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11711937 No.11711937 [Reply] [Original]

>surface lifers - materialistic, image obsessed, craft a public persona, only do what other surface lifers are doing, shallow relationships and minimal introspection. Aka normies.

>inner lifers - introspective, unconcerned with latest trends, rich imagination, difficult to form relationships as most people exist in surface life, interested in deeper truths of reality, excellent abstract thinking, often labelled mentally ill. Aka us.

Surface life is just to keep the NPCs busy. It has no deeper meaning, hence the rampant nihilism in today's society. Inner life is best life. You see normies enjoying food and wine and movies and sports. These are all surface life activities

>> No.11711945

gamers rise up etc

>> No.11711965


>> No.11711979

You fools. The surface/inner life dichotomy is perhaps one of the most important concepts of the 21st century. Its profundity rivals esotericism. It could literally change how people view and live in the world.

>> No.11712010

Yeah, but not if idiots like you are unable to recognize that everyone participates fully in both, it's just your surface life is crappy and shittily developed because you're lazy. But you need one. You have to be able to interact with surface lives, or your inner life is meaningless, you can't express it.

Like this thread, for example, your whininess and self-pity means nobody is taking your big important ideas seriously.

>> No.11712022
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Heroic. Only the complication in relation to you writing this out to the collective, demonstrates that you are on the surface because of your image obsession related to the abstract. Odds on coping with a loss of material.

>> No.11712101

Explain schizoids and psychopaths. One is almost completely inner life and the other is perhaps totally in surface life.

>> No.11712109

literally read anti-oedipus, pleb

>> No.11712113

gamers rise up

>> No.11712608


>> No.11712656
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Yes but there is a danger of even your inner life being superficial. Think of how many there are who substitute a superficial extroversion with chronic inner hubris. Think of how many /lit/ browsers who's "inner life" is just a steady stream of imagined dialogue between persons they rarely interact with, and this could be just as superficial, in fact it is probably moreso because it is detached from reality. Think of the /litizen/ who meanders around lusting after "stacies"; in fact I would wager that these types are even more superficial because their inner dialogue is never exposed to the light of the day, which would fill one with such shame when one is suddenly cognizant of how despicably pretentious one actually is. Except we're all aware of this, and this just causes us to sink deeper into our shell, a vicious, non-linear effect. Possibly even at the moment of our death when the humiliation of it all threatens to surge to unforeseen levels, we will commit the rationalization of all rationalizations as we desperately try to convince ourselves that everyone else is to blame.

Introversion is too dangerous. Even though interacting with the multitudes is to be avoided at all costs, one should at least try to make sporadic contact in order to refine one's contempt.

>> No.11712659

nice mental masturbation cope loser

>> No.11712669

I know fedora memes are so 2015, but one would really fit here