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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 976 KB, 4032x3024, ri5xlmrl04j11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11705553 No.11705553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'll start

>> No.11705563

>treasure island
fuck i loved that book as a kid, i should reread it

>> No.11705575

>Willy Shakes

>> No.11705578


>> No.11705580

fuck you op.

>> No.11705581

this just looks like a generic bookshelf, what's the big deal

>> No.11705582

Remove Fault and HP and it’s a decent enough shelf.

>> No.11705584

>putting the odyssey and shakespeare on the same level as the fault in our stars and harry potter
>not cringe

>> No.11705588

pls don't bully, i like "cataloguing" my books too when i was a kid

>> No.11705591

you are the most plebiest of plebs I have ever seen on this website my friend

>> No.11705592

>hurr these books are popular and other people enjoy them and i dont
maybe if the person who owns those books actually did something cringey, then this would be a valid post

>> No.11705595

how? that mural is fucking cringe and i'm not even op btw

>> No.11705596

it's a painting on a wall

>> No.11705598

>waaaaa highschoolers read books I don't like
>waaaaa homer and shakespeare are near le jon grin!!

>> No.11705604

I personally own the HP collection along with other children's books I had read on a small bookshelf in my study as a reminder of where this love of literature was planted. And while it may have been on shoddy land, I remember the fruits fondly.

>> No.11705608

The fire extinguisher in 451 is actually pretty cool also.

>> No.11705610


John Green fans /lit/erally seething in this thread.

>> No.11705615

nah i think most of the confusion is that people didn't realise it was a mural, and thought they were actually books. OP's post appeared to be citing all books in pic related as cringe-worthy.


>> No.11705623


people = (You)

>> No.11705628



>> No.11705653

Stevenson is great; I didn't even realize he wrote Jekyll and Hyde until I got back into classic pulp. Definetly go back and re-read Treasue Island if you're thinking about it.

>> No.11705657

I like that Fahrenheit451 is painted overtop of the fire extinguisher.

>> No.11705672

OP reporting back. Will yall stop crying and post some content. Didn't expect to hurt so many feelings. Figured after I finished jerking my dick there'd be at lease one lit cringe pic. Now all I have is a soft cock and a thread full of pussies.

>> No.11705680
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>> No.11705687

death to cringe threads

fuck off back to /mu/

>> No.11705695
File: 99 KB, 800x600, lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11705833
File: 408 KB, 1025x755, cringeyasshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White trash moves to the Australian version of Portland and now think's she's Rupi Kaur or something. The comments on this Instagram are super fucking cringey too lmfao. To top it all off, the first photo she posted was a black and white picture with shitty editing to make it look like a "film photo"

>> No.11705863



>> No.11705918
File: 58 KB, 604x404, Sonstiges 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11705987
File: 47 KB, 410x543, d1f7faf701f2fa7f32426e3a75f8f508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11706092
File: 79 KB, 280x367, atlas shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11706347

does that Fahrenheit 451 literally have a box with a small fire extinguisher in it

>> No.11706351
File: 24 KB, 256x256, akko 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you just realised it was a mural because an anon in the thread pointed it out

id muss b brainledd bhursday tuday

>> No.11706358

Modern art sucks

>> No.11706594

I think it's cute that they put the fire extinguisher on Fahrenheit 451. ^.^

>> No.11706597


oh no

>> No.11706603

>being a YA apologist

>> No.11706612

>you think it's an itty bitty fire extinguisher

>> No.11706883

>same level
They're just sitting on a shelf.

>> No.11706995

I thought the book just had a really tiny fire extinguisher box attached to the spine

>> No.11707022


My panties would have fucking disintegrated if this was done to a better book.

>> No.11707131

>to kill a niggerbird
yuck, very disgusting

>> No.11707154

You know what makes me cringe? I feel bad for saying this, but those little free libraries.

>> No.11707208

Ughh, sorry anon. But-her-face. Hope she looked better than her shelf.

>> No.11707215
File: 738 KB, 1512x1512, bnono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11707232

Ho lee fuk. What does it mean?

>> No.11707250

Someone, somewhere in a not too distant past has actually posted this proudly to get compliments. Never forget that.

>> No.11707263

This looks like the bookshelf of a B&N manager's least favorite nephew after about 40 years of awkward family reunions, Christmases, and almost-forgotten birthdays.

>> No.11707293

I dont think a bookshelf can be cringy. At the very least the person who owns it is doing something they love/attempting to better themselves via literature.
Everyone saying it's cringy because "lol bad books" is just your average, bullied /lit/ fake elitist who didnt get in the school they wanted to get in so they live out their dream of feeling better than others on an ANONYMOUS website.

>> No.11707316

But seriously, tell me you wouldn't have a somewhat decreased opinion of someone if you saw their bookshelves were full of trashy romance novels.

>> No.11707317

>It's a mural
That's even worse. Someone actually painted his idea of a bookshelf full of good books.

>> No.11707337

Before I understood it was a painting, I thought for a while what kind of publisher, even if it was a special edition, would attach a miniature fire extinguisher to a book.

Am I a brainlet?

>> No.11707351

Not really? People are more than the books they read lol

I'm throwing out a wild guess but you don't have many friends, do you?

>> No.11707356
File: 107 KB, 365x330, Sonstiges 113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a painting

>> No.11707362

I'm not familiar with the term.

>> No.11707363

I don't think anything will top this