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/lit/ - Literature

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11699266 No.11699266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you say to a high schooler as a tip, advice or a conventional piece of wisdom?

>> No.11699272

Find God.

>> No.11699281

Is it not already within you?

>> No.11699283

Don't do what you love; do what you are good at and eventually you will like it for the success it brings you as well as the intrinsic value of excelling at something

>> No.11699301

Every single one of your teachers is a loser so don't take advice from them.

>> No.11699304

Holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.11699330

Be a good boy

>> No.11699341
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this is good

Whether in college, labor, or just on personal goals: work hard and don't quit. You'll surprise yourself and do things you didn't know you could.

>> No.11699344

What if they love shooting people

>> No.11699348

Clean your room, wash your penis and stand up str8 bucko
Bonus always remember that wimmin are chaos

>> No.11699383

Don't forget that every single one of your professors in college (especially if you go into a liberal arts field) is a gigantic loser, and basically only got there by sucking the cock of bureaucratGANG repeatedly until they got tenure. Every once in a blue moon you will find a professor that is actually worth the deference that is expected, and cherish them. The rest are generally total garbage and you either need to accept that they can really fuck up your educational aspirations, so either keep your head down and get through it, or fight them as a demonstration to the other competent students that it is possible (all the while knowing it probably isn't a pragmatic move).

Also, if you are reading material significantly more advanced than your early English/Phil/Psych classes, you probably are going to burn out with frustration before you finish. Don't be too smart for your own good.

t. Math teacher at some shitty community college who also worked at an ivy league for a bit

>> No.11699481

Join the military and if you are lucky, you'll shoot one or two there.

>> No.11699492

Slay some high school pussy while you still can.

>> No.11699506
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>Also, if you are reading material significantly more advanced than your early English/Phil/Psych classes, you probably are going to burn out with frustration before you finish.
Unironically this.
I remember being in high school and reading shit like Night and A Rasin in the Sun in class and reading Gravity’s Rainbow when I got home

>> No.11699524

>Also, if you are reading material significantly more advanced than your early English/Phil/Psych classes, you probably are going to burn out with frustration before you finish. Don't be too smart for your own good.

This is why you shouldn't take advice from teachers. Listen to this, don't read advanced books or else it might make you too smart and that'll make you bored. What the fuck is that? That's why they're losers.

>> No.11699547

Live, laugh, love. but unironically

>> No.11699557
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He’s not discouraging people to read smart shit he’s more saying to be ready to be bored out of your mind. I don’t think a guy on a literature board would discourage reading more advanced things

>> No.11699574

It not just a warning about boredom because he literally said don't be too smart for your own good.

>> No.11699677

I'm not telling him to not read more advanced material, I'm presenting the reality that if he chooses to actually challenge himself intellectually he will quickly find himself in an academic environment which he is near endlessly frustrated with. Don't be too smart for your own good doesn't mean "don't challenge yourself" it means "don't dig yourself into a hole you can't get yourself out of" or "pick your battles".

>> No.11699708

Stay away from your shit state schools that all the average people are going to.
Study what you want and do well; don't fall for the STEM meme.
Don't fucking do long-distance it's terrible
Finally, read more and learn to write good papers

>> No.11699751

Read Culture of Critique and David Duke newest book you fucking numale shill.

>> No.11699758

What do you mean by long distance?

>> No.11699760

But you still gotta find it.

>> No.11699768

Kill yourself.

>> No.11699780

praise kek!

>> No.11699801

leftypol shills needs to leave

>> No.11699811

The result of following your advice regardless your intentions in giving it will be a student who doesn't challenge himself and isn't as smart as he could be if you hadn't entered the picture with your loser meddling.

>> No.11699812

Spinoza is back into the meme-sphere along with Deluze I see. Unironically bluepilled.

>> No.11699814


>> No.11699821

Hello Mike Rowe
>tfw you're not exceptional at anything
I wish I were autistic because then at least I could be a savant. I am nothing.

>> No.11699829


don't let yourself be indoctrinated into 4chan's neo-Nazi incel cult

read all of the great literature from every last corner of the world, both ancient, modern, and everything in between

read from every mode of literature, be it novel, poetry, short story, play, or work of non-fiction

read some genre fiction in between reading the classics

>> No.11699832

Long-distance relationship probably

>> No.11699835

the path is a very long path. Always seek to challenge yourself.

>> No.11699849

You're gonna regret or disagree with half the stuff you do right now anyway, so don't do anything irreversible.

>> No.11699899

So, I'm supposed to lie to the kid and pretend academia is some wonderful paradise of intellectual intrigue instead of giving him the honest truth that it is at best a cargo-cult from a society we no longer understand? I know I personally was crushed when I experienced the absolute abysmal state that even "elite" institutions like Princeton and Yale are in. The disillusionment posed a larger challenge for me to overcome than any of the material I was exposed to.

>> No.11699914
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Bloom is that you? Don't you have a date with death right about now?

>> No.11699947

I only want you to stop discouraging students from being as smart as they possibly just because you were bored in school. I could have been bored in school too but I used classroom time as a review and a place for corrections and clarification. You do nobody any good by holding them back from being the best they can.

I despise your attitude towards education because I've experienced that shit from too many of my teachers while growing up and I was too young to fight back. They put it into my head that it was a bad thing to do too much extra reading or look a few chapters ahead in whatever textbook we were reading and it really set me back. It took me a long time to realize how anti-intellectual and cancerous that mindset is.