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File: 93 KB, 250x365, The_Invasion_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11697613 No.11697613 [Reply] [Original]

Like most people I always looked at this series as little more then some 90's nostalgic but as I've looked into the actual plot what the actual fuck is up with this series?
>Five children are forced to engage in guerilla warfare, espionage and repeated murder to protect their loved ones from alien parasites as they wait for the other, heroic aliens to finally arrive. When they do, the “good” aliens turn out to not give a shit about humans, caused the whole intergalactic war through their own shittiness and are willing to exterminate whole planets
>A child in the form of a fly experiences getting splattered and smeared against a ceiling until his friends who are also flies at the time can peel his body off and take him somewhere he can transform back into a whole human before his insect mind fades completely
>The heroes are forced to permanently imprison another child in the body of a rat because he knows too much and they abandon him on a tiny island with only other rats and garbage for company. Rumors circulate that the island is haunted but it’s actually his psychic screams reaching distant boaters.
>An alien spends a few centuries hanging from the parasitic tentacle of a much bigger alien, surrounded by millions of rotting corpses attached to its other moon-spanning tendrils. They engage in mental warfare until one finally absorbs the other completely.
>A child stays too long in the form of a flea and instead of turning back into a human, accidentally turns momentarily into one big, giant flea that can only writhe and moan because it shouldn’t exist and can’t live at that scale.
>The kids discover Atlantis, then discover that Atlanteans are inbred mutants who paralyze any humans they find, dissect them alive to figure out how their organs work, then stuff the corpses as kitschy museum displays for their children.
>An ordinary ant gets transformed into a human child. It has no idea what’s happening and is so overwhelmed by its huge new brain and sensory input that it can only scream until it dies

Can we talk about just what the genuine fuck is up with this series?

>> No.11697914

Is this true? I never read this stuff but it sounds like psychopaths playing a Kafka-themed madlibs.

>> No.11697989

>>The heroes are forced to permanently imprison another child in the body of a rat because he knows too much and they abandon him on a tiny island with only other rats and garbage for company. Rumors circulate that the island is haunted but it’s actually his psychic screams reaching distant boaters.
He deserved it.

>> No.11698001

All true and putting it mildly if anything.
Animorphs was hardcore as fuck for something I'd get at the book fair with Captain Underpants.

>> No.11698255

>>An alien spends a few centuries hanging from the parasitic tentacle of a much bigger alien, surrounded by millions of rotting corpses attached to its other moon-spanning tendrils. They engage in mental warfare until one finally absorbs the other completely.
pretty cool plot point to have in a children's series

>> No.11698288

Damn, now I'm disappointed that I never actually bothered to read any of these as a kid.

>> No.11698354

>A child repeatedly experiences his intestines hanging out of his body while in various animal forms
>A child is mentally tortured until broken and never gets better
>A child is shrunken and experiences having her eyeballs digested out of her head inside her friend’s stomach while she’s in the form of a tiny elephant
>A race of devastatingly powerful, violent aliens turn out to be mental toddlers who don’t know what they’re doing and are just bred to think they’re playing one big game before they’re killed at age three so they don’t learn the truth
>It turns out another seemingly “evil” alien race is simply driven to kill and eat everything in sight because it was separated from its original world where food was continuous and the entire specie’s life is the torture of perpetual starvation
>It turns out another seemingly “evil” alien race is simply driven to kill and eat everything in sight because it was separated from its original world where food was continuous and the entire specie’s life is the torture of perpetual starvation
A peaceful robot willingly removes its inhibition against violence to help in the war, only to slaughter a huge number of alien-controlled humans so gruesomely that nobody dares think about or speak of it again and it is the only thing left undescribed in a book series that already describes entrails getting torn out and skulls getting smashed

Just in case the others weren't enough.

>> No.11698600

Yeah, I remember reading that one. It was one of the prequels, so the character in question wasn't human, he was some kind of bird-like alien. But he was human in his personality.

>> No.11698613

I was going to ask if the series ever had a conclusion, but then I thought to look it up and found out that it did have a conclusion. There are spoilers here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beginning_(novel)#Contributions_to_the_series'_story_arc

>> No.11698623
File: 394 KB, 647x971, Katherine_applegate_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the author is from Ann Arbor, MI. Iggy Pop is from there too.

>> No.11698624

Me too. This stuff sounds pretty crazy,

>> No.11698630
File: 34 KB, 640x478, 1532402684588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iggy Pop is from there too.

>> No.11698715

It sounds like HP Lovecraft writing children's books. You really make me wish I got into reading as a kid because I would have fucking loved this back when I was 8 years old.

Somehow I think all of this sounds a lot worse than the way actually happens in the books. Still pretty shocking considering children's TV today is a bunch of snarky (and horribly drawn) characters sitting around making 4th wall breaking jokes.

>> No.11698749

>>A child stays too long in the form of a flea and instead of turning back into a human, accidentally turns momentarily into one big, giant flea that can only writhe and moan because it shouldn’t exist and can’t live at that scale.

>> No.11698764

Truly the NGE of YA series fiction

>> No.11698769

Picked the fuck up right after I finish Kingdom Of God is Within You.

>> No.11698811

Do remember these YA novels if you read them. Still, if you want a genuinely intense sci fi series animorphs really is as hardcore as people say it is. None of the shit described so far is fake or exagerrated. I really don't know how this shit was allowed in school book fairs and such.

>> No.11698839
File: 43 KB, 300x463, Animorphs_3_the_encounter_UK_cover_earlier-e1501779411107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in simpler times, the books were good

gota love that cover

>> No.11698881
File: 66 KB, 350x225, tumblr_m2ipjiahox1rsw88eo1_500_6093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was a kid i begged this bitch at the bookmobile to let me buy the latest copy of the book, and she wouldn't let me because she knew what the deal was

>> No.11698885


>> No.11698907
File: 91 KB, 640x870, 1438619464120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Ovid tier?

>> No.11698934


If anything it was worse.

The main villains were parasitic mind controlling slugs that crawled painfully through your ear and took over, trapping you unable to do anything but go along with them. To eat they absorbed sunlight from a special kind of lamp so needed to crawl out about once a week, with their hosts being trapped somewhere and waiting to lose their freedom again.

Also, if you wanted to free someone from mind control you basically had to just strap them to a chair and wait for the slug to starve, so your loved one would be there screeching at you and starving to death until the slug crawled out their ear and died. Then they had to run away forever, because otherwise a new slug would be installed.

Also, they totally had a traitor animorph. In this world the transforming technology traps you in the body if you stay in the form for two hours, so they take their traitor animorph and force him to take the form of a rat, and keep him in that form until he's stuck in it (transforming into human when trapped in a small container goes like you'd expect). Then they abandon him in the wilderness and leave him to go fucking insane.

The series was so hardcore it's not even funny.

>> No.11698953

ya'll forgetting shit

>all the characters occasionally wake up in alternate realities where they completely fucked up in some capacity
>the pacifist dog robot that normally would never hurt a fly turns off his do no harm protocols and murders everything in sight
>all of the teenaged sexual tensions that would always end in violence

>> No.11698986

All that stuff happens, but it just came across as "slightly edgy" when I was a kid. I thought they were pretty good, but the standalone books (like Andalite Chronicles) were usually better. Applegate honestly compared pretty well with the average pro SF writer honestly, I assume she didn't sex them up a bit and market them to an older audience because the bookfair bucks kept rolling in.

>> No.11699010

I read a bunch of those back in the 90s. The crazy thing is a bunch of teachers in my middle school encouraged reading them haha.

>> No.11699082
File: 131 KB, 500x727, 1527808936232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11699121

The Ellimist Chronicles is Lovecraft level horror, always loved that book.

>> No.11699157


>> No.11699293

I remember reading these as a kid. There was this strange blue centaur creature that was friends with the kids. He didn't like morphing into smaller creatures, and explained that when someone morphs into a smaller body, their leftover organs are transported to a giant, tangible, invisible sack in space that could potentially be ruptured by passing satellites or debris.

>> No.11699409


>> No.11699470
File: 23 KB, 600x500, 1525703944861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tobias led a rough life. The whole "2 hours" thing seems like such an arbitrary time limit, and I seem to remember reading long ago that they couldn't morph with anything but skintight clothes. I don't think I ever saw a copy of the final book, either, despite the fact that it was released when I was still solidly in elementary school, and the more I think about it the more it seems like a bad fever dream than anything I read in reality.

>> No.11699479

>not calling it "the Animorphosis" or "the Metamorphs"

wasted opportunity desu

>> No.11699487


>> No.11699716


Animorphs was woke as hell. The body horror was top-tier, but you're forgetting how brilliant the overarching plot was.

>Yeerks evolved to take over other species' brains and live through them
>they were not spacefaring; had no access to other planets. their original hosts were a clumsy dumb species native to their planet
>an Andalite named Seerow discovers their homeworld, finds the Yeerks highly intelligent, and pities them. he gives them spacefaring technology
>Yeerks live in peace with Andalites for a while, then rebel and start taking over other planets and species
>because Seerow f'd up the galaxy, an Andalite law is created forbidding Andalites from giving their technology to other species: the Law of Seerow's Kindness
>Later, Andalites develop technology to morph into other creatures. in battle over Earth with the Yeerks, a planet they are now trying to infest, an Andalite prince crash-lands. in his dying moments he gives five humans the ability to morph, breaking the law of Seerow's Kindness.
>these humans, the Animorphs, use the technology to fight the Yeerks for years
>late in the war, one of the Animorphs, Cassie, finds herself in possession of the Morphing Cube, which gives an individual the power to morph. she gives it to a Yeerk-infested human named Tom -- who also happens to be Jake's, the leader of the Animorphs, brother -- the one thing that was NEVER supposed to happen. everyone fighting the Yeerks hates her guts
>the Animorphs prevent Tom, the Yeerk-infested human, from escaping Earth with the Morphing Cube
>after the war, surrendered Yeerks are allowed to morph permanently into some other creature and live out their lives, the one solution that would've ended the wars decades earlier

>Andalites boned the galaxy by giving Yeerks spacefaring technology, then perpetuated the disaster by refusing to give them morphing technology. the only Animorph with enough intuition to realize this, if only through her feelings, was Cassie.
>the key to peace was painfully obvious and in the story from the first book, but you don't see it until the very end, after 54+ novellas.

Absolute pottery. Animorphs was the greatest YA series ever, bar none.

Also, Jake ends up a war criminal because he flushed out hundreds of thousands of helpless Yeerks into space for the purpose of a distraction. After the war he's horribly depressed, and only finds purpose again when another war starts.

Tobias becomes trapped as a hawk in the first book, and tries to kill himself by flying into a window in the third book. Later he's tortured mercilessly.

Marco thinks his mother died in a boating accident. His father has never been the same since. Later he finds out his mother was taken and infested by the highest-level military Yeerk, Visser One. He does well after the war.

>> No.11699720



Rachel, Jake's cousin, dies on a suicide mission to kill Tom, Jake's infested brother, and stop him from getting away with the Morphing Cube. Tobias loved Rachel, and flies off with her ashes to spread them over the sea. No one sees him again.

Ax, the Andalite Animorph, who becomes a war hero to his people by the end, becomes fused to some horrific Borg-like machine alien named "The One" in the last book.

Cassie becomes an environmental activist. She breaks up with Jake after the war, even though Jake had proposed to her in the second-to-last book. She does well for herself.

>> No.11699894

>An ordinary ant gets transformed into a human child. It has no idea what’s happening and is so overwhelmed by its huge new brain and sensory input that it can only scream until it dies
based .i never read that one

>> No.11699909

I read the one with the alien centaur on the cover and I remember it getting pretty dark (slug in a boy's brain controlling his body) and also being good

>> No.11699944


Christ what a depressing epilogue. I remember reading some of these as a kid although obviously I never actually finished this fuck-huge series. Sad to see that's how it all ends.

>> No.11700051

Tobias could have chosen to live out life as a human.
He gets stuck as a hawk at the end of the first book, but in book 10 or so, the Elimist, this nigh omnipotent being that's supporting the heroes from the background, gives him a second chance.
He bent time and restored his morphing so that Tobias could acquire his own human form as a morph. He had the chance to say "Fuck this I'm out", stay as a human for two hours and try to live his life, or continue the fight.

Also his Daddy was Elfangor, the alien who gave them the morphing cube, and his mother was blind and shoved in an insane asylum. So Ax is his cousin.

>> No.11700080

Whats so damn great about turning into an animal for two hours

>> No.11700086

Even as a preteen i always hated cassie.
Rachel was my favorite. I had to be like 12 or 1 when they came out.
The show was good.
Can I shill for poparena? he's a youtuber who reviewed all things animorphs.

>> No.11700182

>reading this thread thinking i might get into these
>never read them as a kid
>54 books + companion material
>sigh...all right amazon, don't let me down

>> No.11700195

What the fuck? I've got to check these books out

>> No.11700227

Seriously, how is there not one giant box set? These books are tiny but there are so freaking many of them.

>> No.11700389


I goofed on Tobias's fate; he does come back eventually. Cassse finds him at Jake's request, and he goes on the mission with Jake and Marco to investigate Ax's disappearance.


That's what's great about it, it's real. Animorphs is an anti-war story; it was meant to have a very bittersweet ending. IIRC Applegate said she took inspiration from LotR's end.

>> No.11700400


Yeah it's pretty amazing, especially since Scholastic did a brief re-release of some of the books in 2011-2012. It seems like they would have sold much better if they would put five books in one. Make it ten or eleven instead of over fifty-four. Protip, you can get them in bulk on ebay for pretty cheap. You can also download the ebook collection for free.

>> No.11700426

I ordered the first one on Amazon. I'll see what I think of it. If I like it, I'll probably drop the coin on the rest of them.

>> No.11702035


>> No.11702251

Jake's post-war depression was some heavy stuff. I remember hunting for these books in local libraries as a wee lad. Loved them so much. Sometimes, the human experience is pleasant.

>> No.11702356
File: 45 KB, 293x475, 279673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read the serie but I'm not surprised as I read pic related from the same author. Did anyone read it?

Basically 5 teenagers are taken into another dimension where old gods fucked off with some of their people when they got tired of Earth. They're at war with each other but also at war against an alien god and its endless horde that is trying to eat them all.
It was my favorite YA book as a kid but it seems nobody ever heard of it

>> No.11702366

Holy fuck , the nostalgia wave. I used to binge read these as a kid, but kinda fell out of them when i got into HS. Last thing i remember is the reveal that marcos mom got taken over by the leader yeerk.

Anyone remember the tv show?

>> No.11703017

I remember seeing these books in the library at my elementary school. I never read them, but seeing this thread does bring me a bit of nostalgia.

I miss those simpler times.

>> No.11703244

>yfw when they go back in time and unambiguously commit genocide

>> No.11703283

>the one girl who turns into a starfish at a beach
>she ends up getting split in half
>both pieces morph back, creating two versions of herself
>one suffers short-term memory loss, the other suffers long-term

>> No.11703335 [DELETED] 

>Typically, K. A. Applegate would write a detailed outline for each book, and a ghostwriter, usually one of Applegate's former editors or writing protégés, would spend a month or two writing the actual novel. After this, Applegate, and later her series editor, Tonya Alicia Martin, would edit the book to make it fit in with the series' tight continuity.

Is this ok?

>> No.11703996

This makes me want to read it

>> No.11704013


>> No.11704024


>> No.11704033

Thats about where I left off as well.
I also distinctly remember reading the book with Jake turning into a tiger on the cover on the night of 9/11. Weird amounts of nolstagia seeing the covers for these books.
Dont try and watch the show, its so goddamn terrible. It was on Netflix a couple years ago and oooof it was rough.

>> No.11704073

fuck, I read all these as a kid, but I forgot the real details. Did they ever make digital versions that I could pirate?

>> No.11704076
File: 20 KB, 222x383, Aldrea_andalite_full_body_hork_bajir_chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animorphs series gave me so many of my fetishes.

- parasites
- mind control
- physical transformation
- mental alteration/instincts
- sexy aliens

>> No.11704135

they had all been scanned and OCRed by fans last time I looked, try mobilism

>> No.11705037

But LotR ultimately had a good (if somewhat bittersweet) and satisfying ending. You could still say "Hey, you thought it was 'cool' for kids your age to fight a war, it isn't" without saying "Oh, you followed this book faithfully for 50 books? Fuck you and your desire for closure!"

>> No.11705055

I read all 54 and the special versions. AMA

>> No.11705118

Was Tobias as cute as I remember?

>> No.11705188

You completely regenerate from all physical damage every time you morph.

>> No.11705271
File: 39 KB, 321x322, interest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always animals (specific animals, you had to make contact with them IIRC) and not other humans?

>touch hot girl, gain ability to morph into hot girl any time you please for up to 2 hours, enough time to indulge in fetishes but not enough for permanent lifestyle changes
>shake hands with former high school bully, then go to the bank and steal cash, making sure to look into the cameras repeatedly
>high-five Chad, then use his image to make a home run on the first date
>brush against your boss in the hallway, then inform the co-workers you hate the most that they are fired
>meet a political figure you dislike, then make a series of staged "leaks" that you post on YouTube
The possibilities are endless!

>> No.11705589

I'd just become a functional human and stay that way.

>> No.11705620

I think that they could, they just considered it unethical and personally creepy as fuck to take another human's form.

>> No.11705714

Didn't the centaur people have weird biology where they ate through their hooves or something like that? I also remember the main centaur going nuts for honey buns.

>> No.11705732
File: 247 KB, 864x926, 1497088348254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember staring at this image a lot.

>> No.11705748

>touch hot girl, gain ability to permanently morph into hot girl to indulge in fetishes for life

>> No.11705752

Yeah, you can also combine people by acquiring two or more at a time, to get a vector combination. That's how Ax got his human form I think. So you don't have to duplicate someone creepily.

>> No.11705778

Yea I don't get it too. Especially with that giant space wars plot and sci do tech, the morfing seems pointless.

>> No.11705808
File: 1.54 MB, 1561x2244, RATBASTARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i had completely forgotten all of this--and i read them all, repeatedly!
and i mean completely. there was nothing to access. erased from hard drive.
they had just become memes to me. only a paraconscious giggle.
what else have i lost through this cybernetic mind meld?

>> No.11705874

It's almost a shame that people remember them for little else then the covers. The covers are both goofy and nostalgic and I get it but animorphs really was more then just some YA novels you saw occasionally. The body horror in some of them rivals horror authors, they were crazy.

>> No.11705941


>> No.11705978
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1527645065137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11706034

>honey buns.

Also the Yeerks survived off of maple ginger instant oatmeal.

>> No.11706100

How about the part before the final battle when they visit a bunch of crippled kids, give them morphing powers and brutal alien forms, then send them out to be CANNON FODDER?

>> No.11706132

Hey I remember reading that. No idea what it was about.

>> No.11706140

Applegate must be one kinky bitch.

>> No.11706283

Don't leave out that David was a sociopath who planned on killing them one by one and had a few near misses, or that he planned on trapping them as cockroaches in a glass bottle.

>> No.11706466

Did anyone ever morph into a yeerk?

>> No.11706486
File: 362 KB, 671x400, Hieronymus-Bosch-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In KA Applegate's other series, Remnants, I think most of the second or third book was about a freakish Hieronymus Bosch painting coming alive and slaughtering everyone

>> No.11706572

In Everworld there's a gorilla warfare in Fantasy-Ireland between fairies in a makeshift tank shooting arrows at american nazis invaders armed with AKs and grenades

>> No.11707034


>> No.11707075
File: 59 KB, 728x546, aid930482-v4-728px-Tell-if-You-Have-Schizophrenia-Step-2-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiiet I always thought they were gay "I wish I were a dolphin" tier chick lit. Pretty sure my sisters read them.

>> No.11707145

I remember reading a couple books from this series. I remember the group of kids getting caught up with the vikings as they were going to war with the aztecs, and the aztecs had a big ass god-being helping them so they easily won and took the living vikings + kids hostage. They then brought them to this room of food and girls for them to indulge them before the next day where they did the typical Aztec ritual sacrifice shit. I don't remember how they escaped that desu. I also remember some part where they found some city and it turned out to be ruled by this evil dyke whose servants were eunuchs and she took one of the guys hostage, I remember some imagery where one/some of the kids fell down a pit trying to get down and its like some crazy shit made entirely out of still living humans, reaching and grasping out towards them. Don't really remember more than bits and pieces about the series.

>> No.11707156

A good deal of children’s books are written by psychopaths. A lot of children’s shows and movies also have wildly dark and inappropriate stuff. I attribute it to the psychopathic culture of the West in general.

>> No.11707476

>tfw no cute mouse gf

>> No.11707505

Everything. Can you even spell without autocorrect?

>> No.11707539
File: 29 KB, 255x391, Mortal_engines[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>child suicide bombers
>graphic violence everywhere
>first-person accounts of blinding and disembowelment
>millions of people die in all-out war
>main character shitting herself in terror
>lesbian lolita
>everyone worshipsa deified Margaret Thatcher

>> No.11707541

Yeah it was Hel's place I think.
They also go to Atlantis, get stalked by some voodoo God in Africa, go at war along the Greek pantheon, all kinds of shit.
Overall great serie

>> No.11707550

I can't wait for the movie.

>> No.11707675

>Applegate was present at the 1999 MorphCon! event for fans of the series.[10] She attracted controversy for her remarks on the suicide of popular[11] Animorphs fanfiction writer Patty Taylor, claiming that Taylor "...[w]as a silly little tramp who didn't understand anything about the mythos."[10][13][14] At a signing event at the same event, Applegate defaced several copies of "The Reunion", the then-latest entry in the Animorphs series by scrawling over the text and spitting on the pages.[10][13]. When asked by an event organizer about her behavior, Applegate verbally and physically abused him. [10][13][15]. Bystanders reported that she repeatedly called the (male) organizer a "[f]ucking dyke bitch [who] deserved everything you got".[16].

>> No.11707716

>A Brief History of Turkey

>> No.11708272

Are you second grade me?

>> No.11708338

Someone post about the orca book
What issue was that? I need to read it

Basically the orca body itself felt the morph and knew it was alien. Animorphs was pretty fucking cool sci fi

>> No.11708346

Visser 3 is still a cool name

>> No.11709450


>> No.11709483

but how good is it?

>> No.11709506

It's among the best children's fiction out there. Actual themes, fallible main characters with interesting personalities, respectable prose. It remember thinking that they were about as good as His Dark Materials.

>> No.11709518

Everyone who did not read animorphs as a kid is mentally stunted, this thread is the most patrician thing on this board right now.

>> No.11710538


>> No.11710650


I don't know if it's the most patrician thread on the board, but I can easily say it's the most civil thread I have ever seen on /lit/. I have a copypasta I post occasionally about how disagreeable this board is, and this is the first thread in 10+ years on 4chan that has proven me wrong.

>> No.11710750

No one here has to act pretentious. It's all people discussing animorphs in a civil manner while those that never read it show genuine curiosity.

It's a rare case of nostalgia for something that has aged well but not been discussed to death meaning no one has to shitpost about it or pretend to be contrarian.

>> No.11710752

The covers always looked weird to me as a kid. Reading through this thread makes me glad I picked up Peter and the Star Catchers as well as Captain Underpants instead.
Bunch of fucking weirdos in this thread.

>> No.11710798

Why? Animorphs was a genuinely respectable YA novel series and people are discussing how cool it was.

>> No.11710840
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>> No.11710891

I'm trolling xD
Still weird though

>> No.11710918

No one remembers that towards the end of the series when their cover is finally blown Marco's stepmom is taken by the Yeerks and he makes up a bullshit story to his dad about her having been a Yeerk agent all along to make it easier for him to get back together with his formerly Visser One controlled mom? Or the disabled kids they made into auxiliary animorphs that suffered heavy casualties in the final battle?There was a lot of fucked up shit in that series

Once, think it was Cassie who morphed into one of the traitor Yeerks(voluntarily) to infiltrate the pool

>> No.11710927

Come on stop baiting

>> No.11711024

Guys i found a pdf folder with all the books apparently (sadly on reddit)


>> No.11711139

Couldn't stand the YA vibe. I dropped the first book halfway through.

>> No.11711167

I liked her before this. Now I love her. Fucking based

>> No.11711368

Did these books have little drawings in the corner where it'd morph from a person to animal? Have I made that up?

>> No.11711494


I know a reddit post linked them earlier, but I remember reading them and there being a problem with a book or two in the original batch I had. So here's epub and pdf's of all the books in order.

>> No.11711552

There's also that one where a spontaneous wormhole transports them to dinosaur times and they run across an alien ant hivemind that's fighting a race of intelligent crab creatures, at the end the ants are beaten and leave Earth but re-direct a comet to destroy the crabs' city, which is what wiped out the dinosaurs

>> No.11711898
File: 92 KB, 640x893, hork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you remember those Hork- Bajir aliens? apparently they were genetically engineered

"There was a terrible cataclysm on the planet we call the Hork-Bajir home world, but in those days the planet was populated only by the Arn. It shattered the planet's crust and stripped away much of the atmosphere. The Arn who survived needed trees to provide oxygen. Lots of exceedingly large trees. They didn't feel like taking care of the trees themselves. Solution? They used genetic engineering to design creatures of low intelligence who ate tree bark: the Hork-Bajir. An elegantly simple solution for the Arn who were masters of genetic manipulation."

"They aren't a city-building or road-building species. They are quite primitive, according to the data from the robot probes. Their appearance can be very fearsome, but they are harmless, gentle herbivores. Not especially bright, I'm afraid. No culture to speak of. No written language. No music, as far as we know. They don't build much, if anything. And they are technologically the equivalent of a primordial civilization."

>> No.11712574

Applegate herself was in on the ghostwriting scheme, so she was just acting like a cunt. If she wanted books up to her standard she should've written them herself, the dumb schizo whore.