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11716337 No.11716337 [Reply] [Original]

Why should one read philosophy?

>> No.11716374

What else are you going to do with your life?

>> No.11716383

It’s just a hobby. If you like it, do it. If not find something else.

>> No.11716391

Understanding that most of what we perceive is often illusory or misunderstanding.

Understanding that the society in which we live is created by people who have goals with which they wish to achieve by convincing of us of certain narratives.

By delving into certain schools of philosophy you can unchain your mind from certain restrictive modes of thinking and begin to perceive the world in a radically different, perhaps more "objective" fashion.

>> No.11716402

because it's interesting?

>> No.11716412

>Life begins at conception
Do people realize this invalidates the use of birth pills and plan b pills?

Anyway, philosophy is just the word we give to a bunch of shit you'd have to figure out anyway, even if not systematically. How should one behave? How can knowledge be acquired? Etc. One way or another, you are engaging with philosophy. Philosophers, i.e. lovers of wisdom, are simply those who decided that the unexamined life is not worth living.

>> No.11716463

no it doesnt? how would the fact life begins at conception invalidate birth control?

>> No.11716467

look up how the pill actually works

>> No.11716535

There is an imperative to figure out how to live life. A term for this process is 'philosophy'. People have written books on their take.

>> No.11716537

this isn’t an answer, why does the beginning of life at conception make contraception and abortion pills invalidated?

>> No.11716541

Join the telegram

A fetus is not sentient and, regardless, it's more an extension of the mother than its own thing. Her (And the parents' in general) right to have their extension live or die supersedes the baby's right to live.

>> No.11716550

You want to.

>> No.11716552

you're not sentient you mong

>> No.11716684

this is philosophy, lad

we don't ask questions here

>> No.11716705

Does your mother have the right to kill you?

>> No.11716709

If I'm ever inside her womb, yeah

>> No.11716714

To prove the existence and penetrate the mind of God, so that we can all one day agree that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that He died for our sins

>> No.11717419

Can any single school of thought in philosophy be right, though? Man, incidentally, is an imperfect being. So how can man create a philosophy to govern man if the philosopher himself is inherently imperfect? What makes him right compared to other philosophy?

>> No.11717518

> thinking I exist when my conciousness doesn't

>> No.11717535

Quick what are the specific parameters for achieving sentience and when exactly does this occur

>> No.11717806

>Youre an inconvienence to me so I will never let you develop conciousness because of this

Abortion is pretty fucked tbqh

>> No.11717817

Which part?

Because it’s interesting. Metaphysics helps with understanding set theory to a considerable degree

>> No.11717827

to posture with other retards online and feel like a smarty pants

once you finally grow up, you'll realise the time would have been better spent reading Shakespeare

>> No.11718093
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>once you finally grow up, you'll realise the time would have been better spent reading Shakespeare

This. Fiction is superior to philosophy in every which way. Will philosophyfags ever learn?