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/lit/ - Literature

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11704374 No.11704374 [Reply] [Original]

>Your girlfriend's hot cousin has really bad taste in books

>> No.11704387

>your cousins ugly boyfriend is a creepy snob

>> No.11704484

>implying I have a girlfriend

>> No.11704489

>paul theroux
is he a complete hack

>> No.11704539

They could get tattoos in Auschwitz? Auschwitz the "death camp"? More like a "Jewish hipster camp", lol.

>> No.11704591

god i wish i had that kind of money for coffee table size art books. i fuckin enjoy monographs about artists but they're so fucking expensive (usually at least 60-70 eaglebux on average) my fampai.

>> No.11704598

Am I the only person on this board who doesn't mind normies who voraciously read genre fiction and vacuous self-help books? They're much more tolerable to converse with than fagboys prattling on about gaming etc

>> No.11704603


Taschen has some nice, but small, inexpensive art books.

>> No.11704769


>> No.11705277
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>yeah, just reading Brave New World right now

>> No.11705281

God I wish I had a hot cousin

>> No.11705284

>Your ugly cousin's boyfriend is a pretentious faggot

>> No.11705294
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>> No.11705302

At least she's reading and not shitposting on 4chins

OP is an f

>> No.11705313
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>the tattooist of auschwitz
dis bitch bluepilled as fuck

>> No.11705320

/lit/ is insecure about it because when they see people like this they often recognise a glaring similarity to themselves in their formative teenage years where they were impotent, 'tasteless', bullied and angsty. Not projecting btw

>> No.11705325

nah those ppl are trash

>> No.11705336

no its just trash literature. if she actually read all that shit though, i'm mirin, because my attention span is way to short to read that much stuff

>> No.11705374

No lol

>> No.11705432

That pic made me laugh really fucking hard. Thanks

>> No.11705602
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>reading anything other than the classics

>> No.11705638

Used book stores anon. The one near me has tons of those books for less than $20

>> No.11705640

nah nigga I read only autistic history books since the 4th grade

>> No.11705952

>when the weirdo who stalks my cousin and thinks 'they are in love and will be together forever' is taking pictures of my bookshelf

>> No.11705954

>hating people who read children's books means YOU must want to read children's books

This amounts to the libcuck logic, "hating gays means YOU are gay"

fuck outta here.

>> No.11706209


>> No.11706417

I've tasted a pretty diverse amount of "craft beer" and all of them taste like shit, as almost all the alcohol, I seriously can't grasp how people drink beer without planning to get drunk, that's the only thing appealing.