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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 640x920, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11682596 No.11682596 [Reply] [Original]

This quote fills me with endless rage. Could someone explain why?

Because the quotation is ostensibly philosophical in nature, it is /lit/-related.

>> No.11682601

It randomly combines metaphysics in a cafeteria style that is not terribly coherent, using the idealist concept of ghosts to promote an argument that is fundamentally aligned with scientism.

>> No.11682610

you are a [noun] [verb-ing] a [noun]-covered [noun] made from [noun] [verb]ing a [noun] [verb]ing through [noun]

[verb] [nothing/something/everything.]

reply to this post with nouns and verbs accordingly and we'll see if we can improve this piece of advice for you

>> No.11682613

Is "endless rage" a gross exaggeration or does this actually make you angry? How old are you?

>> No.11682616

It's trite and it mocks/dismisses the three essential problems of humanity:
>Existential Groundlessness
>Fear of Death

>> No.11682621

It’s just a cringey normie s0i quote exploiting unfunny random funny perspective humour that grew old two decades ago. lame “live life :)” injunction

>> No.11682624

because its dumb psued bullshit even within in the limits of all that newton desecrates spin off bullshit
dumb substance dualist metaphysics that denies formal and final cause

>> No.11682629

it's always cute when you humanities/philosophy/metaphysicfags try to answer things that should be left to science
t. /sci/

>> No.11682633

Do they not teach reading comprehension in science?

>> No.11682636


Used to make me angry. Now I don't really feel anything other than a small urge to roll my eyes. I do, however, want to understand why it made me angry. 26.


You're goddamn right.


You'd think a /sci/-entist would be the most angry at memetic commodification of science.

>> No.11682643

Appeals to the cogitatively indolent secularistic manchildren who fucking love science but shun any kind of metaphysical debate as pointless (mostly out of ignorance and laziness). They laugh at strawmanned dogmas, lacking the self-awareness to discover that their passive and hedonistic lifestyle is another dogmatic hellscape. Ironically, the only way they can approach these metaphysical queries is through sarcasm and comedy (haha dude ghosts in skeletons lmao).

>> No.11682759

I love how culturally ingrained material dualism is. Not even the scientist bugman types can escape from it. Jah bless

>> No.11682766
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm an actual scientist getting paid for producing research but I'm actually an idealist subjectivist

>> No.11682769

It's just 'you are this material reduction so x'. Sounds cool I guess but not much thought put into it.

>> No.11682804

You should start praying while at work, report reactions. In my experience scientists are pretty autistic in their rejection of anything not material.

>> No.11682837

Depends on how you define "matter"

>> No.11682849

cool thought patterns in this thread lets keep it Bumpin' bro's!

>> No.11682862

How do materialist, i.e most scientists, define it?

>> No.11682871

I told my colleague once that I thought my luck changed for the better after I saw an eclipse (the one in August last year). She thought I was joking but I couldn't have been more serious.

>> No.11682877

I'd love to try praying but I think I'd be kicked out of my department for mental issues, or at the very least drug tested which I'd fail

>> No.11682878

pretty obvious why any non bugman would hate it
>oh jeez Rck, i'm scared!
>Morty, y-you;'re a *buuuuurp* meat covered skeleton made from stardust riding a rock floating through space. Fear nothing.
note that the addition of le epic ghost makes everything more hollow despite being anti-materialist

>> No.11682908
File: 70 KB, 620x416, shestov_060612_620px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Existential Groundlessness
>Fear of Death


>> No.11682909

>you are a weeb faggot piloting a jizz-covered furry costume made from shredded newspaper riding a synthetic penis vibrating through your anus.
>fear nothing, king.

>> No.11682948

very Landian

>> No.11682969

This particular frame is biologically driven to fear as a mechanism for self preservation. You shouldn't fear everything, but should have a healthy amount of fear lest your "ghost" meet with suffering and eventual disintegration. If you are spiritually inclined, you should fear for the fate of your ghost after your meat-covered skeleton fucking dies.