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11701653 No.11701653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats wrong with neoliberalism?

>> No.11701658

Literally nothing. It just makes leftists and rightists mad since they dont actually have anything to offer

>> No.11701660
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What's wrong with Neoconservatism?

>> No.11701661

Literally nothing
>Inb4 /leftypol/ and /pol/ starts spamming

>> No.11701662


>> No.11701668

when contrarianism goes too far

>> No.11701672

It's the demosharts version of republican neokikery.

>> No.11701677

something something non-places

>> No.11701680

nice buzzwords but unfortunately you need to return to >>>/pol/
"kike" is a racial slur and racism is not allowed on this board.

>> No.11701682

free movement of labour means lower wages, until there is "balance"

>> No.11701691
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>ad-hom'd right off the bat
get fucking checkm8'd

>> No.11701694

depends what you mean by 'neoliberalism'

>> No.11701704

Consumerism, it ruins culture. but I don't really really see how that is exclusively neoliberalism fault and more so liberal capitalism in general, neoliberalism is just one brand of it with not only consumerism but globalism as well, which essentially melts all true cultures, ethnicities and uniqueness into one giant pot of cultureless consumerism.

>> No.11701705
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it’s neoconservatism for fags

delian league 2.0 fucking when

>> No.11701706
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>"neoliberalism is kikery"
>"racism isn't allowed here"
>wtf?!?!?! debate my argument you idiot libshit
/pol/ will never ever be respected

>> No.11701709

Neoconservatism and neoliberalism aren't even comparable, one is a political ideology, one is an economic one. You can literally be both.

>> No.11701710

It's the antithesis of the human spirit.

>> No.11701719

do you want the real definition or the /pol/ definition?

>> No.11701720

More like it appeals to the most base of the human spirit.

>> No.11701727

The base of the human spirit is the irrational, animal spirit. Not the same as the human spirit

>> No.11701728

>80% of Americans wealth is in the hands of 20% of the boomers
>60% of the 80% is in the hands of 5% of the 20%
>Hurr durr what's wrong with this

>> No.11701742

Depends which one the OP meant

>> No.11701749
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>> No.11701750

fuck off pinko, life aint fair

>> No.11701751
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>money is wealth

>> No.11701754

I'd have a go at Elle Reeve and I don't care who knows it. I'd wear a MAGA hat during.

>> No.11701755

The highest of the human spirit is also irrational, nothing can be without irrationality.

>> No.11701761

>gibs me dat

>> No.11701762

>maybe if I lick their boots hard enough massa will give me the table scraps

>> No.11701764

Do commies actually believe this?

>> No.11701765

shut the fuck up commie, it's going to trickle down soon and it'll be fucking YUUUUUUUUUUUUGE

>> No.11701771
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t. r/latestagecapitalism

>> No.11701774

>too weak to take what he wants for himself
>has to appeal to "equality" and "fairness"

>> No.11701777
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t. seething neoliberals with no arguments

>> No.11701790

I'm not even a commie tho and I don't believe equality or fairness are necessarily good

>> No.11701793
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>N-NO!!! we are the ones who deserve free things, we are superior since we were powerless to oppress!

>> No.11701803
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>> No.11701808

What are you, a fucking libertarian or Randian or something? Do you seriously believe that capitalism favours the aristocrats of the soul?

Why don't you go read what Junger, Heidegger, Feder, Schmitt, or a billion other actual spiritual aristocrats thought of capitalism, of bourgeois "accumulation?"

>> No.11701818

Then shut the fuck arguing you imbecile.

>> No.11701822
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>> No.11701824
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>> No.11701829

Yeah nah cunt

>> No.11701830

The how socialism thinks it works should both be green.

>> No.11701834

Pic sauce?

>> No.11701836

Joke: Capitalism creates actual poverty
Woke: Capitalism creates spiritual poverty

>> No.11701837

fuck off pinko greeny faggot

>> No.11701841

*sells soul for money*

>> No.11701842

It that dopey journalist bitch who flirted with Richard Spencer will interviewing him with the "Golden One's" eyes shopped onto her.

>> No.11701845
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yeah i know im just participating in a thread with the only input i know about. the only economic theory i know is usury stuff.

>> No.11701846

>sells soul for jamal

>> No.11701850

>/pol/ thinks if you're anti-capitalism you must be pro-globalization/pro-internationalism
Lmao and you're on a literature board too

>> No.11701857
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None of those examples are late stage capitalism. ffs were you at the late stage capitalism thread we had yesterday?

>> No.11701861

ITT Neoshillbrals

Neoliberalism is, naturally enough, an incomplete doctrine. It is by no means the final word on human economic evolution or development, nor are its premises recognized by economists to be eternal truths derivable from first principles.

Rather, neoliberalism is simply a doctrine and legal structure devised by the ultrarich business elite, to establish global conditions for their continued enhanced prosperity. If it so happens that other people benefit or lose out from these arrangements directly or indirectly, well, you see, that's just the "invisible hand" of the market.

Neoliberalism isn't about free markets, its about sham free markets where adversely concentrated monopolies of wealth determine the contours of the system.

To have true free markets, paradoxically you need government interventionism, not market anarchy which is really a cover for monopoly market control.

>> No.11701874

trickle-down economics is a sham

>> No.11701880

Why do Americans constantly feel the need to discuss politics on a literature board?

>> No.11701883

It has no values. It has no room for projects, whether they are local, national or global of how is best for us to live, they are considered barriers to this "freedom".

>> No.11701897


>> No.11701898
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11701927
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>> No.11701956

Can you give me an example of a wealthy socialist country? I would legitimately like to know.

>> No.11701963

Ahhhh I'm not a socialist, I was talking about the "how socialists THINK socialism works one"