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11701180 No.11701180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that prove with facts and evidence that neoliberalism, globalization, and the general status quo is doing just fine at making the best possible world and that extremists on both the Far Right and Far Left are just edgy self-obsessed teenagers or literal boomers who need to give in to ideology to feel smarter than they are

Pic related

>> No.11701233
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desu, all we need to do is live the sermon on the mount to bring about the kingdom of god in this world. everything else is just rotten gravy

>> No.11701243
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>A thread about why the status quo is good
>Posts an anarchist

>> No.11701246
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OP is his new book any good

>> No.11701281

Haven't read it yet but prolly

>> No.11701291

None exist. Sorry.

>> No.11701293
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>> No.11701302

Yep. These are going in my cringe shelf.

>> No.11701306

>Getting so mad that someone questions your meme beliefs that you try to just shitpost your way out of actually having to defend them
You're just like someone in a cult friend, please grow up before you cause ww3

>> No.11701315

I’m a neoliberal globalist myself, but Pinker’s hyper-optimism and smug Enlightenment revisionism is just embarrassing.

>> No.11701323

but is he actually wrong?

>> No.11701365

Yes, here’s a pretty good thread on why Pinker’s understanding of the Enlightenment is too simplistic: https://mobile.twitter.com/pseudoerasmus/status/962166440395771904

>> No.11701410

besides semantic obfuscating has he ever been proven wrong?

>> No.11701427 [DELETED] 

Because we like Steven Pinker, or because you thought I was OP?

>> No.11701475

>jew says jewish globalism is good (omitted part: for jews)

Wow, what a shocker.

>Why does Pinker insist that European national identity must be civic, based on political values alone, without ever mentioning the ethnic state of Israel with its massive wall and regular deportation of non-Whites and non-Jewish immigrants? At the core of the Enlightenment ideal, he says, is the expectation that one should provide reasons for one’s beliefs. What are Pinker’s reasons for his selective demonization of European identitarians? There is a lot of psychological projection in Enlightenment Now. Pinker projects his own irrational feelings about protecting Jewish identity onto white identitarians, pretending he is the embodiment of Enlightenment ideals, while calling European populists “blatantly irrational” and “tribal,” but never caring to “adduce reasons” as to why populists may want to protect their culture.


>> No.11701513
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>> No.11701532

>war is ok when we do it: the novel: the propaganda pamphlet. sponsored by the pentagon, us state department, central intelligence agency, the military intelligence council, the domestic security alliance council, the department of homeland security, the office of intelligence and counterintelligence, the united states senate committee on intelligence, the national geospatial-intelligence agency, the director of national intelligence, the late john mccain, the late karl popper, the late irving kristol, president george bush, president george w bush, raytheon, boeing, lockheed martin, halliburton, genie, and harvard university.

yeah, no

>> No.11701533
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Enjoying the trash can of ideology?

>> No.11701538

Zizek is a massive meme and babby's first philosophy

>> No.11701552
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If you aren't all eviromentally minded anarcho nihilists I frankly don't know what to say

>> No.11701562
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>cares about the environment
Can the Left have consistency for literally 3 seconds?

>> No.11701564

Probably because Pinker cares more about what's happening in Europe right now, and thinks his message could help prevent it from getting worse.
Israel's racialism is a more entrenched problem, and is one of many countries in the region that fall short in one way or another. I don't see why he would have any reason to mention Israel specifically.

Perhaps you expected him to mention Israel because you view him in terms of his race, rather than his accomplishments as a human being?

>> No.11701567

>ad hominem

>> No.11701568

It was more in the sense that climate change is unstopabble and enviromental collapse inevitable, sorry for the confusion

>> No.11701580
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you have to go back

>> No.11701595

Maybe we'll build true AI in time to solve the climate collapse. I'm still hopeful.

>> No.11701599

There's a note on that pamphlet that just makes me want to kill myself, tbqh
>[30] Industrial pollution has increased aerosol particles in the atmosphere which are thought to reflect sunlight back into space and seed clouds. If one could somehow turn off global industry tomorrow, this dimming effect would disappear and surface temperatures could rise significantly, almost immediately. This could push feedback mechanisms into place, with massive increases in greenhouse gases being emitted by non-human managed systems. Lovelock says for this reason he thinks we are living in a “fool’s climate” — damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Here I have outlined a very simple (and therefore flawed) picture of a very complex process. For a better stating of the theory, see Meinrat Andreae et al. ‘Strong present-day aerosol cooling implies a hot future’, in, Nature, 30 June 2005. For a more approachable (if simplistic and partially out of date) intro to global dimming watch BBC’s 2005 ‘Global Dimming’ documentary, (www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/dimming_trans.shtml). The masking affect is now widely accepted but its extent is still unknown. For instance in a 2008 study by the Met Office Hadley Centre models showed either a modest or severe increase in heating following a sudden removal of haze. Either way “It is very likely that present-day aerosol cooling is suppressing a major portion of current greenhouse warming.” — Peter Stott et al., ‘Observed climate change constrains the likelihood of extreme future global warming’, in, Tellus B, 60: pp. 76–81, 2008. Among the advocates of purposeful geo-engineering the idea of increasing global dimming by dumping sulphates into the stratosphere seems to be gaining support, oh joy.. It’s worth underlining that by the time you read this much of the science will have been superseded/advanced.

>> No.11701609

israel is more pertinent to the topic of american cultural imperialism than yurop

>> No.11701611

Putting on the glasses is the hardest part.

>> No.11701612

Are you joking? Pinker is a jew, he does not care about Europe. The issue is the double standard of jews like him who pretend white countries have be civcuck for everyone while jews get their own ethnostate. This is indicative of delusional jews thinking they're chosenites and have some right to control the goyim. Unacceptable, another reason why they have to go.

>> No.11701641

>le joos!
return to reddit

>> No.11701659

based and redpilled

>> No.11701683

Jews and Israel both have been and still are now a target of discrimination, threats, violence, terrorism... all of their Arab neighbors hate them.
You can't really say the same for either American whites or European nations/countries. It's not really the same situation.

Israel is also multiethnic and has a considerable amount of Arabs, not to mention most of other degenerate stuff that plagues other Western countries.

You should make a case for white/ethno-nationalism without mentioning this supposed double standard, which is a poor argument, because you can't directly compare these things.

I'm not saying Jews dindu nuffin, but I am saying that people who are quick to mention Jews are usually intellectually lazy and/or dishonest. They talk as if defeating the Jews will usher in a new era of white racial consciousness or something. Sorry, it probably won't work.

>> No.11701695

No, I just don't do the thing.
You know how the internet-is-srs-bzns stuff was a joke, but then Anonymous starting taking the "elite hivemind" thing seriously, especially around Scientology?
You know how MLP threads in the verrrry beginning were actually ironic, and yet it spawned bronies?
I think the jewish conspiracy stuff is the "let's pretend to be a racist moron for laughs" version of that. The fact that it's no longer funny or interesting is the proof that it's turned post-ironic.

>> No.11701698

I'll do it if you do it first.

>> No.11701702

>target of discrimination, threats, violence, terrorism..

Jews were responsible for the murder of tens of millions of Russian deaths last century, constantly push for war to benefit Israel, and aggressively attack anyone who questions them.

They are not victims and nobody here buys the jewish narrative you're regurgitating anymore. Go away, rabbi.

>> No.11701711
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>steven pinker thread descends into debate about Israel's legitimacy

>> No.11701717

Well since Pinker wrote that you've had the refugee crises and numbers worldwide are now only going up.
The methodology he uses to justify the whole notion of a "Long Peace" has to leave a lot out. What's he not accounting for? That's the secret to getting the data you want.
What do you even count as a "war-related" death? Military bureaucracies tend to count their own deaths of uniformed combatants [enemy numbers will tend to be fudged to inflate or deflate depending upon context] but civilian fatalities in war tend to outnumber these and are much harder to estimate. Are you taking into account all the deaths after the battle is over (e.g. radiation poisoning, Agent Orange, etc)? Also the point is war since WWII is less about uniformed combatants and the numbers are much more difficult to really get at/count or even where to place the blame.
More people today might not be dying overall but overall quality of life may be decreasing and general suffering may be increasing, there's no good data on quality of life going back centuries but we do know and can see suicide rates have been exploding so that must mean something.

Reminds me of "The Black Book of Communism", anyone that uses the same shoddy methodology to calculate the death toll of capitalism for some reason is never taken that seriously
>Famine killed 7 million people in USA
> “According to the US statistics, the US lost not less than 8 million 553 thousand people from 1931 to 1940. Afterwards, population growth indices change twice instantly exactly between 1930-1931: the indices drop and stay on the same level for ten years. There can no explanation to this phenomenon found in the extensive text of the report by the US Department of Commerce “Statistical Abstract of the United States,” the author wrote.

Since infant mortality is higher in America, than say Cuba, we could calculate all those as preventable deaths over a time span and then compare the differential ratios. And of course millions died in China as a result of famine but how many more died since in India since China got their shit together?

>> No.11701723

>jewish conspiracy stuff
Here's a news flash, guy: jews conspire to advance their group interests. They also project what they do onto others, which is why you are negating their behavior by misusing a word that characterizes it. Think, man.

>> No.11701730

claude, are you taking your meds?

>> No.11701733
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If you need le data for decreasing quality of life take the following into account:

>Around 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens.
>In just the five years between 2010 and 2015, the number of U.S. teens who felt useless and joyless – classic symptoms of depression – surged 33 percent in large national surveys. Teen suicide attempts increased 23 percent. Even more troubling, the number of 13- to 18-year-olds who committed suicide jumped 31 percent.
>In a new paper published in Clinical Psychological Science, my colleagues and I found that the increases in depression, suicide attempts and suicide appeared among teens from every background – more privileged and less privileged, across all races and ethnicities and in every region of the country. All told, our analysis found that the generation of teens I call “iGen” – those born after 1995 – is much more likely to experience mental health issues than their millennial predecessors.

>Because the years between 2010 to 2015 were a period of steady economic growth and falling unemployment, it’s unlikely that economic malaise was a factor. Income inequality was (and still is) an issue, but it didn’t suddenly appear in the early 2010s: This gap between the rich and poor had been widening for decades. We found that the time teens spent on homework barely budged between 2010 and 2015, effectively ruling out academic pressure as a cause.
>However, according to the Pew Research Center, smartphone ownership crossed the 50 percent threshold in late 2012 – right when teen depression and suicide began to increase. By 2015, 73 percent of teens had access to a smartphone.
>Not only did smartphone use and depression increase in tandem, but time spent online was linked to mental health issues across two different data sets. We found that teens who spent five or more hours a day online were 71 percent more likely than those who spent less than an hour a day to have at least one suicide risk factor (depression, thinking about suicide, making a suicide plan or attempting suicide). Overall, suicide risk factors rose significantly after two or more hours a day of time online.

>> No.11701736

None of that invalidates what I said. Comparing Jewish/Israeli identitarianism to "white" identitarianism is silly.

>> No.11701745

Pinker doesn't take into account the aggregated risk that accompanies the globalization trade off (can't process fat tail risks) nor does he understand the individual psychological consequences of the high levels of socialization required for 21st century society

>> No.11701759

I tried to make it about climate change but nobody listened

>> No.11701760

The double standard jews like Pinker exhibit is in no way silly, it is hypocritical and malicious.

>> No.11701775

No, you're overgeneralizing and broadly stereotyping. This is not to say that nepotism isn't certainly a real thing that happens within ethnic and religious minorities, but you need to extend the principle of charity to Steven Pinker like you do to everyone else.

>> No.11701781

Words written on the gravestone of humanity

>> No.11701784

how do we fix the climate, bros?

>> No.11701788
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With jews nepotism is an epidemic. They don't have a meritocratic bone in their body. This is why the Harvard graduate school is 67% jewish now. Jews are a big problem, guy.

>> No.11701794

By travelling 100 years into the past and establishing a worldwide agrarian planned economy with no industrial production

>> No.11701798

Listen. It doesn't matter if the Jews didn't do anything. The stereotypes against them and perception of trouble is there. From a utilitarian perspective, it would bring net happiness if they were all eradicated.
What 15 million total?
Are there no Jews around that see the logic of this? Surely there has to be. The never ending debates in this thread just prove my point.

Yup. It's arbitrary. Yup, it isn't fair or moral. Yup. It's terrible.

Yet, it makes sense. If it can be done humanely by the state, then why not?

Look, I view the Jews like we now view the Carthagians. They kept causing the Romans trouble for 500 years until they destroyed them. Most historians see the logic of it. We'd still be having trouble from them today if the Romans would have tolerated it.

>> No.11701821

SQW - status quo warriors

>> No.11701827

hmm, can't argue with reason and logic
wtf i love genocide now. based utilitarian poster

>> No.11701831

Yep, they really are a plague on all humanity. Gets worse and worse the more you know.

>> No.11701896

So, I gotta go, but, I know you already know about Ashkenazi jews. The races aren't literally statistically equally talented, only far lefties push that.

>> No.11701905

Removal of Jews might not work but it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.11701918

> Let's discuss a topic


>> No.11701931

I bought this book because I thought it would be good. Then I realized it was 1000+ pages of crap that can be summarized as "things have gotten better :) " so I gave it away to someone that looks like the living image of the onions-jack meme

>> No.11701988

Jews are just really smart and put a lot of effort into educational attainment. Sorry I can't say the same about whatever shithole flyover state "culture" you come from.

>> No.11702009

No, they're just tribal and nepotistic. That 67% figure can be explained in no other way, but good try, Moshe.

>> No.11702030

Solution is right here >>11701798

>> No.11702043

yeah but it's boring, cultureless, and spiritless.
i do not want, though i don't mind if others do.

of course, there are many other issues not addressed. such as prized mediocrity and degeneration of anything that involves challenge or struggle, that is to say, exceptionality. you can put some meme data forth and say this is that and that is this, but much eludes you.

>> No.11702058

No they're just smart and value education. Same with the Chinese.

>> No.11702071

>extremists on both the Far Right and Far Left blablabla
yes.. and?

Technological system needs to go before it devours us. Leave the politiczed manchildren fight each others, and start addressing the real problems. Don't be an intellectual coward and acknowledge the system for what it is.

>> No.11702080

Shalom Benyamin! We value education so much, that, *wink*, we have the Sabbath LSAT and have taken over universities to ensure that Jews are proportionately favored during the admissions process.
Can't have those damned goys who don't value education getting the same chance as someone who does. Doesn't matter if they're more capable. We value education more!

>> No.11702126

Carbon capture technology is probably the next best thing I guess.

>> No.11702180


>> No.11702198
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You can't. We're fucked.

>> No.11702218

>doesn't matter if they're more capable
you aren't more capable though. that's kind of the point. like you're just straight up dumber than they are.

>> No.11702268

>enlightenment values are makes us less violent
>but let's import millions of from the tribal hills of Pakistan

Also, violence in my own country, the UK, has massively increased since globalization and neoliberalism took off.

>> No.11702269

For every high IQ jew there are 7 whites with an equally high IQ. Jews are nepotistic, and even their high IQ is strictly verbal. Their spatial IQ is low which is why they are not creative and never innovated anything.

>> No.11702294

Ah yes the infamous, nepotism riddled world of physics, where verbal intelligence is all that matters.


>> No.11702301

Jews are always involved with bullshit theoretical physics though, shit that can't even be proven. Jews had zero innovative achievements when they were in the shtetl. They are parasitic, they can't do anything on their own.

>> No.11702303

An how many of those high IQ whites are lazy shits who never apply themselves? IQ doesn't mean shit without a work ethic and a sense of drive.
>why they are not creative and never innovated anything
20% of all Nobel prize winners are Jewish. Many of the most important artists, film makers, writers, musicians, etc. have been Jewish. Can you honest-to-god be anymore butthurt about your clear inferiority?

>> No.11702331

Those are all prime examples of jewish nepotism. But even if they were good at those things it still doesn't matter since they have an overwhelming net negative effect on white countries.

We don't need jews, jews need us because they are parasites.

>> No.11702334
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step one: stop sending aid to the 3rd world. the last thing we need is a population increase, especially a dumb population.

>> No.11702343
File: 190 KB, 985x865, 1528572582499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass, the population of Africa is not the main source of pollution in the world, it is China and USA.

>> No.11702351

>the population of Africa is not the main source of pollution in the world
not now. but if the population continues to increase at this rate it will be.
you think they will give a shit about the environment more than the chinese or americans?

>> No.11702355

Dude you're just a retard. That's it. There's no huge global conspiracy keeping you down. You're just a moron who dismisses anyone with more talent than you as cheating somehow.

>> No.11702363

>Political Order & Political Decay
It's more about how the conservative small gov't meme is shit

>> No.11702367

On what pamphlet?

>> No.11702368

It does not matter how many people each region have but the access to technology each region has. It is not as if all of Africa is suddenly going to transit into 1st world countries that consumes a lot of electricity and overseas goods in 2100.

>they will give a shit about the environment more than the chinese or americans?
Considering their immediate problem is the increasing desertification, they have to else they will die. IIRC they started to plant trees to stop the expansion of the Sahara desert so that is something at least.

>> No.11702372
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>> No.11702375

Jews are outsiders harming white nations. There is no obscuring this fact and whites who speak out against jewish behavior and for jewish expulsion are expressing a normal, healthy reaction to the problem. No one is jealous of inbred desert parasites, we just want them gone.

>> No.11702386
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>bring about the kingdom of god in this world

>> No.11702392

>there is no obscuring this fact
It isn't a fact. Sorry sweety.
>No one is jealous of inbred desert parasites
You clearly are. You need to actually apply yourself for once and do something with your life instead of sitting on your (probably fat) ass whining about imaginary conspiracies. People like you are a drain on society. Stop being a drain on society.

>> No.11702407

Up the postchain

>> No.11702409


>> No.11702410
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>It is not as if all of Africa is suddenly going to transit into 1st world countries that consumes a lot of electricity and overseas goods in 2100.
Why? Because niggers are too stupid to use electricity and modern plastic toys?
Africa isn't just a bunch of starving kids in the savannah, you know. Those Unicef pictures are pure propaganda to get your shekels. The vast majority live decent lives nowadays and their standards are rapidly increasing.

>> No.11702436

You are a jew living in another people's nation. You are the problem here. And the hostility you are displaying towards non-jews in your post highlights the problem people like me are raising. Your people need to leave our countries or you will be removed from them again violently.

>> No.11702437
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>> No.11702439

>dude you're just a retard

>> No.11702441

>The vast majority live decent lives nowadays and their standards are rapidly increasing.
Yes and? The urbanisation will rapidly reduce their birthrate anyway like other developing country once they developed so idk why are you complaining about it at the very beginning. But that won't decrease the amount they are contributing to climate change. Nor does it change the fact that USA and China are still the biggest contributors to climate change.

>> No.11702449

No what is it? Sources should be cited.

>> No.11702457

>You are a jew
haha wrong. I'm your typical German-descended Texan mixed in with some other Euro ancestry. Nice try, though.
>Your people need to leave our countries or you will be removed from them again violently.
LMAO. Okay mr. le day of the rope man. Who do you honestly think takes you seriously? You're just some retard NEET living in buttfuck nowhere. You aren't going to do shit about anything. You can't even hold down a fucking job.

>> No.11702467

Desert by Anonymous, as cited further up the post chain. Sources for the impact of global dimming are mentioned there

>> No.11702476

Because the globalized economy necessarily demands global inequality as it is most efficient to have economies structured for raw-resource exportation alongside economies structured for industrial manufacturing alongside economies structured for consumption?

If the entire world transitioned to 1st world level, high-consumption, import-dependent economies capitalism would collapse within about 24 hours. On top of the fact that such an absurd amount of consumption would destroy the planet, we already have enough consumption-heavy economies that we're still literally boiling ourselves alive.

>> No.11702479
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I'm complaining because you're still sending money to them. They have been on welfare for the past 50 years and they show no sign of stopping.
Once they develop to the point of China they will destroy the environment faster than you can say "at least I'm not a racist".

Reducing the population (or at least not increasing it) should be the goal of any sane environmental policy.

>> No.11702482

Dude, you're white and defending a people who hate you and are destroying your own nation? You must be really stupid. Jews refer to people like you as a "shabbos goy."

Do you know what that means?

>> No.11702501

>Dude, you're white and defending a people who hate you and are destroying your own nation?
I think Jews have very much enriched American culture over the years. They've added to American music, literature, and intellectual life across the board. I certainly admire their drive and focus on educational attainment. What have you done with your life again?

>> No.11702505

>Once they develop to the point of China
Considering that China has more people than all of Africa combined I don't expect to see all of Africa reach China's level of development happening at all, not even before runaway climate change ruins everything.

>Reducing the population (or at least not increasing it) should be the goal of any sane environmental policy.
Yea and you know what always reduce population growth? Developing and urbanizing it (which is what you already said they are doing it anyway). Too bad that is what will increase pollution as well you brainlet.

>> No.11702506

The Chinese are consuming their shitty plastic toys just like everybody else. Similarly in India and now more and more also Africa...
I don't think they'll ever reach 1st world level of development, but they'll contribute to pollution just as much or probably more.

>> No.11702510

Jews have destroyed those things and turned them into propaganda and filth enterprises. These people hate you and view you as their cattle and slave. You have no clue how foolish you come off thinking they share your interests and trying to defend them here. You're just not a very smart guy, I guess.

>> No.11702517
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Come on, jews have tried to influence these prizes as long as they have existed. Just watch as the future jewish nobel prize winning rate drops like a stone eventually. Pic related.

>> No.11702520

>Too bad that is what will increase pollution as well you brainlet.
No, retard. EU for example has tons of regulations that stop you from polluting too much. 2nd/3rd worlders don't have them and by the time they reach EU development we're all fucked.

>> No.11702531

Once again, you're just incredibly dumb. I assure you American music, literature, cinema, and intellectual life are alive and well and are in fact not destroyed or "propaganda" or "filth enterprises." What have you done with your life again? Are you gainfully employed?

>> No.11702536

>pic snagged

>> No.11702539

>I don't think they'll ever reach 1st world level of development, but they'll contribute to pollution just as much or probably more.
That's exactly why I'm saying we're never going to see a time when the neoliberal ideal of everywhere developing into first-world advanced economies is never going to happen. Industrial civilization, if not the entire human race, is going to be dead long before we even get to consider the logistics of such a thing.

>> No.11702541

Pinkerboy is a thin-waisted yiy and fragilista, does not dead-lift.

>> No.11702547

>EU for example has tons of regulations that stop you from polluting too much.
Once again EU is not the main polluter of the world and there is no reason to assume Africa would not adopt similar regulations during its transition to 1st world. But the problem is that they haven't even reach political stability as a region let alone 2nd world development. They are not the biggest problem to climate change and you tried to leech your cause over the climate change problem is just intellectually dishonest at best.

>> No.11702549

I really think Stinker is posting in this thread. That's why he's so upset.

>> No.11702551

Sorry, iyi not yiy.

>> No.11702556

7 jews have won a Nobel prize since that date.

>> No.11702557

All of those things have gone downhill and been ruined in the jewish era. It's lowest common denominator garbage, everyone knows that. It's hypersexualized, full of race-mixing and tranny shit, precisely because those things are run by jews who hate white people like you and are trying to destroy your culture. You need to wake up, bud.

>> No.11702561

Your shekels will be donated soon!

>> No.11702565

>My NEET ass is on fire!

>> No.11702575

Nah man, you're just the typical internet loser who sits at home whining about "degeneracy" as if you are somehow a meaningful contributor to society. You need to grow up and apply yourself for once.

>> No.11702576


>> No.11702581

Whatever you say sweetie!

>> No.11702585

Get a job and contribute, honey!

>> No.11702587
File: 56 KB, 1577x620, Countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_world_map_deobfuscated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU is by no means the worst offender, you would be hard pressed to beat China and America for that title. But pollution in the EU is nonetheless through the roof.

> Africa would not adopt similar regulations during its transition to 1st world
Here's the thing. Look at this map and notice the strong, strong correlation between rapidly developing economies and absurd amounts of pollution. Realize that at a point where any African country transitioning to first world levels of development how much pollution it would have taken to get to that point and how, as it stands, regulations are utterly toothless and even when effectively implemented just accelerate the outsourcing of manufacturing to countries that are much less regulated.

>> No.11702588
File: 103 KB, 1645x438, 1533834657304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pinker for BTFO of dumb continentals

>> No.11702593

If you threatened to exterminate Nietzsche and followed it up with promising to exterminate his sister too I think he'd die happy.

>> No.11702596

I make plenty of money dear!

>> No.11702600

That's why I said eventually. They had plenty of time to stack the committees. That was a good start.

>> No.11702601

First of all, I didn't single out Africa as the biggest or only problem. I mentioned population growth in general and right now Africa simply happens to be the poster child for population growth.
The population increases of China and the USA are a tragedy for the environment, but it's too late and by now their population growth has pretty much stopped anyway.
Africa is still growing rapidly, there's still time to do something. Or at least to NOT DO the stupid things we're doing. If you can't accept this as simple fact you're the one who's intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11702608

>the sheer delusion

>> No.11702614

Not an argument. You're dealing with /lit/, not /pol/.

>> No.11702620

Total waste of hitlerdubs! That quote is Pinker's seething perverse Jewish ressentiment laid bare. Revolting.

>> No.11702624

I'm sure you don't, baby boy!

>> No.11702631

> Just watch as the future jewish nobel prize winning rate drops like a stone eventually.
Cool let me know when this happens

>> No.11702635

Lmao if you think regulations are so shit (which I agree they are pretty toothless) then why bring it up in the first place to make a point? You are only outplaying yourself. But I do think that EU is the only region that gives a shit about it anyway.

> Realize that at a point where any African country transitioning to first world levels of development how much pollution
But I already did and as I pointed out in my previous post, that this development is not coming any time soon nor does it necessarily need to follow China's style of development in terms of magnitude and policy. Remember for Africa to match China's amount of pollution, ALL of it has to develop into 1st world just like China did.

You are right in that Africa is a ticking time bomb, but my point is that by the time Africa as a whole get any chance to develop to 1st world like China, we would either solve global warming (unlikely) or suffer the devastating consequences of it (likely), which would ultimately lead to Sahara desert expanding and leaving Africa paralyzed and fucked, hence preventing it from developing to 1st world.

>> No.11702656

Not the poster and not what I said. Your rebuttal to that post made little sense.

>> No.11702665

>The population increases of China and the USA are a tragedy for the environment,
But the biggest problem is not the population increase, but the level of technology/electricity consumption that every person has. Neither countries had made any attempt to reduce carbon pollution via research or policy. Nor does it necessarily mean that Africa has to follow China's style of reckless devastation to its environment for its development. Africa simply does not have the potential to develop to 1st world any time soon, and you refusing to acknowledge that and still frame it as a risk to global warming is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11702671

This is all meaningless. If you consume the shit you are indeed creating the mess just as much as the producer.
Industry was unloaded to China for puposes of expansion and later to offset the already devastating levels of pollution here. How much industry could any major city sustain? Transport already makes it unlivable for anyone sane.

>> No.11702675
File: 162 KB, 1224x792, risk_of_human_induced_desertification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy. I just think it's very important that everyone realizes we are all totally fucked and well beyond the point of no return.

>> No.11702683

the poster made the claim that the Jewish domination of Nobel prizes can be simply explained by Jewish lobbying and not meritocracy. He provided no evidence for that assertion, merely a picture which implied that with the removal of Jews from Nobel boards, Jewish winners would sharply decline at some unspecified point in time. Again, no evidence for any of this, just a bald claim. What argument is there to debate against?

>> No.11702701
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>mfw we probably are and I can only take comfort in that we are only killing ourselves and not Mother Nature

>> No.11702718
File: 315 KB, 448x372, varg OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my point. We can't escape global climate change within the confines of an industrial capitalist system, as it stands Europe spends more on energy consumption than anywhere else in the world and shifting manufacturing to China doesn't actually solve anything so much as it displaces the problem. If we live in a system than demands indefinite growth we can't get around an indefinite demand for energy consumption.

At this point the only option is to take the Tedpill.

>> No.11702726

Keep going dumbass!

>> No.11702727

more like Positivism Now

>> No.11702730

>guys my NEET ass is STILL on fire!

>> No.11702733

The problem is not just endless and pointless need for consumption, but there is no political will to invest in these technologies since it is just not profitable. No company is going to magically employ carbon capture technology when that becomes viable unless forced to.

>> No.11702736

Yeah YOUR NEET ass is!

>> No.11702741

>someone PLEASE put out this fire that's raging deep inside my NEET ass!

>> No.11702792

To Tolstoy "live the sermon" included being a libertarian socialist. As it should for everyone, in fairness.

>> No.11702812

>medhi hasan

More unbearable than Pinker tbqh

>> No.11703137
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>> No.11703179

>sermon on the mount
no, go ahead and get it but it's just the same boring topics you've heard a million times in self help and modern feel good culture

>> No.11703188
File: 97 KB, 822x548, TRUDEAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you won't get flooded with brown people

>> No.11703228
File: 13 KB, 560x590, 1517602970917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm your typical German-descended Texan mixed in with some other Euro ancestry. Nice try, though.