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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 148 KB, 1024x752, bogpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11702521 No.11702521 [Reply] [Original]

>friend of mine tells me to read Dostoevsky
>he becomes my favorite author
>read his major novels and short stories
>be 10 years later
>some faggot psychologist becomes famous because he hates trannys and told joe rogan he believed in the bible
>he becomes popular with alt right incels
>tells his cult followers about Dostoevsky claiming his books are somehow magical or some jungian bullshit
>bunch of zoomers call me a pseud for liking Dostoevsky
>now I lie when asked who my favorite author is

I fucking hate this leaf

>> No.11702532

Don't worry, he'll be forgotten in a couple years.

>> No.11702535

Well quit being an insecure, left-wing, tranny who cares what others think.

>> No.11702540
File: 232 KB, 863x752, 38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he becomes popular with alt right incels
Take a brake from the internet for awhile holy shit

>> No.11702548

How many people care who your favorite author is, honestly?

>> No.11702648

incel boomer

>> No.11702973

Can I get a QRD on this guy?

>> No.11703081

Canadian psychologist with an interest in the humanities. Reads and recommends primarily Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, and Carl Jung.

Religious but rational, believes that God is any transcendent principle and the personal concept of God is unique to the individual i.e. Your God is Truth, etc. I've also heard him suggest "pursuing that which shines forth to you".

Hates what university culture has become and believes that Women's Studies, Cultural Studies, Afro-Studies, etc only serve to produce activists and not educate. Hates Post-Modernism.

Encourages personal responsibility and the value of the individual in Western Society. Actively disliked by the far-left and far-right.

If you'd like an introduction to him, his Channel 4 interview with Cathy Newman is a good start.

>> No.11703122

I didn't want to start a new thread for this, but JP started on his daughter's all-beef diet. Taking bets: how long until he gets scurvy? Ass cancer?

>> No.11703208

>I don't like people that aren't as leftist as I am so I'll call them names
What an insubstantial post.

>> No.11703225
File: 41 KB, 674x338, peterson room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not going to follow it.

>> No.11703255

You sure? It's been proven that he'd rather double down on a retarded idea than admit he was wrong

>> No.11703264

He's not going to tell anyone.

>> No.11703273

>>some faggot psychologist becomes famous because he hates trannys and told joe rogan he believed in the bible
either bait or you are retarded but ill assume the latter for safety sake. If you're embarrassed to state your preferred author(something im sure comes up all the time!) you are a bitch

>> No.11703308

Do you use telegram?

>> No.11703313

Listen here bucko, you're the one whose insecure.

>> No.11703322


>> No.11703330

Is an all-beef diet really just beef and nothing else? Isn't that pretty much guaranteed to fuck you up?

>> No.11703340


>> No.11703490

Beef, water, salt, and apparently club soda as well. His daughter has been on it for at least a two years and has built a self-help persona (just like her dad) around it. She can also stomach vodka, though club soda makes her puke. Apparently it cured alot of her lifelong health problems, but vegans say the same shit so who knows. Pure placebo imo, and when the real nutrional problems hit they're gonna hit hard.

>> No.11703501

Is that entire fucking family nothing but quacks and cranks?

>> No.11703566

Why do people hate him? I've always thought because of how overrated he is, but are there other reasons? He seems decent.

>> No.11703587

I am insecure about my own interests the post

>> No.11703592

Don't worry friend, I can guarantee that everyone who isn't russian are positively unable to truly appreciate Dostoevsky, so you're pseud either way

>> No.11703601

In her defense, steak is one of the most micronutrient dense foods that exist
But obviously you can't survive on steak alone

>> No.11703622

When one of your quack-relatives build some cloud, you have to capitalize on it, no matter what the actual value of your ideas is.
That all beef-diet is basically just Keto with a very limited foodrange.
As long as you keep your kethosis on record by pissing on PH-sticks, you shouldn't fuck up too much.
Plus, let's be honest here. She probably uses supplements aswell.

Anyway, the amount of hate this Peterson dude gets makes him somewhat more and more interesting to read. Got to know what the fuzz is all about, don't ya?

>> No.11704114

Hates post-modernism bc he doesn’t understand shit they say. Or maybe he just lies about it - maybe even worse.

>> No.11704291

Because he hates communism and other sjw bullshit, most of this board are commies so they hate him for that reason

>> No.11704338
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1535000466595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't enjoy my favorite author anymore because lost 30 year old boomers and incels have started liking him

My god, how insufferable can you be? Are you worried that if you mention you really like Dostoevsky that people will think you're just a Jordan Peterson follower? Well whatever you do, don't tell someone you liked Crime and Punishment BEFORE Peterson made it popular. People will look at you like you're fucking retarded (most not even knowing that Peterson recommended it, and if they do, they're probably just some dumb Peterson cultist who doesn't matter).

How many people who have watched the odd Peterson video are actually going to read Jung, Dostoevsky, or Nietzsche? Those books aren't casual strolls in the park. I've heard so many retards complain about how boring Crime and Punishment is (lmao omg just end yourself). These morons aren't going to finish those books, let alone the first fifth of them.

>> No.11704350

As an aside, I just finished CnP. What next? I'm not sure if I want to go deep into Dost or sample some of the other greats (I'm a lit newb).

>> No.11704377

You immediately totally and permanently lost all credibility you might have had. Good day.

>> No.11704707

/lit/ dislikes him because he is an e-celeb with a significant normie following.

>> No.11704736

Nearly everyone worth their salt in the literary world has read BK, so it's safe to consider it an essential read. I know most people here like The Idiot so maybe read that as well.

>> No.11704748

>le good day, sir!

>> No.11704761

That's one messy room you've got there, Pete.

>> No.11705250
File: 105 KB, 1400x600, sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are his thoughts on reddit spacing?

>> No.11705327

it's /pol/ crossposters

>> No.11706170

For the record I don't hate him, I think some of the stuff he's done is good (like telling young people to take responsibility for their lives) and his basic psychological ideas are decent.

With that being said, for some reason he's decide it's OK for him to butt in to all sorts of areas he really has no expertise in, and has created a following of people by essentially blaming the entirety of the West's problems on a "post-modern neo-marxist" cabal. Ignoring the fact that academic post-modernists really have fuck-all influence on modern thought, even if they DID, blaming them for the mess we're in is to ignore all the greed, corruption, jingoism, profit-driven stupidity, environmental destruction and systematic problems which have had WAY more impact on our current shit-show.

He's become the perfect mouthpiece for scared, status-quo conservatives who prefer to find a convenient scapegoats for society's problems rather than taking an objective look at the situation and trying to work through the problems with a clear head.

I say it with complete sincerity that if anti-left wing violence breaks out at some point in the future, he will have had a role to play in creating it.

>> No.11706175

>because he hates trannys
Xe is about "trannies" now?

>> No.11706201


>> No.11706212

>renouncing your favourite author because some popular science writer likes him
pretty much all english people who like to read like dostoevsky, steven pinker is a pseud and he loves dosto too. anyway you can always find some pseud who likes almost any author

>> No.11706213


>I can guarantee that everyone who isn't russian are positively unable to truly appreciate Dostoevsky


>> No.11706248

the socialism logic
the anti-immigration party in sweden is against the EU
so WAS the communist party a few weeks ago
now they aren't

>> No.11706256

that was about 1.5 years ago when he was forming the idea
his own room has been clean for about a year

>> No.11706259
File: 5 KB, 400x200, 4you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insufficient number of buzzwords. Please add more buzzwords and try again

>> No.11706260

s' not like it's gonna get ya any pussy amirite

>> No.11706264
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he draw people's attention and love as he shines sincerity and speaks from out of his own NEET-suicidal-incel-nature that he overcame and conquered

>> No.11706267

first world problems

>> No.11706333

>Why do people hate him?
Cause we're not right-wing cuckservatard incels who hate women.

>> No.11706350

people think if they hate on people who're seen as smart then they appear smarter kind of like that person who calls your drugs shit in the hopes it makes people think he can get better drugs

>> No.11706364
File: 1.92 MB, 1693x2461, 1510544162178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would hate him if he stuck to giving wash-your-penis tier advices and did not meddle with areas he has a minimal expertise in.

>> No.11706409

>You need to read the great religious thinkers: Dostoyevsky, Jung, Neechah... the list goes on

>> No.11706463

He's primarily a psychologist, so when he talks about anything related with humanities it's usually really shallow or plain wrong

>> No.11706464

What about other slavs like Ukrainians or Poles or Lithuanians?

>> No.11706475

Lithuanians aren't Slavs

>> No.11706497

Shit, you are right. I guess I ment people from the general region.

>> No.11706545

I am Slovak and i think i understand him mostly. Although, i can imagine what you mean if you say for example the westerners can't much.

>> No.11708102


Kino image use.

>> No.11708618

t. contrarian pseud

>> No.11708627

wow that picture is cringe

>> No.11708642

>Hates post-modernism bc he doesn’t understand shit they say. Or maybe he just lies about it - maybe even worse.
He does all of those

>> No.11708671

If Peterson can spark anti-left violence, someone give me his Patreon

>> No.11708678

Jordan Peterson is a gateway drug into alt right ideology. He preys on already vulnerable neckbeards by wrapping poisonous beliefs with ancient but fundamentally good ideas. It's self-help jargon as a stepping stone to cruel shitty beliefs. It's the same thing with any cult. The Red Pill does it, Heaven's Gate did it, etc.

MBTI is for people who think they're too smart to fall for astrology. JP is ideology for people who think they're too smart to fall for ideology

>> No.11708703

>poisonous beliefs
And how does his Jungian pragmatism become a gateway to nazism?

>> No.11708734

So this is 4chan and I get that this is a public forum and it's very pragmatic to bend the conversation for that reason but do you unironically, really, actually believe what you're saying or are you an unwitting cryptofascist

like there are no stakes here I'm just honestly curious. And don't lie just to be spiteful because that's childish and insincere

>> No.11708758
File: 153 KB, 845x883, 19862978-1037-47E3-8FA4-72EA86C748C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice buzzwords.

>> No.11708780


>> No.11708811

a fucking leaf

>> No.11709204

>Encourages personal responsibility and the value of the individual in Western Society
Zpooked as fuck.

>> No.11709216

You sound fucking gay op not gonna lie

>> No.11709234

>Slippery Slope


>> No.11709247
File: 148 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180505_170127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is funny because you both used buzzwords KEK

>> No.11709249
File: 24 KB, 500x381, Smug+anime+face+_9c07e56afc571424bbb32def6ddcd6d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>postmodern neomarxism isn't an identifiable clinical syndrome, it's everyone else that's in a batshit retarded cult

>> No.11709277

You're wrong. Peterson is one of the few figures deterring young men from extremism. Peterson gives out tools that help people work on themselves and deal with the fact that the world is falling to shit instead of wanting to murder every SJW.

>> No.11709325

lol, these people actually come to 4chan.

>> No.11709337
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Anime - Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a show of hands: how many other people here just hate Peterson because of his obnoxious fanbase? I don't have much against the man himself, but the idiots he's managed to amass as a following have caused me to despise him by extension. He is the Rick & Morty of public intellectuals.

>> No.11709348

Because he doesn't know anything but psychology so he says stupid shit with authority and it's goddamn annoying. Also he baits alt right douchebags. Also checked

>> No.11709560

/pol/ hates him for being a kike enabler and leftypol hates him for shitting on communism

>> No.11709964

I'm a programmer, but whenever I cook food it sucks cause I'm not chef

>> No.11710004


stop being so insecure and pretentious op. dostoyevsky is literally one of the most famous authors in all of the western canon, nobody is going to assume you are a peterson follower because you like dostoyevsky, and nobody is going to be impressed that youve been reading him "since 2008"

>> No.11710046

I've made that exact comparison before. Normally I don't care about fanbase, but Jordan Peterson videos destroyed my youtube recommendations.