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11708335 No.11708335 [Reply] [Original]

>Girls like guys who like Nietzsche

>> No.11708356

"Oh nice, I love Neechy!"

>> No.11708363

why do her eyebrows do that?

>> No.11708365

Who gives a fuck

>> No.11708374
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>> No.11708376
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>mfw I have this same edition

>> No.11708380

"Ahem. Nee-Chuh. It's Nee-Chuh."

>> No.11708392

No, no, no, Anon. It's Neets-cha. Repeat: Neet-cha.

>> No.11708993

the "che" in the name Nietzsche is actually quite silent. You can't pronounce the cha so harsh.

>> No.11709014

it's pronounced "Neet-Chan" you newfags

>> No.11709593

men like debt-free virgins without tattoos

>> No.11709603

>men like debt-free virgins without tattoos
To marry, yes.
To have sex with?
Men will have sex with anyone woman who is physically attractive.

>> No.11709607

I'm a debt-free virgin and I've never been hit on by a guy?

>> No.11709609

Are you fat?

>> No.11709620

That’s because you’re a fat sack of slime, Jack
If you weren’t so disgusting, you could even be a cut twink. Sort yourself up

>> No.11709651
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There's a million ways to induce seduction.
It is yours if you want it.

>> No.11709657

post feet

>> No.11709674

Yes you have, you just don't consider it flirting unless he's Chad. Nonchads don't even register in your brain as sexual options.

>> No.11709917

Do you know what Nietzsche said about animals?

>> No.11709941
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Nietzsche knew the suss about women. It is unreal how clear-sighted he was when it came to what a woman is like.

No joke, the more close relationships I have with women the more I discover just how spot on his analysis is.

>> No.11710413

Damn whos that?

>> No.11710433

Wake up

>> No.11710757

great movie

>> No.11711027

Appropriate since Nietzsche wanted to fuck his sister too.

>> No.11711038

have you even seen the movie? they aren't relatives

>> No.11711292


>> No.11711300

>Men will have sex with anyone woman who is physically attractive

>> No.11711339

>Nietzsche? Isn't that the guy who wanted to fuck his sister?

>> No.11711366
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only best girls

>> No.11711371

Why are antifa chicks so fucking ugly, bros?

>> No.11711380

Shut the fuck up ingrate

>> No.11711381
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you have a shit taste. you probably like ugly bimbos with makeup.

>> No.11711383

>Implying they've ever heard of Nietzsche

>> No.11711386

He's right tho

>> No.11711388
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>> No.11711427

thats the point

>> No.11711469
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>> No.11711784

her sister was way hotter, but then become a silicon-slut-mommy insta thot

>> No.11711882

What did Nietzsche say about women beside bringing the whip?

>> No.11712651

It's actually pronounced Knee-cha (like Chad without the D)
I'm German so I oughta know

>> No.11712671

There is nothing more repugnant to a woman than the truth.
A man's love is acquisitive while a woman's love is for her to be acquired. A man who loves like a woman is never going to be loved by anybody.
Women are the source of all folly.
They are natural born slave-moralists.
They are incapable of friendship.

But he also says they're clearly smarter and more devious than men and that the higher woman is even higher and rarer than the higher man.

>> No.11712757


And this is how it begins

>> No.11712794

In Human, All Too Human, the chapter called "Woman and Child" is one huge Red Pill

>> No.11712818

Quick rundown?

>> No.11712840

hard to give a rundown, its about 60 aphorisms most of them dealing with a variety of aspects about marriage and women's behavior

>> No.11713038
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Is this going to be another thing I read where I rediscover that all the ascenticism is a solo sport and a gf that would understand doesn't exist?
I don't like it when 4Chan does that to me.

>> No.11713068

The life of the higher-man is a solo-sport, my man. If you wanna be great you better be ready to feel very lonely a lot of the time.

Higher women exist too, it's just that the likelihood of ever meeting one let alone having a serious relationship with one is next to nil.

>> No.11713123

everything about women is riddles, and the answer to all of them is pregnancy

>> No.11713128
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>> No.11713152

As Nitch says, the perfect woman is a higher type than the perfect man, but much more rare

>> No.11713178


Shes a jewish demon

>> No.11713242


>> No.11713600

No you faggot. I'm German too and it's Knee-chuh
Fucking spas

>> No.11713637

is that big FRIEDERICH NIETZSCHE on the back of it, or did they add that to the jacket?

>> No.11713805


>> No.11714081


>> No.11715223

Try again.
It's well known that Nietzsche was a sexist. It's also well known that women don't like men who disrespect their agency as people

>> No.11715231

>It's also well known that women don't like men who disrespect their agency as people
Right they love them.

>> No.11715232


>> No.11716191


>> No.11716231
File: 80 KB, 900x675, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thread a while ago on wanting to read Nietzsche but would like to now the context or reference from Nietzsche. I mentioned im not falling for the Greek meme. Every comment was start with the Greeks or you will have no idea about what Nietzsche is talking about. FUCK REEEEEEE PLATOS SO BORING. i just wanna read thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.11716363

Hey man you're forgetting that they are both jewish.

>> No.11716590


>> No.11717123

Either your start with the Greeks or start with Deleuze. Take your pick

>> No.11717567 [DELETED] 

ich will doch nur eine süße christliche Jungfrauen gf

>> No.11717601

Just fucking read Nietzsche then you pussy