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/lit/ - Literature

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11684657 No.11684657 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread got archived before I was able to post my /shelf/ so here we go

>> No.11684659
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>> No.11684663
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>> No.11685939
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>> No.11685963
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Why's everyone organize their library like bozos

>> No.11685966

r8 kind or savage anons

>> No.11685980 [DELETED] 

what is that huge white book in the bottom shelf? it's the thickest book I've ever seen.

>> No.11685993

what is that huge white book in the bottom shelf? it's the thickest book I've ever seen.

>> No.11686040

Why couldnt you rotate the fucking picture before posting?

>> No.11686086

Either way this is at least as easy to read

>> No.11686117

>organizing by alphabet instead of publication date
you're the bozo here, bozo

>> No.11686169

Just a thick history on the economic collapse of the GDR

>> No.11686208

Too much fiction/10

>> No.11686219
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>> No.11686222
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>> No.11686226

I can only recognize the Critique of Everyday Life

>> No.11686229

I can take closeups in a few minutes, if you're interested.

>> No.11686239

No matter how shitty the quality of a picture is, I can always see Infinite Jest in a shelf. That thigs so huge and recognizable.

>> No.11686247

Very patrician

>> No.11686270

It’s alright, communist/10

Also see No Logo.

>> No.11686271

You have not read even 15% of the pages in these pics, of this we can be absolutely sure

>> No.11686607

It's true that I havent read a lot of what is in my book shelf, but I'd wager its more like 60% read. I could highlight the books later to see what I've read so far. Some of them I have only read partially or for reference reasons. I like having a library where I can just pick out books for a holiday and read them or look things up.

>> No.11686957

rate my pseudness pls

check mark for books I've finished
green wave for partially read
x for not started or read only a few pages

>> No.11686963
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>> No.11687021

german status: authenticated

>> No.11687043

Sind Du eine deutsche Muttersprachler? Ich lerne die Sprache, Welches Buch empfehlen Sie für eine Einführung in die Sprache?

Sorry for bad German

>> No.11687332

Not that guy but I recommend Sidhartha. I learnt German from reading the german and english translation side by side. It also made me realise how translations differ from the original.

>> No.11687337

But judging from your grammar I think you should spend more time getting the fundamentals down or you will struggle with a novel

>> No.11687446

It's not that easy. If you have a lot of Penguins for example you want them together. Then you want books by the same author next to each other. At some point you have so many books that you want to order them by topic. But some books don't really fit into a category or are written by people who write fiction and non-fiction. Maybe the alphabet should play a role if you have a lot of books where you wouldn't remember when they were written. Some books are about other books you own. If you have multiple shelves it's nice to have books you haven't read yet in the room you generally read in. Shouldn't your pretty books be in the rooms that guests will enter? But you wouldn't want the pretentious shit there, or maybe you would. Some could be too politically incorrect or risqué to share with your social circle. Different sizes can make for unaesthetic combinations. Do you want your English books next to those in French and German? I don't know. Some people do it by colour.

>> No.11687694

Lesen is schön und gut, aber warum nicht Film? It would help with the pronounciation. Aside from that Herman Hesse isn't a bad recommendation, a lot of his stuff is written for younger people, although he's a tremendous fag. Why not books for children? Here Erich Kästner is considered one of the greats.

>> No.11687707

Sort by author's last name you idiots, stop trying to be avant-garde for no reason. Sections for different topics (fiction, history, phil, poetry, etc) is the only non-alphabetic separation allowable

>> No.11688252
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meine philosophischen Bücher

sort by height

>> No.11688437

how long did it take you to become fluent in German ?

>> No.11688692

>Not using DDC for any >30 book collection

>> No.11688776
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Currently reading Paradise Lost, Weber and rereading dubliners.

>> No.11688784
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>> No.11688794

Sorting by publisher is far superior

>> No.11688808

I sort my phil section chronologically/by movement. Everything else is alphabetical.

>> No.11688812

Why? So it looks aesthetic on your shelf? You clearly have so few books that you can memorize which publication of which work you have?

>> No.11688817

>bolivar echeverria

>> No.11688953
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>> No.11688955
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>> No.11688985

Pretty good. Could use some more Plato, though

>> No.11689095

I sort by either order I've purchased, chronological order, or by how much I enjoyed the book depending on what it is.

>> No.11689205

You can tell from the spines you have not read any of the interesting/good books

>> No.11689207

Such as?

>> No.11689295

>picture of mao
>no marxist literature
very smart boy

>> No.11689303
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>titus livius römische geschichte von der gründung der stadt an
Thanks, Bernd. I was looking for the german copy and couldn't find anything till I saw yours.

>> No.11689380

>all my spines are in perfect shape
>everyone thinks I haven't read a single of my books

Any books for this feel?

>> No.11689391

>Paglia and massiv art books
Well, you can't hide a trash quantity>quality pile, no matter how low quality you take the pic.

>> No.11689395
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Achmed, you need to go nach Hause. We do not need more pseuds in germany.

>> No.11689623

I've seen those cowboy books before. Anyone know what they're called?

>> No.11689662

Keep in mind that is a translation from the 19th century. Its not perfect but for the price I think it is worth it. Finding different translations is a pain in the ass and I don't really want to read online resources like perseus tufts,

>> No.11689683

Yeah, well that's always the problem but I don't think it's such a bad point to start from for a noob like me.

>> No.11689850

>Reclams Lexikon der Heiligen und Biblischen Gestalten
How is it? I was looking for a good Hagiographia.

>> No.11689873

fuck, this makes me want an actual bookshelf. all my stuff is just stacked vertically all over the place.

>> No.11689875

Good fucking shelf.
Underrated. This anon has spent a long time cultivating a small collection

>> No.11689878

ALL plebs. True answer: Antiquity, Poetry, Non-fic, and Philosophy all in their own sections. All fiction then sorted by Country-of-origin, with authors ordered alphabetically.

>> No.11689884

OOPS: And one other thing; I keep all my Everymans, regardless of what they are, in a single section, and all my textbooks in another.

>> No.11689948
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>> No.11689955
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>> No.11689965
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>ywn have a cuddly reading companion try to save you from heresy and divine wrath

>> No.11690044

I have some Marx outside of the shelf and on pdfs. I have read Lenin on pdf too and some Mao too. Getting theory physically isn't very easy where I live.

>> No.11690321

please answer this OP

>> No.11690381
File: 46 KB, 600x604, 1483829119358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's most likely a german and now stop pestering people, Achmed. His anser will not help you at all.

>> No.11690472

Most of his books are in english though

also what makes you think im Achmed?

ive been learning german for a year and struggling a lot

>> No.11690559

I wish we could be friends in life. mine looks surprisingly similar.
wo wohnst du?

>> No.11690576

70% of mine books are english too, and I'm a german. All germans a at leat bilingual, meaning they have learned english for at least 5-8 years.

I though that you're an Achmed because you ask such brainlet questions as if you could compare your ability to learn a language to someone else.

>> No.11690586
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Thanks anon I appreciate it

>> No.11690942

I found Sexual Personae in the free bin of a thrift store.

>> No.11690965

But it back into its natural habitat, the trash bin.

>> No.11690974

What's so bad about it? I haven't read any of it yet

>> No.11691048

To be fair it the her best book but that doesn't mean much. After all she still pushes feminism, androginity and the acceptance of islam into europe, because not beeing able to drive in Saudi Arabia is a privilige compared to our regressive west. She's the female Milo.

>> No.11691093

...isn't that the exact opposite of Milo?

>> No.11691107

It’s The Old West Series by Time-Life Books

>> No.11691155

You’re right. But also important to keep Asians with Asians, Europeans with Europeans and so on. And more important than alphabetical order is to never put two authors who wouldn’t get along in real life next to each other. They wouldn’t have to be friends, just not enemies.

>> No.11691377


>> No.11691381

>hip anti-normie what would be expected of a faggot/ feminist
>under the surface still degenerate only larping to gain audiance and shekels

>> No.11691485

Not all Germans. And for the most part they only speak rudimentary English.

>> No.11691504


I will read it eventually but the Freudianism turned me away on the first try. It's just not how I see the world.

>> No.11691513

All germans.

Every german which visits the Gymnasium, Realschule or Gesamtschule will have english from 5-10 grade, additionaly 3 years if you go for the Abitur. The only "germans" which don't speak english are turkmutts on the Hauptschule (special ed school) and the oldfarts from eastern germany which never learned it thanks to the Sovjets.

If you see two languages displayed on a shelf you can be sure that english is not his native language as long as the other isn't spanish. I personally can three languages fluently and another two would need to get refreshed.

>> No.11691516


What happened to Cicero? The Thebiad? Eckhart? How is Bonaventure?

>> No.11691568
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>> No.11691572

Hauptschule is already 12% of the population. But English proficiency is what is really of interest. Just because people in the U.S. learn Spanish does not mean that they speak Spanish. In percent how many Germans do you think could read and comprehend a book written for adults in English or follow the dialogue of a complex Film? I'd be surprised if it were more than 30% which then constitutes your actual rate of bilingualism.

>> No.11691627

>Hauptschule is already 12% of the population
Yes and we have cities were 70% of the population is non-german. I'm telling you, finding an actual german on a Hauptschule is like finding a nigger in the library.

>In percent how many Germans do you think could read and comprehend a book written for adults in English or follow the dialogue of a complex Film?
Anybody below 40 will understand the movies, if they aren't with too many accents, which can be hard to understand if on isn't used to it. Speaking is only a matter of getting used to it. I'm more than fluent in english shitposting, reading etc but if you meet me on the street and spontanously ask me for directions all my brain will do is tell you that my name is potato, because the fear to say something the wrong way is so deebly ingrained that without "aclimatisation" we germans tend to freeze to stone, typical german autism which gets understood as "eh, Krauts can't even into basic english".

From my personal experience: I've been living in different big shared apartements and all those hundreds of people I came to know in those years, all of them can speak good english and will watch every movie in english, as too not cringe due to the shitty german audio but will try to circumvent situations where they have to speak because they think their german accent sounds stupid.

It's pretty easy to uderstand why germans will speak far better english than an anglo spanish or any other language. It simply comes down to having to speak it. No matter where you apply, beeig at least able to speak it rudimentally is expected and it's hard to navigate in daily occupied germany without beeing able to at least understand english. Meanwhile an anglo can live his life and die without having ever feeled the need to use any other language.

>> No.11691747

OP here, I'd recommend reading something fairly easy. Maybe Grimm's tales?
I'm German native but I study English and History. Thing is that German translations/books of classics are hard to find and the current scholarship isn't as accessible as the Anglo one i.e. The Landmark series.
It's pretty decent, I haven't used it a lot but I like it. I could photograph some examples if you'd like me to.
Wohne in Berlin und habe kein kik. Wäre schön Mal mit jemanden über Literatur und Geschichte sprechen zu können, alle meine Freunde sind Plebs.
I'd disagree. I have friends/family who went to Gymnasium and one of them is attending medical school. Still we have to watch movies with German subtitles with him.

>> No.11691793

>Still we have to watch movies with German subtitles with him.
The question is, doesn't he watch them becaue of Bequemlichkeit or due to actually not understanding? I know that I prefered subs and dubs before I got into using it more often to shittalk people online.

> Wäre schön Mal mit jemanden über Literatur und Geschichte sprechen zu können, alle meine Freunde sind Plebs.
Geburtsstunde des /Lit/ Deutschfadens, meine Kerle.

>> No.11691956
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Last time I got a comment on this I got the "gaping mouth Wojak", as if they didn't pay attention to any more of the esoteric books.

>> No.11692397

Great stack. Nice Fitzgerald collection.
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
How was it anon? Considering picking it up
>Gavin McInnes' book
What about that one? Is he an entertaining writer or is it Greg Gutfeld-tier meme trash?

>> No.11692464
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>> No.11692470

Which criteria do you use to organize your library?

>> No.11692553


>> No.11692610

I'm interested desu best shelf i've seen on here yet.

how much of it have you actually read? i'd hoard so much if I had shelves that big lol (end up selling most stuff back to bookstore for lack of space)

>> No.11692686

Nice tape player, nerd.

>> No.11692742

Actually never finished fear and loathing. Might try to get back into it. The Death of Cool is the absolute funniest book I've ever read but you definitely have to like gavin to like it. That being said, two shelves down I have 4 Greg Gutfeld books so take my opinion lightly.

>> No.11692950

Can you tell me more about that edition of Don Quixote you have there?

>> No.11693221

It's just the hardcover Grossman translation that I took the dust jacket off of

>> No.11693263
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>> No.11693827

>how much of it have you actually read?
i'd estimate around 40%. some are purely for reference (or for flipping through, like the art books)

>> No.11693846
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>> No.11693865

I sort my collection by aesthetics, because like you said, sorting by topic or author quickly becomes problematic.

>> No.11693874

>not remembering every edition of your 2,000+ book library.

>> No.11693885


>> No.11693920

Only mongoloids break the spine while reading.

>> No.11693975

remove lampshade, take off wall garbage and replace with hundreds of posted notes that you write during several day long amphetamine binges, and we have ourselves a room.

>> No.11694120
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I like this kind of shelf. also:
>Illustrated Family Edition

The Rhetorica ad Herennium of Cicero was actually by [Cicero], an unknown. It is elsewhere.
Thebaid is still there, with the Argonautica and Heroicus.
Eckhart is still there, behind the Neoplatonists. He's getting the "mmm i dunno" look right now.
This copy of Bonaventure is quality, and enlightening. Mind's Journey Into God is mystical poetry, and I'm not certain I agree with his comparisons or its usefulness given that we already have Scripture. It's just one man's vision of Christ and the Church's purpose. Worth reading.

I like this aesthetic. Anon is striving, possibly spinning his wheels. But who isn't.

based. does your uncle work at nintendo? is the texas almanac worth perusing? i'm in texas and wanna go see shit worth seeing. palo duro, big bend, etc.

nice. i want to read Cannery Row :(

>> No.11694142

Is this actually yours?

>> No.11694150

>typical german autism
i know this feel. sorry anon. believe in yourself, stumble over words if you're being helpful. you speak one more language than i do, and in yurop besides. i'm somewhat burgerjealous.

>> No.11694190
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>> No.11694532

Thanks, but I'm trilingual already, speaking two "holiday languages" somehow broken additionally. that was just a description of how I felt as a teen and how most native germans interact with english speakers.

You can make it, burger. It opens new worlds of knowledge and your thinking will change once you can speak more languages. It's really fascinating. Godspeed.

>> No.11694592


I grew up reading the Time Life books on aviation. They're one of the few things my dad left me before he skipped town. They're comfy, and quality (until the pages fell out, but they're nearly 40yo now).

How is the Old West series? Lots of photographs and essays, I imagine. Worth the shelf space?

>> No.11694604
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comfy shelf.

>> No.11694778

I organize it mostly by region/country (france, Latin America by country, the US etc).

>> No.11694979

fucking BASED

>> No.11695664
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Post'em, meine Kerle.

>starting with the greeks for 20€

>> No.11695670
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Good dammit, I hate the auto referral. This should have been a "recent purchase" thread for fucks sake.

>> No.11695688

Who puts a radio near books? That's a fire hazard.

>> No.11695692

If I went to someone's house and saw that full New Testament dictionary set on their shelf I would find instantly make up an excuse to leave.

>> No.11695700

>Organizing at all

>> No.11695703

A real eyesore.

>> No.11695712

Care to extrapolate?

(No, seriously. I want to hear your reasons why, if you'd care to share them.)

>> No.11695728

He is a fedora.

>> No.11695731

I think it makes you look obsessive and pedantic. I also personally really loathe theology as a subject.

>> No.11695756

Pretty damn good for the price. Now you also need some history books.

>> No.11695763
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you called it.

>make you look obsessive and pedantic
So you would make an excuse to leave my home because of some misconception you imagined? :^)

>loathe theology
They're on the periphery. They're just what they sound like: a dictionary that examines the Greek and Hebrew usage of common terms in the NT, their usage in the OT, etymologies and philosophical connotations even out to the Greeks. It's a good companion.


>> No.11695776

>some misconception you imagined?
Sorry but no. You've just confirmed my suspicions actually. Guess that does make me a FeDoRa!

>> No.11695785
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Just trying to be helpful anon. Someone out there might give a hoot. Stay mad and loathing stuff though.

>> No.11695801
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I just got pic related for about 30€ total.

>> No.11695804

Now I have Herodot twice but the price was for the bundle so it's still a pretty good deal.

>> No.11695830

I'm an atheist and I love theology. Normally those who take issue with it lead degenerate lives.

>> No.11695842

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.11695848

>posting on 4chan
>accusing others of being degenerate
Time to wake up

>> No.11695859
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>"stay mad"
>"don't tell me what to do"
atta boy.

>> No.11696802


>> No.11697494

I don’t have the complete series which is like 20 books or something. I found those ones at a thrift shop, $3 for the set. They are an awesome read and I would recommend if you want to know more about the pioneers and American history.

>> No.11698731
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20180828_194643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I keep on-hand with me at college. Rate me.

>> No.11699037

Too much liberty, needs order.

>> No.11699376

i like it. would steal that modern library book on stoics and epicureans.

>> No.11699775
File: 2.71 MB, 1488x1110, shelf-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/2. I can't wait to replace these garbage Walmart shelves. They're so flimsy most of them are bowed from the weight.

>> No.11699789
File: 1.52 MB, 691x1488, shelf-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2. Random overflow, magazines.

>> No.11699825
File: 586 KB, 2000x1125, rpgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider making your own shelves. can i get a close up of your D&D books anon?

>> No.11699852

incidentally i've had one of those pressboard walmart shelves for decades and it hasn't fallen down yet. it just keeps on looking ugly.

>> No.11699863
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x1869, EFCF2E70-82B0-4A97-ADBE-EEE9F0756B5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a terrible idea.

>> No.11699865

That hi-fi is a massive blast from the past. My grandparents had one just like it in the early 2000s on our mantle piece but I completely forgot about it and this is the first time I've ever seen one like it since like 2004. Completely mundane I know but it feels surreal.

>> No.11699872
File: 2.44 MB, 3924x1976, 63AB4A01-701F-4E4F-AA2C-8D4BFF0F5C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last photo was garbage quality. I hope this one is okay.

>> No.11699892

The one standing long ways on the left is Traveller.

>> No.11699900

b-b-b-b-based! that's a nice collection matey. werewolf the wild west is especially interesting, as i've only played the masquerade and like to larp as a cowboy in real life

>> No.11699917

>my one shelf of books
Thanks for reminding me that you're all 19 year olds living in dorm rooms.

>> No.11699929
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>literally uses only OP's imagine as a sample
>sample size of one
>applies generalization to "you all"
so what's it like being you?

>> No.11699933

One of my coworkers gave me that and I have yet to play it. My favorite is the West End Games DC Universe RPG. I've used it as a template for a couple of custom games.

>> No.11700183

Post your shelfs so we can judge you

>> No.11700297
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where's the dude who always saves my pics?

>> No.11700377

Did you steal those steins from Hofbrauhaus in Munich?

>> No.11700496
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The B&N leatherbacks were gifts from my family.

>> No.11700556
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That image is cancer.

>> No.11700561

Don't apologize for your books, man. Also props on the Nihei stuff. It's probably hard to see, but I've got Biomega on my shelf. Good stuff!

>> No.11700647


>> No.11700954

Yeah that edition of Blame! is absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it.

>> No.11700980

>being a bandwagoner

>> No.11700998

I don't want to be a bandwagoner. Tell me which ones make me a bandwagoner and I'll burn them immediately.

>> No.11701007 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11702238

How is the guy a bandwagoner? He literally has pleb comic books and figures. If he was a bandwagoner he'd be reading the most tryhard stuff imaginable.

>> No.11702400

probably talking about real madrid or the based god emperor hat

>> No.11703021


>> No.11703779

How many shelves does one need in order to qualify as an adult?

>> No.11703943


>> No.11704348

So we can read the titles retard

>> No.11705190

Yup lol.

>> No.11705411

>buying and reading Ayn rand

>> No.11705735

Two, obviously.

>> No.11705751


>> No.11706806

>Tfw most of my books are on stacks on the floor because going to build new shelves next week. And gonna be wall to chimney breast for maximum space efficiency.

>> No.11706835

The funny part is that I don't support Real Madrid or Trump. Those are just souvenirs.

>> No.11706993

What would you do if you saw a shelf with books like the Bible, the City of God, and the Summa Theologiae placed on one end, and the God Delusion and several other books by New Atheists on the other?

>> No.11707020

i have pretty much that shelf actually

>> No.11707113
File: 128 KB, 380x270, comfort-banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one with the same build up reporting in. Two on fedoraism, three on catholicism. People always seem perplexed, one can see the mental 404 flashing in their almond.

>> No.11707134

Based. Measure twice, cut once.