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/lit/ - Literature

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11706524 No.11706524 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been trying to figure out what exactly the creative process is and I haven't been able to nail it down. The best explanations I have found described recombining ideas and looking at things from different angles, whatever that means. These sources then talk about letting the ideas "germinate." I kind of get what they are going for but it's really not driving into the heart of what the creative process is. I need a more advanced and complete explanation of it. Any books that can give me this?

>> No.11706559

Just learn lucid dreaming and get yourself into uncomfortable situations. The creative process also involves drugs, i.e. LSD and mushrooms.

>> No.11706568


>> No.11706578
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>LSD makes you an addict

>> No.11706605
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My secret ingredient is pure unadulterated cultivated obsession.

I get an idea that I can't get rid of. My brain keeps returning to it no matter what I do, developing it in my head and fleshing it out into a coherent narrative. I just can't stop thinking about it.

So what do I do? I roll with it! I let it take me away onto a wild adventure!

I open up a notepad file and start writing down all those ideas, arranging them and organizing them somewhere outside my mind. I find music, films, video games, literature, and other stuff related to the idea, so that I could mine more thoughts and inspiration out of them. I try not to think about anything else except what I'm about to write. I let it consume my every waking hour. And yet however much I'd love to actually start writing, I won't - I will blueball myself, let the pressure mount.

After a month or so, I've got a lot of unreleased pressure and steam just waiting to let itself out, a craving to write out to my heart's content and empty my mind onto paper, AND coherent enough narrative structure to know exactly what to write. Now I finally let myself loose. It's enough to keep me going for a couple months, like three thousand words every single day. By the time I start petering out, I've got a near-complete draft in my hands.

Then I'll take a break, another month or so, let my mind heal and empty out the last spurts of steam related to this thing, pick up other stuff I might get interested in... then return to the draft and start working on it with a fresh mind. Another couple months and it'll start to resemble a finished product.

That's my creative process.

>> No.11707008

>worried about addiction only

>> No.11707066

Weed makes me want to kill myself, if I did LSD I'd probably end up doing it