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File: 120 KB, 220x293, 220px-William_of_Ockham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11686103 No.11686103 [Reply] [Original]

>you cant know nothing because of original sin

>> No.11686121
File: 6 KB, 180x180, miam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on his level

>He rejected the very basis of thought and in doing so negated all systems of thought and knowledge. Hence he explained his assertions were experiential and not speculative – "Tell them that there is nothing to understand."

>> No.11686140

He was honestly just following some germs left behind by other philosophers and expanded upon them greatly to their logical conclusion. The man was a genius, almost on Aristotle's level

>> No.11687512

Peter Singer

>> No.11688724


>> No.11688728


>> No.11688783

Isn't he just a p-zombie like Dennett?

>> No.11688797


>> No.11688826

Yes, these guys don't know what they're talking about

>> No.11689501

Please supply a rundown, I cant find a proper summary of his thought...

>> No.11689521
File: 73 KB, 800x1021, Alain_Badiou-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just do set theory all day lmao
Fuck this autistic frenchnigger

>> No.11689569 [DELETED] 

>Money Maxims of U.G. Krishnamurti
1. Money matters most in life.

2. Be not shy about money-making.

3. Trust not anyone with money.

4. Nothing is free in this world, not even love.

5. One who worships the money god will be amply rewarded. One who worships the other God will be stripped naked and left in the streets.

6. Make money by hook or by crook.

7. Make money by any means.

8. Money talks; wealth whispers.

9. Miss not a chance to make money.

10. Quench not the thirst for money.

11. Money is the only thing that works.

12. Yes is for money and no is for everything else.

13. Money is the only visible support for life.

14. Money is the be all and end all of our existence.

15. Money is the only thing that will put you into the life of luxury.

16. Money is the word of the day.

17. One who does not exploit his assets to make money must be a damn fool.

18. Money should be the highest on your agenda.

19. One who does not stash and cash money must needs be a dunderhead.

20. Money is the root on which every flower blooms.

21. Sweat not and swear not to make money.

22. Not darling dearies, but money is what counts most in life.

23. Love money more than thyself.

24. Unless converted into money, name and fame are not worth a tinkers damn.

25. Making money is the finest of arts to be practiced.

26. Maximize the money talk. Minimize the love talk.

27. Better be miserable with loads of money than be without it.

28. Worship not anything but money.

29. Offer not prayers to anybody but to money.

30. Out with love. In with money.

31. Denying yourself money is the root of all misery.

32. Better bask in the glow and the glare of money than in the sun.

33. Part not with money.

34. Leaveth not a penny for others.

35. The demand for material goodies is the only thing that prayers should answer.

36. Shut your mouth, open your wallet.

37. Blessed indeed are the money-ed.

38. Cursed indeed are those who maketh not money.

39. Passions and propensities count not. What counts most is money.

40. Make others sweat. Enjoy the fruits thereof.

41. Maximize the art of money-making.

>> No.11689616

>“Human thinking is born out of neurological defect in the human species. Anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive. Thought is destructive. Thought is a protective mechanism. So it is matter; thought is matter. And as I said at the very beginning, thought is not a creator of thought, it is a responding to the stimuli. What is there is only the stimulus and response. Even the fact that there is a response to the stimulus is something which cannot be experienced by us except through the help of thought, which creates a division between the stimulus and response. Actually, the stimulus and response is a unitary moment. You can't even say that there is a sensation; even the so-called sensations we think we're experiencing all the time cannot be experienced by us except through the knowledge we have from the sensations. MIND IS A MYTH!"

>> No.11689960
File: 18 KB, 400x400, samharris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's simply untrue that religion provides the only framework for a universal morality."

>> No.11690154

Literally Dennet


>> No.11690174

I like this