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11696358 No.11696358 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't envy, lust and gluttony basically different types of greed?

The 7 sins could be streamlined into 4.

>> No.11696369

excellent suggestion, send a letter to the pope. we need to lean the sins

>> No.11696371

Aren't Father, Son and The Holy Ghost just basically the same God?

The trinity could be streamlined into one unity.

>> No.11696383

I would like to add Despair/Apathy to the list
Even though it's just a type of Sloth

Envy isn't Greed, it's resentment of others

>> No.11696403

Based and lutheranpilled

>> No.11696406

Gluttony is a more fundamental sin to those that can be restated as an excess of an otherwise virtuous mean.

Despair is the worst sin. Acedia is despair in action.

>> No.11696416

You resent that they have something you want

>> No.11696424

The sin is properly acedia, and encompasses despair and its symptoms of idleness and withdrawal caused by the giving up of hope, faith and trust in God.

>> No.11696431

i.e. a gluttonous non-contentment with your lot.

>> No.11696465

Lust is arousal to the point of loss of control. Greed is the desire for more stuff. Envy is resentment (maybe triggered by greed but not the same as). Gluttony is taking things to excess. I can see gluttony and greed as similar but not the others unless you're really broadening the scope.

>> No.11696565 [DELETED] 
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Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride

In The Foundation for Exploration, the 5 destructive ways when faced with a feeling of powerlessness if a person rejects pursuing self-control, courage, wonder, and humor, are:

Wrath, Depression, Madness, Hedonism, and Ignorance

As explained in TFFE, Wrath covers greed and pride, but it can be helpful to break it down into those. Wrath is partly explained to be a destructive attempt to obtain an excessive amount of power at the expense of others or the self.

Hedonism covers lust and gluttony.

Depression is sloth, but explained in a better way.

Wrath + Depression is how envy is formed.

There is no sin of Madness (insanity) because they thought people were just born insane and were separate from humanity, when actually becoming insane is partly a conscious or subconscious destructive choice.

>> No.11696661

They are all a pretense for pride anyway.

>> No.11696677

Gluttony is more of a consumptive avarice, whereas basic greed suggests selfishness. Lust is sexual, so unless you consider women property it's not the same.
Besides, it's not like the 7 are an "official" list of any kind- they're just popular categories that cover pretty much everything.

>> No.11696678

If I recall correctly sin of sloth originally meant those two things

>> No.11696698

>Lust is sexual, so unless you consider women property it's not the same.
What about floor tiles?

>> No.11696731
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All this streamlining into one thing I'm suppose to focus on forever. I don't even know what that is, so why don't I just simplify it to a focus on nothing and then continue doing that until I get bored.

>> No.11696741

lmao, thanks for reminding me of that

>> No.11696743

Lutherans accept the trinity faggy

>> No.11696748

Now now

>> No.11697427


>> No.11697431

They all come from pride anyway.

>> No.11697443

Compassion is a type of greed too according to Stirner.

>> No.11697557


>> No.11697715

elaborate pls

>> No.11698286

Gluttony HAS the means, whereas Greed either has or has not. If Greed 'has not' it tends toward Envy, if it 'has' then toward Gluttony.

>> No.11698315

how come i'm not envious in the slightest, only vaguely lustful (only jerk off once a week desu) but am voraciously gluttonous?

>> No.11698337

And yet Despair is Dickinson's 'white sustenance' --an unblocking agent in a major way. At any rate there are clearly 'types' of despair, some of which are artistically viable. From Marvell to Cioran it's even been a kind of Muse, or has had its poetico-philosophical exploiters in the West.

>> No.11698345

The existence of those other sins specifies the meaning of greed in christianity

>> No.11698377

Agreed. They ALL limit one another and therefore make one another substantial. That Greed can tend toward Envy, or veer toward Gluttony shows that it is substantially different from either.

>> No.11698410

That's odd, anon. Of all the sins I would have thought that one the least common here- although what modern parlance refers to as 'addiction' I suppose would've been referred to as Gluttony back in the day.

>> No.11698475

Father (creator)
Son (creation)
Holy Ghost (love of creation)
This cannot be streamlined

>> No.11698497

the son is begotten not made

>> No.11700271

maybe you are eating too much junk food and it lowers your testosterone levels

>> No.11701274
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>> No.11701979

There is a version of 4 deadly sins; or perhaps it was 5. Check out all the different religions and you will find it (Buddhism, jainism, Egyptian lore, Greek, whatever; enjoy the search - you will learn more as you search then if I still knew the answer).

>> No.11702032

>le trinity is real meme
o i am laffin

>> No.11702119

Like you learned?

>> No.11702150

Any of those four could be streamlined into excessive self-emphasis.

Biblical literalism is for children.
Religious moderation is for the illiterate.
Faith is for those who cannot identify confirmation bias or circular reasoning.

Welcome to adulthood.

>> No.11702387
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>when you consider the commandments and sins regarding EPISTEMOLOGY

>> No.11702873

Lust and envy are obviously more allied than either are to gluttony. As for what fuels Jahweh's jealous insistence upon supremacy, let's just say the old madman has issues concerning the conspicuous beauty of his children, and is projecting his own want of restraint from rash action.

>> No.11702886

>isn't everything just made out of atoms?
>the 7 sins could be streamlined into just atoms bro