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11712930 No.11712930 [Reply] [Original]

So basically

In real life he was a pathetic frail man who had a weak stomach and was nearly blind and was extremely shy

So he just LARPed about being superman?

>> No.11712940

>one of the youngest professors ever

Maybe rail at his accomplishments when you've finally finished undergrad kid

>> No.11712952

This hasn't addressed what I said at all

>> No.11712956

No he was totally open about the fact that he was a sickly autist. His philosophy was just in part about supermen.

Not to mention reaching into a philosopher's personal life to make sense of their philosophy is one of Nietzsche's innovations.

>> No.11712957

You said nothing of worth. Go to the other boards to write your inane shitposts, or at least become better at it.

>> No.11712963

So we should disregard everything he said if it contradicts his position in life

>> No.11712966

Shut up

>> No.11713014
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>frail man who had a weak stomach
why does this matter to you? I mean seriously, what the fuck is up? Your goal is to be chad and fuck women? Why not go ahead and hop in your little opium den you dumb faggot

>> No.11713025

he didn't say that he himself was a superman

>> No.11713039

Nobody is an actual ubermensch, and that's not all his philosophy's about. Stop trying to attach the philosophy to the philosopher. Read his works and see if you find any meaning in them.

>> No.11713051

No, read my post again.

My point is that him being a sickly autist doesn't actually discredit anything he said. Not to mention a large part of Nietzsche's analysis of strength and weakness is that the distinction can actually be very blurry and counter-intuitive.

>> No.11713160

Maybe it's because he was a philosopher who did nothing but think read and write.

>> No.11713188

So weak men shouldn't aspire to greatness?

>> No.11713204

No, he was an absolute visionary genius mad lad who foresaw the decline of Christianity in Europe and worked his fuckin ass off to try to find a worthy replacement, only to be horrendously misinterpreted by onions boy faggots a century later who regularly accuse him of being a nihilist (he is more like an anti-nihilist desu) and a nazi (this one is just pathetically transparent poisoning the well).

Eat shit and die and be burned alongside a thousand copies of Harry Potter

>> No.11713394

funny that ubermensch is mentioned like 7 times in nietzsche's corpus, never fleshed out, was really a peripheral quasi-idea, yet it's become the dude's legacy. I guess its just like the platonic forms that plato never even talked about.

>> No.11713429


He couldn't hold the only job that has no requirements.

>> No.11713658
File: 87 KB, 587x578, Lamb of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was more contra soi and bugmen than pro uebermenschen:

>nazi (this one is just pathetically transparent poisoning the well)
Had he known Jews better I think he would have agreed with the Nazis. They take the worst of liberalism and materialism and run with it until they're beyond all limits.

>> No.11713668

Link should be the following:

>> No.11713692
File: 9 KB, 262x400, 5ce04f93d78608419f78a3bb4621e674e83531b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm he gave lectures

>> No.11713707

>who foresaw the decline of Christianity in Europe
What percentage of Nietzsche readers are this historically ignorant?

>> No.11713742
File: 65 KB, 182x276, 1508503601489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11714567


If you think will to power is about becoming superman then you have not read his works or have and have missed the point entirely. Also ignoring that a good part of that was edited posthumously.

lurk/read more fagget.

>> No.11714617

No, his concepts (master/slave morality, will to power) are solid, and were revolutionary for his time. It has nothing to do with LARPing. Now fuck off.

>> No.11714625

It hurts me every morning when I see how absolutely cucked Europe has become. As little as four decades of being godless will do it.

>> No.11714672


His eighteenth-century medications were slowly killing him.

>> No.11714813

All philosophy is just "muh feelings" and personal opinions. That's why I don't waste time reading it anymore.

>> No.11714849
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"look mom, I posted it!"

>> No.11714910

I'm an adult so why would I inform my mother of my postings on 4chan? Your insults don't even make any sense. That philosophy has rotted your brain it seems.

>> No.11714979

Amazing reply.

>> No.11714991

>A person's worth as a thinker is dependent on how their physical body was
This is almost as bad as those who shit talk Schopenhauer because he "wuz an incel loser who had no gf lel'

>> No.11715040

>dude has a horrible life
>falls is love with girl
>proposes and get rejected
>sick as hell
>has to stay locked up in a room for months because of sickness
>still smart likes to read a lot
>reflects a lot
>comes up with a new philosophy
>believes that a strong person is born in difficult times
>that the superman should love his fate and create his on sense of moral and ethics
>that simply hating life will get us nowhere

It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

>> No.11715227


>> No.11715235

White and based

>> No.11715250

people make assumptions about the man's philosophy without even reading him. Nietzsche's superman is not some burly man of action or oppressor but a free thinker who dictates his own values based on his own subjective (not relativistic) relation to WTP and can take the burden of living outside of society and common morality that goes along with it

>> No.11716648
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>Had he known Jews better I think he would have agreed with the Nazis. They take the worst of liberalism and materialism and run with it until they're beyond all limits.

>> No.11716658

He never refers to himself as the Overman. He's the prophet of the Overman.

>Nobody is an actual ubermensch
Wrong. Nietzsche was pretty clear that the Overman was possible. He's the "whole man," who appears occasionally in history and is typically an accident if anything. Nietzsche's goal was to try and funnel the variables that would cause that accident so we could later manufacture it more reliably.

>> No.11716688

A wild, free and uncaged natural attitude, whomst've'd known what it is ever like anymore?

>> No.11716841

>He was more contra soi and bugmen than pro uebermenschen:
how so? the last man is given as an alternative goal to the overman, so yes, him being contra last man is him being pro overman.

>> No.11716864

>Plato never talked about the Forms

lol, oke.

>Nietzsche only mentioned the Übermensch 7 times in his corpus

do you even read?

>> No.11716874

Exactly. You finally got it, anon.

>> No.11716939

>Nobody is an actual ubermensch
That's where you're wrong. Women have always been ubermensch.

>> No.11717954


I mean as far as NEETzsche goes he's right.

>> No.11717963


>> No.11718924

You really think you know more than Nietzsche about the jews? lmao

>> No.11719283

Nietzsche said he could no longer afford to be a pessimist because he was too sickly. That's why he renounced Schopenhauerism and came up with this mental world of compensation.

Schopenhauer was a healthy rich handsome womaniser chad and could afford to explore the darkest thoughts, he was stable. Nietzsche couldn't afford anything but high spirited nonsense because coming too terms with reality would be too disastrous, as he finally proved when he had his breakdown.