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11694469 No.11694469 [Reply] [Original]

Any Star Wars (old) EU books worth reading?
>Inb4 not intellectual
Thus far I've read
>Thrawn trilogy
>Splinter of the minds eye
Currently reading Darth Plaguis

>> No.11694485


bane trilogy
thrawn trilogy
most of the rogue squadron content

>> No.11694547

I, Jedi
Wraith Squadron series
Outbound Flight
Children of the Jedi/Darksaber/Planet of Twilight kinda suck but have nicer prose than most licensed works
The Hand of Thrawn Duology

>> No.11694558


>b-but extended Universe
Not Canon anymore, therefore fan-fiction

>> No.11694561


Is the entire Thrawn Trilogy worth reading? I'm eventually gonna get around to Heir to the Empire but that seems to be the only one people ever talk about

>> No.11694739
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>bane trilogy

>> No.11694751

Tarkin is pretty alright but read the Bane trilogy.

It's unironically peak Star Wars

>> No.11694928

/co/, but Tales of the Jedi is pretty great.

>> No.11695073

It's still classed as fan fiction whether it be 'cannon' or not.

Also, some dude who wrote Star Wars books (forget which one) did an AMA on reddit a while back - apparently Stars Wars fiction writers make like $70,000 a year while Lucas and Disney laugh their nerd money all the way to the bank

>> No.11695080
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KOTOR2 has the best star wars writing

>> No.11695097


>> No.11695113

The old sith books are good, at least I liked them.

>> No.11695554

What if the Force is not the star wars equivalent of God but the equivalent of religion itself ? And there's a good side and a bad side of it (like a matter of interpretation) and you have to choose.

>> No.11695561

I read a bit when i was a teenager but would not recommend it. Just poorly written sci fi sold on brand name alone.

>> No.11695829

It and the last command (book 3) are both excellent. Dark force rising (book 2) isn't bad either, I just didn't enjoy it quite as much

>> No.11695841

Fuck off

>> No.11695863

What's wrong with /sffg/?

>> No.11696335

People seem to think it’s a rule that all sff related stuff goes there. There is no rule. Also, that thread is useless. They discuss nothing but the same three or four writers constantly.

>> No.11696345

Star Wars was never good

>> No.11696370

Yes it was

>> No.11696459

The 2 first movies of the classic trilogy was good. The return of the jedi was shit

>> No.11696483

You fuck off, pleb.
Go discuss your manchildren shit there.

>> No.11696505


>> No.11696513

Go read your children's books

>> No.11696518

Every time I see one of you pseud little bitches whining about this, I’m starting a new sff thread.

>> No.11696519

Do it faggot, do it!

>> No.11696524

>t. pseud brainlet

>> No.11696591

You still live with your parents, don’t you

>> No.11696636
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>I’m starting a new sff thread.