been way more provocative

>> No.11736022

>"Dog any good?" asked the Trader, removing his pipe and pointing to the observant Deuce.

I should remark that he is inquiring as to whether the dog is skilled at hunting, not whether it will make a fine supper.

>> No.11736035

>love ever your neighbor as yourself

>> No.11736041

well get over there

>> No.11736044

"This depends vitally on the use to which it can be put."


>> No.11736051

"They haven't quite made up their minds yet. "
Guess I'm a polytheist now?

>> No.11736079

>"The laborer is worthy of his food." Has the Lord healed you of the fever of sin?

>> No.11736082

I will be a wage/christ-cuck

>> No.11736098

"Thus they are always unconsciously etching these pictures of their thought enemies deeper and deeper in their character."


>> No.11737585

"I could sleep soundly."

i guess this is a sign to go through with it after all

>> No.11737593

don't give up anon, seek the light

>> No.11737897

with eagerness and anxiety in anticipation of the hand

>> No.11737911
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>She falls from the lower-most stair, and is swallowed up in the gulf.

W-what do I do???

>> No.11737955

>"If you don't get annoyed giving some extra effort, then you will get the reward of copious yield."

>> No.11738051

>The result is more than an admixture: he crystalizes and connects issues of perception and constitutive or regulative ideas, of associationism, of theories of lang. and poetic diction, and of the function of i. into a mimesis that "humanizes" nature not only by reproducing natural objects and forms (the "fixities and definites" manipulated by fancy) but also by imitating the living process through which they exist and through which we feel and realize them.