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11711444 No.11711444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whose your favorite intellectual?

>> No.11711447


>> No.11712070

Cenk Uygur

>> No.11712087

Sargon of Akkad

>> No.11712090


>> No.11712092


>> No.11712093

Andrew Anglin

>> No.11712097

My papa

>> No.11712099

Jordan B Peterson

>> No.11712110


>> No.11712115

Christopher Hitchens

>> No.11712121
File: 29 KB, 732x1024, DemoIQUSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Kraut and Tea got BTFO'd so hard in his debates against JF and TheAltHype that it convinced me to become somewhat of a race realist.

it all came just as I had finished a string of classes in psychology, statistics, genetics, and molecular biology, so I was able to figure out that 1) Kraut had laughably ZERO knowledge of what he was talking about, even on the irrelevant "nitty gritty" details that he brought in to bolster his appeal; 2) Kraut's team of academics were either too sloppy or stupid to correct the litany of mistakes made by Kraut; and 3) there is significant evidence for "race realism", although race, in the way it is socially constructed, is probably far from the best category to truly understand genetic differences between populations and their impact on phenotypic distributions.

I would be afraid to show my face online if I were that much of a retard that I ended up torpedoing my own career in order to fight le ebil nahzees

>> No.11712188

black peples

>> No.11712193

Is this some form of post-modern neomarxist shitposting?

>> No.11712198


>> No.11712199


>> No.11712224

that guy on doublechin who told me to suck on his mother's pussy

>> No.11712227

kanye west

>> No.11712258


>> No.11712263

neck yourself /pol/ nigger

>> No.11712268

>favorite intellectual
people who agree with me
>least favorite intellectual
people who disagree with me