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/lit/ - Literature

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11711331 No.11711331 [Reply] [Original]

How does one learn to love reading?

>> No.11711335
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By reading a few good books, and starting to imagine all the great shit you're yet to read.

>> No.11711395

too many bad books

>> No.11711568

You can't learn to love. Love is nurtured, not learned.

>> No.11711576

you dont learn to love reading books, books learn to love reading you

>> No.11711584

>How does one learn to...
Motherfucker he said LEARN. It’s implied that the following will be learned.
But no, you see love and think you an expert on it because you may or may not have had a good mother and have been through some failed relationships.
And you fucking smear your pseud bullshit on my board and don’t even supply the faggot OP with an answer.

OP, you massive faggot, you pick up a book, you visualize what you read in it, and you let the words take your mind places it can’t reach on it’s own. Fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.11711797

Having read only 2 or 3 books in 2017, and only 1 in 2016, and probably none in 2015, I started to read more seriously this year, you can call it a new year's resolution if you want, but I just thought "I want to become a man who reads." So I did. And, when I started reading, I started to love it.
There are many things one can love reading for: pure quality of the prose, interesting characters/plot, interesting thoughts of the author, gaining interesting information, etc etc. It's really not hard

>> No.11712406

You seem to have some issues, so I won't argue with your response to my reply. I'd just point out that visualization is only one, relatively minor aspect of reading. Visualization of literature is usually very rudimentary and based on stereotypes and familiar images rather than actual production of new ones. The medium of literature aren't images but language, which can bypass images, destroy them and/or express something completely different. Some examples of this are a description of a triangular circle in Pratchett's Discworld, the unnerving undescribed form of Kafka's "Ungeziefer", or any poetry, which explores and uses the very sound of words and their visuality on a page.
This is partially why I didn't want to give any advice to OP. I don't want to limit or determine his exploration and understanding of literature.

>> No.11712635

stockholm syndrome

>> No.11712662

Very carefully.