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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 203x248, savannah7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11717177 No.11717177 [Reply] [Original]

Her book is out Feb 2019. Anyone looking forward to it?

>> No.11717182

I always look forward to qt girls with short hair
>tfw no qt shorthaired gf

>> No.11717185

nice shill thread

>> No.11717186

Literally who

>> No.11717198
File: 12 KB, 236x314, savannah8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savannah Brown (;

>> No.11717219


>> No.11717238


>> No.11717252

Go to bed Savannah

>> No.11717261

>you will never ever snuggle up next to her

>> No.11717266

Probably another book about how evil white men are

>> No.11717272

>look mom I'm projecting

>> No.11717274

How many fucking threads are you gonna make about this cunt. You're fucking obsessed. 5 threads a fucking day.

>> No.11717298

would finger blast

>> No.11718453

i reckon she could be a decent writer in a few years when she's ugly as fuck. attractive girls have no talent. literature is for ugly people.

>> No.11718455

Second post, best post

>> No.11718556

Shame about the rape

>> No.11718567

shame about her kidnapping and force-femming guys to be in her femboy harem

>> No.11718805

i do agree that a good author is introspective and its very difficult to foster introspection when the world validates and supports you just by being a pretty face.
she is approaching the wall alot earlier than most girls which gives me hope. girls who lose their looks either become bitter harpies or gain god-tier self awareness and perspective. sadly mostly the former though

>> No.11718854

She looks so cute uwu i will buy her book just to see her smile when she counts the amount of shekels she gets from the book revenue

>> No.11718873

Post a sample of her work.

>> No.11718977

Imagine being slave to your dick. What a sad, pathetic human being.

>> No.11719018

If she refuses to capitalize any letters in her book then I refuse to read it. I can't tolerate that pretentious all lowercase style.

>> No.11719033
File: 48 KB, 912x598, isisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's stop fucking around and talk about what's really important: Savannah Brown looks like a tired 40 year old woman in videos from the last year.

>> No.11719056
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She's 22, lads. What's going on here?

>> No.11719062

Why would anyone look to be reading anything from a little girl? Ask me again in ten years.

>> No.11720644

Wow, her story is actually kind of inspiring.

>> No.11720783

Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.
1 Corinthians 11:14-15

>> No.11720792

A very pretty and affluent girl from a good family.

>> No.11720794

i bet it's about rape

>> No.11720797
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>> No.11720823

She doesn't even look bad there, frogposter. That's how a normal young woman looks. Not every woman is a perfect blemishless 3D character from one of your video games.

>> No.11720942

She looks horrendous compared to a couple of years ago.

>> No.11720961
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>"She told Local Wolves, “Identity is a thing that’s constantly evolving and trying to confine yourself within certain expression parameters is really damaging, I think. ‘Finding yourself’ is something you’ll be doing for the rest of your life, so make big changes and be unapologetic.”"

>> No.11720970

No, nature does not teach hogwash like that.

>> No.11721046

god damn what the fuck happened

>> No.11721082


>Personality Profile of Women Affected with Borderline Personality Disorder
>That fucking haircut.

>> No.11721086

Please refrain from posting if you lack both wit and intelligence.

>> No.11721095

a bad photo

>> No.11721121


History of mental illness
Eating disorder
Lots of drugs

>> No.11721132

>”YouTuber turned...”
Immediately closed that shit.

>> No.11721153

i have all of those plus a couple of years on her and i dont look anywhere near as fucked

>im a guy though

>> No.11721183

Why should I take advice from you?

>> No.11721203

Yes, it does. Men work. Men are built for work. Having long hair makes work more difficult. So having short hair is masculine. Women don't work. Women aren't built or work. Having long hair shows that they don't have to work. Having long hair is feminine. Being attracted to women with short hairs shows that you have a confused understanding of basic gender roles and are probably a Godless reprobate. And oh look you just called Holy Scripture hogwash so I guess that checks out. Get your head screwed on straight.

>> No.11721212

Every important character in the Bible has long hair. Checkmate

>> No.11721213

Not all men are obligated to work. That's why aristocratic men often wore their hair long.

>> No.11721226

viral marketing... doesn't work. if you're trying to force a meme, you're doing it wrong, also.

>> No.11721249

>holy scripture

>> No.11721279

With the exception of Nazirites, no.

And that's why aristocratic men were effeminate and often degenerate.

If you deny the sanctity of the Bible then you are truly lost.

>> No.11721291
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>long hair on men
t. megalomaniacal bourgeoisie twit

>> No.11721325

>actually following a 2000 year old Jew religion
I like to follow Indo-European principles, thanks

>> No.11721331


>> No.11721655

they should be, then I would love them

>> No.11721667

Her face is pretentious, please fuck off with this shitter

>> No.11721953 [DELETED] 

Umm, you do realize men used to wear their hair long and only began cutting it short and shaving their beards en masse because of the temperance movement, which aimed to feminize and tame men, right? Short hair is for metrosexuals and gays.

>> No.11723288

no talent eceleb roastie. riding the feminazi wave for shekels

>> No.11723399

i'd only read it if i got to bang her

>> No.11723410

I'm going to pray for you, don't worry, there is no need to thank me for what I do for you. Just know that I'm right, and you're misguided and confused due to being so drenched in sin. I pity you lost souls.

I was once like you, but thanks to the catholic threads I have joined the bosom of the church, if you'd only be smarter and do as I did, you may too leave the degenerate life you lead.

>> No.11723430


>> No.11723453

She's sooooo talented

>> No.11723454

>she owns the hell out of her style
So? Is literature so dead that we're using clothes as a means of validation for a fucking "author?"
>She’s big on the Youtube spoken-word poetry scene.
>First off: please, if you know what is good for you and your soul, check out the spoken-word poetry scene on Youtube. This article will be here when you return.
>Unsurprisingly, Savannah has made a name for herself on this corner of Youtube with the poems she’s posted. She admits that unlike most spoken-word poets, she did not get her start outside of Youtube. Rather, it was her jumping-off point.
>Her spoken-word videos aren’t filmed at an open mic or competition. Instead, she’s usually sitting with the backdrop of her bedroom. Or, like in the video above, animation and music accompany her poetry, elevating it to something entirely else. Not that her poems aren’t good sans music and animation — they’re brilliant, but being a Youtube spoken-word poet allows her a way of presenting her poetry that becomes something truly special.
I think I'm going to vomit.

>> No.11724026

Go to bed Savannah.

>> No.11724274 [DELETED] 
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I feel you anon, short/shouldered hair is god tier

>> No.11724309

>THE TRUTH ABOUT KEEPING SECRETS is a page-turning, voice led high-school thriller.

"voice led"?

>> No.11724544
File: 21 KB, 250x337, 1EQ7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high-school thriller

>> No.11724551

fucking shill, stop spamming /lit/ with your shitty "writer"

you already have at least one other thread up. fuck off to your containment and stop pushing this nobody-nothing. she doesn't even deserve the title of hack.

>> No.11724587

substance abuse, poor diet, lack of exercise, mental illness. she's probably a terrible lay. but social media cred is what passes for literary talent in 2018. honestly these publishers who are peddling "cute" hacks need to be boycotted.

>> No.11724602

>general rudeness
>name calling
>demeaning someone's looks because you don't like their ideas
/lit/ - the mature board

>> No.11724616
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Fucking every ancient warrior ever would like to have a word with you about how they are a disgrace.

>> No.11724633
File: 168 KB, 500x522, TrumpReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whiting knighting this hard for a shill
You are welcome to leave and go someplace more to your liking.

>> No.11724724
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>> No.11724737

la creatura!!! vamonos!!!!!

>> No.11726157

I look like that as a 19 year old male. She just doesn't sleep well.

>> No.11726522

didnt this have something to do with sex slaves?

>> No.11726596

What about Samson though

>> No.11726606
File: 25 KB, 581x581, 1533653786534 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks good for nothing more than a sultry deepthroat fuckin.

>> No.11726611

She looks like a sad, slutty alt rock loving music business major at Drexel or UArts who goes to a lot of DIY shows in West Philly.

>> No.11726616

as always solid advice. short haired girls are crazy beyond repair

>> No.11726630

*gets BTFO by shorthaired Romans and Cowboys*

>> No.11726650

how did she turn into a chink?

>> No.11726683

Honestly wouldn't mind hearing her recite poetry in between mouthfuls of dick.

She'd be good at that I think.

>> No.11726705

She's 20 but looks 35. It's obvious she unhealthy. I myself don't look much better so I can see the signs.

>> No.11726713

Didn't Samson had the power of God in his locks of hair? you twat

>> No.11726716

I didn't know the bible was a picture book. I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks Jesus had snow white skin while living in the fucking desert. It's reasonable to say X person in your holy books existed, it's retarded to claim that you know what they actually looked like.

>> No.11726724

Rudeness, insults and all sorts of cursing are necessary as catharsis. Society demands politeness and builds outlets to let off rudeness. You think you can make everyone nice and polite all the time and the backlash will hit you with blood in the streets. Both politeness and rudeness are experiences and acting them out is what it means to be human. If you want to be a good goy all the time and repress your shadow archetype then fuck off to tumblr

>> No.11726734

Have you considered that having a need for cathartic episodes might mean that you're not maturely handling your emotions throughout your life as they arise?

If a 22 year old girl's shitty poems are making you mad you're probably just displacing anger from elsewhere in your life that you aren't appropriately addressing.

>> No.11726744
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This is not unusual.

>> No.11726756

What was the methodology behind this graph?

>> No.11726760

Provide the goddamn source lol.

Some /pol/tard probably threw this shit together in 5 minutes using Google Docs and now idiots repost it all over the place

>> No.11726772


>> No.11726791

I'm not talking about the micro, but the macro. She's a statistic. Every form of rudeness you see online is a rudeness you don't experience in real life. I'm saying that this is necessary. Both constructive criticism and destructive criticism are necessary to maintain balance in the universe. But you don't care about balance, what you care about is being nice and not hurting feelings, and your this attitude of disregarding balance is exactly what causes extreme destruction and calamity as opposed to moderate destruction with few casualties. The next time you see mean words on the internet, just let it be. If you can't understand that rudeness is a part of chan culture, then you don't belong here.

>> No.11726808

The Future is Female.
And Future Females are Mature.
40 is Woman in Her Prime.
Get with the times, incel virgins.

>> No.11726820
File: 92 KB, 1366x768, mythfagsbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it make you feel knowing that all of the best writings on nature are not by Science?

>> No.11726823

>Every form of rudeness you see online is a rudeness you don't experience in real life. I'm saying that this is necessary.
And I'm saying we should be confrontational and expressive IRL as opposed to taking out our repressed anger out on silly issues online. Indeed, I would say that this is why chan culture is so pointlessly aggressive, because this place is populated by IRL non-confrontational repressed beta males. I suspect these people try and assuage their emotional hurt by inflicting it on internet-strangers because for whatever reason they can't appropriately address the real problems in their real lives. The problem isn't that the rudeness ITT is hurting anybody's feelings, it's that it is completely disproportionate to the actual perceived offence. That kind of wild disparity between stimulus and reaction is certainly indicative of bigger problems within the subject.

Encouraging this kind of behaviour doesn't actually do any favours for anyone involved. Instead of perpetuating this kind of toxic culture the people of 4chan should be empowering each other to get the real, meaningful satisfaction that they're lacking.

>> No.11726824
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>oh shit, outnumbered and outgunned by 10x
>guess we're superior
>and that's a good thing
Eternally scalped by brain cancer...

>> No.11726839

you sound uptight

>> No.11726903

They aren't in scripture either. The best writings on nature are from the Romanticists.

>> No.11727429

/lit/ is actually really fragile and empty inside when you dig beneath the cool, magnanimous exterior.

>> No.11727464

i'm lovable. i just enjoy insult comedy and everyone irl is such a huge pussy now.

>> No.11727747

tell me more about toxic culture, empowerment and fragility Fabian

>> No.11727776

>If you want to be a good goy all the time and repress your shadow archetype then fuck off to tumblr
Tumblr is infinitely worse and more rude than 4chan ever was.

>> No.11728022

I mean... it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

>> No.11728328

I don't get this meme.
>Stacies become ugly as they approach middle age
>Jokes on you, I've been ugly my entire life!

>> No.11728338

No, I don't read modern books by people under 25 years of age.

>> No.11728341

Calm the fuck down

It’s just a dumb article

>> No.11728356
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Should've been called nonentity mag.

>> No.11728370

The idea is losing the only thing you have going for you is funny from the perspective of someone who never had anything going for them.

>> No.11728378

But if anything the robots just get even uglier and die alone whereas stacies settle down with some chad and live off his earnings.

>> No.11728425

If you're already ugly enough to be a stereotypical "robot" getting even uglier doesn't change anything as opposed to the hypothetical "roastie" who has a very real chance of going from being "stacey" to ending up being a lonely old used up cat lady once her looks go.

>> No.11728486

>That's how a normal young woman looks
Yeah, because most are sickly and treat their bodies like crap.

>> No.11728509

It's not even true though. Average girls that age tend to look better than that. She's hitting the wall hard. Uggos want to pretend everyone's as ghoulish as them to feel normal.

>> No.11728525

>Average girls that age tend to look better than that
Nah, we're at a point in time were not being pre-diabetic puts you into the 99th percentile.

>> No.11728754

t. andrea dworkin

>> No.11728921

>will you read some whore's book

>> No.11728927

based and redpilled

>> No.11728931

yikes and grosspilled

>> No.11728958


>> No.11728985

I forgot how many faggots came to cuckchan after the exodus.

>> No.11729319
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And I used to be like you, christfag. I used to fear that elite Jews and Zions spread degeneracy to destroy the white race. I believed religion restores morals, sin sin sin yadda yadda yadda. I thought I was doing everyone a favor by shoving around my ideologies in attempt to redpill. But that was me 3 years ago. You do you man, but I'm just saying. 4chan takes advantage of your gullibility and will prevent you from really enjoying life and pursuing your full potential. Ideologies dictate your life and consequently your mental health and happiness suffer. It's best to think for yourself as an individual and do whatever you wanna do, despite what the masses or minorities say what is right or wrong.
"Degeneracy" is subjective so personally I don't believe in it. And honestly I've never been more happier and truer to myself.

>> No.11730428

Honestly it must be terrible to be a woman.

>> No.11730746

Here's a link to her previous book:

Although I'm not that big of a reader of highschool stories, seems like a solid enough thriller

>> No.11730909

Can I press my nose into your mons pubis through your panties Savannah?

>> No.11730913

What are you talking about?