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File: 26 KB, 600x425, 17WilsonSub-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11691892 No.11691892 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the muses have graced me with the song of the western millennial

>> No.11691913

Why does she sway her head left and right when she "recites" her "poetry"?

>> No.11691925

She imagines she's getting slapped by my dick haha

>> No.11691931


>> No.11692002

i want to ejaculate on her neck

>> No.11692024

Swept up in the ecstasy of pure delusion

>> No.11692087

how come she looks so privileged?

>> No.11692095

Because she's literally a trustfund baby whose entire career has been bankrolling on her """oppressive""" father

>> No.11692542

any evidence?

>> No.11692808

any under 30 person who gets rich/famous for their creative work did it through being bankrolled or through nepotism. It's even more likely if they are a woman.

>> No.11692829

The Muses didn't grace her with anything. The Floozies or the Boozies maybe. Is there a patron goddess of bloody vagina instagram photos? She is a beauty though.

>> No.11692990

how well planned the amount of titty showing

>> No.11692996
File: 5 KB, 294x172, rupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn gorm her korma

>> No.11693020
File: 47 KB, 800x528, do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is a beauty though.

Are you non-white? She looks like an actual rodent, disgusting inbred Pakistani genes

>> No.11693033

dont you just hate this dumb generation of today? all the mainstream poetry is always about money and drugs and EEEWWW, contact with other human beings.
i miss le past so much, where poetry had le meaning and everyone was classy le gentlesirs with m'ladies (who had no rights like it should be xdxd) all le great poets were there, like chaucer, spenser, milton, the list goes on..

all good poetry died in the late 20th century when all good writers were executed by le sjws and le slam poets, now all we got is le rupi kaur (more like POOPY kaur)

>> No.11693035
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>nose is literally longer than her forehead

>> No.11693042

How closely are indians related to peruvians and mexicans and el salvadorians??

>> No.11693044

This but completely unironically

>> No.11693046

Not related at all, just both the products of white people mating with pooshits

>> No.11693050

not even a little bit, if anyone here had even vaguely good working memory or spatial reasoning (lol) this would be obvious. there is no genetic connection at all, they’re closest related to Sibero-Americans and West Indies peoples. Indians are a mixture of steppe folk, dravidians from Iran and Australoid subhumans from South Asia and Oceania

>> No.11693057

could you
shove a whole
bag of jellybeans
in your ass please

>> No.11693058

a Northern Indian and a very white Mexican could be a bit similar genetically

>> No.11693060

Just as much as any two indo-europeans can be

>> No.11693165

I like the way she recites poetry, gives me asmr. The content itself is boring though.

>> No.11693193

that’s really stupid to say, think about how dumb you are.
“””””indoeuropeans””””” yeah 20-30% steppe genetics is extremely indoeuropean friend

>> No.11693198

they could be some indians look basically like white people except darker. they speak an indoeuro language after all

>> No.11693237

>it's another race science thread

>> No.11693269

Found the uncomfortable nigger

>> No.11693373
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I was going purely on looks

>> No.11693379
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>> No.11693384
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>> No.11693407

What if Indians were in fact native americas.... she looks like pocahantas here... would be ironic, no?

>> No.11693788


>> No.11693794
File: 10 KB, 200x250, christopher-columbus-200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2018...i am vindicated

>> No.11693795

>look at me, i am the west now

>> No.11693833

You're not adding to the conversation or even paying attention to what we're talking about. Yes, Indians, especially North Indians have steppe genetics and Iranic EEF/Middle Eastern Farmer admixture which is shared with Europeans, no one disputes this. The issue at hand is if Amerindians are related to Europeans, and the answer is, no. They would have some genetic similarity to Europeans ofc because some of them are basically half-caste Europeans. But, this is really trivial and no one needed to ask that question. The question at hand was are Amerindians and Indians from India genetically related, as in the unmixed indigenous Amerindians and the Indian Dravidian populations, and the answer is no absolutely not. I hope that's more clear, idiot.
That's a mixed race human not an Amerindian and no they're not related to Indians and don't look the same, midface, nasal bridge and brow/forehead slope are different, they're not the same races. Indians are only related to Europeans insofar as they share steppe blood and EEF blood but even that is really questionable because first of all Europeans broke off from the other IE peoples thousands of years ago and second of all no Indian has WHG blood or the EHG blood from the ANE populations.
that doesn't look at all like an Indian person besides the hair and skin tone. You're just stupid anon look at the cheekbones, shape and angle of the nasal bridge, the shape of the eyes, the angle of the forehead and the gigantic Injun jaw. That's a Sibero-American corn eating subhuman not a curry eating monkey.
those are latinas you stupid fucking nigger.

I'm convinced this is the dumbest thread i've seen here in a month.
Enjoy being swept away by GWAS and facial recognition software.

>> No.11693841

A mexican can be mostly European though. Some of them are fully euro

you really dont have to be this mad, it's not like the stakes on our anonymous conversation are very high

>> No.11693853

>Enjoy being swept away by GWAS and facial recognition software.

What did he mean by this

>> No.11693882

>I hope that's more clear, idiot
i dont think anyone was implying that the native americans and the Indians are genetically similar, it was a question about Mexicans, who are mixed race

since both Mexicans and Indians are a combination of European and Asian races, its not really that weird an idea. And yes im aware that the group of east asians that NA are descended from is distinct from the several groups comprising Indian ancestry

stop being a dick

>> No.11693911

>Indians are a combination of European and Asian races

This isnt true though taking Asian as the East Asians Native Americans are descended from. The native population that the Aryan people mixed with in India are more relates to Australian Aboriginals (lol)

>> No.11693925

i get that man, i am aware they are different things, but youre just yelling all over the place, when it is a calm conversation

and Indians have at least 2 major groups theyre descended from, the bulk of them, in that recent Reich book he talked about that

>> No.11694413

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, an, in fact, you're in the minority on this one - though on 4chan, where racists congregate to circle jerk, you may be among friends. Either way, fuck off, I think she's a beauty.

>> No.11694418

Found the pathetic subhuman.

>> No.11694425

>I'm convinced this is the dumbest thread i've seen here in a month.
It certainly didn't become any less stupid now you've contributed.

>> No.11694433

>Indians, especially North Indians have steppe genetics and Iranic EEF/Middle Eastern Farmer admixture which is shared with Europeans, no one disputes this.

I will certainly dispute your characterization of this as a bullshit way of saying Aryans conquered India, bred out with the local proto-streetshitter women, and instituted the caste system to keep the upper crust from further outbreeding, which is why the highest castes today have the highest rate of Indo-European admixture.

>> No.11694438

Nah I'm a smart handsome high IQ White (read EUROPEAN) male. I'm the top level bar of what it is to be a human
Sorry lesser being but the facts are facts

>> No.11694530

You just proved yourself a liar while being too stupid to realize it. Enjoy your inferior status, subhuman.

>> No.11694688

this but in a sincere way

>> No.11694823


What's her Desi feets situation?

>> No.11695237

I want to be a great modern philosopher who can write a 500 page book on why that polished photo actually sells her wet hairy crack, and start a neo-sexual revolution.

It would be fun to jump one or two centuries forward and see what would happen. Magazines with photo shoots of famous cocks and cunts next to the interviews. News anchors filmed from under the desk. Humans have a long history of normalizing and sexualizing highly variable faces and bodies with makeup, haircuts, and clothing, but it's hard to imagine how to normalize (and further sexualize) naked hips and genitals. Porn stars would be considered trail blazers.

> implying modern harlots don't learn from prostitutes

>> No.11695251

I think she scrubs up pretty nicely
Her poetry is still useless though

>> No.11696052

no indian man has made me laugh as much as these two knuckleheads.

>> No.11696057
File: 303 KB, 1080x1080, rupi dearest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11696065

I have met a girl with degree from Oxford uni (in literature, no less) who loves Rupi's work.

>> No.11696075

So? Females have no opinions or taste in high art anyway. Some will pretend to to attract orbiters but women like whatever they're told to like. They take whatever shape is required for them to attract mates and have no agency.

>> No.11696084

I believe you.

>> No.11696174

What you retards cant comprehend is that her work ultra-appeals to young girls and immature women, the type that have "wanderlust" and cant sit still for a minute because they hate ebing bored and cant introspect for a second. It has a market, that's why it's so popular. Stop getting rustled up because she's popular, theres no talent but she found her niche, let it go Anon.

>> No.11696561



why not just say mixture? or mix? Do you use "mussulman" too?

>> No.11696574

Who invoked the race autists?

>> No.11696610

Shut up dirty Mohammadan

>> No.11696637

go wash your ass for once

>> No.11696643

Haha good one Paki Mohammad you speak English real good just like white man

>> No.11696663
File: 363 KB, 894x737, 4283904238942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what bros I'm not even going to delete a thread for this it's all too tiresome.

>It is a very modern love story. Boy meets girl. Boy writes poems. Boy uploads poems to Instagram, anonymously. Boy amasses hundreds of thousands of followers, a run of celebrity admirers, two book deals and becomes a modern-day Byron — all without anyone knowing his name. Meet @atticuspoetry.

>Atticus (named after the philosopher) cannot reveal his real name lest the appeal-oozing mystery around him be dispelled. What he can reveal is that he is in his late twenties. He is from Canada and splits his time between there and Los Angeles. He has three sisters — one older, two younger. His mother is British. He has a day job, yes, but he can’t tell me what it is. Why all the mystery?

>“People start to put pieces of the jigsaw together,” he says on the phone from LA.

>Is he famous? Related to someone who is? “I have been surrounded by fame all of my life,” he concedes, “and I’m not into it. The world is obsessed with fame right now. I think it is better to send love from the shadows.”

>Aaah, how romantic. How vague. How intriguing. This is the secret formula of Atticus and what feeds his 779,000 followers, who include Karlie Kloss, Emma Roberts and Alicia Keys. He does readings in a mask and his fans are as obsessive as One Directioners, with many tattooing his words on their bodies (of which, he says, “I suddenly worried [if] I’d got my grammar correct”).

>Until five years ago he hadn’t written a poem. “I grew up loving motorcycles and boxing,” he says. “I never expected poetry to be part of my life.”

>It was seeing “something quite beautiful” in Paris that pushed him into verse, and encouragement from a friend, the actor Michael Madsen. After that it was difficult to stop. “I’d be on my motorbike or at a party and I’d have to stop to write things down. It was overflowing,” he says. He writes nearly every day and every poem is uploaded to the ’gram and received by an ocean of likes, shares and adoring comments. “I never expected it to take off,” he says. “I’m still so surprised.”

>Reading the poems, I am not. They are quite lovely, the perfect antidote to Tinder culture, where swiping and ghosting prevails. “Put a girl in moonlight and tell only truths, and every man becomes a poet,” one reads. “I let her go, because I knew she could do better, and now she’s gone, I wonder if I should’ve just been better,” reads another. Swoon!

>It’s not only young women who have fallen for Atticus. On the tour for his first book, Love Her Wild, in 2017 a 94-year-old woman came, as well as mothers, and young men asking for advice. It was written largely about one woman — SR, to whom he wrote a dedication. “She’s someone who was a real muse to me, and a lot of my poems are written about her.”

>> No.11696669


>That relationship ended and his new book, The Dark between Stars, focuses on his experience as a singleton and “the difficulties of dating”, he says. “There’s a lack of real love connections in young people with online dating and social media. I worry about it.”

>So, he’s not on Tinder? “No.”

>Shame, I say — a note from him would be a welcome change from the usual pick-up lines. He seems to know exactly what women want to hear, whether it be observations about them, or his feelings for them, or even feelings about women he has never met, such as a future daughter. “I grew up in a house full of women,” he says. “I learnt a lot from them.”

>Besides, he says, he has no interest in being the Harry Styles of poetry. “No fame is the new fame,” he philosophises. “Being recognised everywhere is a beautiful thing, but it’s also very limiting.”


No I did not add that last bit in myself

>> No.11696681

Why are mods so obsessed with deleting everything they don't like? Is this the illusory will to power?

>> No.11696699
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, hatebreedlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he really wants no fame why doesn't he write something good?
And what separates him from someone like this? If Yost wore a mask would he be famous?

>> No.11696700
File: 199 KB, 785x757, 581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do it for free you dense fuck I simply don't want to kill off what may be another perfectly good thread just to vent my anger at retard instapoets

>> No.11696714
File: 42 KB, 1143x1143, atticusyost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is literally the same as Yost.

>> No.11696722

>mods delete shit they don't like all the time
>mentions this
>dense for pointing it out
No wonder this board is so great.

>> No.11696733

I'm so sorry, Chris!

>> No.11696774

This is poetry?

>> No.11697254

i want to CUM on that face

>> No.11697307


>ctrl+f "feet"

yields nothing ITT haha