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11696066 No.11696066 [Reply] [Original]

2018... I am forgotten

>> No.11696081
File: 110 KB, 771x1037, Stirner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being forgotten is just a spook kiddo

>> No.11696150

Stirner wouldn't care. Posterity is no concern of his

>> No.11696179


yes. friendship with stirner ended. now deleuze is my best friend

>> No.11696181
File: 183 KB, 1500x785, felix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean felix

>> No.11696184
File: 412 KB, 1900x1188, 1434997735065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are Deleuzional. Stirner will rise again.

>> No.11696187

He let a fungus grow on his daughter's head.

>> No.11696196

Stop repeating these lies

>> No.11696204


>> No.11696448


>> No.11697135

Stirner was literally nobody even when he was alive. He did one important thing, which was BTFO Marx, and aside from that lived and died entirely ignominious and living entirely outside of his own stated principles.

To me this is very, very funny, and it actually makes me hate him less. It takes a special talent to be a "philosopher" and to fail not only in living up to your own ideals, but even in passing them on in a serious fashion. I work in the Philosophy department of a university and the only time someone brings up Stirner is to clarify that they are playing Devil's Advocate, and don't actually believe any of the nonsense they're saying.

He wasn't a real philosopher. He didn't even succeed at being a meme. The only thing he ought to be remembered for was failing at everything except rekking Marx, and the only thing Marx ought to be remembered for is getting rekt by a literal nobody, someone so irrelevant that no photographs of him exist.

>> No.11697145

Stirner kiddies have moved on to Deleuze now sweetie :)

>> No.11697148
File: 54 KB, 564x400, 98ADFD65-6AA1-4BDC-9992-D4158DF9289D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid marx shill
And he even does it for free...

>> No.11697153

>He didn't even succeed at being a meme.
That's where you're wrong.

>> No.11697157

>not growing hallucinogentic shrooms on your kids' heads
what the fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.11697162

>He did one important thing, which was BTFO Marx
Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.11697201
File: 168 KB, 750x807, 1534792830547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFOing Marx is as easy as asking for an empirical definition of value. This is not something to be proud of, it's something you learn in primary school chemistry.

>> No.11697217
File: 198 KB, 1000x910, William-Gass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're forming a support group, Max. Would you like to join?

>> No.11697238

>vulgar empiricist
like pottery

>> No.11697263

I just made a post disparaging the living shit out of Stirner. Where would you even begin to get the impression that I like him? It is possible to despise Stirner and Marx at the same time.