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11714775 No.11714775 [Reply] [Original]

*decolonizes your eurocentric genre*

>> No.11714779

Who gives a shit, Hugo awards are a sham and no one reads the shills trying to push their agenda.

>> No.11714794

Funny how women have been successfully contributing to sci-fi for several decades (centuries if you count Mary Shelley) but blacks haven't contributed shit except for Octavia E. Butler and this meme lady who gets relentlessly praised by the ideologue hacks who currently run the Hugos. Really makes you think.

>> No.11714799

Powerful, based and redpilled.

>> No.11714806


>> No.11714838

Thank you based nigress.

>> No.11714844

Hell, I'll go a step further and point out blacks haven't contributed anything of value to literature in general except for Alexandre "mostly white" Dumas, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, Ralph "the one hit wonder" Ellison, and the key writers of the Harlem Renaissance. Gets the noggin jogging.

>> No.11714848

i wonder if these people realize that they're part white too and if it wasn't for slavery they wouldnt have ever even existed.

>> No.11714854

Blacks in general have contributed shit to literature.
1. Europeans.
2. Americans
3. Latin Americans
4. Asians.
5. 100 layers of shit
6. 100 layers of filthier shit
7. Blacks

>> No.11714857

Baldwin and not Wilson Harris or Derek Walcott or Édouard Glissant or Patrick Chamoiseau ? Are you for real ?

>> No.11714859

That's the nobody who's being propped up by the feminists who control Hugo. I love how they're acting like she accomplished some some crazy historical feat. Merit had nothing to do with it and they're the first ones to admit it when they say "Jemisin’s Hugo threepeat is part of a years-long push for diversity in fantasy and science fiction."

>> No.11714869

You got me with Derek Walcott but I haven't ever heard of the rest. Also, we both fucked up by not mentioning Machado de Assis.

>> No.11714871

Fuck me, I meant to respond to:

>> No.11714874

You’re right about de Assis. There’s plenty of great black french writers, i’ll say that. Senghor is also a great poet.

>> No.11714887

He's not Black black.

>> No.11714914

This is a fact that no one wants to face. Even with the massive push for "diversity" in literature there's still only a small handful of black authors that might be remembered a century from now. They'll never ever come close to white Americans even though American literature didn't become a force to be reckoned with until the early 19th century and they'll be extremely lucky to one day come close to the Asians.

>> No.11714938

a similar phenomenon is found in the arts. black artists much more often than not fall back on the trope of oppression, slavery, racism, etc. its old. there are museums about slavery and the plight of slaves. memorials. its taught in history books. i had to watch a film about it in my public elementary school. it isnt new or different or radical or upsetting anything or anyone. and if youre an artist that isnt saying anything new or getting censored you're a hack frankly

>> No.11714943
File: 626 KB, 800x545, Xi-Jinping-rubbing-his-hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*recolonises your continent*

>> No.11714946

If the subversives keep fucking everything up China will rule the world. I hope leftists are prepared for a yellow future.

>> No.11714952

The one field where they excel is music. Their literature is a joke and their cinema is even worse.

>> No.11714983

things fall apart is one of the greatest pieces of literature in history

>> No.11715088

And a few sports

>> No.11715111
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>if youre an artist that isnt saying anything new or getting censored you're a hack frankly

>> No.11715139

Fantasy is a capitalistic Petite bourgeoisie genre for retards who want to feel deep while still being mindless consumers.

>> No.11715162

The only relevant Fantasy is Tolkien, the rest should have never come about, or become anything more than kids stories.

>> No.11715166

I'm reading the preview. It's obviously written by a woman but it isn't bad. Does it get bad?

>> No.11715175

>le Heart of Darkness is racist man
>writing anything of genuine value
Pick one. If he's remembered a century from now he'll just be remembered as the guy who REEEEEEEEEd about Joseph Conrad.

>> No.11715198

Being a pseudo doesn’t make you an interesting person

>> No.11715202

At the end of the day she owes everything she's earned to Tolkien.

>> No.11715203

Fantasy goes all the way back to Arabian Nights and Beowulf. Hell, it could be argued that the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Greek epics are fantasy.
You're right that post-Tolkien fantasy is shit.

>> No.11715209
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 1530531671313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when does calling a spade a spade make one unable to "write anything of genuine value?" sounds arbitrary to me.
or maybe...
just maybe...

>> No.11715224

No shit a man that was born in 1857 was racist. What's annoying is Achebe's basic observations were championed as pure genius.

>> No.11715238

Don't talk shit about CS Lewis

>> No.11715240

>Achebe's basic observations were championed as pure genius.
Were they really though?

>> No.11715247

Yup. Look it up. He's most known for Things Fall Apart and whining about Joseph Conrad's racism.

>> No.11715249

CS Lewis is fine, but his books are aimed at a much younger audience. Most modern "adult" fantasy is shit.

>> No.11715274

Western Europeans > Eastern Europeans > Americans > East Asians > South Asians > Southwest Asians = North Africans > Latin Americans > Central Asians > Southeast Asians > Oceanians = Sub-Saharan Africans

>> No.11716119

This kind of stuff is the reason I won't read and fantasy or sci-fi written after 1960.

>> No.11716133
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>the Hugo Awards

Um, that's a bit problematic, sweetie.

>> No.11716134

Kingdom of Gods was really good

>> No.11716837
File: 97 KB, 234x392, Dhalgren-bantam-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only reason Dhalgran wasn't canonized on the level of Gravity's Rainbow was because Delany has the science fiction genre label.

>> No.11716869

honestly wouldn't mind seeing more fantasy based on other mythologies. praising it to heaven just for being different is a bit stupid, but the shift towards more flavors of fantasy is not a bad thing.

>> No.11716885

Who dis munkay bitche iid fukker

>> No.11716896

>Wilson Harris
>The novel was written in 1959 after Wilson Harris had moved to London from Guyana. The manuscript for the novel was accepted for publication by T. S. Eliot
Well that's a surprise

>> No.11716897

The faster China grows, the faster it crumbles. They absolutely cannot produce a stable society.

>> No.11716910
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>> No.11716928

>but it'll collapse any day now, just you watch!

t. 90% of western commentators for the last 35 years

>> No.11717206

Palace of the Peacock is a masterpiece. Pure ayahuasca trip.

>> No.11717255

blacks invented peanut butter

>> No.11717294

And gang rape

>> No.11717327

China is more stable than any liberal democracy, by the nature of its culture and political system. Leftists are obviously not prepared given that they're ideologically opposed and chinks have no liberal basis to subversively garner strength from.

>> No.11717334

Samuel L. Whiteman.

>> No.11717530

Fantasy genre is one that needs more diversity.

>> No.11717540


>> No.11717544

how was it colonized if it was always european?

>> No.11717629

Sci fi came out of Islam, brother.
>Ibn Tufail (Abubacer) and Ibn al-Nafis were pioneers of the philosophical novel. Ibn Tufail wrote the first Arabic novel, Hayy ibn Yaqdhan (Philosophus Autodidactus ["The Self-Taught Philosopher"]), as a response to al-Ghazali's The Incoherence of the Philosophers. Ibn al-Nafis then wrote his novel Theologus Autodidactus ["The Self-Taught Theologian"] as a response to Ibn Tufail's. Both of these narratives had protagonists (Hayy in Philosophus Autodidactus and Kamil in Theologus Autodidactus) who were autodidactic feral children living in seclusion on a desert island; these are the earliest examples of a desert island story. However, while Hayy lives alone with animals on the desert island for the rest of the story, Kamil's story extends beyond the desert island setting, developing into the earliest known coming of age plot and eventually becoming the first example of a science fiction novel.

>> No.11717631

le guin already did that though?

>> No.11718052

Wh*te author
>We don't harm the gods when we mingle their names with our curses and obscenities. We harm ourselves. I said that I didn't regard most gods as holy, but they don't have to be for our malice and mockery to recoil upon ourselves.

Strong powyrful wymxn POS Democratic Socialist Hugo and Nebula Award Winner
>The nigs nogged at nognight, as was our custom. I looked up at the beautiful ebony sky of Nogvania and rejoiced in the jungle hooting of my beautiful black sisters. As the rhythm of the space-drums surged through my black skin I felt at one with the great Blackness. The albinoids had been slain, the great Patriarch overthrown, there were no pallid hands to clutch at our black bodies ever again. "Down with the Rapocracy!" I shouted, and my words became hip hop. My beautiful black body was recorded on Instagram as I sang, getting over three million hits, and a producer named Shmuel signed me to a three record deal. At last I returned to Hiphopopolis triumphant, resplendent, rims spinning. I told my beautiful black sisters that the war was over. The great Welfare in the sky would no longer be controlled by the albinoids of the Rapocracy, but would dispense its gifts freely to all beautiful black bodies, so that we might live, and make hip hop.

>> No.11718077

My two favorite things

>> No.11718106

The Aztecs did.

>> No.11718118

Isn't it funny how Bolsheviks went for the mechanisms of power while having no support among the populace?

Isn't it funny how cultural Bolsheviks go for educational spots, award shows and create review (((aggregators))) to peddle their work?

>> No.11718121

>first person

I've heard the nog writes in second person all the way, I shit you not.

>> No.11718139

there was overwhelmibg working class support for socialism in russia, germany and china tard

>> No.11718140

>would legitimately like to read novels written by people from other countries, set in their nation and culture, or featuring their history or mythology
>almost everything is just "muh white devil" ranting
Are there books from other nations translated to English (if necessary) that aren't anti-white salt?
I would love that.

>> No.11718144

The Aztecs were black, crackkka.

>> No.11718148

oh shit 35 years man, 35 years! that's like forever in terms of history, right? Fucking retard.

China is stable in that it has to be perfectly stable to survive as a hive society. They cannot tolerate dissent in the way western society can, if it existed their society would cease to exist, and blood would pour in the streets like it has every single time they had political trouble. It happened before it will happen again.

>> No.11718174

yes and I'm talking about Bolsheviks, not the socialists that Cheka murdered immediately.

>> No.11718223

lol. chinese central governments bribe powerful dissenters in the liberal rich coastal cities to play nice. once the money dries up (and it will) the shit show will start.

>> No.11718250

yes there was overwhelming support for Socialism you fucking propagandist retard, ths Bolsheviks were the most popular party in Russia, they were overwhelmingly beloved by Russians and to this day people in the Eastern bloc talk of missing them, and specifically Stalin. Communism is bad because its inefficient not because its illegitimate. Fascism is for the exact same reasons