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11716358 No.11716358 [Reply] [Original]

>thread dies right after your post

>> No.11716380

>thread explodes in a variety of praise and condemnation, disgust and amusement, at your post
this happens to me way too much, i only post while drinking so i dont really remember what i posted and what people said, and i wake up incredibly anxious about what i might have said

often the threads have 404d when i can check after work so i dont even know what happened, i live in a sort of fear of the insane shit i post online somehow coming back to me

>> No.11716385
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>poster never responds to your scathing critique of their ironic shitpost

>> No.11716411

it's called an "archivel". check it

>> No.11716415

damnit meant "archive"

>> No.11716418

i know one exists but the thought of searching it and seeing everything i have posted makes me positively infused with panic

as long as the threads are gone from the board i can maintain a sort of 'i am not here' thing which calms me

>> No.11716425

>your rich, thought-provoking and insightful post on the threads topic gets completely ignored and your points or questions get left unaddressed

>> No.11716429

its the hurt locker. we come here knowing the pain but since we're all masochists we can't leave

>> No.11716440

maybe you weren't insightful after all, if the occasional shitposters ignored you.

>> No.11716453
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>post shitty bait pretending to be retarded
>someone gives it a thoughtful and genuine response

>> No.11716502
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>thread completely dies after you post in it
>almost every post towards the beginning of the thread has a reply, but yours doesn't

>> No.11716509
File: 393 KB, 600x694, 4cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is an intriguing, interesting topic, but nobody has responded in hours when you find it and your desperate attempt to breathe life back into the thread fails completely

>> No.11716543
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>post something clever
>no one replies for hours
>check back later
>got called a retard
>that's it
I'm trying, alright?

>> No.11716561
File: 24 KB, 500x480, ebba275cfd5199202ffab6f0b9a562a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regret being mean to somebody online
>feel ashamed dirty and regretful
>somebody (else?) makes abhorrent post
>be mean

>> No.11716575
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