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/lit/ - Literature

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11704475 No.11704475 [Reply] [Original]

I only read like 5 or 6 books or something in the last 4 years. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.11704477

Then sit down and read a bit more you dumb frogposter

>> No.11704480

For what purpose do you want to read more?

>> No.11704482

5 pages a day

>> No.11704486

Probably because you screw around too much
>actually having frogs and shit on your hard drive
take a break from here

>> No.11704488

That's okay. We hate you too.

>> No.11704490

honestly feel you. I keep starting long serious shit and giving up half way through. internet turned me into a retard

>> No.11704506

that's 5 times more than me ;^)

>> No.11704507

Maybe you always were but just realized it when you challenged yourself. Good sometimes to have something else to read to refresh yourself once you start slowing down in something long.

>> No.11704521

Get the Kindle app on your phone

>> No.11704527

i have frogs on my hard drive and read 5-6 books a month. dont misdiagnose the problem

>> No.11704532
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Read this. It's free. It's not a self help book, but it will help you to be conscious of what is happening to you. Start to distance yourself from the attention traps of the internet using whatever tools you can. I know I'm a hypocrite, telling you this while I'm browsing /lit/ instead of reading, but I'm slowly pulling myself out of this hole.

>> No.11704563

nah, I used to read a lot of relatively demanding stuff when younger (14–18).
I'm sure depression played a part too (inb4 mental health cucked by the imageboard jew)

>> No.11704568

This is very nice. Curious, where did you come across this?

>> No.11704622

Looked for books on the effects of mindless browsing to read while taking a 3 week break from the internet. This was new and the only one that seemed interesting and not just pop-psychology. You're probably going to start hearing about it more, or at least the terminology from it.

An article that mentions the book. I don't know what american new sites people hate, maybe this is one of them, but the article seemed good.

>> No.11704630

meant for

>> No.11704675
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>read a little over 20 novels a year (both genre and literary) and a bunch of capeshit comics a year
>feel like I don't read enough
>mfw I will always still be better than plebs like OP