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11691375 No.11691375 [Reply] [Original]

book for this feel?

>> No.11691385

Coffee in Central London: The collected essays of Londonfrog

>> No.11691388

Neologisms make me puke

>> No.11691390

Everybody Poops

>> No.11691491

The Lost Scrapbook

>> No.11691498

"Rant" by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.11691508

>random passerby living as vivid complex life as my own

I don't think so sweetie.

>> No.11691542
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true m8

>> No.11691553
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>> No.11691560

Actually true though. Most of the rabble are basic bitch automatons and my (inner) life is far beyond them

>> No.11691597

I know. It's fine to think that inwardly as long as you outwardly balance it. You need perspective and a degree of humbleness not to be an ass-hat. As soon as you become that you lose the ability to share insight with others. Just stay smart about it. I like to be a force of perspective when I can be, so I mostly meant it as a jab instead of an admonition.

>> No.11691655
File: 48 KB, 600x334, 1472793389835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

befuckinggone, reddit

>> No.11691673

I love this feel on books. Just a glimpse of those greats characters and their journeys, it's so amazing.

>> No.11691721

Whoa this person was mean to me. He must be from reddit, the land of terror


>> No.11691739

stfu, "neologism" was once neologism

>> No.11691742

Is this spiritual Marxism?

This assertion that on the inside, we are all perfectly equal. One vast, homogeneous mass. Alienation is vanity and nothing more. My soul mate is everyone, everywhere, but I'm just too self-absorbed to notice how fucking relatable my situation is to everything else.

>> No.11691746

it reminded me of "The Day Lasts More Than 100 Years" by Aitmatov but it’s not really relevant to your pic.

>> No.11691868


>> No.11691890

"this is what egalitarians _actually_ believe" except when it comes time to choose a school district

>> No.11691897

No, no, anon. We each are accorded our share of understanding in righteous proportion to how humble we are. It's all a matter of how well we observe our fundamental equality.

>> No.11691901
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only fucking retards get that feeling. just imagine thinking that a bunch of double-digit IQ faggots who can't decide what show to binge next on netflix is "vivid and complex." i'm no genius or anything but these people are fucking idiot boomers who think like this:
>need to go to work
>need to get paychex
>need to go out tonight
>need to get high
>need to get a nut
interesting people with interesting lives don't hang out at the mall.


>> No.11691933

Socializing with people who may not intuitively understand you is still important. I simply object to the notion that alienation always belies a self-centered temperament. It's making me a little bitter, so I pull the thought to its extremes and proceed to dismantle it.

>> No.11691947

Is that what we call spirituality and empathy now?

>> No.11691955

4chan is 18+

>> No.11691963
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found the wagie

>> No.11691975

Yes, I have a job.

>> No.11691976
File: 211 KB, 730x783, a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah i got rich off the crypto bullrun while you're still dreaming of escaping your wagecuck life

>> No.11691981

it’s a fucking XKCD, you’re reading way too far into it

>> No.11691986

what is your profession? what do you do in your free time? what is YOUR life like? I’m genuinely interested.

>> No.11691992

i mostly just shitpost

>> No.11692006

you are actually stupid and it sucks

>> No.11692042

why he is stupid?

>> No.11692078

>he hasn't learned about subtext
you will never be a writer

>> No.11692108

Perhaps he thinks I am disregarding Eastern meditations on universal consciousness and I suppose I am. Suffering is rooted in the ego which divides the self from the greater whole or what have you. I am doing just that, hence I am a moron in his eyes.

>> No.11692138

Mrs Dalloway (and quite possibly other Virginia Woolf books I haven't read)
As I Lay Dying

>> No.11692332

It's actually not true though. Get to know people, they don't think like you but they have their own rich inner lives. Then again my sample is people I've found via the internet, not randoms on the street who watch reality TV.

>> No.11693994

I second Dubliners, Little Cloud is the image in reverse