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/lit/ - Literature

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1170029 No.1170029 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /lit/, this is my first foray into Stephensen's work and I have to ask, is this a fluke? It's just so hard to get through in the beginning...should I have started with another one of his books or should I just stick it through on this one?

>> No.1170035

All of his books are like that.

>> No.1170294

Not all of his books are like that. A lot are, especially the techno-thriller. If you want it to get straight to the point with no intro try his cyberpunk ones like snow crash.

>> No.1170296

read snow crash and the diamond age and stay the fuck away from everything else

>> No.1170298


Yea, okay, snow crash jumps straight in, you got me there.

>> No.1170358

cryptonomicon is honestly one of the most amazing books i've ever read, but i don't think i could ever recommend it to anyone. its not a book most people would enjoy at all.

snow crash was highly overrated though.

>> No.1170359

I liked Cryptonomicon.

>> No.1170361

Yeah, cryptonimcon is my favorite Stephenson novel, but my dad got to the captain crunch chapter then threw it in the trash. Doesn't work for everyone. Personally, I'm having a hell of a time making it through quicksilver, I have to google facts from history every 2 minutes.

>> No.1170424

The Diamond Age is the better plotted and better written novel. Snow Crash is really REALLY cheesy. Only read it if you are prepared for a good bit of horrible 80s 'cyber-punk.'

Beyond that I've only started on Cryptonomicon and the Baroque Cycle but his writing gets exponentially better. Each novel by Stevenson is amazing compared to the former one.The difference between Snow Crash and Anthem is huge.

>> No.1170470

I still enjoyed it...it had a lot of "fuck yes thats awesome" moments, and I now have more of a reason to be terrified of pentecostal churches (not really, they're weird as fuck to begin with) though the ending wasn't great.

I've heard excellent things about Cryptonomicon but haven't found time to read it yet.