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11708597 No.11708597 [Reply] [Original]

This is the reading group for Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. It will be going on from now until mid November. We will be going through page per page and expressing our opinions on it.

We are at Foucault's Preface. The reading pace will be decided rhizomatically and happen real time.

Link to the book:

>> No.11708607
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>not even done with the preface

So this is the power of /lit/....

>> No.11708611

To page 10

>> No.11708639

It's a difficult book.

>> No.11708660
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This is page 1.

>> No.11708836

Freud btfo

>> No.11708970

Has someone finally (please) made a flowchart of texts to read before this?

>> No.11709766

I'm not in the group but this channel might be helpful


>> No.11709770

Just read it dude. We are already on page 4

>> No.11709787
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Will Schizochan be joining us?

>> No.11709985

Is there an epub that can be read on an ereader?

>> No.11710074
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if you download the pdf and go to the last page you can see every person referenced in the book. The ones most referenced are marx, nietzsche, freud and lacan. That gives you an idea both of what to read and of how gigantic that list would be

in b-ok.org there are 3 pdfs available, two are shite, there is one that is good (pictured), download it and convert to .mobi or .epub and you're set

>> No.11710083

Yo can we not harass the girl with actual schizophrenia like I feel that's a little too far

>> No.11711236

Every time one of these pops up, I have to note that A-O and ATP are not books you want to read in a group. They are more books that you slowly burn through, researching everything that they mention. Comparing notes is cool, but having any forced pace or structure to reading A-O is completely antithetical to the book itself.

>> No.11711244

Seconding this. Need for a Deleuze chart on here is great sense he has become part of the meme canon.

>> No.11711252

I'm amused by how much Henry Miller is referenced.

>> No.11711255
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I'm gonna send her a death threat now just out of spite.

>> No.11711271

Having never read D&G before, the first 15 pages of this basically come across as William Burroughs-cum-Henry Miller novel. I mean, I enjoy both those authors, but this isn't really what I expected from "philosophy". By that I mean, I'm already having doubts that this offers anything more substantial than the slipstream literary insights of fiction authors from that time.

>> No.11711467

Just skip the preface discussion, we're not here to read Foucault. I need a smartfag to explain to me why he is talking so much about production in section 1 and why the schizophrenics are so relevant.

>> No.11711930
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Should I read the book before reading the manga, before watching the anime?

>> No.11712426

>They are more books that you slowly burn through
this is the second thread, the first one lasted for days, and they are still on the 5 pages preface. Can't get slower than that

>> No.11712475
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Just so you know, the official anime adaptation of AO is Lain

>> No.11712607

Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams
Marxist terminology
Wikipedia - Oedipus Complex

>> No.11713197

Wait is this image also Lain?
Thanks for at least giving people an idea of what a Deleuze chart might look like.

>> No.11713213

No, that image is not Lain.

>> No.11713530

Then what is it from?

>> No.11714072

be familiar with: Spinoza, Kant, Marx, Neech, Freud, Lacan, Bataille, Artaud; you should manage

>> No.11714094
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>In their account of capitalism, surely the most impressive since Marx's, Deleuze and Guattari describe capitalism as a kind of dark potentiality which haunted all previous social systems. Capital, they argue, is the 'unnamable Thing', the abomination, which primitive and feudal societies 'warded off in advance'. When it actually arrives, capitalism brings with it a massive desacralization of culture. It is a system which is no longer governed by any transcendent Law; on the contrary, it dismantles all such codes, only to re-install them on an ad hoc basis. The limits of capitalism are not fixed by fiat, but defined (and redefined) pragmatically and improvisationally. This makes capitalism very much like the Thing in John Carpenter's film of the same name: a monstrous, infinitely plastic entity, capable of metabolizing and absorbing anything with which it comes into contact. Capital, Deleuze and Guattari says, is a 'motley painting of everything that ever was'; a strange hybrid of the ultra-modern and the archaic. In the years since Deleuze and Guattari wrote the two volumes of their Capitalism And Schizophrenia, it has seemed as if the deterritorializing impulses of capitalism have been confined to finance, leaving culture presided over by the forces of reterritorialization.

>> No.11714177

literally right about everything

>> No.11714254

Ghost in the Shell

>> No.11714309

Capitalism and Schizophrenia is supposed to be the best entry point according to Deleze himself. I suppose What is Philosophy? might be a little easier so try that too (Also by G as well). Feel free to read Capitalism and Schizophrenia in any order. Flip through randomly. Do bibliomancy. Look for chapters that appeal. Read and re-read. The concluding chapters are where some people even start.

For secondary literature, you might check out Brian Massumi's A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia. He wrote the English translation of A Thousand Plateaus so it's a good start.

If you want to go deep into Deleuze I would suggest reading his books on the history of philosophy:
>Empiricism and Subjectivity
>Kant's Critical Philosophy
>Nietzsche and Philosophy
>Spinoza: Practical Philosophy
>The Fold

Then you might wish to view his philosophical magna opera:
>Difference and Repetition
>Logic of Sense

He also has some books on literature and film but I have not read them.

>> No.11714320

based Fisher

>> No.11714331

08/30/18(Thu)13:47:46 No.11708145
Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with HIV. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation.

>> No.11714333

Does anyone have the suicide note that he posted on his blog? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.11714334

Anonymous 08/31/18(Fri)14:14:18 No.11714331

08/30/18(Thu)13:47:46 No.11708145
Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with HIV. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation.

>> No.11714345
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Read up on RD Laing and the antipsychiatry movement of the 60s and 70s. Laing's booklet on The Politics of Experience is quoted from extensively in Chapter 2. psychosis as a transformative experience. The divided self is another short work of his this time dealing with schizoid and schizophrenic symptoms.

For a contrasting, or maybe complementary, perspective, check out the works of Christopher Lasch, he was a psychoanalytically oriented cultural critic on the mold of the frankfurt school who focused on the destructive aspects of the 'culture of narcissism' that resulted from the breakdown of 19th century values and familialism.

Adam Curtis' documentary the century of the self deals with the political history of psychoanalysis, from Freud and Bernays to the neoliberal recuperation of antipsychiatric ideas( D&G aren't in the film, neither is Lasch, but RD Laing and Ms. Thatcher do make an appearance, though)

Norman O. Brown's Life Against Death on the Psychoanalytical meaning of History, foreword is by Lasch.

>> No.11714394

Nah m8, me too but I'm not sure it exists anymore

>> No.11714437


>> No.11714689

So why do they refer to things as machines, desiring machines, productions of production?

>> No.11714732

because everything facilitates and inhibits flows of desire; machines are those things which facilitate and inhibit flows.

>> No.11714734

it was cool back then

>> No.11714752
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Deleuze and Guattari's notion of the unconscious is explicitly radical and political. Their goal was to produce revolutionary change through an enhancement of the unconscious' creative potentialities, a refusal to contain these creative energies within either Freud's oedipus complex(what you really want is to fuck your mother and kill your father) or orthodox marxist teleology. In France, radical politics and avant garde art go a long way back. From Dada to Breton's surrealist international, to the lettrists and situationists, the dissident leftists and utopians of the Front Populaire 30s, writers such as Bataille and Benjamin. Lacan, too, was involved with the surrealists at some point, his concept of the unconscious as social proved influential with D&G as did Jung's.

>> No.11714778
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Acephale, 1935

>> No.11714814
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That was also the objective of the Frankfurt School, the use of weaponized freudian psychology in order to collapse the western socio-religio superstructure.

>> No.11715831


>> No.11716039

truth be told, Edward Bernays and Madison Ave were the ones who really excelled when it came to weaponizing freudian psychology and collapsing the western socio-religious superstructure. rightists typically assume its a question of the alien interloper subverting an otherwise harmonious 'natural' unity, when it is really capital itself that acts as the universal solvent, decoding all flows.

>> No.11717310

Who's made it to page 10? I feel like a fictional character.

>> No.11718884

Don't let the thread die again, faggots.

>> No.11720438

Yes sir!

>> No.11720456
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Page 2

This is tripping me out.

>> No.11720469

Calling people faggots is fascist, bro

>> No.11720671

What am I even reading?

>> No.11720678

What page should we have read to by now?

>> No.11720698

whats wrong with fascism?

>> No.11720710

Muh sixty gorillion

>> No.11721482

Nothing. But Germany and it's autistic manchild of a "leader" made it taboo

>> No.11721838

Read the book to find out

>> No.11721925

So, in the first section, are they trying to say that desire is a sort of fuel that we have to supply to the "machines" that compose us?
I've been thinking about this myself. The way sex is never as good as to warrant the ridiculous obsession we have with it. It is not sex itself that makes humanity go forward, but the desire thereof. So maybe this extends to everything else that we do, so that desire itself is what gives us the energy to do what we are doing.

>> No.11722036

i wish he was still here with us

>> No.11722052

if you find it post it here please, anon

>> No.11722758

Don't forget the sunbeams iirc

>> No.11723903


>> No.11724942


>> No.11725117

>it breathes, it heats, it eats. it shits and fucks
stop reading here

>> No.11725672

Ok Grandpa.

>> No.11725739

machines aren't only what makes us up though. we attach ourselves to all sorts of machines, when you take a stroll in the mountains you attach yourself to an alpine-machine. the real question is, where do desiring-machines exist? do they only exist in the human?

>> No.11725896
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>> No.11726011

what's so bad about this

>> No.11726035

makes you ponder

>> No.11726444

The introduction seemed masturbatory and politicized

>> No.11726516

what else were you expecting? the whole book is about jerking off revolutionary desires.

>> No.11727360

What page should we have read to by now?

>> No.11727389

I want to take part
so we read and talk about it here?

>> No.11727476

Reading Introduction
What bothers me is the insistence on the schizophrenic as a central point of reference.
It is in contrast with the generalizing DSM term 'disorganized speech', 'disorganized behavior', ie. if a clinician calls a behavior disorganized, it doesn't really matter what its content and its associations are, as the patient will be prescribed antipsychotics and CBT in psychosis is a no no.

>> No.11727486

Each week we read 30 pages

If you have any questions at all ask one of the high level Deleuzians in this thread.

>> No.11727532

they don't give a fuck about the DSM dude

>> No.11727551

I understand that. But I think DSM is not just big pharma being positivist.
I don't mean to be confrontational, I just have a lot of questions.
'A schizophrenic out for a walk is a better model than a neurotic lying on the
analyst's couch'. a model for what?
I think they presuppose that schizophrenia incidence coincides with the capitalist mode of production and society, which is not really obvious.