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11689631 No.11689631 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading this survey of philosophers across the world and their stance on various issues, and what I find the most interesting is how the answers change as you look at undergraduate results, to results of graduate students, to those of PhD's and faculty members.

Basically, you can see how people actually grow up and generally start leaning towards more objective reality, morality, and aesthetic value judgements. Materialism, physicalism, deontology etc. is more prominent in adult, learned scholars.


>> No.11689667 [DELETED] 

Fact of the matter is as you grow up you become redpilled, i.e. against women, blacks, gays, and jews as you realize that tradition is good and cultural marxism destroys whiteness and masculinity

>> No.11689805
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How does she do it? How does she fuck everything up so badly?

>> No.11690112


>> No.11690130
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you mean they become complacent and lose the passion of man and decide that in their withering and husked state they have found salvation in the abyss and jerk each other off in pleasureless hedonism about how fucking brilliant they are and they stop reading books and just start skimming books and highlighting choice phrases relevant to their super duper specific autistic specialty and rack up mondo biblio for the sweet sweet unibucks and just regurgitate endlessly someone else's vomit they'd happened to lap up and they and their colleagues just go to a massive communal trough of stagnant vomit of ancient years and have at this point acquired a taste for it something that makes them quite grown up quite adult quite mature as only a high mind could acquire a taste of something so particular and so peculiar that certainly certainly each and every one of them can feel assured in their brilliance as their vomit trough is the vomit trough of champions unlike the other vomit troughs and certainly much better than the men who begins to walk upright and pick fruit for himself and eat of the world and learn of himself and of nature like a ponce a gay faglet tranny whore who hasn't learned to properly clean old men's anuses with their tongue hasn't learned the pleasures of submission to submission

>> No.11690172

>maturity is bad! listen to teenagers for real wisdom!

>> No.11690180
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>objective reality

>> No.11690195

It's not so much about maturation but about the domesticating effects of academic safe space.

>> No.11690197

All the people you wrote the books you treasure were also mature. Do you think Kant was 20 when he wrote CoP?

>> No.11690198

Um, I just said it's not about maturation.

>> No.11690217

Delete this pepe

>> No.11690221
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now let me tell you about maturity for i myself i am quite the mature fellow i tell you what and how do i know this well of course it is because i have held myself to the standards of the standard bearers of maturity ah yes true maturity is the feeling of looking up at another man and seeing that yes he is so much bigger and smarter and stronger than you and he bends me over and plugs his maturity into me and it spills into me and i do my best to make sure as little slips out as possible that it becomes part of who i am and one day when i am mature i will look at a similarly cherubic young boy and his pretty mouth and porcelain skin and glass body and i will pin it underneath me and i will start sobbing but won't know why and he will become a man just like me it's a pretty important institution y'know maturity it's very important to me and while on the inside i might still just be a kid i know i can trust the big men the old men the strong men to have really been those things very mature like me even once they've decomposed they will still be very mature and yes you may not have met them but they were mature more than you'll know and that is why i am so mature it is because i was blessed you see with maturity from these ashes so just trust me okay jesus get a life will you

>> No.11690374

sounds like joyce

>> No.11690422


>> No.11690478

>PhD in philosophy
>majority still thinks the answer to the trolley problem is switching

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.11690489

So basically the more time you spend in academic philosophy, the more stock you end up putting in modern science?

>> No.11690540 [DELETED] 

It's in the OP.

>> No.11690578

>Atheism: 678/931 (72.8%)
*Breathes in*

>> No.11690618

Man I love that philosophy can be watered down to yes and no for a specific standpoint. Stem-masterrace!!

>> No.11690676

Because they've grown up and realised silly word games aren't going to stop us from doing what we FEEL is right LMAO.

>> No.11690688

>abstract moral principles are more important than stopping easily preventable deaths

>> No.11691338

Latest chapter of Houseki no Kuni.

>> No.11691399

Is there any philosophical work that won't make me sad after fully understanding it

>> No.11691462

Anything from the Orient, but it's also worthless.

>> No.11691469

>not answering 'other' to all of those loaded questions

>> No.11692090

dont think you know what a loaded question is. if two mutually exclusive things cover all possibilities, then answering other is retarded. you either pull the lever, or you don't, faggot.