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11706991 No.11706991 [Reply] [Original]

books to become an educated black male. I want to know why things are the way they are currently and what this white privladge this is all about.

>inb4 white supremists

>> No.11707000

Why is the victim narrative so intoxicating?
Even i feel myself drawn to it like fucking crazy.

>> No.11707014

Nice bait /pol/tard now get the fuck back to your board.

>> No.11707016

start with the greeks

>> No.11707030
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Start with the greeks i think?
Yeah, why take responsibility when you can blame the world?

>> No.11707031

N word

>> No.11707080

unironically go to your public library and take a good long look at each aisle and try to understand why you are more drawn to some rather than others. If you dress well whilst doing so people will think none the wiser, (in my experience it just is the case that less black men are taught how to dress and talk properly and therefore are stuck perpetually in "working class" mode (along with what is also perceived as "white trash"). Great Expectations by Dickens would be a great first read.

>> No.11707257
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Don't be discouraged of big words.

>> No.11707266

Native Son looks at this pretty thoroughly.
Unless you're a false-flagging wh*toid in which case you can fuck off.

>> No.11707277

Invisible Man

>> No.11707280


choose one

>> No.11707283

The Northwest novels by H.A. Covington and the Third Revolution series by Gregory Kay.

>> No.11707323

Guns, Germs, and Steel
Planet of Slums
Darkness in El Dorado
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
The Motorcycle Diaries of Che Guevara
Works of WEB DuBois
Works of Huey Newton
Works of James Baldwin

>> No.11707344

You have every right to defend your core interests. Read Eustace Mullins, it'll help.

>> No.11707365
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>Guns, Germs, and Steel
Are you retarded? His book is trash made for a quick shekel like the jew he is. OP, especially as a black, should rather read into the involvment of jews in his history.

>> No.11707394

Not OP, but related

Where DID this concept come from? Along with "Gender Spectrum". Where was ground zero for these?

>> No.11707409
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>> No.11707433

Alright we hate niggers, i get it, but this is getting boring. I'm in the same situation as OP. I haven't flipped open a book in about 2 years and i was wondering where to start. No non-fiction. Preferably history, philosphy and general sciences.

>> No.11707446

This and From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

>> No.11707490

If it is retarded to assume someone can read a work critically.

>> No.11707503
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You only need this one book.

>> No.11707682


>> No.11707707

i think you mean no fiction lmao

>> No.11707717

>what this white privladge this is all about
Not sure what you’re asking for here but you start with the Greeks and a 101 philosophy book. Read Malcolm X I think, I haven’t and am European so I don’t know.

>> No.11707722
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>Hello and welcome to my website We Thought They Were White
LMAO is this real

>> No.11707931

Nigger your kind isn't welcome here

>> No.11708562

Yep. "We thought they were white (but they were jews.)"

>> No.11708608


> I want to know why things are the way they are currently

Das Kapital

>> No.11708654

Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
Up From Slavery by Booker T Washington
(and not WEB Du Bois >>11707323)

Also yes, white privilege is a thing that exists. But careful with how that plays out. Don't accidentally end up saying, "certain advantages are inherent in being born white, and black people can never obtain them." Because then you are making the racist's arguments for them. such as >>11707503

>> No.11709845

James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, WEB DuBois.

>> No.11709882

anyone who thinks white privilege is real has never taken a drive through southern mississippi/louisianna

>> No.11709931

Stop thinking like a fucking 'black man'. Think like a human being. Simply educate yourself like any other person would. Whites, asians, and the majority of hispanic intellectuals don't force themselves to approach things from some dumb ethnic perspective. Just start where you think you should start. James Baldwin and Ralph Ellisson are good. Some good African writers as well

>> No.11710201

This is such shitty, obvious, no-effort b8 that I am looking forward to seeing it hit the bump limit anyway.

>> No.11710282


>> No.11710291

affrican addido is a very good documentary made in 1966 about your ancestors

>> No.11710955

Ignore this post OP

anti-Semitism is the white man's best divergence tactic

>> No.11710971

>shite dem racists crackers with their white facts!
OP don't becom a nigger. Stay rational and accept that differences are biological. But considering that you're freely into lit, I am sure you're not stupid enough to fall for the meme of white-oppression. In case you are, just compare your living standards with those of your black ancestors pre and post colonialism. Realise that objectivly slavery in white countries was the best that could happen to you (contrary to most of your brothers which got castrated and 9/10 killed by muzzies) and stop kvetching like the jew wants you to about white people which fall over themselves to not be racist.

The jew wants nothing as much as to use you against whites, just like he used your forefathers as merchandise. Read Malcolm X, one of the few blacks which have seen through the tricks of the heeb.

>> No.11710987
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>oy vey, gevalt, ignore this! It's anti-semitic to show how we made you into good to be sold to stupid goyim! It's the white people! Don't mind the fact that white had something like 14 days average survival in Africa before dying due to exotic illnesses!

Read "the secret relationship between blacks and jews". It's the culture of Critique for blacks and there is nothing which the heeb hates more.

>> No.11711162


>> No.11711181

if I have a Jewish friend and I want to be alt-right, do I have to stop hanging out with him?

>> No.11711185

Learn grammar first, nigger.

>> No.11711195

G.S. Heron's poetry my brutha

>> No.11711205

As long as it doesn't effect your grades I'm sure everyone is going to be ok with it.

>> No.11711218

Alt-right is jewish controlled opposition, just like the spencer shill. Read more and shitpost less. Spengler and Mosley should be more role modells than an dugin egg-head.

>> No.11711227
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You've basically already lost, because you're going into this with a preconceived stance that white privilege exists, that your education is intertwined with your blackness, and that anyone who points out otherwise is a white supremacist.

Try coming at the world from less of an egocentric point of view, you might just find some truth that doesn't require an ideological lens.

>> No.11711268
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Woke bois in Detroit:
>I want to become educated, but my ego is too attached to my racial prejudices
>Let me only seek knowledge from my own racial subgroup
>Nevermind that my particular subgroup has produced the least amount of original literature, technology, philosophy, or culture
>Nevermind that the majority of what this subgroup produced was written fairly recently, and only pertains to their experience within a victim complex
>Pffft who would want to broaden their minds outside of their political or racial camp

>Nothing much changes
>Division only increases
>All other non-white races see this false victim dynamic, and think worse of your race than they already did
>Never achieve an understanding of being
>Never escape poverty and destitution
>Won't embrace embryonic selection and eugenics to boost IQ and overall cognitive health

Meanwhile in Asia:
>Want to become a successful individual
>Study all the classics and history of my culture, which is one of the most ancient and productive
>Material deals with deep existential questions about being, morality, engineering, beauty, and not just licking the wounds of my race
>When I'm finished with that, I will voraciously devour the classical cannon of the Europeans, including their science, mathematics, and philosophy
>Sometimes I just master their classical instruments for the fun of it
>Become successful, traveled, well-rounded and gain a deeper insight into my nature

>Highest income bracket, marriage stability, and lowest crime and addiction rates
>Extreme self-reliance, can thrive almost anywhere on Earth
>Already the highest IQ population on Earth, and currently seeking to raise that IQ with embryonic selection companies like BGI
>Become an admired culture and race around the world, spreading your progeny and achievements to the stars.

One of these is the upward path, advantages leading to advantages. The other is denial of life, of responsibility, and of the reality that you were not oppressed, but actually quite coddled and doted upon.

>> No.11712815

I'm not even sure what you are bent out of shape about. Was it implying Bell Curve is racist? Even if it wasn't written by a racist, it does end up supporting a lot of racists in their beliefs. Even if the book's, not very extensive, discussion of race is correct, the further inferences drawn by racists are still ridiculous.

White privilege certainly exists. Male privilege, able-body privilege, class privilege, age privilege, native speaker privilege, there are many kinds. Having or not having one does not preclude you from having or not having another.
So you're probably a poor white with a shit life, wondering what are all these great privileges you supposedly have. Well, unfortunately for you, white privilege is mostly about seeing people that look like your ethnicity in positions of power, both now and in the past. Which can be motivating or comforting. Also you know the cops aren't harassing you just because of your race. (Maybe they never do that, but a white person doesn't even have to worry about it.)
What you are really lacking is CLASS privilege. That's where you get most of the really good privileges. So why is everyone yelling about white privilege? Because rich people really don't want to poor to identify with their class, and you have to give them something.

>> No.11712888
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>let's ignore facts because people we don't might have been at least partially correct
That is the reason blacks don't get out of the ghetto, because they'll either get called house nigger or acting white. You are your own biggest enemy. There is potential in the black race, like in any other. But you need to artifically pressure yourself where nature was too good of a mother. If you simply circument everything which is unpleasant, be it intellectual or physically straining, you will never move on.

Meanwhile whites got where they are because self-criticism was their driving force, besides obvious selective pressures due to nature.

There is no such thing as white privilige. Neither any of those you have listed. You are classfiying natural human behaviour of supporting their best and most beautiful eugenically as something sickly. You are going about those things because you want to form nature to your fairness standards, which is ridiculous. Nature is merciless and every good deed she does you will pay back the hard way.

>> No.11713104
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>"You're going about this wrong because you're already certain on X."
Your answer:
>"X is certainly true. It must just be that your experience of X is lacking,due to your incredibly low status, and how easily you are tricked by those who profit from X."

Dude, the things you just listed are basically just the natural in-group preference of living in a certain people's society.

If we were in China, there would be Chinese privilege. If we were in Israel, there would be Jewish privilege.

You're basically just complaining that distinct groups have distinct interests with their own members. In the West, unlike many non-white countries, there at least isn't any difference in legal rights and protections - and for that alone minorities should be grateful.

Btw, no, I'm not white. I'm an Egyptian immigrant, and an evolutionary biology student. I simply recognize the good it does me to live in a white majority country, and the good white people have done.

>> No.11713122

mein klampf by romald shlumpf

>> No.11713148

Ignore anyone that says the Bell Curve is proof blacks are the dumbest race or some stupid shit like that. "Race" is actually a very hard concept to define biologically, two people of the same race can have VERY different genes, so you can't just say all people of one race are stupid because they all have the same genes.

>> No.11713238

I think you just don't like the word privilege. Instead, let's call "being able to enter public buildings" a basic civil right. Disabled people should have the basic civil right of "being able to enter public buildings".
No one is trying to take away your basic civil right of "being able to enter public buildings", disabled people would just like a ramp somewhere so they can get in too.
The disabled aren't trying to say they are better than you, or you are better than them, or even that we need more disabled people everywhere. Just sometimes, whether you and mother nature like it or not, disabled people are going to have to go to court, so let's make that possible.

Certainly, in China the Han Chinese have a whole bunch of privileges. So do Jews in Israel. De jure privileges even, not just de facto ones. So? Other countries are worse and less moral than the United States, what's your point? I do believe that's why the US president referred to them as shitholes.
Should all citizens be entitled to the same set of basic civil rights? Yes, I think that's been the goal since The Enlightenment. Is "not being harassed by the cops because of your race" a pretty basic right? Sure, sounds good, let's try to protect that.

>> No.11713247

Except blacks don't need or deserve shit

>> No.11713283

>Disabled people should have the basic civil right of "being able to enter public buildings".
They have the right, and if they ask for help they even have the ability to, if they are bound to a chair. A society still shouldn't spin around the unable ones. That said as someone who is actually 50% disabled.

>disabled people would just like a ramp somewhere so they can get in too.
This should remain obtional. My wish to have it easier should never make it necessary to build an ugly ass ramp in front of a ancient classcial building. It'S not like people can't help you otherwise to help yourself.

And considering that you americans have so many affirmative action things which DO take away the abilities of white to take up the place in academia despite beeing better, I don't think it's eitehr working nor worth it.

Those kvetching the loudest against privilige and for more stuff are usually just the most lazy ones. I know enough other retards like me and all of them would rather help themselves than ask for help.

Also, do you really thing comparing blacks to physically disabled make such a good picture of them?

>> No.11713306

Upvoted my fellow MAGApedes!

>> No.11713391

No. I'm a white nationalist. Trump is a business democrat and mild reformer.

>> No.11713398

>liking Trump
You are a fucking retard

>> No.11713399 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you, I'm an Italian neofascist and radical traditionalist.

>> No.11713417
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Actually I'm a Catholic eastern european fashist.

>> No.11713650

As stated above, "civil right" is our new word we are using for "privilege" because the latter upsets some people and distracts them from the general idea.
Able-bodied people have the "civil right/privilege" of getting into court without making a big deal out of it. Maybe someone can't walk and also can't communicate well enough to get some stranger to carry them up a flight of stairs. (You'd think 4chan neets could imagine poor communication skills.) Or maybe it's just too insulting to basic dignity. Seems not that big a deal to have a ramp on the side of the building somewhere. Doesn't need to be on the front, and if we are talking the USA no ancient buildings even exist so that's not a problem.

But the point of the discussion was "privilege". I choose to highlight ability privilege, to move away from 4chan's reflexive hate of race and gender. But if The Bell Curve is to be believed, black people as a community are rather equivalent to the disabled so if the glove fits I guess. However, discussing privilege and discussing demands for increased welfare payments aren't the same thing at all. The former merely points out groups that aren't your own may struggle with different problems you weren't aware of. It makes no demands beyond your attention.

>> No.11713660

"Losing the race" by john mcwhorter

>> No.11713704

>Able-bodied people have the "civil right/privilege" of getting into court without making a big deal out of it.
Everyone has the right, for fucks sake. It's your own inability which holds you back and nobody is obligated to give you more than those rights. Everything above the rights which everyone has is only there out of empathy, not because it's your right.

> Maybe someone can't walk and also can't communicate well enough to get some stranger to carry them up a flight of stairs.
Those people have profesional help payed for by the state to help them cope through life. I know, because I have such one.

>Or maybe it's just too insulting to basic dignity.
If you expect free shit you better swallow the your dignity. I know I am a burden and I am always thankful instead of beeing so narcistic as to think that it's a right our publics duty.

>black people as a community are rather equivalent to the disabled so if the glove fits I guess
Well, do wellchair bound people kvetch about beeing di-priviliged because they are not allowed to participate in marathons? I don't think so. If blacks are mentally "disabled" in relation to other races, they have nothing to look for in university or any other place where they are pushed to on the backs of whites. If a black can't get into university himself, he simply shouldn't get in. A university is not the end goal. the end goal is producing people able to work in such fields. Affrimitive action degree holders not only disgrace those blacks which made it through their brains but also destryo the job market.

As I said, those actually truly disadvantaged are usually the most humble people. Those advocating for "rights" are usually just lazy and lack a real goal in life, so they think they have to become civil rights activists.

>> No.11713739

This, OP.

It's a book on racial conflict by a black linguist and comparative literature professor who is sick of all the self-victimizing nigger noise coming from people who want to talk about being marginalized hen they can't pull up their pants and enunciate their words well enough to do well in a job interview.

>> No.11714214

Privilege, and using privilege ideology for political gain are two different issues.
You are also confusing the use of "civil right", which here means opportunity or privilege, for constitutionally guaranteed negative rights. Perhaps the black issue of "not being harassed by the cops for their race" is more clearly a civil right, but as I said I was trying to avoid race and /pol/ posters.

>> No.11714224

What is your understanding of white privilege?

>> No.11714704

Fortunately for you, I just made a bunch of posts about it.
Sometimes a bit flippant since 'hey 4chan', but hopefully that explains it well enough for you.

>> No.11714720

Pimp by Iceberg Slim.


>> No.11714722
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Im not sure about white privilege literature, or any literature on race really, here is an article for you that seems fairly good


As far as your personal development, I cant recommend enough actually reading Plato. People meme all the time about starting with the Greeks but Euthyphro is 15 fucking pages and is a golden example of a Socratic dialogue. Then you just keep going with the dialogues, after look up the other branches/movements in philosophy to see where you want to continue, study some formal logic so that youre ability to argue can go beyond asking good questions, and you will be different at that point.

>> No.11714729

Frantz Fanon

>> No.11714790

It gives you an excuse for your own failures. I'm a failure but I accept that I am almost entirely to blame.

>> No.11714835

Ok, a bit of confunsion aside you're not at all talking about what is generally meant by white privilege. Usually this refers to a complex of artificial barriers created by the dominant majority (I'm aware of the original usage). That aside; yes, life isn't fair. You can have all the privilege in the world and tomorrow be diagnosed with cancer. It happens. But we're being taught about this from the time we are children. Be kind to people. Don't judge a book by its cover. Respect hard work at every level. Have compassion for those who experience hardship. It's not like this is some great leftist sociological revelation. That's pre-biblical knowledge.

+It's weird to see black life in America in terms of a lack of privilege. They're beneficiaries of a massive privilege - not growing up in a black majority society. Even in a white majority country - that's like winning the lottery. So I don't really know what the fuck you're talking about. The average black person in America will get something like half a million in cash and services from white taxpayers over their lifetime. Ungrateful shits.

>> No.11714872

>It's your own inability which holds you back and nobody is obligated to give you more than those rights.

I dont think you understood their point. They were saying they have this right, this privilege, to go into a courtroom. Everyone has it like you said, and it seems very obvious.

However they are born in a way that stops them from making good on this right. Imagine if someone had a court date and they fell deathly ill and couldnt make it, but the court refused to make them an exception

In this hypothetical scenario, this hypothetical court is not taking into consideration intention. The person who had a court date intended to go, wanted to make good on their obligation , but couldnt, and the court should make an exception for them because it was not their intention and it was out of their control

The disabled person is not in control of how they were born, and so cannot make good on their god given right. It is then the duty of society to make it so they can, within reason. A ramp is within reason, telling them to ask for help is not, for the simple reason that no one might be there or they may not want to help

This is the way a nation takes care of its minorities. It doesnt leave it to the charity of majority because it cant rely on the charity of the majority. Slavery wouldnt have ended by the charity of the majority, so the nation in one way or the other forced it to happen. The majority must be forced to respect the rights of the minority in a republic

>Those people have profesional help payed for by the state to help them cope through life. I know, because I have such one.

What do you have against ramps paid by the state then? The state is helping you one way or another, and ramps are not some horrible idea

>Well, do wellchair bound people kvetch about beeing di-priviliged because they are not allowed to participate in marathons?

Wheelchair bound people do not have the ability to participate in a competitive marathon because they are not competing in the same sport if they tried. They would be using their arms in a competition not meant for that. That would be like someone trying to play baseball in a marathon. I dont think anyone would have a problem of hosing a marathon made up of only wheelchair bound people

>If blacks are mentally "disabled" in relation to other races

First, thats a point you have to make. However, the main point here is that they even if this is true, they arent born this way to such a degree that they are incapable of getting into university. You can point to statistics all you want (which arent even clear as far as I can see), but again, if a black man with an IQ of 140 and an incredible work ethic shown through their education is denied an education in university because of their race, that should be stopped

This leads us to a conversation about how whites have undermined blacks and other races through manipulative and underhanded ways, and if this is the case, then it should be stopped

>> No.11715048

Mosley could scarcely be considered a role model for his absolute lack of hindsight by advocating an ideology geared towards an unsatisfied population with a revanchistic bent in the nation with possibly the deepest-rooted cultural legacy of democracy in western Europe. Who in their right mind would advocate fascism - even fascism with a decidedly English flair - in a nation of rowdy shopkeepers and bourgeois who brought about the Magna Carta and have tirelessly worked to enforce their own hegemony through ensuring a balance of power on the continent? I don't know if attempting to align his faction with Hitler's was an even dumber move. Sure, chances were better than some sort of Socialist revolution, but by gum if it was slim to the bone.
Then again, I'm obviously a brainlet who hasn't done proper study of the man nor the conditions in which he acted. I'm just autistically screeching based off of what little I know - if you can even use the word "know", and if you can then it's exceedingly little I do. Certainly I admired his oration, and an excerpt of a speech regarding the destitute conditions of overseas workers to grease the gears of international commerce, but I believe that good is outweighed by the ineptitude shown by suggesting that the BUF would offer a suitable alternative.
t. autistic retard
Feel free to tell where where I'm wrong, which I mostly certainly am on several accounts if not in the entirety of my misguided assesment.

As far as role models go, I believe that in this particular case a relevant man to aspire to be would be Lu Meng, who strived constantly to better himself. Though on multiple accounts he erred as all men do, he would take responsibility for these incidents and recity them as best he could, or at least ensure that he wouldn't make the same mistakes in the future. He educated himself after being reprimanded for focusing solely on military affairs and never became quite content with where he stood by his own measure. Relevant readings to become a "learned" man should start with topics that interest the intrepid student. Branch off into different topics which you feel are relevant to achieving a better understanding of your main focus. Study the men and ideas who inspired whatever yiu might be reading, and then look to their contemporaries.

Of note should be the cliched warning that no one man will ever know the sum of our race's knowledge, but it's definitely a goal to aspire to.

>> No.11715078

What do you mean "generally meant"? Generally meant on 4chan? Letting 4chan define things is dumb. As is listening to wound-up protesters who are trying to use any tool they can for gibsmedats or whatever. However, academics do describe privilege as I'm saying, although intersectionalists seem to ignore class far more than I think is responsible.
I think by "a complex of artificial barriers created by the dominant majority" what you mean is structural racism. Certainly people get angry about that too.

Yes, black people in the US don't live in a dirt hut as slaves in Mali, like half a million black people still currently do. Hooray for living in America. Still, things could be better, awareness of privilege is one of the ways society could work better for everyone.

Speaking of Mali, anyone claiming they deserve reparations for the injustices of slavery is ignorant or a disingenuous asshole. If reparations money ever shows up it should probably be used to get the MILLIONS OF BLACK PEOPLE STILL IN CHATTEL SLAVERY out of bondage.

>> No.11715089

Assuming this is not race bait, I’ll answer. It’s because Lyndon B Johnson convinced the black community that it’s impossible for them to make progress without direct help from the government in order to secure the feminist and black vote for the Democrats. Then rather than seeing that the welfare and affirmative action systems set up are actually hurting them in the long run, they say that society just hates black people so much that all the help in the world won’t do anything for them. As an added bonus the black community can scapegoat white people as a way to vent their anger and as a catalyst for “social movements” (aka riots).
Also funny you mention white nationalists, because they do the same thing but about Jewish supremacy.

>> No.11715094

A book that’s 25% nigger. Can’t wait

>> No.11715128

Just read books to make yourself a better person. Drop the victim mentality. You live in the USA and therefore have it better than most of the rest of the world. You're only a victim if you let yourself become one.

>> No.11715233

>not being harassed by the cops for their race" is more clearly a civil right
Which today is fully on the black man. If they would stop acting like niggers and beeing statistically something like 14 times as likely to kill a white man /or policemen) cops would stop shotting them. Stop playing victim. Everthing can be shown to be the fault of those victims themselve. Even beeing in america in the first place, considering that it was their brothers which sold them into slavery for money back in africa.

>> No.11715255

>if a black man with an IQ of 140 and an incredible work ethic shown through their education is denied an education in university because of their race, that should be stopped
That thing never happened. Blacks can get into univerity the easiest of all races and get taken above a white or asian man despite being 1/4 worse in terms of point qualifiying them. If anything they have the black privilige, like jews, of getting there while actually brilliant white and asians have max quotas to curbstomb their entry.

>> No.11715256
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< & ^

>> No.11715312

I do agree that things could be better but the average houselhold income for blacks is higher than for the average Polish guy or whatever. So it's not exactly fair to compare the situation of blacks in America to 'people living in huts'. The reason for living conditions are choices made by those individuals. Just as an example; something like 70% of black NBA players declare bankruptcy two years after retiring. All of these people have been millionaires. Some of them have lost 200 million in 8 years or so (do you really need 5 tigers, 15 cars, 4 houses and 50 million in jewelry?). It's not exactly clear how in a free society we can alleviate that, the only clear thing is that white America isn't to blame for that shit. It also shows that no amount of money will ever fix this.

'White privilege' is in the same sphere as 'structural racism'. The boundaries aren't clear. So for example they blame previous historical occurances for a lack of black wealth today and the difference is called white privilege, irrespective of 70% of whites inheriting nothing.

The term 'white privilege' is racist. There's no privilege to being born white. You can be lucky or not. If you're born as Michael Jordan you profit from enormous genetic advantages compared to the average white guy. It's like viewing every black person through the filter of 'black criminality'. If you are fair minded it makes no sense to poison this with the language of race. Yes, on average you're better off as a white guy than as a black guy, but that's individually irrelevant. You're still worse off than millions of other individuals. Your otherwise reasonable attitude makes it difficult to understand why you would do that. It's a very specific New Left propaganda construct and used by people with ideological goals. It's not for people who just want to point out that reality isn't egalitarian.

>> No.11716068

Sigh, /pol/ posters like (you). Even if we agree to all of this. How is that the fault of this particular black guy who's kind of nerdy and was just trying to get to work. Don't you think the gangsta hurts that black man even more? Here he is, never been bangin' or even drunk, but still worried he's getting pulled over and maybe shot today for driving while being black. Oops, did he just move his hands from the steering wheel too quickly? That's a p̶a̶d̶d̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ death by cop.

It is in fact very specific academic terminology that was co-opted for political advantage and used with little understanding or exactness by the New Left and hangers on. In that context it is quite possibly creating more racists than wokeness.
That doesn't mean we have to use it that way. /lit/ after all is full of i̶n̶t̶e̶l̶l̶e̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶s̶ pseuds who can use words properlike.

>> No.11716409


>> No.11716422

>How is that the fault of this particular black guy
How is it the fault of white people? You are the one arguing about white privilige and "rights" which whites need to give blacks despite them having more than whites and all misery which they encounter coming from their own culture. I am telling you that every good black man can get everywhere he wants already. You are kvetching about how whites need to do and sacrifice even more for a culture which neitehr does appreciete it nor which can be helped from the outside. If you want to help black people scratch welfare and make them need to change. Nothing else will help them as they already live as a group from white taxes.

Just so you know, blacks kills 14 times the amount of whites as vice versa, so if you want to change the survival instincts of white ro shot blacks as soon as they move too quickly, you need to destroy ghetto culture and teach them to fucking listen to cops instead of chimping out. It's all their own fault and nobody else.

And still you neither showed us that there is such a thing as privilige nor that it would help blacks to sacrifice even more. The only thing you did is argue that blacks are similar to retarded people and showed that your only arguments are those from feelings, not facts.

As another anon said directly at the beginning: THEY need to stop acting like niggers, if they want to step the reaction reserved for niggers.

>> No.11716426

Read "The Racial Contract."

>> No.11716430

white privilege is a real thing, it is people noticing the way different groups act, and treating them accordingly. Asian and Jewish privilege are also real

Black privilege is a very different thing, blacks are actually given things by the state, like money and university positions, simply for being black. Latinos get this as well to a lesser degree. That is the more real form of privilege but white privilege does exist in its own right.

Our society will simply never accept that races are different, so there is not point in being agitated about it. It would take a civil war i think for things to change, and that would be much worse than whites and asians being discriminated against in a few positions.

Honestly it's sad and broken, and idk what the answer is, but getting extremely angry at Jews or Leftists, or whatever, it isn't going to fix it. At most it could cause violent conflict where some white group comes out on top, and then immediately instates the same kind of idiotic ideas into society that we have now.

This is just how people are

>> No.11716439

Do rednecks recieve positive bias from other whitez?

>> No.11716444

whites aren't a real category. New york lefitsts simply abhor rednecks because they are terrified of being put into that category for the resultant lack of social status

Yet NY leftists will still be less afraid on a basic emotional level of rednecks than black guys, even if they would never admit that.

Everybody is racist, because we all notice patterns, and the races display different pattersn

>> No.11716454

Considering that even the word redneck as an insult was made by other whites, I highly doubt it. Whites hate nothing as much as their retarded brothers and as an average would be more loyal to a group of black friends than to a family member of that status. There is a reason why europeans killed nobody with the fever as they killed each other, while besides short massakers getting empathetic towards brown people.

>> No.11716482

White privilege is bullshit, being white did nothing for me when I was living on the street

It's all about class, man. Race is just a spook meant to distract from the economic divide

>> No.11716486

How do you know?
Were you also black and homeless?

>> No.11716499

that's not just whites, a Pakistani would sooner love a Spaniard than an Indian, it is the hatred of the brother

>> No.11716513

I feel like there is a much bigger bias related to culture and mannerisms,and its usually an actually conscious bias too.

>> No.11716690
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Wow. This thread took a turn.

>> No.11716726



>> No.11716996

Read Jared Taylor's color of crime if you want proof, as of why, well... that kind of literature is harder to find. A good start is to look at the correlatation between brain matter and intelligence, than compare skulls!

>> No.11717008

>Why is the victim narrative so intoxicating?
>Even i feel myself drawn to it like fucking crazy.
We have lower class blood in us, and lower classes were unable to cope with their inferiority, hence why there are no upper classes any more.

People of old made cathedrals, we make parking lots. They knew the purpose of life, we don't.

>> No.11717137
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>> No.11717140
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>> No.11718159

>14 times
That was literally the thing in the previous post I just agreed to. Plus a bunch of other stuff you either can't understand or just keep ignoring.
Look, there are actual legitimate /pol/ arguments you could be making, but appearing to be too dumb to follow a conversation is not going to convince anyone.

>> No.11718233

I'm not a following /pol/, I'm not even white for fucks sake. You're just making retarded appeals to emotion and comparing blacks to contergan-kids.

>> No.11718238

Thomas Sowell books.

>> No.11718385

The reading comprehension on this guy. I don't know, maybe you should spend more time on /pol/ then? Learn a little something. Hmm, the consanguinity posts are going to be rough.