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/lit/ - Literature

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11717777 No.11717777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm becoming bored of lit now. lit is filled with snarky leftists. This snarky sjw (milquetoast SJW because it's usually non-retarded whites) leftism culture is extremely boring. It's a bunch of 100 - 110 IQers who became puffed up after a few years of humanities at university and who then endlessly "critique" things. It is a hierarchy of verbal diarrhoeah, flimsy frameworks, worship of obscurantist charlatans ("Bro, Marx was, like, profound! No, I won't say why, apart from talking about a few truisms!"), and the intentional avoidance of fixed positions.

>inb4 muh Peterson

I know he's a bullshitter. The people he criticises are bullshitters as well. That 250 page 1960s to 1980s book by that French academic, which kind of predicted emojis on page 18 and maybe just barely hinted at Kim Kardashian's ass on page 101 but which spent most of its time talking about how the fax machine would change international relations and bourgeois dialectics, and made no real predictions, is not profound. It has nothing to tell us.

It's just incredible. People like this board and r/badphilosophy and all of the highly strung leftists make Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton and Steven Pinker types seem likeable.

>> No.11717788

okay cool now fuck off

imagine giving this much of a shit about online culture

imagine being so stuck up your own arse you think anyone cares about your special opinion on it

>> No.11717793

/lit/ is a christian board and always will
you can now leave

>> No.11717797

cool, hilarious, witty, very /lit/ post bro
be sure to link it to all your buddies on litcord

>> No.11717801
File: 137 KB, 439x519, 1534645269955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /v/ with thee

>> No.11717802

no need to be edgy and lurk more

>> No.11717807

ebin lurk more newfag

how bored are you, go read a book

>> No.11717808
File: 357 KB, 540x549, 1532236840162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist memes
why are they so shit? nothing's original, they just take stuff from here and paste a /pol/ logo or change a word. Truly the chinks of political leanings. Also shitty falseflag op.

>> No.11717815

>telling people to go back to /v/ with that image
It's a yikes from me senpai

>> No.11717820

Dude what

>good /lit/ posters
Deleuze memers

>cancerous lit posters
neo con petersonians
/pol/ racists
people overtly obsessed with poltiics (aka OP)

>> No.11717823

>why are they so shit? nothing's original, they just take stuff from here and paste a /pol/ logo or change a word
Google the words "parody" and "satire". Should clear up the confusion.

>> No.11717825

Online leftist culture is pretty damn obnoxious, but it's nowhere near as bad as people who use IQ to describe others. The board will be better off without you.

>> No.11717837

let me fix that for you, teenage retard

>good /lit/ posters

people who actually read on a regular basis and don't involve themselves in "/lit/ culture" (including cancerous /soc/ hives like discord)

>cancerous lit posters

Those who don't match with the above

>> No.11717840
File: 188 KB, 1500x1000, NEWS_Peterson_Investigation-STEVEN_LEETHE_VARSITY-Jordan_Peterson1-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11717841

It's mire appropriation than it is parody.

>> No.11717843

>Not mentioning "It's so dense" poster in the good section

>> No.11717849
File: 20 KB, 400x400, RYcqEWJK_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw left neolib

>> No.11717852

I unironically turned in to a lobster after reading his book. AMA!

Also based and redpilled

>> No.11717860
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Don't forget oxfordfag F

>> No.11717970

Yeah, I think your digits also say you’re onto something. I’ve increasingly noticed a lot of unironic snarky SJWs here for a while and it baffles me because they’re not ridiculed enough. Comments like “lol stupid white males”, I thought we were above tumblr...

>> No.11717990

Hello leftpol very funny and GOOD bait post thank you for shitting up this board just that little more jah bless

>> No.11717998

Jesus was the original sjw, though

>> No.11718022

Don't talk shit about ellul

>> No.11718033

>Comments like “lol stupid white males”
google irony

but its just a repost from some retard earlier. OP seems to be making fun of it.

>> No.11718053

There are countless posts just like yours here everyday. You're arguing against no one. People like you comprise the majority of /lit/.

>> No.11718054

>tfw shilling for the status quo
El oh el

>> No.11718078

Understandable. The detached ironic tone that eschews any personal responsibility is pretty annoying. But you need to understand 4chan is populated by some of the most fragile people. Abandoning sincerity means you can take ownership of nothing and never lose.
The leftism thing is a vector of young age, literature as a pastime in general self-selecting for more left leaning people, anti-/pol/ trolls and reactionaries and occasional /leftypol/ raids.

But I get you. It is pretty bad. Also, find it tremendously funny that the many of the same people who do Peterson/Harris Reeeing (and keep Peterson threads alive because they just have to give their two cents on which position they occupy on the Pseud continuum) engage in the same low quality Zizek posting.

/lit/ is beyond saving. The primary interest of this board will never be literature.

>> No.11718088

>lit is filled with snarky leftists
What? We get Peterson threads and "recommend fascist/Nazi lit" threads almost every day.

>> No.11718102
File: 270 KB, 862x1068, 1534642889638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Telling m*voice cracks*e to go back to /v/ with THAT image.

>> No.11718109

unironically a great hair style

>> No.11718119

I know the perfect place for you retard... >>>/pol/